The roar of the crowd, the feel of the pitch, the pain in the groin as Vinny Jones makes a ‘fair* tackle! Yes, folks, thanks to Tecmo, you too can experience thrill-a-minute footie.

Beat-’em-ups are two-a-penny on the MS, as are platform games and arcade conversions, but football games have always been scarce. Super Kick Off broke all the rules of 8-bit soccer sims when it was released last year — not only did it have a different perspective, control method and feel, but it also played a mean game of football! So Tecmo’s release is the first serious contender to Super Kick Off’s crown... even though there isn’t a World Cup in ‘93!

World Cup ‘93 gives control of any of the 24 international cup qualifiers in four ways: go directly into a tournament; arrange an exhibition match aganst another international team; grab a mate and give them a game selecting any two teams you fancy; or you can simply watch a game and try to pick up tricks n’ tactics from your MS!

Once you’ve chosen what sort of game you want it’s time to pick a team. All the international favourites are here, and the better known the team the harder they are to beat. Expect target practice against China but a rough ride against the Germans!

After choosing your side it’s time to decide what team formation they’ll adopt. If defensive play’s your way you need at least four defenders at the back, if attacking is more your style put the majority of players up front to knock the goals in! With these crucial decisions made it’s onto the pitch for the action!


In play you take control of the player nearest the ball, and in possession you can pass it to the nearest player, dribble with it, boot it up the park or shoot at goal. But be warned — 30-yard shots are few and far between in this game, as are close-range baby sitters, so wait until you’re on the edge of the box before trying to score!

When you lose the ball, there are two methods of getting it back. First is to pick up on any poor passes the oppostion makes and the second is to dive in with a two-footed tackle (the latter’s the more effective — guess which we use?!).

You can’t head the ball when it’s in the air but you can catch it on the volley and when it drops to the ground perform a spectacular bicycle kick — a definite goalie-beater!

The tension really mounts when you’re actually playing in the World Cup. Once past the qualifying rounds and into the knockout stages any game still level after normal time is subjected to penalties!

These are genuinely nail-biting affairs! You control the kicker if it’s your penalty, the goalie if it’s against you.

Nerves of steel are required to get through to the next round — reckon you’re up to it?!

Ade moans... ‘I’M AS SICK AS A PARROT’

Well folks, you know me and football games? Like oil and water, we are! Of course, the best two are Super Kick Off and Champions Of Europe and it’s my guess if you’re a footle nut with a Master System, you’ll have either, or both of these sims. So, has Tecmo World Cup ‘93 anything to tempt you into plugging it into your console? Want the answer short and sweet? Well, here it is — NO! (Hey! Hang on a sec! You’ve gotta tell us why! —Ed).

Okay, I agree with Paul. The game’s just so unrealistic. There’s no atmosphere, gameplay’s hardly outsanding and after about half and hour’s play, I felt like returning to the dressing room and crying into my tracksuit! If I was forced to waffle on about the good points, I’d say there’s a nice pitch perspective, scrolling’s good and the players are fairly well drawn.

But smart visuals don’t a smart game make. This doesn’t get the Pitt recommendation. I’m as sick as a parrot, Saint! Tecmo World Cup ‘93 hardly inspired me to want to join the England squad. I’d rather go suck an orange!

ADE 49%

Paul hums... ‘UNREALISTIC’

When it comes to football, I’m a bit of a nutter! I used to follow my beloved West Brom everywhere come rain or shine, sleet or sh... (snow! —Dep Ed). So when a football game cart gets plonked on my desk, you can bet I’m gonna give it a thorough going over. Tecmo World Cup ‘93 is the least realistic soccer sim I’ve ever played!

You can’t head the ball? There’s no ref? In fact, there aren’t even any free kicks! In my book, that isn’t football, it’s just 22 blokes kicking a ball around in a strip! But to be fair, as a 22-bloke ball-kicking simulation, it isn’t too bad! Pity there’s not a market for it!

Graphics are nothing short of superb for the MS and the sound FX and music are also top notch. Option screens are well laid out and nicely presented, especially those for tactics and strip design.

As for the action, it moves at a frantic pace but gets monotonous. The two-player option and penalty thrills should keep interest high for a reasonable period, but eventually boredom’s bound to set in.

If you’ve got Super Kick Off you won’t want this, because in every department except graphics, Kick Off’s superior. If you haven’t and want a lighter footie game which you can play with a mate, Tecmo World Cup ‘93 is worth considering... but only just!

PAUL 59%

SF Rating

60 - Limited amount of options, well thought out, nicely presented
79 - Good player animation and well drawn pitch. Scrolling’s good
68 - Above average music and sound FX — kicks, whistles, crowd noises etc
57 - Limited player control and shot choice, but with responsive controls
52 - Once the cup’s won, you’ll rely heavily on the two-player option


As an average soccer game up against Super Kick Off, it doesn’t stand a chance.

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Sega Force magazine
Sega Force - Issue 17

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