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NotesAugust 1990
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August 1990

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The SEGA Mag



August 1990



The Five "Great" Sports Sims Enter the Play-Offs





ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is write a song about how cool and groovy the Sega Console is, bung it on a cassette (quality of recording is NOT important but we’ll be listening for lyrics and content!!). Send it in to Virgin Mastertronic 2-4 Vernon Yard, 119 Portobello Road, London W1 1 2DX. Please also include a photo and something about yourself. (Send a suitable S.A.E. if you want your pix and tape back!).

THE WINNING BAND/ARTIST will record their Sega Song’ plus one track of their own material. The ‘Sega Song’ will be released on Flexi-Disc through a top computer magazine! You get a professionally recorded 1/4 inch mixed copymaster and 25 free demo-cassettes to take away, (rice extra!).

CLOSING DATE is August 20th 1990 and Judges decision will be final! Don’t forget that Sega is pronounced ‘SEYGA’. More info is available from Virgin on 071 727 8070. Ask for the Beast!

ALL STYLES of music are welcome. This comp is NOT open to any employee or associate of Virgin Mastertronic so there!


FROM Virgin




Hold tight as we don our aviator shades for a dose of flying metal mayhem.


The oldest and most popular role playing game makes it big on the Master System.

(Image caption) Okay, I've got the cards, you got Ultima IV?



Drop everything! Join us in an appreciation of this classic egg-dropping game from times of yore.


The Past Masters cute special continues with the original cute shoot'em up game, starring Opa-Opa.


Indulge your lycantrhopic tendan cies in this classic coin-op conversion.


Thwoppa thwoppa thwoppa. Oh yes, and resue the hostages while you're up there.



S rounds up the "GREAT" series of sport sims and asks the big question Are they? (Great, that is.)

(Image caption) Some good, some bad, but all "Great" games!


What's hot and what's not at the big US gizmo show. Check out all the latest releases and bits of hardware in this report from the Windy City.



All the hottest news in the wacky world of Sega, plus lots more snippets on your favourite games system!


If you've got a problem, query, or fascinating bit of info, don't just sit there. Send it in!!!


All the carts and copies of S you'll ever need. But hurry, they're selling fast!


If you want to buy, sell or swap, pay a visit to our small ads section - let your fingers do the walking.


Calling all club members! Gossip, compos, special offers and the user group report - chill out, dudes!



Hints and tips from Sly's Tip Box. Golden Axe chopped into tiny bits, plus the second installment of the Rastan saga mapped to shreds.

(Image caption) One step, fatso, and you're sausages.


Get your name in lights. Only the raddest, coolest high-scoring dudes (and dudettes) need apply. Are you hard, tough and grizzly enough? Oh dear. Have you tried fabric softener?


Steve Jarratt, Phil South
Sally Meddings
Tony Takoushi
Trenton Webb
Wayne Allen
Chris Anderson

All enquiries and correspondence should be addressed to:

S The Sega Mag

Future Publishing Ltd., Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon BA1 2AP

RCS Graphics, Torquay, Devon
Redwood Burn Ltd., Melksham, Wilts
Graeme Puckett

This magazine is a fully independent publication. The views expressed in these pages are not nec essarily those of Sega Enterprises Ltd., nor of Virgin Mastertronic, their UK distributors.

© Future Publishing Ltd. 1990

No part of this magazine may be reproduced with out written permission. Do you feel lucky, punk? Make my day...


In the grand tradition of games like P-47, Aerial Attack takes you up in the air with a bang...


Just when you thought it was safe to hop back into the cockpit of your Tomcat and blast the hell out of all comers, along comes Aerial Attack. The reason for all this flying metal mayhem is explained in the usual text prologue. Apparently the world is under threat from an evil military force called the NAC. They've got a laser called EO (which probably stands for Ecologically ’Orrible) that can burn a hole in the ozone layer over any country they like, and their not afraid to use it either. 'Cos they're evil, that's why. In the true spirit of perestroika the Freedom Fighter, an aircraft "belonging to no specific nation", is sent to explain to NAC why they must stop, using a reasoned argument and a whole load of bullets. But just a minute... If the NAC and the Freedom Fighter are of "no specific nation", then why is the NAC Battleship called the Vinsk, and why is your plane an American fighter? Flmm? Obviously the recent warming of East/West relations has taken its toll in the games design business too.

(Image captions)

With more vwhoosh than the Enterprise Initiative, FF takes to the air...

FF counters the bombs with a small flock of geese...

Who whip out spanners and dimantle the enemy planes!

You have a truly wicked arsenal of weapons at your disposal, like these giant explosive cake decorations... BLAM!

Over the stripy hills, FF spots bogeys at 12 o'clock... pass the hanky, No. 1...

Ack ack ack ack ack ack... BOOM! Another bogey bites the dust. (Eur!)

Avoiding laser beams and fighters, FF goes straight for the turret. Ack ack...

As is the nature of these things, especially in computer game land, when you wax one of the enemy (in one of their many ships, planes, subs and choppers) you get a free gift of a new power up weapon. These come in all sorts of interesting and deadly flavours (wot, like Death Raspberry or summink?) and they give you an edge over your enemies. Some are simple, like rapid fire and fast move, others are a lot more complex like one which shoots big fireballs out in all directions at once, one which fires scatter bombs out the front of your plane, or the fancy arrowhead shield which lets you blow things up just by flying into them. The more enemies you get the more punch your weapons have and so the more enemies you pop, and so on.

From the title screen you get to select the hardness level, from a choice of easy, normal and hard. Easy level is slower and gives you more time to sort the enemies out from the background. Normal is a touch faster and hard is, er, hard in fact. You'll have to have a tough joystick to blast your way through on the hard level! There are all kinds of different enemies, simple planes that just whizz by, what look like cruise missiles (a touch of overkill on behalf of old NAC there) which follow you up the screen, big bombers which cruise along popping off shots at you, ground based gun emplacements, and subs which pop up, shoot and sink again. As well as all this going on, you've got to bomb and shoot a convoy of ships, working your way back to the big one, the Vinsk, which you have to sink. Sounds easy, but in practice it’ll take you the rest of your life. All 5 mins of it, in fact.

The game is all seen from the side, with you in your plane scrolling from left to right and your baddies whizzing in from the right and even up from under you. The only exception to this format is one section where you are flying down a trench with the fighters coming towards you, Afterburner style. The mission briefing screen gives you a nice piccy of the inside of your plane, with all the blinking control lights, joystick and Heads Up Display, but that's the last you see of complex controls once you get into the game, as the only thing that really matters then is your finger on the fire button, and how quickly you can pull it.

The backgrounds are all parallax scrolling, giving you a nice smooth 3D effect, and the background graphics are all very pretty indeed. You begin the game flying over the sea, with odd sleepy islands, pretty unspoilt beaches and massive heavily armed destroyers passing peacefully underneath. Then you're up in the clouds, above them in fact, in front of a brilliant orange and red sunset. Planes zoom out of the clouds beneath you, and you can dip down beneath them yourself. (Although this isn't a good idea as you'll probably get nuked without even seeing what hit you.) In another section you're flying in an underground cavern with laser guns fixed on the floor and ceiling above and below you, and endless flying formations of enemy fighters trying to plaster you over the cave walls. The trench section is nicely done, and makes a nice change actually, and uses a nice stripy effect which cycles the colours to simulate movement along it. The planes come from above and you have to take a pop at them.


As plane games go this isn't at all bad. Bearing more than a passing resemblance to Jaleco's P-47, Aerial Attack is a real blast. Fans of the Sega card game Transbot will like it a lot, too, as the gameplay is somewhat similar to that, but with more variation in the levels and less emphasis on sheer gritty endurance. The graphics are great, the animation triff and there is a marked absence of flicker, with the exception being when it is actually used as a special effect! When you have the force shield around your ship, the ship and the shield alternate on the screen very quickly, giving a nice shimmery electric effect around the ship, giving a real feeling that any enemies that touch you will end up as an order of french toast. (Quite right too!) There's no waiting around between levels, and the whole aim of the game is to pump as much action your way as humanly (or computerly) possible. Control is responsive, and although you start a bit slow and sluggish (a bit like moving through thick porridge) you eventually get a speed up pod, and that puts a bit more steam in your stride. The overall sound of the game is good too, with a neat selection of tunes for different stages of the game which in spite of being a bit repetitious don't get too annoying. No samples, no frills or extras of any form in the thing, but then again it is just a straight down the line shoot'em up, and who can argue with that. Well, we could, but we won't.

All things considered, a fresh and crispy game with lots of features to recommend it to the Sega Master owner with a yen for the odd weekly dose of airborne mass destruction. (BOOM!)



▲ Fast, colourful, good if a little jerky in the animation department. Lots of different enemies.

▼ Sometimes it's hard to see a bullet against the backdrop until it fries your face.


▲ The music is well written and varied, with some good loud sound effects too.

▼ The tunes may start to get on your wick after a while. Just turn them down for a bit.


▲ A small strategy element is to be had in choosing which power up icons to grab and which to avoid.

▼ It's not very deep, just blast anything that moves. And anything that doesn't too, for good measure.

▼ Once the thrill of blasting everything wears off, there's not much left.


▲ Can be pretty addictive, allowing you to get tanatalisingly close then blasting you to atoms.

▼ Once the thrill of blasting everything... wait a minute, is there an echo in here?


An all round good blast'em up, with classic good looks and a nice line in sensless violence. Only skilled players get to the top though!




(Image captions)

The Genesis console: same box but different shaped carts.

Super Monaco GP on MD. Watch out for the MS version, soon!

With much slightly reserved Japanese razzle dazzle, the European version of the Mega Drive was launched in Paris, in the garden of the Hotel De Sully on 19th June. The gardens were filled with Europe's computer press, and while the press chomped their way through sushi (spiced raw fish on rice cakes... groo!) and glugged the free-flowing champagne, Japanese dancers danced, kendo experts kendoed and a couple of beefcakes dressed as samurai warriors strutted around looking ethnic and threatening. 8 huge TV monitors dotted around the grounds showed the new range of games from Sega for the Mega drive and the Master System, including Super Monaco GP and Alex Kidd In Shinobi World. It seems, as reported, that the only real difference between the Euro version of the MD and the Japanese/US version is that the carts are a slightly altered shape, making it difficult to play the games in a grey imported machine, or use grey imported games. Games at the launch up and running on a Euro machine were Super Thunderblade, Super Shinobi, World Soccer, Thunder Force II and Super Hang On. These were just a skeleton selection of the 20 games that will be available from day one. Pre-launch interest in the machine was so high that the initial dealer orders have all been filled, so you should have no trouble getting hold of one, provided you're a bit quickish. The enormous interest prompted Virgin's Nick Alexander to call the Mega Drive the "most eagerly awaited consumer electronic launch since the colour TV". The Mega Drive should be around in September and is said to be priced at around £175.00.


Scribbling, bibbling, bibbling scribbling, as Mozart once said. Well he did in the film, anyway. Er, hullo. My name's Phil South, and I'm standing in for Steve while he's away in France on his hols. Yes, that’s me on the contents page, after Steve's comma. Poor old SJ was falling to bits, so we just had to send him on holiday, bless him. "Take a couple of weeks off, mate" we said, "oh, and while you're in France sunning yourself, just take your notebook and just nip over to the Mega Drive launch in Paris for us, there's a petal." So he did, didn’t he? Worra sucker. He's like that, you know. Long suffering, loyal, faithful, house broken, with the glossy coat, good stance and wet nose of the true hard-nosed newshound. Good qualities in a prize-winning cocker spaniel puppy, let alone the editor of a go-ahead young Sega video game magazine. What a guy! Anyway, enough of this bibble. I'm off home for a hot bath and that pile of comics I haven't read yet. I've had a lovely time on your mag. Thanks for listening. (And you, matey.)

Phil S.


Yes, it’s our tenth issue, and you can bet your Control Stick that it'll be packed with more info on the newly released Euro version of the Mega Drive. Yes indeedy... erm... what else? Oh yes, brilliant reviews of brand spanking new games, and here's a little teaser for you: which two of these great new titles will you be reading reviews of in the next exciting ish? Will it be a) Alex Kid In Shinobi World, b) Super Monaco GP, or c) Summer Games. Find out next time. There you go... What? You want more? Oh flip. Erm, what about a preview of the Sega Game Gear and its games as seen at the Japanese Toy Fair? More? Oh blimey... How about hard news of the new titles from Mirrorsoft and US Gold? Enough? Oh thank goodness for that. (Phew. These readers are a bit demanding, aren't they? Now, where did we leave that stuff about the Game Gear....? Rustle rustle)


(Image caption) The sexy new Master System II, with a new set of games, no card slot, one joystick port and built-in Alex Kidd game!

News has reached the Stuff! desk as we go to press about the new Master System II. Yes a new Sega Master System boasting a posh new case, a built in version of Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and only one joystick port. Huh? Oh well there must be reason for it. In fact yes there is... it will be cheaper than the original system, as we said in a previous Stuff!, the price has been announced as dropping from $79 to $59 in the US. All your old Sega Master System carts will work with it, so no probs there. The system was previewed at the Chicago Consumer Electronics Show, and with four new games launched at the same time was well received, but the bad news is that this new sexy system won't be available in the UK until 1991 or even as late as 1992! Rumour has it that the portable Sega, the Game Gear, recently previewed at the Japanese Toy Fair, will actually be out in Autumn next year. We'll let you have more exciting details about the Game Gear and its games next month. (Bet you can't wait!) You can also read a full report about the new Sega hardware and games at the Chicago CES Show if you turn to page 20, right now. (Go on, don't hang about!)



(Image caption) It's Alex Kidd versus some very hard ninjas, this time.

At the top of the release schedule for the coming months, we have the aptly named Alex Kid in Shinobi World. Judging from the name it's obviously a chance for our rice-cake noshing, big fisted, janken playing hero to mix it with a bunch of very hard ninjas. Sounds fab, dunnit? Other new games out very soon are Aerial Attack (you know, the one which used to be called Freedom Fighter. See last month's issue of Stuff!) and the amazing Ultima IV. And you know what, we're really so skill, 'cos we've actually just got those last two in for review this issue. They’re new, they're hot and they're reviewed on pages 4 and 8, respectively. Yowser.


(Image captions)

Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusterrrrrrrssssss!

Goldie makes it to the Mega Drive in style.

New US releases shown at CES were Columns, Zoom, Moonwalker, Herzog Zwei, E-Swat for both Master System and Genesis, and also special Genesis versions of Ghostbusters and Golden Axe, plus a completely new title called Wrestle War. Three guesses what that one's about. Columns is a version of that killingly addictive game Tetris, and Zoom is a a weird 3D game, which defies any simple description. Also for both Master System and Genesis comes Dick Tracy, based on the blockbuster Warren Beattie and Madonna film of the same name, and no real surprise there. Nice tie in with the film, there, and just like Sega to get the best licenses, eh? Anyway, see the this month's amazing CES report spread on page 20 for further details on all this and more.


(Image caption) Blood, guts and skittles. Heaps off fun for all the family.

Sega have launched a chain of arcades in the US, under the banner of Time Out Family Amusement Centres. The centres, now sited in 22 US states, are designed for use by the whole family, and are a bit of change from the kind of dubious, dark places you get over here. Most are sited in shopping malls, and are bright airy places where the whole family can play video games, go bowling, throw little hoops, and accumulate points to win big prizes. (Master Systems and Genesis consoles no doubt.) Not only that but you get to play the new Sega arcade games before they get to anywhere else. Sounds great, doesn't it? Let’s hope we see some of these centres over here in the very near future.


Another great month in the chart, and you know what they say? No, neither do we, but one thing you can be quite sure of that this is the chart, the one that you write.

Old favourite R-Type blasts Its way back to the top of the chart this month for the second or third time around, pushing new boy Psycho Fox back down to 5. Wonderboy in Monsterland replaces WBIII which was at the 2 slot last month, and Golden Axe is up one from last month’s number 4. Golden Axe takes up residence in the 3 position, followed up by those Dynamite Dux. (KA-BOOM!) Double Dragon is still hovering around the middle of the chart (prolly waiting for someone to duff up) and California Games surfs in at 8, followed by Shinobi and Kung Fu Kid.

Hmm. Can we see a trend here? Apart from R-Type and California Games... Almost all beat’em ups?!? Well, there’s many a trendy psychologist with a TV company who’d draw some off-colour conclusions from that little line up, for sure!

This month's Top 10 T-Shirt Winner is AJ Wildey' of Midlothian, wh's a big Golden Axe fan. He doesn’t say exactly how big, so we'll have to guess. Nice one, AJ. We’ve dusted off one of the shirts, and it’s winging its way in your general direction.

See? It’s that easy to win a t-shirt with Top Ten, that even AJ Wildey has got one. So why not take a vote in the Top Ten and see if you can have one as well. Just dash your Top Ten down on a postcard, on the back of a sealed envelope or as part of a letter to another S department, and send it to the address held by our cartoon friend over yonder. Get your T-Shirts here, lots of lovely t-shirts! (Shuddup, they'll all want one! Ed) Okay, don't bother! No t-shirts! None... (Oh dear! Ed)

Top Ten
Beaufort Court
30 Monmoth Street
Bath, Avon BA1 2BW


'"Yee-haw, pardners... jest you git yerselves along to the post box, little dawgies... slap that ole letter in the slot, orah'll come a-lookin' fer ya!" (There lovey, that's my best cowboy accent. Five pounds please. CHING!)

Ultima IV

Quest of the Avatar

One of the best loved fantasy role playing games of all time has finally made its way onto the Sega. So don your chainmail and hack into Ultima IV...


Many years ago (ten actually) in a land very far away (America to be exact) a great adventure was born. T'was Lord British who wrote it, and for generations after his name was spoken in hushed tones. Yes indeed, verily, let it be known that Ultima has been around (and haven’t we all?), and on more computers than you can shake a sword at, than any other computer adventure game. Ultima was the first with graphics, the first with sound, and even the first with little stickmen that walk around a map made out of lego. Seriously, this is a version of the popular roleplaying adventure first seen many moons ago on the aged Apple II and PC computers, and it’s an ambitious and daring game which could either be really totally brilliant or complete and utter wibble.

The game basically has you playing the role of an adventurer, roaming the land of Britannia in search of fame. Oh, and a bit of loose fortune as well, if there’s any going. Throughout your adventure you will meet a lot of interesting people from all walks of life, and sort of kill them.

Lord British tells you at the beginning when you ask him for help: "To survive in this hostile land thou must first know thyself! Seek ye to master thy weapons and thy magical ability. Take great care in these thy first travels in Britannia. Until thou dost know thyself, travel not far from the safety of the townes!" Lord British always ends a sentence with an exclamation mark. He’s a king-type person so he can shout as much as he likes. He also tells you that "The Ankh is the symbol of the one who strives for virtue. Keep it with you at all times for by this mark you will be known." So off you go, grabbing the Ankh on your way past, off into the woods to do battle with countless slime dribbling weirdos from the times of yore. (The what?)

(Image captions)

Brittania Fair, home of the mysterious fortune teller who holds your fate.

Cross my palm with silver, deary. What? You haven't got change of a tenner? Oh never mind, that'll do. (CHING!)

Lord British tells you what he really thinks about architecture...

...and then it's down to your old chum the armourer to get clad.

The fortune teller gives your character his attributes for the game.

The map of Central Brittania gives you an idea where you start the game.

Oooh! It’s awfully dark and gloomy in here... good job I brought my trusty torch. Hello, what's that slimy slurping noise? (Argh!)

But this is no shoot'em up, as you have to really prepare yourself for the adventure. In the beginning you have no armour, and just a slingshot as a weapon. You have to fight creatures and people along the way, and if you beat them you are awarded a chest, in which you will find gold or other items. With the gold you can buy items to make magic, heftier armour, more dangerous weapons and other items to help you in your quest. While roaming about outside you have to watch your step, as sometimes you meet a beast who can kill you. You can guard against losing all your possessions if you save your position in the game, as this is one of those splendid battery backed games! And anyway, if you come up against something that looks a bit heavy duty, you do have the option to run off. Inside towns you're usually pretty safe, but there the problem is finding the right person to talk to who will give you a clue. This can be hard as some entrances are concealed and blend into the walls, but persistence usually does the trick. It's best to try all the walls and see which ones give. Also along the way you gradually build up a party of like-minded folks who wish to join you on your quest. They all have powers which may be of use to you, and they can help you carry your treasure (for a small consideration). So although Ultima is basically a one player game, with one person controlling all the members of the party, you can draft in some chums to take on the roles of other characters in the game.

The game comes with an absolute wad of books and maps, so you can't complain that you aren't well briefed. In fact in the intro sequence asks you to stop and read the history of Britannia before you begin, so there's no excuse. There's a lot of essential information in the docs, so don't be put off. It's actually quite an entertaining read, and it all adds to the atmosphere of the game. You need to know which spells do what, and what you need to mix and cast them. It's all good fun, and adds an extra dimension to the game. You can of course choose to be more of a fighter and just go around pelting people with stones and lopping their heads off, but the choice is yours. This is one thing that makes Ultima brilliant, and that's the flexible way you can play it. Be whoever you like, with whatever name you like, and with any powers you like. It's endless!

WEAPONS and SPELLS From Ye Olde Ultima IV

There are many weapons to be found in the land of Britannia, some can be bought anywhere, and some can only be found on the bodies of your enemies, once slain. Search the land for new weapons to ease thy quest, and pick and choose from this thaumaturgical (that's magic, to you) selection afore ye go...

Thou starteth the game with only thy bare hands.
A big stick. Thou crackest skulls with it, and it provides reasonable defence.
Ten inches of Brittania steel to tickle the ribs of any knaves who wouldst attack thee.
Thou lobbest small rocks with this, making it the ideal weapon for the tight of pocket.
A stick with a big metal blob on the end. This will rattle their fillings.
Double sided two foot blade for chopping big varlets into several little ones.
An truly aristocratic weapon. Nobody argues with four feet of razor sharp steel.
If thou hast no armour, this is the weapon for thee.
Like the bow, and yet not. More stopping power than a sack full of manure.
A green mist which thou spreadest over folks, making them take a snooze.
Acteth as a force shield, zapping all who touch it into tiny charcoals.
A roaring firey force field which toasteth any who pass it.
A vapour which choketh any not holding their breath.
To rouse any of thy party who have been hit with SLEEP.
A powerful spell to transport thee and your party elsewhere.
To heal animal bites and other illnesses.
A powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled magic user.
Similar to fireball but a much more chilling experience for the enemy.
Thou casteth this one and thine enemies drop like stones.
Allows thee to open doors and chests without setting off any traps.
If any of thy party get slightly dead, thou can bring them back.


Although this is a well old game, it really doesn't show its age. It's as fresh as a spring cucumber, (but not as green) and although troublesome to get into at first, has a wicked long term appeal. This is real roleplaying country, and if you are prepared to delve into Ultima's many layers, you'll be richly rewarded. As well as that, it's a neice game to play as a group, with one person controlling the game and the others backseat driving and arguing over who gets the most treasure.



▲ Small but very cute graphics throughout, giving you a wide area of play

▲ Different scales for inside cities/buildings lets you know what's going on

▼ If your mother was this small you wouldn't recognise her


▲ There are tunes for every phase of the game, and are all these good if repetitive

▼ Annoying blip blip blip noise for your hero's footsteps


▲ This game is so deep it's virtually bottomless

▲ A load of different characters interact with, and so many things to do it's hard to know what to try first

▼ Perhaps a little bit too omplex for first time gamers


▲ This is so addictive there ought to be a law against it (but they can't touch you for it)

▲ There's a real lot to get into, which keeps you going for months


If you like a game with a bit of depth and strategy then this is the kiddy. If you like your games to be a bit more immediate, then beat a path round it. Although not as visually stunning as Phantasy Star it's a good meaty game.





So you're a penguin called Overbite, and you've got to get your egg from the top of the ice cave to the bottom where your space ship is. (You're a Space Penguin?) Sounds easy right? Just drop the sucker off the edge and watch it go... Well actually no. It’s an egg, stupid, and if you drop it all that way it'll break. So you gotta drop it a little bit at a time. The screen is made up of blocks of ice which you have to peck away at to drop the egg down. When the ice breaks the egg drops down to the next level, but you have to watch the height. There is a guide, a little flashing line, which shows you the maximum height the egg will go before breaking. So down you go, pecking and dropping. But just to make it harder the way down is never easy. You have to be able to stand beside your egg in order to peck the ice away from under it, so you must be very careful drop it.

There are a lot of ways for you to handle the egg (on toast, with bacon etc... no seriously) but you can't pick it up. The trick is that you have to roll the egg along, which makes it a bit hard for a little leathery flippered chap like you. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the egg you can jump over it. If you fall on it from above you can steer yourself to push it out of the way. But if the egg has nowhere to go, like if it's in a hole, and you tread on it, you will break it.

A more subtle obstacle is the eagle, called Cameel, which after a given period of time flies past and drops a brick on your egg, wherever it is... EEK! You have to run to your egg and catch the brick before it smashes the egg, so you have to hurry through the level. If you know your way through a level you should be able to make it to the bottom before the eagle flies overhead. One other critter which inhabits the icy caves of Penguin Land is Gangow the polar bear. He paces up and down around the ice, and if he sees you or your egg on his level, he'll punch. If he hits you, you're knocked out. If he hits you egg, he breaks it. Mean old bear, he is. So on your way through the ice, you have to hurry, and beat a path around the bears. Phew.

(Image captions)

You're okay as long as the polar bear can't get to you. (Minty old soul!)

Erk... I seem to have put my egg in a hole where I can't shift it. Botty!

Some things help you though. There are some flashing blocks, now you see them now you don't, and they can hold your egg for a second on its way down to the ground. But you have to time it right or it's smash city. Also there are moving blocks, which shuttle gently back and forth across tricky areas, and which can carry either you or your egg across a difficult gap. Some blocks are chutes, one marked with an egg and one with a penguin, and their use is obvious. Use your peck button on the egg one and your egg will drop through, and on the penguin one and you will drop through. There are also special hidden bonus blocks, which when pecked give you a secret bonus. The only way to find those is to peck around a bit.

To make the, game even more interesting, you can create your own levels using the level editor. You can edit your own levels, but not the 50 levels on the cart. They always stay the same, no matter how hard you peck the save button.


Penguin Land is one of the classic eggs-traordinary arcade puzzle games. It has a lot in common with a similar game called Solomon's Key, in which you manipulate blocks and head towards a goal. The pace of the game is kept up by the eagle, which will always scramble you if you hesitate or take too long over a particular puzzle. The puzzles are never that hard, and usually only need a few attempts to crack them. But usually only after you've cracked all your eggs. Penguin Land is a cute and lasting game with lots for the strategist or the arcade addict.



▲ Cute graphics throughout, and a truly wicked design.

▲ Level editor allows you to build your own levels using the different blocks and hazards in the game.


▲ Good egg breaking sound and nice bouncy tunes.

▼ Tunes become a little bit too cheerful after the first five hours play. You may have to turn it down.


▲ Tricky but not totally brain-blending. One of those things that nibbles away at you rather than sends you mental.

▼ Once you've solved the game the puzzles are easy. Can get a bit routine.


▲ Lots of addictive bite to this one Er... Or should that be peck?

▲ Level editor keeps the pressure on, as you can make more levels once you've solved the 50 in the game.


Brilliantly designed cute puzzle game, which keeps you going for months. An all round good egg!





One of the very oldest and yet one of the best loved Sega games is Fantasy Zone. In the days when a shoot'em up had to be serious, butch and generally macho, FZ was a cute and slightly childish looking one, so it did cause a bit of a stir. It looks well weird, too, but soon everyone realised what a wickedly addictive game it was, and it became world famous! (Hurrah!)

In FZ you are Opa-Opa, a small space person in a bullet-shaped spaceship with little wings and feet, who flies around shooting and bombing a multitude of odd creatures in eight different exotically coloured worlds in the year 6216. You see the Menons are aiming to take over Fantasy Zone by using foreign currency to build their forces. You must recover the coins (by blowing the various Menons to atoms and grabbing the coins) and restore power to the Zone. In order to destroy all the Menons on any one planet, you have to destroy all the bases on that planet. You can either shoot them, or fly above them and throw little bombs onto them.

(Image captions)

Planet Mockstar, with its great big burger bases glinting in the sun. (Ahh!)

Plaleaf level in FZ. You may have to turn the colour down on this game!

Look out! A La Lune base station!

Each time you hit one of the Menons, it explodes leaving a coin behind. All you have to do then is collect the coins, by running into them, and you start to build up money. When you have a certain amount of coinage, the Shop floats down from the skies and you bump your nose into it. Inside the shop you can choose new guns and bombs and wings to make your job easier, but only if you've got enough money to buy them. Then you're back in the game again, blasting away.

Each world is completely and wackily different: PLALEAF is a planet of greenery, TABAS is the planet of fire, LA DUNE is the planet of sand, DOLIMICCA is the "super planet", POLARIA is the planet of ice (brrrr!), MOCKSTAR is a planet of clouds, POCARIUS is the planet of water and finally SALFAR is the planet of evil spirits. (There are some other planets in the game, like SOURTHAM, BONT and COULON, but they are only repeats of greenery, sand and fire.)

The parts you can buy in the shop are various types of 'power up' style jobbies. You can get Big Wings, which are faster, Jet Engine, which is faster still, Turbo Engine, which is VERY fast, and Rocket Engine, which goes WHOOSH! Yowser.


Fantasy Zone is one of the great classic shoot'em up arcade games, with one of the most spondiciously original designs of all computer game time. In spite of the outrageously cute graphics, it's actually quite hard to play, and the end of level bosses are so hard to kill as to be virtually impossible. But in spite of that you can learn to beat them if you keep at it, and even SJ has managed to get to level three. Although some would say it's a little bit too fast, we think its pace is actually one of its strengths. There's no good having a shoot'em up if it isn't hard to beat, is there? So if you like shoot'em ups then you must have Fantasy Zone. Incidentally why not try the follow-ups too, Fantasy Zone II and Fantasy Zone: The Maze, while you're at it? FZII is more of the same, and The Maze is like PacMan! Watch this space for more FZ in the near future.



▲ Cute and bright coloured graphics, like toys or cartoons, and dazzling backgrounds.

▼ Sometimes hard to see what’s happening against the backgrounds. What hit me?


▲ Unusual and radical tunes, and musical sound effects which really sing off your nerve ends.

▲ Good use of the Sega sound chip, with no samples.

▼ Too much twiddly widdly can drive you MAD!


▲ Strategic element in what you buy from the shop.

▼ Not much strategy in it, being a case of shooting to stay alive.

▼ Can be a little repetative, even though the backgrounds change.


▲ If you can get through the stage of being killed all the time, you'll be addicted for life. (Coo!)

▼ If you can't stop being wasted, you'll possibly give up. Sometimes a bit too fast.

▼ Bosses are next to impossible to beat! (But it can be done.)


A fast, hard and addictive shoot'em up with a very original look to it. Weird, but huge mounds of fun.





As a Roman centurion, you were a pretty mean warrior-dude. That was until you died, of course - then you were a pretty mean wormbait-dude. So there you were, dead. Having a good kip. Next thing you know, the evil Neff (don’t they make kitchen appliances?), Lord of the underworld, kidnapped the right tasty Athena, daughter of Zeus.

Now Zeus isn't the sort of god to just sit back and let this Neff-blokey spring off with his offspring. But rather than get all grubby himself, he brings you back from the dead to do his bidding: go forth into the underworld, defeat the many guardians therein, kill Neff and rescue Athena. "A doddle," assures the big Zee.

Now the underworld is a pretty rotten place, filled with demons, monsters and serpents and such. And each of the four levels is also defended by a boss creature. So, before you face the evil Neff, you must first defeat Aggar, the headthrowing mutie; Octoeyes, a poisonous plant that hurls out deadly spores; and Crocodile Wyrm, a foul amphibian that spits fire! Stripped of armour and weapons, you're gonna have to rely on feet and fists to hack your way through this wild bunch!

(Image captions)

Our transforming chum faces a bad case of assault with battered cod.

Al proves he can leap headstones in a single bound, as zombies wait for the bus.

Zeus - kindly soul that he is - has decided to give you the power to transform into powerful werecreatures. However, the Spirit Balls (fnar) containing the magic you need are carried by white wolves which run through the demonic nether regions. You have to give wolfie the old one-two and then touch the liberated spirit ball to initiate a power-up transformation.

The first Ball in each area turns you into a massive Schwarzenegger-type figure, with bulging everythings. This makes the going easier.

Collect the next Ball, and you suddenly get a strong liking for red meat and feel the urge to comb your face. You're a lycanthrope, a flippin' werewolf! You can throw balls of fire at your enemies, and blast through all comers inside a shield of fire. Now all you have to do is touch the baddies now, as you blast your way through to Aggar, the head-lobbing mutant.

You must begin each new level as a human, but you get the chance to transform into a weredragon, weretiger, and finally a golden werewolf in the final duel against Neffy himself.


The Master System really has to work overtime here, what with scrolling a big detailed backdrop and moving several huge characters on screen at once. It comes as no surprise that it doesn’t cope too well. The scrolling is jerky, and all the characters are poorly animated and slow. This limits the overall speed of play, and makes your character unresponsive. It's annoying when you know what you want to do, but can't get your character to act in time, especially when he's got enemy creatures coming from all sides!

If you get hit, it takes a few seconds for you to fall down and get up again. If you get hit in the meantime, you fall down again, and so on. Get surrounded and you can do little else but hammer the fire button and hope one of them dies! Until you get good at it (or you check out the cheats in S5) Altered Beast can be very frustrating!

As regards the sound and pictures: the soundtrack is a passable rendition of the arcade, and there's even a nice (if a bit quiet) sampled scream when the transformations take place.

The backdrops vary between brill and iffy, such as the Boss sets which are against a black backdrop. The Bosses themselves are neatly done, if a bit unexciting.

Once you learn to live with its shortcomings, Altered Beast isn't really too difficult to finish either, with only four shortish levels. There are better quality games like Golden Axe on sale for about the same price, so unless you are a BIG fan of the original arcade machine you'd probably be better off giving this one a miss.



▲ Tidy backdrops with good use of colour and plenty of clean detail

▲ Great transformation sequence -just like the real thing

▼ Flickery when the screen fills up with big graphics

▼ Not much animation to speak of, two or three frames if you’re lucky


▲ Chilling sampled scream, pump up the volume and scare Granny

▲ Some good arcade-style effects

▼ Different tunes for each level, used to good effect


▼ Too few moves at your disposal -even less in the various ’were'person modes

▼ The Bosses add some variety, but aren't as tough as the bits inbetween, ie. the levels

▼ Four small levels, and the kicking and punching action remains much the same throughout


▼ Slow gameplay and lack of control reduce the instant appeal

▼ The game is quite a challenge, but is frustrating to get to grips with and quickly finished once you do!


A brave attempt at a very tricky (and not terribly brilliant) coinop. Ten out of ten for effort - but no thanks...





Choplifter first appeared as a coin-op way back in the early eighties, and only after success in the arcades did it then surface on the eight-bit computers a few years later. The Sega version didn't take to the skies until 1985, so in spite of it's fresh faced good looks this one's a real golden oldie! A wrinkly, in fact.

As you'd expect, the idea is pretty simple: as the best chopper pilot of all time, you have been given the task of rescuing prisoners of war from behind enemy lines. These poor saps are incarcerated in high-security buildings, and are guarded by ground-based guns, missile silos, tanks, ships, planes - you name it, it's there and firing at you!

Starting from the helibase on the far right of the scene, you have to guide the chopper left across the landscape, blasting everything that looks the slightest bit dangerous as you go. Each time you score a direct hit on one of the prisons (which take the shape of buildings, ships and even subs), the prisoners swarm or swim out, and mill around until you land and pick them up. But even while you're on the ground things are still hairy - you only have a few seconds before a tank or ship crawls on screen to take pot shots at you!

As soon as you've picked up a full load, it's just a swift flight back to base to land and let them off. However, your chopper can only hold 16 men in one load, and 40 men have to be rescued before you can move onto the next scene, so it's back in the air, flyboy!

You start with three choppers, and once your last heli has been downed, the mission ends. Not only that, but if you lose 25 or more men (either by being shot down with escapees on board, by accidentally blasting them yourself, or even landing on them) the mission ends, no matter how many choppers you have left.

There are three different scenes to be completed, which appear twice making six missions in all. After a quick zoom over the first, desert landscape, you are then posted to an aircraft carrier for some air-to-sea manoeuvres, and then back on land, where your pilots' skill are tested in the close quarters of a volcanic cave system. Then it's back to the desert again and so on - as long as you survive that long...


Choplifter sure is a feast for your peepers with no fewer than six layers of smooth parallax scrolling for that realistic 3D effect. There's also some neat animation on the hostages and the chopper when it gets hit, hurtling earthwards as a twisted heap of burning metal, and exploding as it hits the ground or splashes into the ocean.

Control over the helicopter is dead tricky, since it flies in a similar(ish) fashion to the real thing, and has some wicked inertia - it'll take a couple of goes just to get the hang of the controls! And even though it looks and sounds quite simple, Choplifter really is a tricky fish. There's no way you can just go speeding in with all guns blazing: if you don't work out some mid-air tactics, or at least a plan of action, you'll just get wasted.

Completing all six missions remains a meaty proposition, and should you manage that, there's still plenty of ammo here for high score freaks, too! So if you like your shoot 'em ups hard but with a touch of class, try giving this old cart' a good home!

(Image captions)

Gosh, that was fun, Binky. I say, who are all those people running about?

Quick! It's okay, guys. If we run to this end of the ship we can... Oh. Someone's nicked the lifeboat! Er. I can't swim, can you?



▲ Superb parallax scroll. Dead smooth and well impressive!

▲ There’s some lovely animation on the 11-pixel-tall prisoners!

▼ The backdrops are very plain and occasionally too colourful

▼ The enemy are too static


▲ Stirring soundtracks help to maintain the offensive (or summat...)

▼ There's only three different tunes

▲ Good chopper blade effect, and some nice explosions

▼ Pity about the bomb and machine gun sounds, though...


▲ The gamepiay is easy, but if you don't plan your strategy, you’ll get nowhere!

▼ It could do with a continue option

▼ You’ve seen one level, you've seen 'em all (well, nearly)


▲ With a tricky control method, ruthless enemies and non-stop action, your gameplaying skills are certainly put to the test here

▲ High speed flying and blasting action is pretty gripping stuff!

▼ With only three visually different scenes, you’ll soon start wishing for some variety


Tough but challenging blaster, which should keep your reactions and trigger finger well exercised!



Do you have any serious problems that you would like to get off your chest? Why not make your feeling known: write to S and spill your guts!

Put pen to paper and send your wibble to Steve J, Scribblings, S magazine, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath Avon, BA1 2AP. (But don't expect a serious reply)..


Please, please would you answer two questions about the BMX event in California Games.

  1. What is a narly wheelie?
  2. What is the difference between a tricksy wheelie and a narly wheelie?

Joe Scarboro, Sidcup

  1. A wheelie with narls on.
  2. A tricksy wheelie doesn't have narls on.



Please could you print the following questions and answer them in your next issue of S:

  1. Is it possible to record Sega games on a video recorder? If so, what equipment do you need??
  2. How many people are there in the Sega company in Japan? You could have a photo of each person who has been involved in making a Sega game and state how long it took to make!
  3. At Christmas time you should add a few more pages to the mag, for example, in C+VG there are more pages including freebies and posters stuck on the mag!! Will you be putting any posters or freebies in the future?
  4. Lastly, in the mag 'C+VG Mega Console Book Volume II' C+VG reviewed Golden Axe on the Master System. They showed a screenshot at the end, I was baffled by it because the barbarian held a sword instead of the golden axe and the writing was different! Why was it different? Was it the Mega Drive version?

P.S. Keep up the good work.

Peter Leung, Luton

  1. Instead of plugging the Sega into the TV, just plug it into the video instead (where the outside aerial lead usually goes). As long as everything is tuned in OK, you will be able to see the game on your Tv and tape it at the same time. You need a video, though. And a telly.
  2. It depends: on Sunday there's nobody there at all. You really want to see programmer's mugshots ?
  3. To see just what we have planned for the Christmas issue, you'll just have to wait and see!
  4. C&VG Mega console book ? (Who he?)



Here are some questions so I'll get started. Is there any way you could convert Spectrum tapes and disks into Sega cartridges and can you get a Green Beret cartridge? Please can you answer my questions.

David Wren, West Sussex

That's a big negatory. There's no way you can simply convert games written for one machine to another. Large pieces of the code would have to be re-written, and all the graphics have to be changed - the Spectrum only has a few colours, not like the whopping great 64 of the Master System! And bad new on the Green Beret front too, I'm afraid, as it isn't a Sega game. How about Rambo, that's similar, as far as I can recall.



My ten year old greatly enjoys your magazine. However, I have a request, would you please publish a glossary of terms. What, for instance, is a pixel? I don't know but perhaps you could help me to answer his questions.

D. H. Sims, Leeds

OK, here goes.

Stands for picture cell, and is the smallest dot on a video screen. The Sega's picture display is made up of 256 horizontal x 192 vertical pixels. Each is a small square, and if you get near the screen, you can pick out separate squares in the background that make up the graphics.
Character block
Although the screen is constructed from individual pixels, it is easier for the Sega if it bunches groups of pixels together and handles them in Character Blocks - square groups of 64 pixels in a block of 8 x 8. Character blocks are used to define the background, that's why they occasionally look 'chunky', where the artist hasn't quite managed to hide the square edge of the characters.
A sprite is a moveable chunk of 64 pixels in an 8x8 block. Sprites are separate from the rest of graphics memory in the Sega, and so they can me moved over backgrounds without smudging them. Highly technical.
This is the effect of moving along a background picture which is actually larger than the screen. As more bits of the background fall off one side of the screen, more bits are added on the other, giving the effect of travelling over a landscape, for example. Parallax Scrolling - Like your normal scrolling, except you have two scrolling areas, one behind the other. The one behind moves slower than the one in front, cunningly mimicking a 3D landscape.

There you are, how's that? Not bad bad for a man who moves his lips when he does mental arithmetic.



I have a Sega Master System and several games. In August I shall go to Brazil and I would like to know if the Sega Master System could be used in Brazil?

Andre T. Guerra, London

I doubt that the Brazilians have PAL TVs, 240V mains power or even three-pin plugs. They probably have special goat-driven Segas or something down south America way. Your best bet is to flog your SMS before you go just to be on the safe side.



I have had my Sega since Christmas. So as you can imagine I was amazed when I came across a sort of slide off bit on the bottom of my Sega. I don't blame you if you don't know what I'm going on about. What I mean is, these slide across things that you take off to put batteries in and out of.

In the booklet it tells you that this is the Extension Compartment please could you fill me in on what it does.

Neil Bunyan, Hereford

We covered this in S1, but we've had lots of people write in worried sick about this! The expansion port is simply an edge connector, similar to the cartridge port, which was included so that you could plug another gadget into the Sega. For instance, you might have been able to plug in a CD ROM (like a laser disc gizmo) or a modem. Unfortunately, Sega have never bothered to release anything to make use of it. Sorry, about that, but them's the breaks.



I really need the answer to this question, so please print my letter as soon as possible. Thanks! And the answer: Can I use US Genesis carts on the official Genesis in Denmark? If so, how much will they cost?

At least you should be able to because one of my friends is playing US cartridges on his 'grey' imported Mega Drive. (Is this a silly question?)

Philip D. Philipsen, Denmark

When the Mega Drive (not Genesis) is released in Denmark, American and Japanese cartridges will not be compatible with it. At the moment, the majority of American and Japanese carts can be used on both the US Genesis machines and the Japanese Mega Drives.



Just some funny things I found out whilst playing some of my friends SEGA games. Rampage: if when you play a two player game when your friend dies and shrinks into a human eat him and watch what you do.

Also, if both players stand right up against the sides of the screens one on one side and one on the other side you can punch him out of the screen and hit the person on the other side.

California Games: Flying Disk. If you throw a perfect pass get your catcher and run to the right hand side and dive just before the disk hits the ground. You run out of the red box and off the screen and come out on the left hand side skateboarding.

If you do a practice and crash three times sometime the screen shakes and there is an earthquake and some of the Hollywood sign falls down.

P.S. As soon as my film is developed you can expect to see some Highscores for Zillion II, Rampage and Double Dragon. Andrew Swinbank, Cleveland

Well, we're sitting here with bated breath this end.



I'll get straight to the point. One day I was packing my Sega system away suddenly. I dropped the adapter on the floor and the earth pin which goes in the socket broke. This is because it's plastic, I don't know if you've noticed that. So, please help me.

Jason G., London

Oops. Yes it is a bit fragile, innit? Well, as far as I know, you can buy replacement power packs directly from Virgin Mastertronic for £6.99. Just write to their mail order department, or give them a call on 071 727 8070.



I compared the thickness of S and an Amiga mag and the Amiga mag turned out to be four times as thick (not as in stupid) as S! So could you please make S thicker, because it takes me about one and a half weeks to read S and I have to wait another one and a half weeks till I can get another mag and read it. So, please make it thicker.

Jamie Garka, Epping

Humph. Look here, a telephone book is thicker than S as well, but it's much less fun to read, has much less about Sega consoles in it, and has about 1000% fewer jokes in it. Well, except the people with names like Szinczesu and Flibblethwaite. I wouldn't try looking up someone's phone number in S, though. You could make your copy of S thicker by dipping it in flour and water paste, although this might make it difficult to read. And by the way, two times one and a half is three, so what do you do for the other week? Compare the thickness of magazines, by the sound of it...



In issue 6 of your mag, in your reply to Darren Smith's letter, you said that you had a pre-pro cart with special level select mode. Please could you explain this in more detail as my friend and I have argued extensively on this subject. Do you get the aforementioned privileges on all carts? Could you please tell me a release date for Gauntlet? And could we please have tips for Golden Axe, Fantasy Zone II and Alex Kidd & the Lost Stars.

Dylan Carminke, Derby

What we meant was that the version we had was not a normal cartridge, but a special pre-production circuit board for design and test of the game. (You can see a little picture of one on page 17 of S8, poking up in the air in front of the monitor.) In it was a special built-in cheat mode to skip levels for testing and screen shots. Is that more detailed? We get to use these as Sega sends them to us to make our life easier when viewing new products, as we can get the shots we need, and also review the game before it's actually out. Gauntlet from US Gold/Sega is out in the Autumn. As for Golden Axe tips, well we've got some this issue, if that's any good to you. Fantasy Zone II and Alex Kidd & the Lost Stars should be in the next couple of issues. You know how it is. So much to do, so little time.



I wonder what that snake does in his spare time. I think skateboarding, skating, skiing or waterskiing.

Paul McDermott, Manchester

How did you guessss.




  1. Is there a cheat for R-Type because I am absolutely rubbish at this game.
  2. Why is your mag called S? Does it stand for Sega?

P.S. Your mag is utterly fab and brill.

Allan Brownie, Aberdeen

  1. Yes. Are you? Oh dear...
    Oh, sorry, you want it now? It’s quite simple. On the countdown screen rotate your joystick in a clockwise direction. This bumps up your credits to a total of 12. Then you must push the start button before the count gets to zero and you're off. Interestingly, if you rotate the stick anti-clockwise, you can demonstrate all the nice tunes in the game to yourself!
  2. Er, yes.

PS. Gee thanks, (blush)



For over a month now I have tried to buy World Soccer for my Sega. I have tried everywhere, from a postal order company to Virgin itself (I got told they ran out at Christmas and have been ordering from Mastertronic ever since). Please could you tell me what's going on!?! I am confused and rapidly losing sanity.

Gaz P H, London

Virgin tell us that as part of their World Cup promotion of Sega Master System plus World Soccer, they have got a lot of fresh stock of the game in. So if you can't get it from your local, try getting it mail order direct from Virgin.



I have bought six games within the last three months and I have finished them all in two months, the games are: Galaxy Force, Spellcaster, Vigilante, Altered Beast, Rambo III and Shinobi. Could you tell me if there is any game available which could prove itself to be a challenge for me?

Steven Todd, West Yorkshire

Wow, that’s a toughie. How about this next suggestion from J Bonwitt... ?



In the May issue of S you said there would not be a Sega game called Neighbours. Well, I think they should put it under family games and if Sega put some effort in to it, it could be quite a good game. With four players, and if you could choose who you were, and some nifty tunes it could be a bestseller!

J. Bonwitt

Yeah, Pin The Tail On Bowser, Sharon or even Henry, or maybe there could be a sort of quiz too, Guess What The Heck The Daniels Corporation Actually Does. I like it! Any budding game designers out there want to put the finishing touches to this obvious best seller...



If you're a sports freak with limited funds, then the 'Great' sport sims could be right in your ballpark. But just how great are they? S cracks open the greatometer and sets the record straight...


Sport sims are pretty much in a field of their own ('field of their own'. Ha ha... oh, please yourselves.), and so we’ve decided to change our usual rating system to suit. If you want a quick summary of the event, cast your eye (or even both of them for correct focus) over the ratings box and you should get a good idea of what you're letting yourself in for!

Just how easy is it to control those fiddly little sprites? Do you have to buy a new power-driven joystick just to get a decent score?
Do the visuals give a good impression of the game? Do you get lots of sprite flicker in

the heat of the action? Or does it look like you've paged the Oracle?

Just a load of ’szch’ and ’frszx’ noises, or is it tuneful and full of atmosphere?
Is this one game that you can’t play unless you have almost digital reflexes?
How much thought will you have to put into the game before you start taking home the trophies? Or can you play it whilst totting up your bank account?
Is it fun for the solo sportsperson? Is it even more fun playing a human partner? Or is it less fun than having your teeth pulled with a bike spanner?


£24.99; 4 players

(Image captions)

Urgh, what's that spot on my shoulder. I think that could be a birdie...

Putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt...

If you're the sort of person that likes the idea of hacking your way around the golf course, but would really prefer to be indoors by the fire, then this could be the game for you. Armchair golf has been a popular pastime ever since video games have been invented. There is a certain appeal to the swish of the club, and the precise angle and stance that sends your ball arcing gently through the sky straight into a bunker. But if you like a game for real men in sta-prest trousers, then here you are.

Play is limited to a one-on-one match play game or a stroke game between up to four people. In the match game, you play by holes: ie, the first one to get their ball down the hole wins that hole and gets a point. The player with the most points by the end of the 18 hole course is the victor. In stroke play, the player with the least total shots taken over the full 18 holes is deemed the winner.

You've only got a small golf bag, (speak for yourself, lovey) which carries just 14 clubs, so you have to choose them with care.

At the first tee, the split screen offers a plan view of the hole, with a 3D view of the course. After each shot this view is updated as you move around the course, giving a realistic 3D simulation of a real golf course.

A plan view of the course is shown on the left, so you can see any major hazards such as bunkers, water, regions of intense radioactivity, that sort of thing. A panel at the top of the screen gives the remaining info on distance, wind speed, time of day, angle of the moon and all that essential guff.

As with most golf games, each shot is made using a number of different menus and controls. The shot itself is dependent upon the type of club, the direction of the ball when it leaves the club head, the stance of the golfer, and the strength of the shot. The only vaguely tricky bit is setting the shot strength, which is accomplished by stopping a moving barmeter. Hit the button to stop the bar, and depending upon how near the top of the meter the bar stops, the stronger the shot. Easy. Well, semi-easy, anyway. Most of the time you get roughly the effect you were looking for, just like the real thing. So hopefully, the ball should fly through the air and land nearer the hole than when you started. And you do the same thing again. And again, until you get on (or at least very near) the green. Then it's out with the putter.

Putting is more of the same only different. Here, you simply check the slope of the green, aim the putter, and let rip when you think the barmeter shows the right strength.


It's easy for golf games to get a bit complex, with all manner of tricky meters and wind speeds and stances and stuff. Great Golf is unburdened by too many twiddles and is a straightforward game of pointing in the direction you want the ball to go and whacking it with the club. Our only real niggles fall mostly into the graphics department, where the animation is not so good. The map is small, and gives you the feeling of looking at the course through a letterbox.



Al the menus are easy to use, and the strength meter is a breeze


Nice 3D view, although the overhead map could be bigger. Animation is weak.


Sampled chipmunk says 'great shot' (how do you sample a chipmunk?), plus the normal jingles and effects.


Just like the real thing, there’s no pressure to think or act quickly at all!


You really have to think ahead and plan each shot if you want to keep under par!


No competition against the Sega, but you can challenge up to four friends for a quick round!


Not much to look at, but a tough cookie to crack and great to play a round with!


£24.99; 2 players

(Image captions)

34, 57, 20, 78, 209, one number than infinity, hut, hut, hut...

Confusion City, first quarter, as a blue player plays his legs instead of the ball

Not the jolly old English game of footy, but the huge shouldered US variety of interest to avid watchers of Channel 4's Sunday night session...

There isn't room here to explain all the ins and outs of this complex and slightly silly sport, but to give you the gist, your team has four attempts to move a lemon shaped football ten yards up the pitch. If you do, you get another four attempts at another ten yards and so on. If you fail, possession of the ball goes to the opposition. Each attempt is called a 'down', and is followed by the amount of yards left to go, so the first attempt is always a '1st down and 10' (for example, if you're on a 4th down and 52, you're in exceedingly deep poo.) You shift the ball around by running with it or by passing just to make it extra tricky, you can only pass forward, once). If the player with the ball manages to cross over into the enemy's end-zone, a 'touch down' is awarded and you gain six points. This is followed by a rugby-style conversion (a kick at goal) for an extra point. If it looks like you won't manage to complete your 4th down, you can always go for a three-point field goal, otherwise you have to 'punt' (an American word meaning 'boot the ball very hard in no particular direction') towards the opposition, giving them possession. And that's it, in a nutshell. Oh yes, and you have to wear big shoulder pads and helmets with cowcatchers on the front, otherwise it's just like a normal sport.

In this fireside version of the game, each 'play' is made by selecting the formation from the nine on offer. A flashing cursor cycles through each play in turn, and you simply press button 2 to choose. The defensive formation remains the same each time.

The screen switches to an overhead view of the pitch, with both teams in the line out. Play begins with the ball being flicked to the offensive quarterback (QB). Depending upon the play called, you will either control the QB and attempt a pass (fire button and joystick pointing vaguely in the direction of one of your catchers), or the ball is passed onto a running back, who you attempt to guide up the pitch before he gets flattened by the enemy.

Meanwhile, the defensive player controls his own QB and guides him round the pitch, either to try and flatten the opposing QB before he can make a pass. You carry on in this way through four, 15 minute quarters and, amazingly enough, the team who has scored the most points when the final whistle blows is the winner.

In the single player game, things are different: the Sega team starts the game with a set score (depending upon which two teams you chose) and you then have one quarter to beat that score, by continually playing offensive moves.


The most unusual aspect of Great Football is the fact that it doesn't have a full-blown one player game to speak of. For solo gamers with no chance of finding a human opponent, this severely lowers its appeal, since you only ever get to practice your offensive plays. It's still fun, but not as long-lasting as some nice, competitive one-on-one combat.

The two player game is pretty decent, but lacks set defensive moves and relies too much on the human-controlled QB to sack/tackle/intercept the offensive play. This is one busy sprite!

With the far-superior American Pro Football only a mere £5 or so further up the price scale, you may have to think quite hard and long about which one to go for in the end. APF offers a very good solo game, is better graphically and has an extra level of complexity. But then again, if you're guaranteed another humanoid to play against, and could put that fiver to better use, (and let's face it, who couldn't?) you won't find Great Football such a big disappointment.



Tedious formation select method, but fairly comfortable hands-on player control


Plain, simple, but clear. Player sprites are neat, but flicker like crazy in line-outs!


Repetitive jingles, but plenty of smart sampled sound effects!


Quick-thinking and quick-moving on the pitch is needed to avoid those painful tackles! (Ouch!)


Plan your attack and you'll soon get your yardage up (oo-er!)


Great two-player action, but the versus the Sega it's not so hot


Not really up to the stiff competition from APF, but well worth a look if the whole family plays, and you’re on a tight budget.


£24.99; 2 players

(Image captions)

Once on the plate, Bob realises that he's got legs like a chicken.

CRACK! The ball sings off the bat. Oof! The pitcher catches it in his mouth.

Now then, here's another minority sport...

Again, you have the choice of playing a human or Sega-shaped player, and before you start, you get to select your team from those in the two main leagues, 'A' or 'N'. (?) Then you get to select your pitchers, their speciality ball (pardon?) and knuckleball (er, pardon?), and set their stamina level.

Both teams alternate between batting and fielding over nine innings, each inning lasting until the batting team have had three men 'out'. Basically you have to hit the ball far enough so the fielding team can't catch it (you're out), throw it the base you’re running to (you're out again), or touch you with the ball (you're out again). If you do manage to run all the way round the bases and return to the home plate you score a whole point (yes, as much as that).

The main screen shows the batter and pitcher. The pitching player gets to choose from four styles of shot (curve left, curve right, fast ball or speciality) by pushing the joystick in one of the four directions while pressing the fire button. The batter tries to hit the ball by wildly swinging his bat in front of him. If he misses, a 'strike' is awarded and the pitcher throws again. Three strikes and yeerrrrrr out!

The fun really starts when you get a successful hit, when the screen switches to an overhead view. This is where the fielders kick into gear, chasing after the ball to pick it up or catch it. The fielding player then tells the fielder which base to throw it to, using the joystick and fire button. You try to catch the ball, fetch it or throw it, and if you can do any of these things you stand a chance to get the batting player totally out.


Great Baseball's graphics are never going to win any prizes for realism or animation, but they're very clear and at least let you know exactly what's going on.

There's very little actual sound except for overall white noise crowd cheer, and the thwack of ball on bat or glove. You do have a few snippets of sampled speech, though, to liven things up. 'Ball', 'safe', 'out' and 'strike' are clear enough, but just what it says when a ball goes out-of-bounds is anybody's guess! Sounds like 'shchischitchisch'. That's a close approximation, anyway.

In between rounds there's an annoying pause while the Sega waits for you to stop fiddling with the joystick and then slaps up a pointless list of the batting team's statistics (if there's a new batter coming to the plate). Stats are boring if you understand them, so what chance do we stand of enjoying them? Other than this it's all rather painless, and adequately - if plainly - handled.

Even though it has been superseded by the newer and more impressive American Baseball, Great Baseball still offers a decent game and is really all most people would want from a baseball sim. If that extra fiver means a lot to you, and you don't mind a no-frills version of the sport, then GB is the one to go for. (Not that baseball players ever wear frills, but you get the idea.)



A little confusing in the heat of the action, but easy to pick up and play. (Put in in the console first tho'.)


Nice and colourful, but with slightly j-j-jerky animation on the pitcher and batter.


Plenty of decent samples, with some adequate tunes.


Timing your shots is everything when your batting, and you have to quick thinking to get the ball to the right base!


Pretty much hit and hope! You get to choose your pitchers and pitching styles though.


Intense two-player action, and the Sega puts up a pretty good fight, too!


Good, playable version of the sport plenty of fun in two-player mode.


£24.99; 2 players

(Image captions)

You serve, and the crowd leaps to its feet... sheer poetry in trackshoes.

Okay guys, its cross the ball time. One of you better find it soon...

This has got to be one of the oddest games to simulate so, of course, Sega were bound to do it. If the world of spikes, dinks and bumps is all Greek to you, then read on. The aim in volleyball is to get the ball over the net and in contact with the opponent's bit of court to win a point, much like in Tennis. The ball is not allowed to bounce. As soon as it hits the deck, it has to be served again - so the aim of the game is to keep the ball aloft and preferably over your opponents side. The game follows the 'service point' ruling, where you have to win a serve first, and then win that serve before gaining a point.

Your team is made up of six players, who's job it is to sprint around the court and attempt to keep the ball in the air by hitting it with their hands or forearms. You can make as many passes, or 'dinks' as they call it, to your own players as you like, but no-one can hit the ball twice in succession.

Before diving right into a game , it might be a good idea to start yourself off gently with a practice session. Here you can get to grips with serving and spiking, while some geezer stands on the sidelines and lets you know when you've fluffed it!

After selecting to play in a friendly game or the world tournament (which in this sim is unfortunately one-player only), both teams scurry on court and take up their positions. During play, you automatically control the player nearest the ball, pressing the button as the ball approaches to make a hit, and pushing the joystick in the direction you want the shot to go. You can also bunch the front three players together and make them jump in unison to block an attack, or set up delayed or dummy attacks - (Hey, pretty technical, huh?).

A good scoring move is to 'spike' the ball by hitting it high in the air, as a set-up for another player, who then jumps up and hits the ball straight down over the net. This is difficult to defend against since you don't know quite where the ball is going and it comes over your side at Mach three! Each match comprises three sets, with the first team to 15 winning the set. And... erm... that's it.


The forced 3D perspective doesn't make things easy to follow - it's best to watch the ball's shadow since the ball doesn’t give a good impression of where on the court that sucker is going to land.

With a lot of sport sims, trying to control more than one player is a pain in the joystick. For instance, if you chase the ball with one player, and the ball reaches another player first, you find the control suddenly switches and you end up pushing the other player away from the ball! The ball movement is generally good, although it does do a strange 'blip' on the way down after a high hit. It'll zoom towards you, then suddenly move off to one side, making you miss it.

Visually, GV is very nice, and it's quite good the way the players look like they're continually panting. Sound is on the whole pretty average, though, with a moronic background tune and some very strange effects.

With a difficult control method and repetitive action, GV isn't really a first choice for anyone wanting a two-player sports sim.



Incredibly tricky at first... and second, and third... The strange perspective takes a while to get used to,


Nicely detailed backdrop (fully animated crowd!) and neat player sprites.


Silly 'bloopy' ball sound, forgettable jingles and white noise crowd roar


If you don't have your wits about you, you're doomed!


There’s a few set pieces to practice and room for some moves of your own


Hot action between two players - but the Sega teams are just too good. (They cheat.)


A difficult and unusual game which is rather overpriced for what you get.


£24.99; 2 players

(Image captions)

Coach! I can't keep playing, I've got this big white arrow in my head!

Dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba...

Anyone who's wanted to join the Harlem Globetrotters but is only four feet tall should welcome this chance to dribble in public. Great Basketball is the Great series' contribution to the art of a bunch of very tall men running round in shorts putting a big orange ball into nets. It's netball for real men, essentially.

If you've never even heard of the game, all you have to do is get your ball into the basket guarded by the opposition. The ball is moved around by continually bouncing it, although you can also pass to other members of your team. Simple.

Before beginning, you have the option of having a straightforward one-on-one game between you and a chum, or entering the World Championship against seven other computer teams.To win you have to beat all the opposition; lose two games and you're out. Pick your preferred nationality, and it's straight to the game. First you go into the face-off, where two team members face each other in the centre of the court as the ref throws the ball into the air. Both players have to jump and try and tip the ball to one of their own team. The player who gets the ball immediately comes under your control and can be guided around the court. If you go for a pass, the ball is automatically thrown to the player with a white arrow floating above his head.

If the opposition are on the offensive, you can try a tackle by running up to the player with the ball, stealing it, then running away again. if you get the timing right, you should come away with the ball.

Each match is split, just like the real thing, into two three-minute halves, (er, or is that three two minute halves..? No, don't be silly, how you have three halves?!?) with a performance by the cheerleaders at half time!


Great Basketball is really a simplified version of Basketball Nightmare. This isn't really an enormous drawback, since it keeps things nice and simple and you get a much faster game. Where the Nightmare game suffered from trying to be too clever, GB is really very nice and easy to play, and has a very high 'sit down and do it right now' factor.

Your team mates are a bunch of dimwits, because they don't ever tackle the opposition - you always have to do that yourself - and they very rarely get possession of a free ball.

Graphically, Great Basketball is still in the stone age, with titchy sprites, poor animation, plain backgrounds (there's no excuse for this) and no real frills.

Play gets very confusing with all the little players start milling around together, you can't tell where you are. The tackle is also annoyingly tricky: you can only attempt a clean tackle when you're directly facing the opposition, and it's very difficult not to keep fouling them.

Despite all these little niggles, GB offers a keen game of basketball - especially against a chum - and is more than adequate for a quick and easy game! Obviously you get a much better game in two player mode, but the Sega doesn't cheat too much so you still get a good game even if your buddies are all out doing something more interesting, (sob!)



Tackling is too difficult, although passing and shooting are a doddle


A dead audience, mutant cheerleaders, stiff player animation and a wild perspective on the court!


Average sampled speech, but a frenetic soundtrack add to the swiftly-paced action


It's a fast non-stop game, so you gotta be quick to stay on top!


Run around, pass and shoot - not much to it, really...


Challenge a mate, or play the Sega - it’s pretty good fun either way!


Basketball - but that’s all. One bell, half a whistle and nothing else. Neatly done and fun to play.



S goes to the recent megadocious Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, especially to see what Sega has in store for us all in the next few years.

In May/June all roads lead to Chicago USA, at least they do if you’re a buyer or seller of anything electronic. The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest beanfeast of electronic gizmos you can find and takes place twice a year, once in Chicago and once in Las Vegas. There you can find all the computer, game, toy and household appliance manufacturers beating eachother’s gums in with their new, bigger and even more whizz-bang products. And so you also find Sega showing their new products for the next year as well, which is what we were doing there.


The much larger than expected Sega stand stood proudly in one of the main halls, and considering some of the heavyweights which surrounded it, it was, (as American firms are alloed to) giving as good as it got. "Genesis Does What Nintendo Don’t" it parped from an mega-enormous backlit display on the side of the stand. As well as a wedge of new products for the Master System, the Master System II was launched, as well as the new range of stuff for the Genesis console. Sega were keen to show racks full of Genesis and Master System cartridges, almost as if to prove that there’s a whole pile of software for the machine. (Actually Sega games are ’firmware’ but you techie types know what we mean, don’t you.)

(Image caption) The Sega stand's short “history" of video games, implying that all the machines including the Atari VCS console and the Nintendo NES, are history!

(Image caption) Sega USA show their modesty over the Genesis console. Well that says it all really, doesn't it?


In the hardware stakes the range looks very impressive. The Genesis was very prominent, unsurprisingly, with not only a new joystick, called the Power Stick, but also the Power Base Converter device which lets you use your Master System games on the 16 bit wonder. On the Master System front, the Master System II was there too, a sexy new Master System with a new case, a single joystick port, no card slot (horrors!) and a built-in version of the excellent Alex Kidd in Miracle World. This presumably will work in the same way as the Snail Maze game built into standard Master System Power Base units. The rational behind trashing the card slot is that, obviously, they're not making card based games anymore, so no need for the slot. How this affects the 3D Glasses (which draw their power from the slot) is anybody's guess. Perhaps they're dropping them too! Or maybe they'll bring out a new version of the specs with a different method of plugging into the Sega. Along with the Master System II, Sega also previewed a dozen or so new game titles, some of which only existed at the time as a title screen.

(Image caption) The new Master System II was prominent too, including a new range of games...

(Image caption) ...but the Genesis, with new games and Power Stick, stole the show.


(Image captions)

Herzog Zwei on the Genesis, a fast blastin' tour de force. Pilot your jet to attack the space forts. (Do it!}

Zoom on the Genesis, showing you one of the 36 levels of frenetic action that await you as you escape from the evil Angleheads and Wily Worms!

Phantasy Star II on the Genesis. Some chick with four arms and big wavy lines for hair has popped out of the sea... She's got a mission for you guys, and you'd better listen to her or she'll turn you into a pair of trousers. (Eh?)

Moonwalker on Genesis. Dugga dugga... You know ah'm Bad, ah'm Bad, ya know it, Aaooooowwww!

There were a whole mass of new games for both the Master System and the Genesis at the show, from both Sega and third party developers. Obviously quite a few of these won't be licensed for use in the UK, but you never know. Deals may be struck in future which allow such games to be used on a UK system.

The 8 bit titles were almost all conversions of 16 bit Genesis games, with very few exceptions. E-Swat is what the guys on the stand called "a shooter", which we can only assume is American for a shoot'em up. It's a creditable version of the arcade machine, but not as good as the 16 bit version. Paperboy was excellent in both versions, and had all the things that the arcade machine had. Impossible Mission and Super Monaco GP are conversions too, with GP being the best looking, best driving game for the 16 bit machine. Joe Montana Football is another new game on both machines, but only 2 screens were up and running at the show, so hard to tell how good it is. Dick Tracy was there too, but once again only the title screen and a couple of screens were in evidence. The levels shown were a shooting game, similar in style to the 8 bit game, Dead Angle. You push a cursor around the screen and shoot anything then that moves, and a few things that don't. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker was there for both types of console,too, looking very good on both machines. If the quality of the finished product is as good as the demo version, this will be a big hit, even though the film on which it's based is now getting slightly faded. Also on show was a mention of an 8 bit version of the Genesis game Ghouls'N'Ghosts, although no actual screens were present. Strider was present as a title screen only on the 8 bit, but the 16 bit version (all 6 lovely megs of it) was totally awesome, and so like the arcade machine as to be uncanny. One of the biggest hits of the show was Mickey Mouse, which although the 8 bit wasn't available, the 16 bit was and was excellent. The graphics show Mickey going through backgrounds like toy soldiers and walking brooms etc. The graphics were the best we've ever seen the sounds were digitised from Disney cartoons and of course they were brilliant; Disney kept a close watch on the game, having total control on how it looked and sounded. One to watch for, that. Another one to watch very closely for is the 8 and 16 bit versions of Columns, a strategy cart a bit like the old Tetris game. This is the biggest thing in Japan at the moment, as we were told later by a man who’d just come back from Tokyo, and every arcade has a queue of people waiting to play it. Basically you have the falling blocks, but you can change the colours of them as they fall, as well as their position, and you must make lines of colours at the bottom. It's a simple game which gets hard very quickly, but never lets you go, it's so addictive.

Other showstoppers were Cyberball, a brilliant new version of Ghostbusters, Spiderman, Wrestle War and Vermillion. Ghostbusters is a very cute game, and another possible chart topper over here, we suspect, with lots of nice touches, like when you walk past a table and the tablecloth zooms off and becomes a white ghost! Big news, though, was Vermillion, a 6 meg game where you collect a party and fight your way across screens of beautiful graphics. It's like a sort of Ultima with more modern graphics, basically. Wonderful stuff.


(Image caption) Promoting endorsed Sega goods at the show, pro football player Joey Montana, and wacko Michael Jackson. (Aoow!)


One of the most surprising things about the show were the absolute jillions of third party developers there were, with big titles from Activision, Intev, Conneko Seisekusho, Micronet USA, Namco, New Vision Entertainment, Razorsoft, Sizemic, Technosoft, Tengen, Treco and Electronic Arts (to name but a few) all showing excellent products due out for the next two years. Yes, they're all a long way off it seems, but it's very interesting that such products as Klax, Roadblasters, Atomic Robo Kid (brilliant game that), Zany Golf and Budokan are being written for the Megadrive and Master System very soon. Who knows, in the very near future such triff carts could be freely available over here too! (We can’t wait!) But don't hold your breath... Original titles are taking their time to come out, but smart third party folks are converting Japanese games for the systems, thereby cutting out the design process and saving months of time. We will keep you informed of any further developments...



Send in your FREE small ad form to: Small Ads, S magazine, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon BA1 2AP.


For sale, Sega Master System including lightgun, control pad, joystick. Altered Beast, Shinobi, Rambo III and five more games for £200, please ring 051 424 0216 and ask for Raymond between 7.30pm and 9.00pm.

Master System and rapid fire unit, 8 top games Wonderboy 3, American Pro Football and Psycho Fox £120 ONO. Tel 081 647 7355 ask for Adam.

For sale, Altered Beast, Space Harrier, Alex Kidd Miracle World only £15 each or swap for: R-Type, Galaxy Force, Afterburner, Power Strike, Vigilante, Wonderboy, Secret Command or Scramble Spirits. (061) 969 4094.

Sega Master system, 3 months old. Five games inc. Psycho Fox, Golden Axe £120 ONO. Phone Ben Gorcen 748 1592 weekend only or 77 Riverview Gardens. SW13.

Psycho Fox, Dynamite Dux, Golvellius, Power Strike, American Baseball, California Games £15 each or £75 the lot. All as new. Emma Broxup, Dalbeattie House, Oaky Balks, Alnwick, N'Land NE66 2QD.

For sale six Sega Games including Rampage, Wonderboy II £15 each Sega Master system two games, light phaser and sega control stick all for £90 ONO. Tel Lichfield, Staff 415674.

Master system for sale: Two control pads, joystick, fifteen games, including Pro Football, Golden Axe, Psycho Fox, all excellent condition. Worth £460 will sell for £275 ONO. Tel: (0443) 774484.

Master system only 2 months old 6 games inc. Wonderboy, Basketball, Knightmare and Alex Kidd worth £230 sell for £130 phone London 291 0893. Ask for Phil.

Commodore 64 for sale inc £100 worth of games, joystick price £100. Phone Rugby 890986.

Sega Master system, one joystick five games, American Pro Football, Shinobi, Black Belt, California games, Wonderboy III. Price £120 tel: Bristol 771217.

For sale Sega Master system 2 controller pads, 5 good games including Psycho Fox only 4 months old worth £!92 sell for £139 call Luke after 4pm. Leics 0509 230859.

ZX Spectrum 48K+ with joystick and interface and cassette recorder with over 100 games, in good condition, hardly used. £150 ono. Phone Daniel on 0753 867160 after 4pm, if interested.

For sale: Double Dragon, Galaxy Force, Rambo III and American Pro Football. Real price: £100 worth, will sell £80 or £20 each. Call Robert on (0234) 854074 after 5pm.

For sale Psycho Fox, mint condition £20, Great Golf, £15, Astro Warrior/PIT POT. £14, or whole lot for £70 phone (0740) 651269 after 4.00pm.

New games for sale including Rocky, Golf, Bomber Raid or swap for Tennis Ace, Spell Caster. Phone Steve 0950 72338 Biggin Hill Kent.

For sale Rambo III, Super Tennis and Ghosthouse all hardly used with box and instructions £20, £5, £5 consecutively. Call Dave any evening on 0753 694137.

Selling light phaser + Clay Shooting compilation and Gangster Town for £30 if interested phone Neil after 4pm 0268 753105.

I am selling 7 great sega games, Black Belt, Power Strike, Altered Beast, Basketball Knightmare, Out Run, Rastan all for £15 each. Tel: 0635 64131.

Spy Vs Spy for £12.00 usual price. £17.99 as good as new. Call Christopher on 051 645 7272 on weekdays after 4.30pm before 5.30pm. Wirral 645 7272.

Three Sega Games for sale. Spell Caster, Basketball Nightmare, Black Belt. Will accept £35 for all three or will split at £15 each. Ring James on Bradford 600049 anytime.

For sale Wonderboy in Monsterland £15 ONO all boxed in mint condition tel: (0562) 60642 ask for Siv or write: 7 Beaufort Ave, Ferndale Kidderminster, Worcs DY11 5NH.

Master system plus 11 games including Golden Axe California games Spellcaster, etc. ( 2 built in ). Light phaser worth £370 but sell for £250 write to: 84 Shaftesbury Avenue, South Harrow Middlesex.

Sega Master system in good condition worth £223.69 sell for £75 with Vigilante Afterburner, Rampage, Wonderboy, Hang on Black Belt, Rambo also Sega mags for £10 1-13 when all out! Adrian Lancs 720335.

I will sell Captain Silver and Kung Fu Kid for £10 each. Or I will swap Rastan for Y's phone 0726 67742 Ben Addison 2 Trembear Road, St. Austell Cornwall.

Two cool games for sale My Hero £15.00, Shinobi £20.00. Great value all boxed my address 7 Burnley Hill Terrace, Shelf, Halifax West Yorkshire HX3 7LQ. My names Andrew age 13.

For sale Wonderboy, Wonderboy 2, Shinobi Great Basketball, Thunderblade, Double Dragon, Afterburner, Hang On + Astro Warrior £15 each ono Tel: 07241 858092. Ask for Richard.

For sale Alex Kidd Lost Stars, Rampage, Thunderblade, Secret Command. Quartet £13 each or swap for Psycho fox, Alex Kid Miracle World, Wonderboy in Monster Land. 0698 832491.

For sale: Double Dragon, Psycho Fox and Dynamite Dux. £15.00 each. All in excellent condition. Ring - 0845 537 208 and ask for Ryan.

Sega games including: Afterburner, £12, Thunder Blade £12, Kings Quest £20, American Pro Football £12, Space Harrier £12 or all £75 all boxed with instructions call 081 654 8950,

Sega light phaser £20 + Combo Cartridge £12,Gangster Town £10 or the lot for £37 call 081 654 8950 Croydon.

For sale: Spectrum + 3 disk drive, 31 games, joystick and cassette lead. £180 ono Sega, Light Phaser, Joystick, 11 games £210 ONO Both together £340 ONO Tel: 081 423 6003.

Master System, RFU, joystick, for sale + 7 games including California games, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Captain Silver, Great Football £160 ONO phone (0252) 870048 4-5pm quick sale. Camberly 870048.

Phantasy Star £22, Lord Of The Sword £15, Miracle Warriors £19, phone 0908 583318 after 7pm. Ask for Tarquin.

Master Systezm (boxed), Quickshot controller, Rapid Fire, 13 games, including, W13III, R-Type, Golden Axe, Y’s, Phantasy Star, Cal-games, will sell separately ring (0282) 865391 ask for Michael after 4pm. £220 ono.

Master System and control stick +6 games, Miracle Warriors, Double Dragon, Altered Beast, World Soccer, Rastan, and Rampage £100 good deal contact Joe on 0536 373364.

Sinclair Magnum light phaser and over 120 games for the Spectrum £28 or will swap for 1 of the following Sega games; Shinobi, Kenseiden, Golden Axe, Vigilante, Altered Beast, SpellCaster. Guiseley 74148.

Sega 3D glasses and Space Harrier 3D game, 3 months old, excellent condition. 3D glasses £25 and Space Harrier 3D £15 or both £35. Please ring Philip 0904 760459.

Sega game for sale Super Tennis £10 or I will swap it for Black Belt phone Birmingham, 326 6762 ask for Junior.

For sale Golden Axe £18, Great Volleyball, R-Type, Scramble Spirits £15. Call 0740 20962 ask for Karl. Ring between 6pm and 7pm. Also wanted, World Soccer, pay £10-£15.

Sega games, mags, etc for sale. Even no. One of S. Send a SAE to Ant, 126 Kings Cote, Yate, Bristol BS17 4YG for my grand list of Sega Stuff. Now.

For sale Altered Beast and Cyborg Hunter £18 each or swap for most decent games. Please ring 0740 20343 between 6-7pm and ask for Andrew.

Sega master system light phaser, Rapid fire unit, all boxed 34 games. Golden Axe + others £400 Kevin Buck 69 Tilbury Road, Thorney Road, Thorney Close, Sunderland Tyne +Wear SR3 4LY.

Mega drive 'curse' for sale horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up. Mint condition. Sell for £20. Phone: 081 399 0134 and ask for Ray.

Spectrum 128+2A for sale £400+ of software. Interface, Multiface 3, Mouse Package inc. software kempston mouse interface. Sell for £200 ono. Tel: 0706 55929.

For sale T/bot £8, Choplifter £14. May consider swapping tel Allan 0488 771962 4pm to 6pm not wed or thurs.

Sega console for sale with 18 games 1 control pad + 1 joystick £200 tel 530070 includes good titles like Afterburner, Shinobi, Zillion 2, OutRun, Space Harrier, Wonderboy and more. Tel: 0484 530070.

Sale/Golvellius £15 ONO Also Monopoly £5 or will swap both for California Games. If interested call Rob on 090 565441 after 5pm or at weekend tel: 0909 565 441.

Atari 520 STFM for sale with over 50 games 2 joysticks excellent condition worth around £1000 sell for £250 ono. Phone 081 950 7895 for details.

For sale Sega master system 7 games RFU light phaser. Games include Outrun, Miracle Warriors, Kenseiden etc will sell for £180 ONO tel Mark 0282 861696.

Boxed Sega with joypads + Space Age control. Light gun 8 games including Rambo III, Rambo III, Rampage. Sell for £150 - £200. Phone Terry on 081 508 2564.


I will swap R-Type or Double Dragon for Wonderboy I, II or III, or Golden Axe phone Mark on (0625) 525212.

Please could someone with a light phaser or 3D glasses swap with two of my games or I will buy for £15 each phone for Scott 0480 459575.

I will swap Out-Run , Casino games, California Games, Afterburner, Thunderblade and Zillion II for almost any other Sega game of two for light gun. Phone Scott 0480 459575.

Please could someone swap any light phaser or 3D games with me or I will buy for £15 to £20 phone 0480 459575 and ask for Scott for Sega list.

I will swap my Ghosthouse and one of the following for Psycho Fox, Rastan, R-Type, Penguin Land, Vigilante, After Burner, Time Soldiers, Secret Command tel: Sue on 0252 624656.

I will swap Altered Beast or Wonderboy III for Golden Axe or Vigilante. Contact Danny - 27 Fernwood Drive, Leek, Staffs ST13 8JA. Tel: 0538 381088 after 5pm.

I will swap my Alex Kidd I, Space Harrier, Wonderboy in Monsterland for either R-Type, Golden Axe or Psycho Fox if interested phone 0926 422289 and ask for Neil thanks.

I'll swap my Spellcaster for your Psychg Fox or Golden Axe, phone Nick at: 01 445 3539.

I will swap my light gun for Wonderboy in Monsterland and any other decent game. And anyone selling games send me your list. Phone 051 424 8447.

I'll swap my Spy Vs Spy card game for My Hero (must be on card) contact Steve on Coventry (0203) 467845 after 4pm.

I will swap my Great Golf, Gangster Town, Space Harrier, Rescue Mission, Rampage for Ghost Busters, Golvellius, Wonderboy 1, one Double Dragon ring Jamie on 0255 861447.

Wanted urgently Captain Silver! Will swap for Galaxy Force, Out Run, Ghostbusters or Cyborg Hunter. Write to John Paul Fitzpatrick, 8 Sidney Street, Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland KA21 5DD.

Will swap Mega Drive Alex Kidd + cash for Tetris. Also PC Engine Legendary Axe, Monsterpath, + Drunken Master for Final Lap, Chan & Chan and Motor Roader. Respectively. Tel: 0602 612 713 after 6.30pm.

Will swap Golden Axe or Wonderboy III for Cloud Master, Enduro Racer or Dynamite Duck! Phone (after 6.00pm) 071 381 0646.

Swap R-Type, Fantasy-Zone II, Thunderblade, AfterBurner, Choplifter, Shinobi for:- Y's, Spellcaster, Golden Axe, Phantasy Star, Pro football, or Wonderboy III call Time on 0260 278927.

Swap Global Defense for Rocky, Basketball Knightmare, Psycho Fox, Slap Shot or Wonderboy III. Must be in good condition ring Darren on (0793) 876291 after 6pm.

Will swap Rampage, Shinobi, Double Dragon, Space Harrier, Rocky, Afterburner, Ghostbusters for Rastan, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Wonderboy 3, Psycho Fox, California games. Contact STE on 0254 57404.

I will swap Double Dragon for Shinobi, if interested call Richard on 021 429 9412. Or write to : Richard Fox, 44 Harborne Road, Oldbury, Warly West, Midlands. B68 9JB.

To swap: After Burner or Fantasy Zone II for almost any other game, (eg. Rastan, Psycho Fox etc.) Phone Robert on 081 952 1580.

Will swap: Kenseiden, Y's, Astro Warrior and Spellcaster for: Afterburner, Time Soldiers, Poseiden Wars, Thunderblade. Contact Jim on Bath 423205.

Will swap Out Run 3D, with 2D mode for your Vigilante also Kung Fu Kid. For my Hero also Choplifter for R-Type please phone BAZ at anytime on (0229) 812921.

I will swap Psycho Fox for any new game. I will also swap Bomber Raid for any newish game. Call Robert on Cardiff 790 797.

Will swap Rocky and F16 for Great Golf, Rastan, Lord of Sword, Turbo Out Run. Phone 0705 371728 evenings or W/Ends.

I'll swap either Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Time Soldiers or Astro Warrior for R-Type, Golden Axe, Wonderboy I, Space Harrier, Tennis Ace, Psycho Fox, Rastan. Tel Bolton (0942)818645.

Swap my F-16, Zillion, OutRun Thuderblade for Galaxy Force, Psycho Fox, Rambo 3, Golden Axe or any good games not 3D phone Steven on (0942) 261350 after 4.30pm.

Wanted desperately! R-Type will buy or consider part exchange or swap with Rambo 3. Contact Trevor on (0273) 77153 between 8.30pm and 9.30pm please!

To swap. Altered Beast, After Burner and Galaxy Force for Wonderboy III, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Spellcaster, Basketball Nightmare or California games. Call 081 894 7462 after 4pm. And ask for Sam.

Swaps! Will swap WonderBoy, Fantasy Zone II, Rastan, Great Golf, Afterburner, Zillion (I, Time Soldiers, Basketball Nightmare for Wonderboy III, Psycho Fox, Golden Axe or other good games. Phone Ross on (0276) 681931. Camberly.

I will swap Afterburner, Great Baseball for Rocky, Pro Wrestling, Out Run, Bomber Raid or any game considered. Phone 091 3856214.

I will swap my Altered Beast (excellent condition) for Double Dragon, Wonderboy in Monsterland or Great Basketball. Must be in good condition. Phone 0224 71372. After 4.30pm ask for Allan.

Swap Afterburner and Cyborg Hunter for Wonderboy III or Action Fighter. Will swap separately. Tel (0224) 316142 ask for David or Ben call between 4 and 7 on weekdays.

I will swap Secret Command for Rastan, Rampage or California games. Please phone Benji on (0843) 588426 in good condition.

I will swap my Rastan for World Soccer or Wonderboy Two. Call Calvin on 0238 532204 after 4.00.

I will swap F-16 for almost any game especially Space Harrier. Phone 363405 or contact Paul Isaac. 12, Bretton Close, Abbey Rise, Leicester.

Help does anyone want to swap my Miracle Warriors for Wonderboy I, California games or Golden Axe (Psycho Fox and Dynamite Dux also considered) Out Run also. Phone Christian (0829) 260542.

Will swap Wonderboy 3, Golvellius, Choplifter and Shinobi for Dynamite Dux, Wonderboy 1 or 2 or Captain Silver. Phone Steven (0532) 630239. Anytime after 5pm.

Wanted Spy Vs Spy, California Games, Rampage, Alex Kidd, Miracle World etc. Will swap my Secret Command, Poseidon Wars. Kenseiden or cash, rather swap. Phone John 0274 560172.

Wanted Golden Axe or R-Type will swap for either Rastan or Thunderblade. Phone after 6pm.

Will swap Psycho Fox, Cloudmaster, WBIII, Time Soldiers, any of these for Pro Wrestling, Rampage, Rastan, Fantasy Zone II, Scramble Spirits, Power Strike. 01 361 9725.

Swap P/Fox, Monopoly. Golden Axe, SpellCaster, Rastan, Cyborg Hunter, Wonderboy III for G/Force, T/Blade, Kenseiden, World Soccer, V’s, Miracle Warriors, California Games, Dead Angle, Wonderboy lli. 071 794 0484.

I will swap Secret Command for Double Dragon, Shinobi, R-Type good platform game call Chris on 0493 661599.

Wanted Desperately! Wonderboy 2, will swap for Double Dragon or Altered Beast, I will also chuck in a silver ring: 074575 428 be quick and ask for James.

If anyone wants to swap Miracle Warriors or Fantasy Star for Choplifter + Double Dragon. Please phone 021 422 1201 after 5pm.

I'll swap my Dynamite Dux or Altered Beast for Tennis Axe or Zillion II. If so contact Mark on 0268 690186 after 5.30pm.

Wanted: Golden Axe, Wonderboy 3, World Games, Basketball Nightmare. Out Run, Monopoly. Y's, Vigilante, for any of my games Tel: 587 358 (0782). After 5pm. Ask for Amir and we'll negotiate.

I will swap my F-16 Fighter for almost any other games phone (0625) 312449 only after school at about 4.00 to 7.00 (ask to speak to Richard Proffitt.

I would like to swap Afterburner or Action Fighter for almost any game phone Paul at 0505 75575 during the week between 4.10 and 6.00.

I want to swap my Ghosthouse and My Hero for Pro Wrestling. Phone Daz on 0925 754339.

I would like to swap Double Dragon or Fantasy Zone two for Phantasy Star, Captain Silver or Alex Kid in Miracle World. PHone 0268 728353 after 5.00pm.

Will swap my World Soccer, Monopoly, Penguin Land, Pro Football, Psycho Fox for Dynamite Dux, California Games, Cyborg Hunter tel: Alan 071 252 3395.


Wanted one copy of issue one of S. Magazine in good cond. Richard Loughborough 16 Holt St. Hartlepool TS24 7QL.

Wanted! Phantasy Star and Cyborg Hunter boxed with instructions phone Ryan after 4pm on 0698 386055.

Has anyone got California games I will pay £10 to £15 for it phone Daniel on 0442 57981.

Wanted Altered Beast, Black Belt or Zillion. I will pay £5 to £15 please phone Wesley. Burntwood 3106.

Wanted any Sega games pay £10 to £20 preferably Golden Axe, Altered Beast R-Type, Vigilante, Rocky, Miracle Warriors, California games Cloud Master, Global Defense, Lord of the Sword, Rastan and more tel: 081 886 0995.

Wanted, Phantasy Star will pay up to £20. Must be in good condition with box and instructions. Phone Daze on 061 432 8352 or write to 26 Funsbury Road, Reddish, Stockport.

Wanted World Soccer, Y's Vanished Omens, R-Type, Wonderboy in MonsterLand. Will pay £5 to £15. Contact Paul on (061) 652 6552. After 4pm. School days.

Wanted: Cheap Sega Handle Controller (Steering wheel) pay £20. Please contact Rob on (0272) 735692 after 4.30pm Also wanted R-Type, will swap for Afterburner or buy for around £10.

Wanted: Rampage £10.00, Outrun -£12.50, Golden Axe £15, R-Type £15, Will pay up to £5 for a rapid fire unit. Also wanting cheap light phaser . Tel: 084 94 72541. Co. Antrim.

Wanted: Issue 1 of S, must be in good condition will pay £1.50. Phone 0269 82395 and ask for Dafydd.

I need Basketball Knightmare, Phantasy Star, Y's, or Spellcaster willing to swap for Double Dragon, R-Type, Miracle Warriors or California games call Paul on 061 794 8879 only Tues, Thurs, after 4.00pm.

Wanted: World Soccer and Double Dragon - Up to £15 for each contact David on 0745 582840 after 4pm.

Wanted Amiga or Atari ST. Will swap for Sega system with 13 new released games, 2 control pads, 2 auto fire joysticks and some money. Ring Kevin (051)638 4903.

Has anyone got Psycho Fox if so contact Cato Hoeben 32 Highbury Place London N5 Tel: 071 359 4564 I will pay £15.

Wanted Space Harrier, Golvellius, Tennis Ace, Psycho Fox, Great Ice Hockey ro Dynamite Dux, going cheap with box and instructions phone Andrew (Wigan 0942) 492830.

Wanted Rastan, Afterburner, Space Harrier, Choplifter, Rampage, Wonderboy, Altered Beast and Captain Silver will pay £10-15. Contact Lee on 0442 890581 Tring Herts after 4pm. Also wanted Ghostbusters.

Wanted Rampage or World Soccer will pay up to £12, does need to be in tip top condition phone Paul on (0788) 72040 call between 5pm and 9pm.

Has anyone got Power Strike or Psycho Fox will swap for Dynamite Dux or Galaxy force contact Martin at 3 Buckingham House, Turves Green Northfield Birmingham B31 4BU.

Wanted: Any three good games I have Zillion, Vigilante and my hero, send lists of games to: Craig Fox 132 Newbridge Lane, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshore S41 9JA.

Wanted Issue S mag or just full players guide to Y's the Vanished Omens phone Mark 0229 470437.

Wanted S Magazine 1 to 6, willing to pay £7 if in mint condition. If interested ring 0484 512751 and ask for Darren.

I would like to hear from anyone who can get Wonderboy on Monsterland for £10 please call me on 091 2647665. Thanks & ask for Tony.

Sega Master System and Mega drive games wanted. Pay between £5.00 to £15.00 per game. Telephone 081 890 9744 or write to g. Schofield, 15 Beech Road, Bedfont, Middlesex, TW14 8AH. User groups get in touch.

Wanted W1 and W2. Swap for Rastan as Golvellius or buy up to £16 each if interested phone Matthew after 5.30pm on 01 720 8969 or write to 45 Warriver Gardens. SW11 4EA London.

Wanted Psycho Fox and Power Strike. Also any other good Sega Games. Phone 081 518 1359. After 4.00pm. Please and ask for Robert.

Wanted £5 and £8 carts or cards if you've got any write to Ryan Jones, 25 Ascot Drive, Atherton, Manchester, M29 9LH, ring (0942) 876044.

Wanted Good Games. Between £10 & £15 write to A. Newcome 262 Park Road, Loughborough Leics LE11 2HL.

I will swap my Shinobi for Spy Vs Spy, maybe Transbot or Psycho Fox if so ring Less Daffin 025 477918 after 4.30pm.

I will swap my Wonderboy III for either Cyborg Hunter, Altered Beast or Phantasy Star if so ring Lee Daffin 0256 477918 B/Stoke after 4.30pm.

For swaps Y's, Golvellius or Astro Warrior. For any other good games. Phone 0634 35277 ask for Robert. Write to Robert Abrahams 9 Dixwell Close. Parkwood, Rainham, Gillingham, Kent ME6 9RB.

Console magazine the ultimate fanzine for new gamers. Send £1 to Onn Lee 125 Arnold Road, Bestwood Estate, Nottingham NG5 5HR. For latest issue. PC Engine, Mega drive, Lynx, Gameboy etc.

Thanks to Alan+Edward for sending in Wonderboy 2 S Map because it has driven me up the wall till now, I've only in the last few months become an "S” Reader "Thanks". Tom Jones (not the singer).


Hi I'm Neal I want a penpal 13 to 14. I like WWF Wrestling (my favourite is Brutus Beefcake) I like guns and roses. Write: Neal Cooke, 90 Combe Ave, London SE3 7PX.

I am 13 years old, I own a Sega and 5 games. Like American Wrestling and Pop Music, my name is Darren. Contact 15 Bishops Avenue, Worcester. Tel: 21309.

Yo! I'd like to swap tips with you, yes you! My array of games inc. Golden Axe, R-Type, Gangster Town, Captain Silver many more.Tel: Daniel. 02575 3367.

Yo! My name Paul dudes. I am into Segas and swap tips. Write to 22 Grove Road, Pontardawe Swansea. South Wales SA4 4HH. Ok! cool dudes so write.

Please could you send me maps for i levels 7,8 and 9 on Wonderboy in Monsterland. Thanks please send to Rikki McGovern 70 Menzieshill Road, Dundee, Scotland DD2 1PU.


Has anyone got any tips on Cloudmaster, if you have please contact Kevin Yates on 0442 67594.

On Alex Kidd: High World how do you get the eight piece to complete the map. Please phone 0787 70072.

Help wanted on Y’s I am totally stuck also how do you get continue on Thunderblade please write to Clair McKenzie 6, Kines Crescent West Great Boughton Chester CH3 5TQ.

Please could you help me with Miracle warriors as I am stuck I can not find two of the three keys, Help Me! Tel Simon 021 354 1169.

I need help on Phantasy Star on where is the exact place the hovercraft is. Also how to get to Dezoris and the exact location of Ice Digger Tel: Jonathon 0734 429194.

How do I get past the eye in the cube in Fantasy Zone II. Also where is the Lobster that needs killing for super talisman in Kung Fu Kid. Tel: Colin 081 502 3122.

Help: Does anybody know where the Blue necklace is in Y's call Brian on 748 5415 after 8pm Mon-Fri thanks.

Anybody knows how to continue on W3 after being mouse man (You are Piranha Man) I just can't pass this stage. Contact quickly Matthew on 01 7208969.

This is some advice on Golden Axe don't use your power when the enemies are on the floor. Ross.

On Double Dragon on the final stage do 10 jumping kicks and you will get infinite continues - tip form K J Kool Lincoln


When you buy one of these top Sega games!

Incredible offer, Sega lovers. Buy any one of these amazing Sega games and you pick up a six-month subscription to S magazine worth £7.50 absolutely free of charge! Or buy two and you can have a full 12-issue subscription for nothing!

These games are probably the best Sega titles released in the last few months. If you haven't got them you’re missing out on some heart-pounding action.

By picking up a free sub to S at the same time you can score one of the deals of the decade!








Regrettably, this offer is only open to residents of the U.K. Overseas subscriptions are available for 12 issues at the following rates: Europe - airmail £29.95, surface mail £20.50. America - airmail £54.95, surface mail £20.50.

Health warning

The mag team and Future Publishing cannot be held responsible for any internal physical damage incurred through over-excitement. S is a pretty hot 'n' raunchy games mag - so watch out! Subscribe at your peril!

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If you missed out on the early issues of S, back issues are now available for the measly sum of £1.50 per copy (£1.25 cover price plus 25p p & p).

Issue 1 LIMITED STOCKS - get 'em while you can!

Issue 2 Reviews of Spellcaster, Tennis Ace, Cloud Master, American Baseball, American Pro Football, Alex Kidd: High-Tech World and Ghostbusters. A look at Sega's system 24 coin-op, plus previews of E-SWAT and Line Of Fire. The first half of a full solution to Phantasy Star. Xmas goodies.

Issue 3 SOLD OUT

Issue 4 Reviews of Golden Axe and Scramble Spirits. Las Vegas CES show report. Past Masters reviews of R-Type and Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars. Full players' guide to Wonderboy III and Alex Kidd: High-Tech World.

Issue 5 SOLD OUT

Issue 6 Reviews of Battle Out Run and World Games. Past Masters reviews of Cyborg Hunter, Spy Vs Spy and Rastan. Mega joystick round-up. Previews of Indiana Jones and Paperboy. Spellcaster solved! Coin-op check-out: Shadow Dancer. Lord of the Sword solution. And much more (good cover, too)!

Issue 7 Reviews of Operation Wolf and Chase HQ! Past Masters reviews of Captain Silver and Bomber Raid. Mega feature on role playing games on the Sega. Ultra mega tips section: complete guide to Psycho Fox and Wonderboy II. Gosh! What a fabbo issue!

Issue 8 Review of Golfamania. Mega round-up of 12 cheapo £10 and £13 Sega games. Past master reviews of Monopoly and Vigilante. First half of full players' guide to Rastan, and the conclusion of the Wonderboy III tips. Exclusive previews of Back To The Future Part II and Speedball from Mirrorsoft. Wowzer!

S the Sega master mag


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A Little Bit of Sly Help

Hello, Sssly here, with more of your hintsss and tipsss. Having trubbs with old Death Adder? Can't slaughter the skellies? Worry ye not: here's the low-down on the how-down; advice on the slice 'n' dice. Yep - thanks to Scott O'Connor of Eastlothien, and Gary Douglas of Edinburgh, here's a survival guide to the world that's ruled by the Golden Axe!

Golden Axe

(Image captions)

Old Goldie exchanging steel with a couple off baldie club wielders.

Useful dragon, this. Fries people with blue fire, so hop on and blast 'em!

Oh shoot, now she's got on the blimmin' dragon. I'd better whip her off or she'll fry me!

Whoooossssshhhhhhh! EEK! He he he. Take that you axe-wielding Amazonian foxtress. Quite right too.

Level 1 - The Forest

Level 2 - Turtle Village

Level 3 - Eagle Village

Level 4 - Fiend's Path

Level 5 - The Castle


Level 4-2

This one's odd, with the emphasis on traps and not enemies. The creatures may be few and far between but the accuracy of the jumping needs to be spot on. With few enemies it's debatable whether going for the mace is a wise idea. A slip here can cost you much-needed energy for later on!

Try to jump onto the first rope avoiding the floor spikes, and that's the first half done as long as you keep an eye out for the crusher. Use the raft to get across the first big fire pit, but caution is advised when you start dicing with the two sloping floors in succession. Rhythm is essential if you are to make it to the rope without getting your fingers (and everything else) burned.

When you get to the top of the next long rope be very fleet of foot to avoid the two sets of spears and get onto the swinging rope. Try to step off the long rope - don't do a long jump or it's kebab city!

Level 4 Boss

Try to corner Slayer the Warlord, but stay on the upper level. Then when he comes down after firing, jump up and thrust down onto the top of his helmeted bonce.

Level 5-1

All the weapons are available on this level. The mace, found in a pit after the first tree, is well worth getting. It doesn’t cost much energy to retrieve and gives your blows more power.

The Axe can be found flush against the wall after the second downward slope. Walk off the edge, don’t jump, and you should pick the chopper up on the way down. When you land be prepared to jump to the right immediately, as the floor is a disappearing log platform.

The fire sword (although it isn’t unknown for a second axe to pop up here instead) follows the third slope, which is after the second tree. This time leap out right to land on a platform made of rock and logs. Leap to the right again, to land on a similar lower platform. The 'power up' weapon is a simple jump right again.

The only new monsters encountered on this level are snakes. Sneaky little devils, they’re only vulnerable from a leaping attack or a low chop when they rear to strike. They aren’t particularly harmful, just annoyingly hard to spot and time consuming to top.

Another first is the stalagmites. These are like the rising spears, but invisible when fully retracted. There’s no easy solution, just remember where they are and try to jump out of their way. You’ll also encounter falling boulders after the second tree. Use the same technique as before to deflect them or simply try to run past.

Level 5-2

Level 5-2 is absolutely riddled with wizards, so try to use leaping attacks wherever possible to avoid their magic bolts. The first nasty is the set of double spikes by the big step at the start. One pair sticks out horizontally to the left, one set sits on top where you should land. Jump up from further away than usual and this should carry you over the horizontal spears but landing before the vertical pair.

Next comes even more boulders. They drop out of the ceiling, just where the corridor narrows to its thinnest point. These would be little trouble if they weren’t 'smart'. Like some radar guided missile, they home in, falling exactly the right side of the slope to hurt.

Stalactites are another wonder of the world Rastan meets here. They drop from the roof, and are to be found first in the large cave after the big drop. There’s a little two-second delay between drops, so it’s possible to run under where one’s just landed to wait for a clear run to the next safe spot.

After the second big drop, there’s a mix of stalactites and stalagmites, so be ready to jump and move very quickly. There is no really ‘safe’ technique, but a protector of some kind is very handy to help limit the damage.

Level 5 Boss

Fedorak the big Lizard. Stay on a higher level. Try and time your moves so you can jump up, and on the down prod its nose. If it works, you'll hear a screech. Again, watch out for fireballs. With this technique you need at least three-quarters of your energy to beat him.

Level 6-1

Make sure you get the axe at the top of the first upward slope. Rastan needs all the firepower he can lay his barbaric paws on so he doesn’t have to worry about enemies, leaving you free to concentrate on the increasingly dangerous scenery. A good example of this is the mix of disappearing log bridge, bobbing block and spitting mouth shortly after the start. If you don’t time it right you can find yourself at half power while only having covered three screens!

After the two thin downward sloping blocks, you’ll come up against a big step which can be cut down to size with a disappearing block. Immediately following this is a stalactite , so, jump up onto the step made when the block goes, then, leap out and over the rock spike.

The most important feature of this level, is the disappearing block which hides the fire sword. It is crops up after the two upwards sloping thin blocks. These are difficult to negotiate, but be sure to destroy the block and land where it stood. This way you’ll pick up the fiery blade - an invaluable aid for the next level.

Level 6-2

The colour changes shouldn’t faze a rough tough barbie like Rastan, it’s just so the monsters don’t clash with the curtains! The only real hassle with this change of hue is that they multiply. Now you’ve met all the monsters, it’s the sheer volume and frequency of them that wears you down.

Level 6-2 only features two really tricky sections. After going far right and dropping down, you then go right and meet another fall. At the bottom, there’s a disappearing log floor so be ready to jump right as soon as you land, but watch out for the rising stalagmite and dropping stalactites immediately after.

The second real trial is getting the fire sword. You need it to make the dragon on the next level killable. The sword’s tucked in a niche just after the rope. It has another horrible blend of ’tites (1) and ’mites (2) all crammed into a tiny space. You’ll take loads of damage but it’s worth the sacrifice. The only effective option is grabbing it as quickly as possible.

Level 6 Boss

Meet the Red Dragon. Speed is of the essence here: run up to him, and as soon as you get there, prod the underside of his chin. You must have the fire sword for this level, and at least half your energy needed to defeat him.

Level 7-1

All the final three levels are wraparound so don’t get panicky if you seem to be wandering around forever. You’re looking for a rope to climb up, so as as soon as you see it, grab hold and get on up.

One of the new pleasures of Level 7-1 are ceiling spikes. Just like the ‘tites, these drip from the roof in a steady torrent of life-sapping pain. They fall slightly quicker so take extra care when running underneath them. To one side of the fire pit are a set of three of these as well as a set of rising floor spikes.

There are three blocks in the middle of the corridor - to the left of the rope. It isn’t necessary to get on top of these to get the rope and it wastes yet more time i—S and energy. Watch out for the spears between the far left block and the central one.

Level 7-2

Weird City! This is where Rastan’s life gets really confused. When he starts there are two ways, either walk right or walk left. If you walk left you’re in for a really wild time. Before you reach the disappearing block that’s at the edge of the screen Rastan will fall into the scenery.

Just like the waterfall that contained the fire sword on an earlier level, Rastan can move through the walls of this dungeon - only now he takes no damage! It’s possible to get back out onto the ‘proper’ path but there’s no real need. Moving the barbarian further to the right causes several drops and he will eventually be able to exit the wall next to a disappearing log platform. The benefit of this is he’s circumvented two sets of rising floor spikes!

There are a number of such areas from now on so it’s worth testing all walls and floors for solidity, as they often provide quicker, safer routes.

Level 7-3

Level 7-3 shouldn’t even exist according to the box, but it does so be ready for it! The level isn’t that dangerous, just plain difficult.

Take any of the three routes to get down onto the lowest level of the dungeon. If you go left from the start point, then you drop onto a set of spikes. Jump the pit with the aid of the bobbing block to your left, then continue left until you see a rope tucked away in the roof. If you go right, either drop will take you down onto the lowest level. Go right until you come to a slope rising out of the floor with a log bridge on the other side - the rope is above this.

Coming from either side you need to get onto the slope. Jump almost all the way to the top and let yourself slide backwards, until you are two thirds back down the slope. Do a big jump to the right and this will take you to the very tip of the slope. Jump again and you’ll catch the rope.

When you’re climbing the rope timing is vital if you want to get off and carry on. The route slopes upwards and left, making a safe landing hard. Jump up and left when Rastan’s head is level with the bend in the left hand wall -where it goes from vertical to a left hand slope. Then jump left and up again until he’s safely on the ledge at the top.

The other route involves usage the scenery. Again you can get inside the walls. There are loads of entry points, the easiest being the vertical wall that runs parallel to the far right hand rope by the start. Once in the wall simply leap about trying to find the hidden platforms that take you the exit point - the wall at the top of the slope opposite the exit door. Enemies now roam these bits too so be ready to fight.

Level 7 Boss

To kill this final dragon, attack from above and try to hit his wing behind his head, using the jump up and thrust down technique.

Once safely out of this nightmare, it’s time to watch the neat cartoon title sequence. Will Rastan get hitched? What does the Princess think of this big barbarian? There’s only one way to find out and that’s to get hacking!



Here's a bit of timely SOS help from Philip Jenkins on one of this month’s brilliant Past Masters, Fantasy Zone.

Round One: Plaleaf

When you have over $2000 a Shop sign appears. If you have about $2200, buy Big Wings, Jet Engine, Laser, and Wide Beam, and you can beat the end of level monster with ease. Just shoot him in the mouth, and it will change colour and eventually blow up.

Round Two: Tabas

If you have saved your bucks this one is easy. Big Wings, Twin Shot and Twin Bomb. Aim for the gaps in the monster and you will blow up the little rotating things. (This is the monster on the cover of the |ame, by the

Round Three: La Dune

Go to the shop right away. Buy a Turbo Engine, 7 Way Shot, Big Wing and save one Heavy Bomb for the end of level monster. Get under the bottom gun and drop a heavy bomb.

Round Four: Doiimicca

Go to shop and buy 7 Way Shot and three Fire Bombs. Run along the bottom firing 7 ways and when near a base shoot out a fire bomb. When you encounter the monster at the end of level, go like this: if you have 7 Way Shot, climb in its mouth and fire like hell, if you have the laser hang back a bit and aim for its tongue.

Round Five: Polaria

Go to the Shop and buy Rocket, 7 Way, and Heavy Bombs. Now use Big Wings, 7 Way, Heavy Bombs and it’s easy. On the end of level Snowman monster, just watch out for bullets and keep blasting.

Round Six: Mockstar

Buy loads of heavy bombs and a few lives, then just blast away, but watch the sneaky bullet firing aliens. When you meet the Turtle, use your 7 Way Shot, get near to the head and blast it fast. You can kill it on the first appearance with practise.

Round Seven: Pocarius

Top up the Heavy Bombs and use Big Wings and 7 Way. On the monster, get on the ground and dodge it as it closes, and turn and fire as it combines. Kepp doing this and it dies.

Round Eight: Salfar

Use Big Wings, 7 Way and Heavy Bombs on the big monster at the end. The first few snakes die easily. Hang back when the up and down snakes come. Go to top of the screen and the last snake will head right for you. As it gets close drop a Heavy Bomb and that's that one finished.


Philip Jenkins also has some tips for R-Type which allow you to finish by cheating! (Gasp! Horrors.) We, of course, don't know the meaning of the word.

To be invincible put both the joypads before switching on, hold control pad 1 diagonally down and right and hold control pad 2 up and left while holding down button 1. Turn on the power and wait for the R-Type logo. To play the hidden bonus level, go to the end of level four. When you reach the screen full of green dots, you will see a gap in the landscape at the top of the screen halfway along. Fly up and go in and you have a mega bonus level.


Funnily enough, Malcolm Riedlinger also knows haow to beat the fabby Dux as well.

If you think the bombs area in level 2 is a bit naff then when you pick up the bomb at the beginning of level 2, use them all up and a bazooka will appear.


And how about this little cheat for Golden Axe from our old mate Malcolm Riedlinger?

To access a hidden continue option the second time press up/left of the joypad and either button 1 or 2 when the Game Over appears on the screen.

WONDERBOY III: The Dragon’s Trap

And finally a mega tip from Dominic Rackstraw on the brillo skillo WBIII.

Use these passwords:

5CRP N44 EY2N J42
5GWP W44 9E2J LF3

If you use the Hu-Man password, go to the changing chamber and change to Hawk-Man. Go to the tower and fly up and left. You come to the door surrounded by destructible blocks. Smash them and go through the door. Change the middle block into destructible using the Magic Sabre. Smash the block using the Thunder Sabre. Pick up the question mark block and go through the door it creates. Fly to the right and go through the door. Make your way through the screens until you fall into a screen that looks like you can't get out of it. At the bottom of the screen in the middle is an invisible door! Go through this door and change back into Hawk-Man. Go up the exit on the right hand side. Make your way up and when you can't go up any more screens, go right until you reach a door. Put on the Hades Armour and go through the door. When you have defeated the dragon, a cross will fall down from the top of the screen. Pick this cross up and enjoy the brilliant end-of-game sequence.

If you have any tips, cheats, maps, complete players' guides, special features or anything worthy of inclusion in the best sssection in the mag, why not drop me a line at the usual address: A Little Bit Of Sly Help, S magazine, Future Publishing, Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon BA1 2AP. There are some prize cartsss up for grabs!

If you want help on a specific game, label your envelope S.O.S. but please DON'T include stamped, addressed envelopes, 'cause personal replies just ain't possible. Sssorry!

Hope you liked the Golden Axe maps... hey, why not do sssomething sssimilar on your favourite cart?


If you've managed to get a high score on your fave game (without the aid of any cheats or special apparatus!) why not let the whole world know? If you’re skillo enough to make the top three high scores, your name will appear in lights... well, if you sellotape this page on a lampshade, anyway.

And since I've been receiving some slightly incredible high scores (over 200,000,000 on Galaxy Force?) so from now on I'd like sssome proof of these scores, especially if your score beats the rest by six million yards (like a photo of the scoreline, or declaration signed by your parent, guardian or well known Prime Minister). And why not send in a piccy of yourself to show the rest of us just who we're up against!

Poke it all in an envelope, and ssscribble: Sly High Scores, S Magazine, Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon, BA1 2AP on the front.


Matthew Guite, Manchester
Terence Alford, Devon
Daniel Deacon, ?


Lee Bradford, Bristol
James Tonks, Olton
Gavin Roulston, Birmingham.


Nathan Jarvis, S Humberside
Robert Hill, Sutton
James Alexander, Cardiff


Richard ?, London
Jonathan Coulsom, Sheffield


Paul MacDougall, Kent
Chris Hammond, Solihull
Waqar Shah, Derby


Richard Brown, Norwich
Christopher Edwards, Wirral
Robert Watkins, Cheltenham


Michelle Goffer, Cardiff
Andrew Goffer, Cardiff
Jim Spillip, Gwent


Matthew White, Warley


Louise Nisbet, Northampton
James Whiting, Northampton
Paul Arthur, Surrey


Craig Wood, Redditch
Ben Manito, ?
Lee Fullard, Bilston


Robbie Ellmore, Gloucester


Steven Llevyellyn, Glamorgan
Maxwell Jebson, W Yorkshire
Graeme Evans, Greenford


Richard Wheat, Clwyd
Robert Hill, Sutton
Sean Goff, Birmingham


Frank Tily, Bristol
Gary King, Stevenage
Ross Gentle, St Neots


Carl Marsh, Oldham


Matthew White, Warley
Chris Hammond, Solihull
Lee Fullard, Bilston


Steve Willingham, Hull
Paul Fawson, Surrey (UK Sega Champ)
Garety Price, Cardiff


Graeme Evans, Greenford
Peter Leung, Luton


Martin Ward, Rugby
Kristian Hawkins, Coalville
Richard Elsbury, Shropshire


Matthew Mobbs, Witney
Stephen Mawhinney, Ballymena
Andrew Mobbs, Witney


Time 5:45:02
Christopher Kitson, Inverness
Time 5:50:29
Keiron Felton, Fareham
Time 5:54:57
T Bennett, Bedford


Edward Bowes, Saddleworth
Sean Lawrence, Manchester
Rhodri James, Dyfed


Mrs Fenney, Sheffield
Andrew Craven, Cardiff
Emma Spillip, Gwent


Andrew Mobbs, Witney
Matthew Mobbs, Witney
Emma Spillip, Gwent


Iain Gentry, Hillingdon
Andrew Mills, Lowton

:397,000 Gary Heron, Ayr


David Barrel!, Cardiff
Russell Freeman, Essex
Esse Farnworth, Kent


Darren Richardson, Catherington
Ian Neate, Cradley Heath
Scott Jeavons' Dad, Bolton


Craig Wood, Redditch
Richard Elsbury, Shropshire
Fysal Barlow, Essex


Anthony Hoult, Walsall


Kristian Hawkins, Coalville
Craig Francis, Wolverhampton
Gary Hunt, Doncaster


Paul Houghton, Dorset
Gary Dorricot, Liverpool
David O’Brien, N Harrow


Richard Spillip, Gwent
Maxwell Jebson, W Yorkshire
James Oldham, Longcredon


:1,550,000 Stewart Robinson, Bath

Eric Bartlett, Dorset
Andrew Swinbank, Cleveland


John Phillips, Walsall
Simon Tonkin, Moseley
Gary Hunt, Doncaster


Ken Goldup, Liverpool
Robert Hill, Cheam
Matthew Parsons, Blackburn


Marek Koss, Kidderminster
Luke Wilman, Fareham
Ian Maheewaran, Surrey


Sean Lawrence, Manchester
Stuart Ladbrook, Bexley
Richard Pollard, Hull


Luke Metcalf, Cleveland
Luke Tredget, Shenfield
Jim Spillip, Gwent


Matthew Parsons, Blackburn
Luke Tredget, Shenfield
David Skyrme, Pontypool


Jamie Evans, Runcorn
David Griffin, Huddersfield
Richard ?, London


Michael Cawood, Hants
Abdul Mokid, Oldham


Graeme Evans, Greenford
William Pearson, Derby
Garety Price, Cardiff


Justin Dean, Basiidon
T Sennet, Bedford
Iain Gentry, Hillingdon


Robert Hill, Sutton
Anthony Franklin, Herts
C Jones, ?


Darren Paul, Cheltenham
Steven Watson, Selby
Mark York, Northants


John Roulston, Birmingham
D & L Watkins, London
Adam Barratt, Bristol


Lee Walker, Stockport
Sean Lawrence, Manchester
Phil Jinman, Rainham


Lee Fullard, Bilston
James Evers, Sutton Coldfield
Steven Jennings, Sale


Ian O'Dowd, Essex
Esse Farnworth, Kent
Gary Hunt, Doncaster


Iain Gentry, Hillingdon
Simon Assender, Gwent
Andre Mason, Kidderminster


Peter Headen, Oldham
Simon Tonkin, Moseley
Richard Elsbury, Shropshire


Scott Stone, Portsmouth


Simon Tonkin, Moseley
Alan Barratt, Birmingham
Gavin Bacon, Cheshire


Alan Barratt, Birmingham


John Roulston, Birmingham
Adam Barratt, Bristol
Andrew Goffer, Cardiff


Esse Farnsworth, Kent
Simon Tonkin, Moseley
Matthew White, Warley


Andrew Goffer, Cardiff
Mark Collins, Kelty
Matthew White, Warley


Marcel Price, Swansea
John Newton, Tarleton
James Hanson, Olton


James Tonks, Olton
Simon Gale, Carlisle
Simon Bunford, Birmingham


James Hanson, Olton
J Carpenter, Wheathamstead
John Roulston, Birmingham


Alan Barratt, Birmingham
Keiron Felton, Fareham


Ian Flutchinson, Dukinfield
Luke Tredget, Shenfield
Scott Jeavons' Dad, Bolton


Paul MacDougall, Kent
David Barrell, Cardiff
John Phillips, Walsall


Gavin Roulston, Birmingham
Robert Newson, Bristol
Steve Willingham, Hull


Stephen Mawhinney, Ballymena
Richard Elsbury, Shropshire
Paul Arthur, Surrey


Matthew Parsons, Blackburn
Mags Barron, Blackpool
Robert Hill, Cheam


Andrew Swinbank, Cleveland
Sean Goff, Birmingham
Steven Skuse, London

ThE oFfIcIaL bIz!! It'S tHe ReAl ThInG


The recent CES show in America gave a taste of things to come and of projects in the pipeline. When the Megadrive is launched in the UK, owners can look forward to Moonwalker the game based on Michael Jackson's film, Golfomania in August (a battery backed cart for all you Golf fans), and Super Monaco Grand Prix although because of the amazing graphics of the coin-op the home version may well be redesigned. In total there were around thirty or so 8-bit games on display with another thirty to forty games for the Sega Megadrive.

Selected Virgin retail outlets are also carrying special World Cup promotional packs, the pack features a copy of World Soccer at a price you would find hard to refuse!

The launch of the Megadrive is getting closer, it is a quantum leap ahead of the excellent Master System, and Virgin/Mastertronic is set to launch it in the last quarter of this year. A lot of you have been ringing in asking whether the launch of the Megadrive will mean software/hardware support will slowly disappear.


The Master System is THE number one system in the UK and Europe, and it is here to stay. As mentioned above there are around 30 titles under development and due to arrive for the 8-bit system. As you will have noticed the depth of play, graphics and presentation on each new Sega release gets better and better. Virgin/Mastertronic are committed to bringing you the very best Sega titles and the launch of the Megadrive is seen as an addition to the Sega line up NOT a replacement for the Master System!

One aspect I particularly enjoy about running the Sega club is a club visit. I get to meet the faces behind the voices and names! You lot make me feel very welcome and at ease, I also enjoy the Head-to-Head battles (as long as I win!) although I have noticed in recent months that the standard of play has been improving and you are determined to give me a good thrashing!!

I recently did a User Group in Cheshunt (see next month) where the members were all aged 18 and above.


The age span for Sega users is from 4 to 54 (any other ages then do let us know!) and it is good to see a variety of users and ages on club visits.

Keep the calls coming!

One of this months groups was keen to buy games for their Master System from the US, I advised them strongly against this as they may not be compatible. Besides they would probably be able to get them from Virgin/Mastertronic with full back up in the near future.

You have been warned!




This month I stayed fairly local and visited 2 Sega User Groups in Romford Essex and Coulsdon Surrey.

Mike Smith lives in Romford Essex and there are five people in his group (Paula Smith 12, Phil and Chris Ingram both 18, Barry Kuski 15 and Matthew Bryant aged 14). It was a glorious sunny day so we took some pictures in the garden around the family pets, two rabbits called Bugs and Rags!

We nipped inside and Mike gave me the lowdown on the groups games. They have 30 games between them, their favourites include the Wonderboy series, Fantasy Zone 2 and Phantasy Star. They enjoy playing with the light gun although they only have Rambo 3 at present (I had brought down Operation Wolf so they were in for a treat!).

Their 3-D glasses were broken (they had been trodden on!) but they used to have zapping sessions on Poiseidon Wars, not a bad little blaster if I say so myself. The group are keen on two player games and Time Soldiers is one of the faves.

I quizzed Mike on his Sega, and likes and dislikes, "I originally wanted to buy a Nintendo but after I saw a Sega that had to be the console for me! We really enjoyed playing Wonderboy 3 and we completed playing it in 17 hours. I like reading the club pages and hearing what other user groups are like.

I gave the gang Aerial Assault, a prototype horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up to try out. I told Chris to REALLY fly low over the sea and zapp the attacking planes, he then swooped down low and started blasting, unfortunately I happened to forget to mention that you die if you go too near the bottom of the screen!

There was a bang and his plane exploded, everyone burst out laughing, 1-0 to me!!

The next game to be played was Operation Wolf, I gave the helpful advice to sit there and let the enemy blast you, but STRANGELY enough Chris would not take my advice!

Instead he sat right in front of the television and shot the enemy from two inches away (he must have been nervous because he still missed some of them!!).

On to the Head-to-Head, I took on Mike Smith at Afterburner. We both had a quick warm up and I advised Mike not to think about losing "I don't intend to", Chris offered a power cut if it looked as if I was going to win (thanks).

Mike soared into the sky and unleashed his cannon and missiles. He has played this before and despite losing a couple of planes he emerged from his two minutes with the respectable score of 166,300.

To me a respectable score is a cop out and I was determined to do or die.

I flexed my tendons and thrashed the controller doing barrel rolls and pumping missiles. A couple of missiles slipped through my defence and I lost two planes could I hold out the full two minutes with only one jet in reserve?

We scrambled close to the screen and waited for the final score to come up ... My final score was 184,700 a solid win from the Console Master.

My second group was down in Coulsdon Surrey. Gary Evans heads up a group of seven (Chris Wong, Sai Cheung 14, Matthew Cheetom 14, Robert Watson 14, Luke Argles 12 and Nabil Elkhoumars 14).

I took along Aerial Assault and Alex Kid in Shinobi World for the group to play. They had a good session on Aerial Assault but the clear favourite was Alex Kid in Shinobi World, in fact they almost had to fight to get their hands on the controller! Gary was the first to work out that Alex could climb poles and catapult himself forward by swinging around it at high speed (well done that man), clearly an experienced Sega player.

The group had heard about the range of discounted Sega games and had bought World Grand Prix and were keen to see the range expand. They buy their games from local shops and mail order from Telegames. They wanted to rent games but unfortunately there was not a local shop that did it (are you listening retailers!).

Could I hold onto the taste of success and win both Head-to-Head competitions this month?


I took Gary on at Power Strike. Gary said, "I am not nervous and I do not have twitchy hands, I do need my handle controller for this game though".

We ended up playing it with the standard Sega pads, and after a quick warm up Gary went for it.

I desperately tried to give Gary helpful advice "That's it, move in front of that bullet!" but he said "You won't heckle me Tak, I'm used to people like you!" (charming).

At the end of his two minutes he had scored 65,320.

Hmm, I would have to go some here. I plumped for weapon 8 the twirling laser and this was a good choice, I lost one life along the way and in the last three seconds I pipped Gary's score with my amazing (phew!) 66,040.

Never mind Gary it probably would have been a little bit closer if I had played without a blindfold on!



ArE yOu On ThE mAp?



USE IT UP!: Sega owners are setting up User Groups all over the country. All you have to do is get five or more Sega users together and hold a meeting. Once the group is established simply call in to arrange a personal visit from THE CONSOLE MASTER, Tony Takoushi. He will bring along the VERY latest prototype games straight out of Japan for you to sample. And if you should fancy your chances you can take on TT in a head-to-head battle on one of the latest games (the winner is immortalised in S magazine, but TT hates to lose so beware ..There will also be an ample supply of freebie games and Sega merchandise to be handed out.

Well done Ireland! At last, they've made it. (And they drew with England.) Keep 'em coming.

HaVe YoU gOt OnE oF tHeSe? It’S aBoUt TiMe YoU did...

Who ya gonna call? 'GHOSTBUSTERS' of course. This 'ghostly' game is on special offer this month at the special price of £24.99 - that's £5 off. The other 'special' is 'PHANTASY STAR' normally retailing at £39.99 - with £5 off - now £34.99



These T-shirts are so 'hot' that the ink is still wet.

This is the new look Sega T-shirts and this could be your chance to be one of two winners of the shirts. Just think, you could be the first in the world to own one. What do you have to do to get your mits on one? Just answer this simple question: What will the 16-bit Sega Console be known as in Britain?

Send your answer on a postcard to: 'I Want The Shirt Off Your Back', Virgin Mastertronic, 2-4 Vernon Yard, Portbello Road, London W11 2DX

The winners of the 'GIVE IT SOME STICK' control stick competition from issue 7 are

GeT yOuRsElF iN tHe Club!

S magazine features a special Sega Club section in every issue where members can get the latest gen on club events and special offers. The Club is a total backup service, and the benefits include: Sega Hotline: A telephone service where members can ring in and get tips on the latest games, info on hot new Sega products.

Sega Merchandise: Club members are entitled to special Sega merchandise available only through the club. Items include T-Shirts, posters, badges, stickers and caps.

Sega competitions: There will be exclusive competitions with VERY exclusive prizes. These will be held through the club and at special venues through the year.

Sega Promotions: These will be special events held throughout the country, with plenty of Sega goodies on display and a chance to meet the faces that make Sega tick'in the U.K.

Remember, All club facilities and special offers are only available to fully paid up members of the official SEGA club. To join, all you have to do is fill in the form including a Cheque or Postal Order for £19.95 made payable to the SEGA CLUB.


Your £19.95 entitles you to one year's subscription of the Sega Club with 12 monthly issues of S, plus 2 FREE issues of the mag.


SEGA® from Virgin


See more scans of S: The Sega Magazine

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