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View topic - Zoop, I want the truth, and here's my truth...

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Too Stone Cold Scorpio
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Zoop, I want the truth, and here's my truth...
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 2:39 am

You all can get on Zoop's bandwagon & kiss his ass, but I am not going to be another kiss ass. Zoop, you put out a lot of good stuff for the Sega lovers and I love you for it. Second, remember you shouted out that my country's government sucks (not in those exact words, but I said it more maturely). See, you forgot to THINK. You forgot to UNDERSTAND. See, you said something that affected some of us Net users. Now, you're getting bitched at...and you call them dumbasses? Yes, I'd call them dumbasses too, but who's the real dumbass here. Who's the one that will get his words into a lot of fights. Who's the one who blabbed out false statements about my country and blamed it on his grandmother's death? YOU! YOU! YOU! Don't blame us for her death, besides, she's safer with Allah, than on this violent planet. All our goverments have faults, I'll admit it. But..hey, wait...if you are such a pro-Arab boy, why aren't you living in the Middle East? If you can say our government sucks, why aren't you living under your government's "weird & violent" regime, hmm? Did you move out because your government does suck? I want to know why your living in France and not your home countries..which you praise and defend now.
  • Joined: 03 Sep 2007
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Hey! get me a bucket! i think i`m gona trow up...
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 3:18 am
kissing ass ? do you want to tell us what it tastes like ?
you seem to now a lot on this subject...
so you`re an american...first point : don`t talk about a
grandmother like`s unfortunate what hapened , but it`s the truth
the us does`ent need to blast everything!(rambo was a movie , not
a real life situation...).
he`s pro arab ? let me tell you something : i`m a native indian (in french :amerindien)
from canada. my pepeole where the first ones to be where i am.
shure it does`nt belong to us , but when the "white dudes" came and
allmost kick us out , we where pissed off (wich , i think is only natural)
shure , they took with them science , instruction , sexualy transmited desease ect...
and treat us like shit (anyone know the history of canada ?).
today , my pepeole live in small comunity called a reserve
(yeah , like where some kind of throphy or something).
so if he`s pro arab like you say , whats the problem ? did he
make something awfull to you ? by going aganst his old comments ,
are`nt you a little pro american too ? you can tell me that i`m
"kissing"his ass for games , but DO NOT tell me to stop supotring
him against racists. because remember : i have the same problem...
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Too Stone Cold Scorpio
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Re: Hey! get me a bucket! i think i`m gona trow up...
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 12:47 pm
1. learn to spell
2. My point in my last message was that if Zoop had kept quiet about his thoughts toward my country, then these assholes wouldnt bug him so much.
3. I have sympathy for the American Indians, my government trashed a lot of India territory, and that wasnt right.
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Oh just shut up!
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 1:52 pm
1. He was pissed.
2. This is not what that's about. What it's about is that people like youself are saying that he cant voice his opinion.
3. I dont kiss no ones ass..
4. Maybe if you talk to him about it, like I did, you would have a better understanding as to WHY he said his statement..
5. You are beating the hell out of an old issue. MOVE ON!

Ugh! I didnt think America had such dense people! You must be from that stupid town in Kansas that banned teaching Darwin's Theory of evolution. No wonder you dont make any sense!

> You all can get on Zoop's bandwagon & kiss his ass, but I am not going to be another kiss ass. Zoop, you put out a lot of good stuff for the Sega lovers and I love you for it. Second, remember you shouted out that my country's government sucks (not in those exact words, but I said it more maturely). See, you forgot to THINK. You forgot to UNDERSTAND. See, you said something that affected some of us Net users. Now, you're getting bitched at...and you call them dumbasses? Yes, I'd call them dumbasses too, but who's the real dumbass here. Who's the one that will get his words into a lot of fights. Who's the one who blabbed out false statements about my country and blamed it on his grandmother's death? YOU! YOU! YOU! Don't blame us for her death, besides, she's safer with Allah, than on this violent planet. All our goverments have faults, I'll admit it. But..hey, wait...if you are such a pro-Arab boy, why aren't you living in the Middle East? If you can say our government sucks, why aren't you living under your government's "weird & violent" regime, hmm? Did you move out because your government does suck? I want to know why your living in France and not your home countries..which you praise and defend now.
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Re: Hey! get me a bucket! i think i`m gona trow up...
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 1:59 pm
> 1. learn to spell

You idiot! You think everyone can speak and spell "Perfect English"!? It's not his native language! And sides! Who cares if he spelled a couple of words incorrectly? He got his point across.. Right?

> 2. My point in my last message was that if Zoop had kept quiet about his thoughts toward my country, then these assholes wouldnt bug him so much.

I dont think so. We need people like Zoop to give people like us a wake up call..

> 3. I have sympathy for the American Indians, my government trashed a lot of India territory, and that wasnt right.

India Territory? And you're telling him to spell?

That, like what statement Zoop said about Americans is in the past. Havent you ever heard of the phrase "I can be myself, how about you?" Well, Zoop is being himself. Is that a crime? No. If he wants to say something, then he is more then allowed to say it. If these Americans dislike what he said, then they dont have to visit. I am sure Zoop is not loosing any sleep on it. They are allowed to whine about it, and Zoop is allowed to say what I just mentioned "You dont like it, go somewhere else."
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Can you all please STOP THIS!!
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 6:56 pm
This is insanity. Everyone ,or some of you, seem(s) to get riled up over what Zoop says so easily.

Man, zoop only said a few things and you get people knocking Zoop and insulting people. In the end know body here wins and some of you end up looking like fools, let me put emphasize on some. Anyway stop posting things about racism and stop ruining this board. And Stone Cold how in the world did what he said in the past get involved with him saying News

"Hmm.. (Wednesday, September 08)
Sorry, no new release tonight! I was trying to argue on IRC #retrogamers against
two racists dumbass and it took a lot of my time ^_^"

because I found it to be quite an understandable excuse.

Anyway now off to the other fellow....
  • Joined: 24 Jun 1999
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Even people like you deserve an answer..
Post Posted: Sat Sep 11, 1999 11:11 am
> Don't blame us for her death, besides, she's safer with Allah, than on this violent planet. All our goverments have faults, I'll admit it. But..hey, wait...if you are such a pro-Arab boy, why aren't you living in the Middle East? If you can say our government sucks, why aren't you living under your government's "weird & violent" regime, hmm? Did you move out because your government does suck? I want to know why your living in France and not your home countries..which you praise and defend now.

In case you don't know, there is an embargo in Iraq, voted by the majority of the United Nations under the pressure of the USA. It means that Iraq cannot sell and buy from other countrys. Which make life hard and people suffers (dying in some cases. my grand mother died of starvation).

This should be a sufficient answer to your both questions. And in case you wanted to know more about this subject as you seems to know absolutly nothing about it, try not to get your informations on news sources such as CNN, which is more a show than a news sources.
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Re: Hey! get me a bucket! i think i`m gona trow up...
Post Posted: Sun Sep 12, 1999 2:18 am
I like you now ^_^
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Umm ok.. (-NT-)
Post Posted: Mon Sep 13, 1999 2:22 pm
> I like you now ^_^
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