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"bananas are good." - Game Gear game
Post Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:55 pm
I have been working on this on and off for about a month (mostly off). It's a little game about swatting fruit flies. It's called "bananas are good."
"Oh no! A swarm of fruit flies has just discovered your banana and are attacking it! Armed with your trusty flyswatter, you only have 9 seconds to swat each fly. How many flies can you swat before the game ends?"

Note that this isn't really complete yet. I am looking for feedback on it. To start a game, press Start. To move the swatter around, press the directional pad, and to swat, press 2 right when a fruit fly is under your swatter.

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Post Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:54 pm
This is cool! I have an Everdrive now, so I'll try it on my actual Game Gear soon (when I get it to stop being broken). I played it in Fusion, though, and it's pretty fun. My only complaint is that the swatter is kind of slow, but that my just be an emulator issue.
Good job!
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Post Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:52 pm
Thanks for the kind words. Let me know if the swatter is slow on a real machine, and I will attempt to speed it up.
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Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:16 am
Pulled out my half-working, kind of disassembled unit, and it's much easier to control. This is a fun game. Thanks for making it.

P.S. Have you seen a game gear like this?
I'm using the one with the dead pixel to play your game.
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:44 pm
Made a few changes. I've added sound for when the fly gets hit. I also made the fly go down once he gets hit. I made a separate title screen for the game, but all that differentiates it and the in-game screen are the words "bananas are good". I don't know why, but the banana goes weird for a split second during the two screen changes. So to not have an odd banana picture for this split second, I decided to make a palette be all white and thus displaying an all-white screen. It looks as though the banana is flashing but I don't know how to have the in-game screen be there while it's loading all the in-game info, because I've tried everything, different pictures, different code, and nothing seems to help. The code is in the zip file here if you want to take a look. So is the game in case you want to play it. (28.48 KB)

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Post Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:20 pm
I don't understand why or how, but I fixed the flashing screen problem. Apparently you have to say you have 32 colors in a palette even though there's only 8 for some reason. Otherwise, the screen may display stuff you didn't intend. In trying to fix this problem, I had a little black dot that would display instead of it flashing. I got rid of it by changing the numbers in the palette saying 16 to 32 even though there were only 8.
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Post Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:17 pm
There are 16 colors in BG palette and 16 colors in sprite palette.
On a SMS, each color is 1 byte, on a GG each color is TWO bytes.
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Post Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:01 pm
OK, I have tried everything to try and get this stupid problem to go away and nothing helped. For a fraction of a second between the game over screen and the title screen, this appears. I want it to go straight from the game over screen to the title screen without this displaying. I can't do it. I don't even know how this happened, but it is.
barff.png (31.19 KB)

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Post Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:36 am
First of all, congratulations on your swatting/fly/banana game! It has a nice and honest micro-game feel to it :)

I have not looked at your code, but I suggest you always disable the display when swapping the background image and/or making other vram-writing heavy transitions in-game. You turn the display off (reset bit 6 in vdp register 1), do all the loading and stuff, and when you are ready, you turn it on again (set the mentioned bit).
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Post Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:52 pm
How do I reset and set certain bits?
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Post Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:07 pm
I often use the bit-related z80 opcodes set, res and bit when I'm tweaking and testing isolated bits.
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Post Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:13 pm
I'm assuming this bit of code is related:

       ld a,%11100000      ; turn screen on - normal sprites.
       ld b,1
       call setreg         ; set register 1.

In the comments it says this:
; bit 0 = zoomed sprites (enabled).
; 1 = 8 x 16 sprites (disabled).
; 5 = frame interrupt (enabled).
; 6 = display (blanked).
I tried blanking the second 1 to 0, but a gray screen appeared instead of the picture below. What do bites 2-4 and bit 7 do?
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Post Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:42 pm
For the register settings in particular - and also to get a good, general overview of the technical features of the console - I will warmly recommend Charles Mac Donald's vdp notes, and also the official developer documents (from SEGA!). I use these documents for reference all the time.
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Post Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:09 pm
The newest and latest version of the bananas are good game. I added some fly swatting animation to the hand. And unless someone finds something wrong with this or has any suggestions, I think this is done.
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Post Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:09 pm
I was just wondering if someone can add this to the homebrew games section.
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