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Monster World Complete Collection manual extracts
Post Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:13 pm
Last edited by Bock on Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
I'll be typing part of the japanese manual from the recently released Monster World / Wonder Boy compilation, "Monster World Complete Collection". They are quite long documents (there's 7 pages to type) in Japanese so it'll take a while to type them. Later we'll have them translated hopefully.
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Post Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:28 pm
This is page 33 of the manual. It talks about Escape/Westone/Hudson and Wonder Boy/Monster World history.






ちなみに「ワンダーボーイ モンスターランド」は、PCエンジン版「ビックリマンワールド」(ハドソン)やファミコン版「西遊記ワールド」(ジャレコ)として、「ワンダーボーイV モンスターワールドIII」は、PCエンジン版「超英雄伝説ダイナスティックヒーロー」(ハドソン)としてアレンジ・発売されているなど、「モンスターワールド」シリーズは移植や派生が多い。これもオリジナルの完成度の高さを実証している所似ではないだろうか。

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Post Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:16 pm
Some information from the above text:

The golden age of 2D action games

The "Westone" name was created based on the name of the founders.
Nishizawa Ryuichi (西澤龍一) where "Nishi" (西) in Japanese means "West", and the other whose first kanji is "Ishi" (石), meaning "Stone". Hence the play with word.

Originally, the company was named Escape. However they were told that "Escape" wasn't a very confident name for a company (fear of people escaping, etc.), so they later changed to Westone. The Escape name comes from the keyboard key of the same name.

Their first game, Wonder Boy, was done at the time they were 3 people. It became a great hit. Later they ported the game to Sega SC-3000/SG-1000. It was the base of what became "Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima", by Hudson (note: that's Adventure Island). They had mixed opinions regarding the high difficulty of the end of the game.

The Takahashi Meijin serie continued independently from the Famicom to the Super Famicom, similar to the original Wonder Boy. Even now it's actively being released as mobile phone applets.

Then they talk about various adaptations of Wonder Boy games. Mention that Monster World IV might have been not well received among fans. And that the "Wonder Boy" title was not attached to it obviously because the main character is a girl.

- Escape = Westone
- Wonder Boy came first
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Post Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:37 pm
Written by former vice editor of Megadrive Fan, currently chief editor of Famitsu PS2, Kôji Aizawa. I'll just pick the raisins out of the cake.

Westone Bit Entertainment took its name from the first character in the names of the director, Nishisawa (Nishi = West) and another founder (Ishi = Stone). At first, the company was called "Escape", but it had a sense of "escaping from it all", and it didn't reinforce the image of a company to be relied upon. Apparently, the name was derived from the escape key on computer keyboards.

The first installment of the Wonderboy series was developed by a small three-man team back when the company was still called Escape, and published by Sega. It turned into a big hit, and was ported to Sega's first consumer systems, the SC-3000 and SG-1000. Also, it was adapted by Hudson as "Adventure Island" with the Master Takahashi character. The last stage was, even for its time, extremely difficult, and divided fans into two distinct camps.

Five years ago, when working on the book "Sega Consumer History", I talked to Mr. Nishisawa, who went into particular detail about the last game in the series – Monsterworld IV.

They wanted to create something unlike Monsterworld III, making it the first game in the series to have a female protagonist. This made them leave the "Wonderboy" off the title. Hardcore fans didn't like the new girl much.
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Post Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:17 pm
How's the typing going Bock?
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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:08 pm
By the way... There's some secret code for this collection? (for example, change the region of Arcade/SMS Wonder Boy 2, or release PC-Engine edition of Wonder Boy 2 and 3).
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Post Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:28 pm
The emulated regions can be changed.
It's improbable that they would have made the effort to emulate the PC Engine and have it as a secret bonus.
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Post Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:12 pm
Next page, kindly typed by Yoko. Hope that idrougge can provide a translation for it :)

Page 34:

SEGA AGES版の発売にあたって。
株式会社ウエストン・ビット・エンタテインメント 代表取締役

 いまや入手困難になった過去の家庭用ゲーム機を用いることなく、ひと昔前の、いやふた昔も前のゲームソフトが現在のお茶の間で遊べるというのは非常に有意義なことだと思います。このSEGA AGES 2500シリーズはビジネスという名を借りた、偉大なる文化遺産保存活動なのではないか?と疑ってみたくなります(笑)。


 その後、このゲームシステムの良さを最大限に発揮できる家庭用ゲーム機へと舞台を移し、「 II 」、「 III 」、「 IV」と続編を作っていくことになります。これら4作に共通しているのはアクションゲームが下手なひとでも、時間さえあればエンディングまでのすべてを堪能できるゲームであるということです。ゲームが上手な人でもなかなかクリアできないシーンが一部あったりしますが、まあそれはご愛嬌ということにさせていただいて、RPGの成長要素がプレイヤーのアクションスキルを補完するところにアクション&RPGというゲーム構成の利点があるのだと思います。この利点をうまく引き出すように作ることで、万人に楽しんでもらえるゲームを生み出せるのではないか?という考えが「モンスターワールド」シリーズの底辺に流れている理念であるといえます。


 この商品をお買い上げになった方の多くは、当時のゲーセンやメガドライブでこの『モンスターワールド』シリーズをプレイしたひとたちだとおもいます。いまや立派な大人になって明るいご家庭のひとつでもお持ちでしょうから、ご自分ひとりで遊ぶだけでなく、お子様と一緒に楽しんでいただけたらと思います。いまプレイしてみると難しい過ぎてクリアできない方も多いのではないでしょうか? たぶんボクもクリアできないクチです(爆)。当時のファミコン世代の小学生は大人顔負けでめちゃめちゃゲームが上手でしたが、いまの子供たちはどうなんでしょう?やっぱり大人より上手にプレイしちゃうんですかね?このゲームを「難しい!」といって敬遠するのかどうか大変興味があります。ぜひ遊んでみてもらってください。


 SEGA AGESよ、永遠なれ。
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:11 am
Bock wrote
Next page, kindly typed by Yoko. Hope that idrougge can provide a translation for it :)

Page 34:
Developer column

Regarding the release of the SEGA AGES version
Weston Bit Entertainment president,
Ryûichi Nishizawa

The game machines of old days becoming ever harder to buy and operate, I think it is very meaningful to be able to replay the games of yesteryear, even yester-yesteryear in the comfort of your own living room. Though Sega Ages technically is a business, I like to regard it as a great endeavour to preserve our cultural inheritage.

Monsterworld (Monsterland) lends its name to this title, and it was the first game we produced once the company had been incorporated. With the funds from the sales of the previous title, Wonderboy, we moved into new offices and hired more staff to proceed with the development. At the time, we were really into the RPG classic, Wizardry, and we thought to ourselves: "Can't the fun of an RPG be expressed through the medium of an arcade game?". We tried to realise that thought. Under the guise of an arcade game, we had a young boy, naked apart from a loin cloth, going on an adventure. Gaining experience and money, he progresses into a fully fledged warrior. The essence of an arcade game is to insert a coin and experience a certain satisfaction, enough to compel you to insert another coin. Back in those days, no other game used this odd system, so for better or for worse, our game stood out in the arcades. Eventually, it gained fervous support from its fans, so that it became a long seller, the kind that isn't thrown out of the arcade.

After that, we transfered the game to home consoles, trying to exploit the qualities of the game system to its limits, thereby creating numbers II, III, IV. Going through all these four games is that even someone who is bad at action games can, given time, reach the ending. More skilled gamers can also find themselves stuck at some points, but that could be said to be the charm of the game; the character development of the RPG assisting the action skills of the gamer is the point of an action RPG. If you can bring this to fruition, you shall have a game that can be enjoyed by everyone, and this is the fundamental concept that we had when creating Monsterworld.

Now as before, I think that the game creator who chooses the action RPG genre does so because he wants to reach out to as wide an audience as possible. I hope everyone succeeds at that. It makes for very playable games, but creating them can be quite hard (laugh).

I believe that most of you who buy this collection have playred these games in arcades or on the Megadrive. By now you should have grown up into responsible adults and have your own families, and it is my hope that you play these games not only by yourself, but also together with your children. And I suppose that many of you will find certain areas too hard to complete? Perhaps they're too difficult even for me (big laugh). Back in the days, the school boys of the Ni****do generation were extremely good at games, but what about the children of today? Wouldn't they be even better than the adults? I really wonder if they would stay away from this game because it is "too difficult". I'd really like them to try these games out.

Finally, I would like to thank the people at Sega, who have made such efforts to release this. I hope you continue to preserve these precious games for all Sega fans to enjoy. Personally, I'd like to play that classic, Bionic Commando, again... Wait, that was Ni****do!

Long live Sega Ages.
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:57 am
" Then they talk about various adaptations of Wonder Boy games. Mention that Monster World IV might have been not well received among fans. And that the "Wonder Boy" title was not attached to it obviously because the main character is a girl. "

Anything more on this?

Thanks for everything else so far!
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:52 pm
Page 35 (typed by Yoko again, thanks)

株式会社ウエストン・ピット・エンタテインメント 取締役 





 日本ではGAME GEARでしか発売されていないが、当初はSEGAMARKIIIでの発売を想定していた。その際、オプションで発売されていたFMユニットに対応させるため、ソフトウエアとデータを簡易対応させていた。しかし、国内ではGAME GEAR版のみとなり、海外はMASTER SYSTEM版で発売していたが、FMユニットは発売

封印されていたデータを解放してくれたSEGA AGESに感謝したい(笑)。

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