Acclaim Entertainment

Produced by
The Grey Team
Rob Leingang
Associate Producer
Gregg Giles
Mark Mermelstein, Steffan Levine

Software Creations

Chris Shay
Main Artist
Gavin Eagleton
Project Artist
Phil Bretherton
Main Animator
Steve Thomas
Clinton J. Priest, Scott Pleydell Pearce, Alan Moult
Music and Sound FX Conversion
Martin Walker
Original Music and Sound FX
James Hannigan, Martin Goodall
Original Title Music
Chris Jojo
Game Testers
Chris Brookes, Craig Dobson, Paul Essue, Adrian Copsey
Technical Support
Paul Lee
Lorraine Starr
Production Assistant
Annie Lee
Art Director
Ste Pickford
Creative Director
John Pickford
Executive Producers
Richard Kay, Mike Webb

Acclaim Quality Assurance

Senior Manager
Michael Weiner
Carol Caracciolo, Adam Ingerman Esq.
Lead Tester
Mike Hong
Game Analyst
Damon Tabb
Technical Support Supervisor
Harry Reimer
Technical Support
John F. Gonzales
Christian Moy, Jeff Zentil, Jackie A. Williams, Russ Tucker
Special Thanks
Mark Wilkinson, Rebecca Spikings, The Entire Cutthroat Island Film Crew, Crew of the S.V. Kaskelot, Elmo Grey
Extra Special Thanks
Renny Harlin


Credits Lacking Screenshots

See the main page for Cutthroat Island

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