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120 Super Jogos 'Devworks' game reviews.
Post Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:54 pm
I decided to do some mini reviews on the exclusive games included in the Tec Toy Master system III 120 Super Jogos (later I’ll do the 131). There are 22 exclusive games on this system, mixed in with some classic SMS and Mark III games like Alex Kidd and Fantasy Zone. Here I'm just talking about the exclusives though, all of which are produced by 'Devworks Game Technology' between 2002 and 2006.

First off let me apologies for the screenshot quality, it’s the best I could do with what I had. The reviews are all quite short, just so you get the general idea of what the games about and if it’s any good or not.

A Ponte

I’m doing this in alphabetical order so don’t be too put off by this first game, but this one is really bad. Basically you just fire a cannon at people walking across a bridge, and that’s it. Sometimes the people taunt you with a little dance. It’s actually quite tricky to hit them as it takes your cannon ball a couple of seconds to reach the bridge so you have to fire quite away in front of where the person is walking. To add to the frustration the ball fires upward and then down onto the target, but it’s difficult to judge exactly where it’s going to fall. After a few tries you kind of get the hang of it but the trouble is it’s just not that much fun to play for any longer. The music is terrible.

Air Hockey

Now this is pretty good actually, I used to play Air Hockey at the arcade years ago and Devworks have got the feel of the game spot on. The puck does seem to glide and it reacts well to the way you hit it, so if you don’t hit it dead on it will glide much slower like the real thing. There is a 2 player option which I haven’t tried but I’m quite sure that’s the best way to play it. Having said that the A.I. isn’t bad. Graphics are adequate but nothing special. The real shame with this game is the music, just sounds like a mess of noise!


The same game as Snake on the old Nokia phones, which I played to death on the bus going to college! You get to choose from 4 levels of difficulty. Your snake gets longer as you eat fruit, you can’t control the speed of the snake just the direction, as your snake grows it gets more tricky to navigate the screen. As the levels progress there are more obstacles to weave around. It’s not bad but I think I’m a little tired of this style of game. Graphics are average and the music is so so, sounds abit like jaws.


Sort of reminds me of the Green House Game & Watch game. You just shoot the spiders before they get to the cake, as you get further on there’s more and more spiders. Pity it isn’t a light phaser game as it would have been so much better. The graphics are poor but you get a nice red blood splat when you hit a spider. Playable but would have been nice to have more levels with different things going on. Music is ok on this, not as repetitive of some of the Devworks games.

Asa Delta

Hang Gliding game, reminds me of some of the flash games that get emailed round at work. This is quite good fun if abit basic, you can control altitude by tapping the C button and speed with the D pad. You have to avoid lightening clouds and try and land on the targets, the hardest part is trying to land stood up. Graphics are quite good and the music is okay but can get annoying after a wile.

Batalha Naval

This is just the board game battleships, and ‘bored’ is the word! You just keep selecting random squares in turn until you hit a ship then you get an extra go. This carries on for what seems like forever until one of you has sunk all the other person’s ships. The A.I is okay but sometimes I noticed it doing a daft move or 2. The worst thing about this game is that you can’t place your own ships at the start, you just have to go with a random selection you get given. The music is also pretty boring.

Bil Bolha

Puzzle game that actually looks really good at first glance, very nice visuals. But it’s a big disappointment, if any of you have ever had a Rubics Clock.. It’s a similar principle. It’s just frustrating and I find it difficult. The music is bad as well, doesn’t suit the game at all.

Blocos Magicos

Now I do like this one, if anyone has ever played Zoo Keeper on the DS then it’s in that ballpark. It’s not as good as Zoo Keeper though as you just get the creatures you start with and no more drop down, plus you cant get chain reactions to score more points. All you have to do is select any creature that is touching a matching creature, this can be just 2 touching each other, or if you get lucky 10+. The aim is to have none left. The best I could do is 1 left after about 40 minutes of playing. The graphics could have been better for such a simple game but the music is ok, I found myself using mute after about 15 minutes (which is longer than most of the others got!).

Caca Palavras

This really is Cacka, it’s just a word search game with some Tec Toy related words like Sapo, Oculus and Mercado. There are a few options like the time limit and amount of words to find but to be honest I cant see anyone wanting to sit and play this for any length of time. I can only guess it’s supposed to be educational for kids. The music is okay, chilled out, which is good for this type of game.


1 or 2 player game, perhaps much better with 2 players. It’s very simple, all you do is take it in turns to fire your cannon across the valley. The controls are similar to golf games, you select the angle then one you press the fire button a sliding scale appears to select the power. One hit and your dead, game over, that it! The graphics aren’t bad really, there are asteroids flying past which you cant tell from my screen shot. Music is crap.

Corrida Da Pesada

Monkeys riding Elephants?!.. Yup, keep bashing button C until you’re in agony and occasional press B to avoid the obstacles. Music seems to be either random beeps or there is no music and it’s just the sounds of the other elephants jumping.. Hard to tell.

Corrida De Tempintas

Well this is the worst overhead racing game you could ever imagine. I think its bottle top racing, bottle tops being know for their high speeds and responsive handling. There are 12 tracks to choose from, which does nothing to alleviate the tedium. You take it in turns to (I guess) push your bottle top. It’s golf style controls again, set your angle and then hit fire when the power bar is where you want it. If you touch the side of the track you miss a go. The music is so bad it’s funny, sounds like a cat walking across an 80’s Casio keyboard.


Another puzzle game, but another I really like. The basic jist is to get the water from one side to the other using different shaped pipes. You get a 10 second countdown to start laying pipe, then the water starts to come. The pipes become available in the order you see down the right of the screen, any pipe you don’t want to use you have just put somewhere on the grid out of the way. Sometimes it can get quite frantic trying to get rid of useless bits of pipe waiting for that all important left hand bend as the water is millimetres from flooding out. The graphics do the job, music is pretty good but gets annoying after a wile.


Quick draw gun fighting at its worst! Not much to say, looks quite nice, cartoony. All you do is hit fire when you see you enemy reaching for his gun, trouble is sometimes he just scratches his nose, so if you shoot him you lose. Music is fairly rubbish.


Just solitaire, works well enough. No music during play, which is probly a blessing. Get to choose from 7 starting patterns.

Forca Alienigena

This is actually a really good game (compared with most of the others). It’s a Space invaders style game with really nice visuals and controls. Nice backdrop changes as the levels progress. The music lets it down though, its quite bad, Had it had a good catchy tune it would have been worth a cartridge release.. ermm, accept it came out in 2002.

Guerra Dos Monstros

As soon as this game started up I thought now this is more like it! Fantastic music, makes sounds I haven’t really heard on the SMS. The title screen looks kinda funky as well. Then it starts.. a crappy monster based Top Trumps game. What a waste of a sound track. I played it through once and it wasn’t terrible but It just felt pointless. You keep picking your highest scoring attribute and you either beat or don’t beat the computers hand.. you swap cards accordingly and on and on and on until somebody has none left. This was much more fun with real cards.

Junte 4

Connect 4. 1 or 2 players. 3 difficulty levels in 1 player mode. No in game music. Works well, nothing good or bad to say, it’s nice if you like Connect 4.

Lance Livre

Unfortunately despite the promising screen shots this is just shot taking game, you have 3 balls and if you miss the hoop you loose a ball. You need to get 10 in to win. Its got those old favourite golf style controls again. Not sure what happens if you get 10 in as I didn’t play it for long enough (knowing my luck it unlocks the full version of Arch Rivals.. or maybe not). No in game music. Mainly bad.

Mexe Mexe Tupi

As ridicules as its name suggests. Seems to be some kind of dancing game with pirates on a beach. I couldn’t really get it to do much, I think you have to tap your buttons in a set rhythm.. Ive played a DS game like this I think. I hate it, oh and the music is bad.


Well this is essentially the little annoying picture shuffle game out of Fantastic Dizzy. The one thing I dislike about that game and that’s all this game is. The music is the worst I have heard so far on any game I have ever played.


Swimming game where you have to press the correct buttons in the order given as fast as you can. A bit (very little bit) like Guitar Hero. To be honest ive had a few goes of this and happen to think my hand eye co-ordination is reasonable but I could not do better than coming last! Music isn’t very good and the graphics are rather bad.


Not much to say, I don’t understand what you have to do. Spent about 10 minutes pressing on random things and lighting the matches on the screen before I couldn’t stand it any longer! It just seems random. Music is horrible.

Pedreipo Polar

Frogger style game with very little challenge. It’s not terrible but could be much better. Once you have played it about 4 or 5 times there’s not much that makes you want to return. Just hop back and forth across the floating Ice and collect bags of money, like you do. Graphics are fine but no in game music. Once you have played it about 4 or 5 times there’s not much that makes you want to return. Just hop back and forth across the floating Ice and collect bags of money, like you do. Graphics are fine but no in game music.

Pense Bem 10 Jogos.

This makes up for 10 of the 120 advertised ‘Super Jogos’. This is a total swizz really because all 10 are just multi-choice question games but on different subjects, for example Animals and Sport. Each question has a little picture next to it, I seem to be able to answer most correctly by just going off the picture as I can’t read Portuguese very well. Oh, and the music is bad.


Just walk up and down with your barrow feeding your animals apples. You get 1 minute 30 seconds to keep your animals alive. Each has an energy bar that gradually ticks down but gets replenished with the giving of apples. You start off with just 4 animals to maintain but this increases by 1 after each level progression. Gets more tricky once you have over 6 animals. To be honest it’s a pretty horrible game as when your animal is near death it looks genuinely ill, the elephants come out in scabs! It’s a nice idea for a game but just too simplistic to hold your attention for long. Graphics are average and the music isn’t very good.

In summery..

These games just don’t stand up well next to the original Sega games on the system. Even the older Mark III games feel much more solid and playable. I get the impression that Devworks struggled with programming on the SMS – or perhaps it was just that Tec Toy wanted quantity over quality. I’m not sure you could say any are as bad as Championship Hockey but you’re definitely in Alf territory. I’d still recommend a Master System III - 120 Super Jogos to any collector and it’s worth giving these games a go.
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Post Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:34 pm
Thanks a lot for those infos Rupert!

The content and variety is impressive, although I'm sure that most of them end playing like 20-em-1 (= like shit). I also guess they are all better than ALF, and although ALF certainly is awful, it does have content and a challenge to resolve.

A Ponte: what a terrible game premise (shooting those poor guys..).

Encanamento: it is Pipedream which is a classic proven gameplay.

Forca Alienigena: funny that is a 2002 game (early for them based on other games' date) and it looks decent compared to other. Maybe they got told to just do more game so they lowered the quality a lot.

Mosaico: I also stopped playing Fantastic Dizzy because of that mini-game. I can never solve those :(

Just imagine.. some of those guys at Devworks (maybe it's just one or two guys?) may be programming SMS fulltime since 2002.
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Post Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:08 pm
Last edited by Maxim on Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total
You can find Nim on Wikipedia. It's not much fun. Some of the screenshots look high-colour and/or very blocky, are they in a non-standard video mode? I seem to remember someone saying it has a non-standard sound chip too - does it?
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Post Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:27 pm
Maxim wrote
Yout can find Nim on Wikipedia. It's not much fun. Some of the screenshots look high-colour and/or very blocky, are they in a non-standard video mode? I seem to remember someone saying it has a non-standard sound chip too - does it?

I'm not sure how i would answer your questions. The sound on some of these games (especially Guerra Dos Monstros) does sound pretty impressive compared to other SMS games but perhaps not as good as FM sound, hard for me to tell. If I could I would somhow upload the music here :0/

Here is another post I made on sega8bit that could be of interest..


Today after long last I received my first Tec Toy SMSIII consoles with mulitple games built in. I didnt know quite what to expect to be honest with regards the general feel of the system, the packaging, controlers and connections. So i thought i'd write a little review of my 'first thoughts'. This is mainly looking at the hardware as I'd like to talk about some of the exclusive games at a later date when Ive played them abit more.

Firstly the box, its pretty nice in my opinion, very bright, colurfull and glossy - a stark contrast from the SMS boxes of the 80's and 90's. Here's a picture to compare the size..

Inside is a thin molded plastic tray that holds everything in place, snug enough so nothing is rattling. This was actually my first dissapointment as the plastic used is really cheap and crappy. The tray in my 121 set is actually split in a couple of places :( Heres a pic to show how it all fits in..

Inside the package, apart from the system, you get 2 pads (more on those later) a set of red/ yellow AV cables, and a few black and white manuals (1 for the system and 1 for the games) and random warning notices. The power plug is actually fixed to the system. The system is rated 110/ 220 V so should be fine in the UK (I have used a step down tranformer to be on the safe side but kungfukid advises me his is fine without). The system only displayed in Black and White on my older TV - so be warned! My newer TV worked fine with no fiddling or tuning, the picture and sound is perfect.

I would have hoped for something extra like perhaps a little booklet of other Tec Toy products or perhaps even a little booklet with a breif history of the companys relationship with Sega and there past products (I dont think thats ever going to happen, lol). Allthough the 131 model does come with a leaflet advising of Tec Toy Mobile phone games and a sheet of stickers which are actually supposed to be used to customise your console :D (never going to use them but people like bumf).

The games manual is as basic as possible, but actually quite usfull. It shows which buttons do what and what type of game it is and how many players. The Brazilian exclusive games all have an instructions page option on the start screens - of course they are in portuguese, and really the games are simple enough in the main not to need them.

The pads have 6 main buttons, a start button and a shoulder button - the only buttons that wok apart from the D pad are B and C. It mentions this on the back of the manual aswell. The pad is actually ok despite me thinking it might be horrid, it does feel abit cheap but it is responsive - I completed Alex kidd in Shinobi World no problem in about 15 minutes.

The machine itself look the same shape as the SMSII we all know and love, excpet it feels alot different. The plastic is quite rough and the system weighs a 3rd less than a standerd SMSII. As most of you allready know there isnt a working cart slot, and infact the cart slot will not open. I actually like the bright colours Tec Toy have used on the systems. It's not trying to be somthing it isnt - it knows its a cheap kids games machine (I mean that in the nicest possible way :) ) I really like the modern style of the text around the buttons aswell..

Ive not mentioned the actual games yet but theres too much to say, of the Tec Toy exclusives on the system ive tried so far there actually pretty fun, basic puzzle games but decent visuals and sound. 1 or 2 have been suprisingly good.

So this isnt a fully blown review of the system, just my first thougths on it. Ive tried to answer the questions that I had myself befor owning it but please ask if you want to know anything else or would like pictures of anything ive missed.
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Post Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:43 am
The game "A Ponte" is probably inspired by the old tv show "A Ponte do Rio que Cai":

It was kind fun eheh
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Post Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:28 am
james costello wrote
I'm not sure how i would answer your questions.

Graphics: the SMS has 64 colours. Only 2 of them are grey. Do you see more than that? Asa Delta, for example, seems to have more greys.

They also look quite full-screen. Did you tweak the TV to make them look good, or do the "new" games appear a different size from the "old" ones?

Sound: hook your computer to the TV's headphone socket, or the console's AV out audio cable, and record some MP3s.
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:42 pm
PrOfUnD Darkness wrote
The game "A Ponte" is probably inspired by the old tv show "A Ponte do Rio que Cai":

It was kind fun eheh

And that show, in turn, was based in a pun on the book/movie The Bridge on the River Kwai = A Ponte do Rio Kwai = A Ponte do Rio que Cai (”The Bridge on the River which Falls”). How’s that for trivia? ;)
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:45 pm
Mexe Mexe Tupi is the craziest name I have ever seen for a game, hands down. Either in Portuguese or English.
By the screenshot, the dancers are actually a Portuguese explorer and an aboriginal. It's absolutely funny to see that as a game theme, but man.... what a horrible game that must be.

The funny detail about "Guerra dos Monstros" is the kind of attributes they have: Strength, Ugliness, Stench, Wickedness.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:35 pm
PrOfUnD Darkness wrote
The game "A Ponte" is probably inspired by the old tv show "A Ponte do Rio que Cai":
That's a ripoff of Takeshi's Castle's bridge trial...
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Post Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:18 am
So sad that we're in 2019 and A ponte, Blocos Mágicos, Caça Palavras, Corrida da Pesada, Encanamento, Faroeste, Força Alienígena, Lance Livre, Mexe Mexe Tupi, Mosaico, Natação, NIM and Zôo - none of them are dumped.

I know, they're all bad games, but still...

All the info on those games is this thread, and Devworks (abandoned?) page, here:
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I was part of the team that developed Força Alienígena
Post Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:56 pm
I was the first graphic designer at Devworks Game Technology, the company that made these games. On this console there is the game "Força Alienígena" that I created all the graphics, sprites and backgrounds. After that I left the company and they created this other games for Mega Drive.
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Post Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:50 am
DavilaGames wrote
I was the first graphic designer at Devworks Game Technology, the company that made these games. On this console there is the game "Força Alienígena" that I created all the graphics, sprites and backgrounds. After that I left the company and they created this other games for Mega Drive.

That's cool, any interesting story from those times in there?
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