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Hacks: Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Mario Kidd in Retro World - Mod

VersionDateByIPS downloadSize
1.027 Mar 2019JanoAlexKiddInMiracleWorld-SMS-MarioKiddInRetroWorld-Mod-1.0.zip48KB

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This was a competition entry in 2019



Mario wants to be a SEGA pet.

For this reason, he must starring a video game in one of his most mythical SEGA´s consoles: Master system.

MARIO KIDD IN RETRO WORLD is an adventure full of references to retro video games. recognizable stages, music and enemies of the golden age of video games. with some final bossess that you must defeat with the famous (stone, paper or scissors) And those final bosses are not other than the eternal pets of SEGA. whom Mario wants to emulate.

Meanwhile the great SEGA´S forgotten : Alex Kidd, He watches from the Olympus of eternal pets.

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total 1 file48K 48K


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