Us bods at SEGA FORCE have got our lemmings life-saving badge, but then we’ve read ‘1001 Things To Do At The Side Of A Cliff’ by Eileen Dover. Makes for good bedtime reading, folks! You’ll soon drop off!

Game Gear owners couldn’t miss out on the action. Lemmings lands on the small screen this November and it’s just as addictive as the other versions. No moaning that there ain’t enough levels. You’ve 120 stages to plough through saving those green-haired loonies. Blockers, bombers, builders, climbers, floaters — these lemmings have loads of hidden talents. Utilise up to 20 of the creatures at any one time.

Each stage has several puzzles to crack, ranging from Fun and not too brain-boggling, to downright manic on Mayhem level. Save lemmings from shredders, cess pits, pools of lava, huge ravines and crevices. There’s a time limit on each round and a set number of lemmings to rescue.

There’s a password system which saves ploughing through the same puzzles time and time again and a Gear-to-Gear link option so a friend with suicidal tendencies can play, too!

So, sharpen your wits, hone your pad-prodding skills and prepare to save lemmings from their sworn enemy — their own mindless wandering!

Ade squeals... ‘GAMEPLAY’S SUPERB!’

Sheer bliss! This is the type of game the GG was made for. I warn you now, get your household chores and homework out of the way ‘cos you’ll be playing Lemmings into the early hours.

Nothing has suffered in this Game Gear conversion. The sprites are small and cute, the backdrops detailed and nicely shaded.

Gameplay’s superb. In ‘Fun’ mode the puzzles are relatively straightforward — until Level 8 thwacked me in the face! Then my brain went numb, I lost a few stone in weight and several hundred lemmings!

Sound’s incredibly smart for the GG. There are loads of old-fashioned music hall tunes and nursery rhymes.

This is the best handheld game I’ve played in ages. ‘Addictive’ is the only word to describe Lemmings. Sega have hit upon a winner grabbing this Psygnosls classic. It’ll be Interesting to see how our green-haired chums fair against that spiky blue thing!

ADE 93%

Paul yells... ‘POSSIBLY THE BEST YET!’

Well, hasn’t this been a month of MS-to-GG conversions! And the good news is that the latest outing of these little suicidal rodents is possibly the best yet!

Was the GG purpose-built for Lemmings? It suits the arcade puzzler to a ‘tee’! There’s no frantic screen scrolling to damage your eyes but plenty of mayhem trying to stop the little blighters from reaching harp farm!

Sega really have excelled themselves this time. The graphics are top notch and the sounds so jaunty end in mood with the game that I actually turned It up!

Gripes? I don’t think there are any. The password system’s intact, so are the difficulty levels — even the head-to-head.

This is the best GG release to date. End of argument! If you like Lemmings, this is a must. If you don’t, it’s time to convert yourself. Go on, rescue a lemming — you’ll feel better for it!

PAUL 94%

SF Rating

93% - Good intro sequence and title screen, options, passwords. Gear-to-Gear link
89% - The sprites may be small, but look closely and there’s plenty of animation. Good backdrops
93% - There’s sampled speech, loads of jaunty theme tunes and plenty of nice FX
94% - One of the most playable GG releases to date. Easy to control, loads of puzzles
95% - Unlike many GG games, this has plenty of levels and difficulty stages


If you’re tired of shoot- ‘em-ups and maze games, get this. Play till ya drop!

Sega Force magazine
Sega Force - Issue 12

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