VGM to Wav Conversion

This will be required in some instances, particularly with more challenging tracks.

VGMPlay is very accurate in converting vgms to wav.

Since the winamp plugin is based on the same code, so is in_vgm. Visit this page if you need to compile the source for another OS.


Assuming you have everything installed properly, to log to VGMPlay, look for a line in the .ini and change

; Log Sound to Wave: 0 - no logging, 1 - log only, 2 - play and log LogSound = 0


LogSound = 1 or 2

Changing it to 1 allows you to log a file quickly. If you drag the vgm on top of the executable after making the change, the wave file is saved to the original foloder of the file with the same name and .wav extension. The file will be stereo. You can convert it to mono as desired. (Only some GG games have stereo music). You can convert more than one file at a time by adding the files you want to convert to a playlist and dragging the playlist to VGMPlay.


To write vgm files to wave in Winamp, open the Preferences dialog (Ctrl+P). Scroll Down and select Plug-Ins>Output. Then select the Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in. This will write wav files to disk rather than playing them. The User's Music directory is the default location. You can configure the output directory and format by default. Export mono files seems to be an option, but I haven't tested it. You can convert multiple files by adding them to the playlist. I have not used wimamp much so I can't testify to its accuracy.


To convert files in foobar, simply add them to the playlist. Select as many files as you wish to convert and Right click and select Convert>Quick Convert (or default). Select WAV as the desired format. The plugin does not allow configuration. Click on the convert button and then save. Foobar2000 is convenient to work with since it allows playback and writing to wav without reconfiguring anything. However, for files with a long play time, it has sometimes introduced subtle inaccuracies later on in the file, so use at some risk. It is still my preferred general purpose converter. But when I need assurance that the output matches vgm2txt exactly, I use VGMPlay.

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