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Meka .20 & .30 difficulty
Post Posted: Fri Nov 26, 1999 10:39 am
I've always used Meka .13 because when .20 came out it didn't work for me, I thought it was a bug or something but now I just downloaded .30 and its doing the same thing. Here the problem: If I choose any sound card other than no sound at first start up the message box just keeps repeating "buffer stop. restart stream" and the program slows to a hault. I can still load some games (extremely slow) but most of the time it crashes. However, if I do pick no sound, the message comes up Meka .30 by Zoop, etc as it should but it crashes if I load a rom. Now I have a bowling shoe ugly sound setup, a yamaha video/sound card that is not soundblaster compatible and only plays dos sound if I use a pif through windows 98. .13 supported this for about 40% of roms (many roms that were stated as having sound in the compat text I get no sound) but .20 and .30 doesn't support it at all. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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