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View topic - Oh, Naflign... ^_^

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Oh, Naflign... ^_^
Post Posted: Wed May 10, 2000 1:36 pm
Could you do a bit of save file hacking for me?

In the Lunar (GG version), SRAM file (.SAV), the game data for each slot is 0x100 bytes long.

The first slot starts 0x20 bytes into the file, and each successive slot is 0x100 bytes after the previous one.

There appear to be four spots for character data in each slot, at offsets 0x60, 0x88, 0xb0, and 0xd8 from the start of the slot.

Could you find out what the first 21 bytes of each slot affects in the game? Some of them are bound to be character stats, experience, level, and so on.

Any other information you could dig up about the save format would also be helpful. Other than what I have outlined above, all I know is that from 0x40 to 0x5f (0x20 bytes) is a bitmap, probably of plot events.

Knowing what the special escape code in the text strings mean would also help. I've only been able to identify two so far.


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