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Too Stone Cold Scorpio
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I love my country!
Post Posted: Fri Jul 30, 1999 4:39 am
Oh, lookie here, mr. bignut is telling my government to fuck off. Listen you lousy historian..if you put 1 & 1 together, you can tell that those countries who are poor, are not because of us, it's because of your war-loving leaders! The British & Americans want peace, your government wants war. Do you know where all the food, everything? Yes, the embargo is part of the reason..the other reason is, MR. fuckin' HISTORIAN, is that your leaders want to build bigger weapons, deadlier instead of supplying its people with necessities, they take that and put it towards making the weapons. Your damn war-loving leaders have lied to your people for the longest time! Want an example of how dumb people are over there? Example:

I saw a documentary about a father kidnapping his daughter and went to the middle east. He claimed that he did not want to raise his daughter in a violent, sexually-active country like America is. So, he warned the kid's mother, if there was an attempt to rescue the kid, she will leave the father's country in a casket! (and he says our country is violent..look who's talking!) Plus, all these porno movie companies you buy movies from..they're all ran by who? YOUR PEOPLE! So that father was sooooooooo wrong by saying that. So, to retaliate to your anti-American thing..which shouldnt have been on here because it is about emulation..not violent lying people who hate America! So, if your in our country & hate it..GET OUT! If you're in another country...FUCK THAT COUNTRY TOO!

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Re: Sorry but U.S.A. makes interventions in countries when they want better prices on gasoline or any cheaper handwork like the
Post Posted: Fri Jul 30, 1999 12:45 pm
> Oh, lookie here, mr. bignut is telling my government to fuck off. Listen you lousy historian..if you put 1 & 1 together, you can tell that those countries who are poor, are not because of us, it's because of your war-loving leaders! The British & Americans want peace, your government wants war. Do you know where all the food, everything? Yes, the embargo is part of the reason..the other reason is, MR. fuckin' HISTORIAN, is that your leaders want to build bigger weapons, deadlier instead of supplying its people with necessities, they take that and put it towards making the weapons. Your damn war-loving leaders have lied to your people for the longest time! Want an example of how dumb people are over there? Example:

> I saw a documentary about a father kidnapping his daughter and went to the middle east. He claimed that he did not want to raise his daughter in a violent, sexually-active country like America is. So, he warned the kid's mother, if there was an attempt to rescue the kid, she will leave the father's country in a casket! (and he says our country is violent..look who's talking!) Plus, all these porno movie companies you buy movies from..they're all ran by who? YOUR PEOPLE! So that father was sooooooooo wrong by saying that. So, to retaliate to your anti-American thing..which shouldnt have been on here because it is about emulation..not violent lying people who hate America! So, if your in our country & hate it..GET OUT! If you're in another country...FUCK THAT COUNTRY TOO!

> 2SCS
Too Stone Cold Scorpio
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Saddam has brainwashed you well! Say what you want to say, but Saddam = Satan. Saddam is the Hitler of the 90's, and he lies!
Post Posted: Fri Jul 30, 1999 4:08 pm

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