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- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:22 pm Last edited by Bock on Wed May 26, 2010 3:46 am; edited 4 times in total
By request I will now be publishing my recent dumping logs. They are not perfectly formatted, might be missing a few entries (problematics dumps goes in special directories and are not listed until resolved). This is meant for a few interested people.
Please do not make my life harder by reconstructing and releasing dumps with upper half filled with 0xFF, or weird, hacked, useless dumps. Discuss if in doubt. :)
I'm trying to do my best and I'm decided to release things fast if possible. Some releases are often on hold due to when I try to figure out the whole 'family' for a game (variations, countries) and I am either missing games either missing time to analyze variations. If there is something that is left unreleased that you are particularly interested in, don't hesitate to make a requests (requests act as friendly reminders which push me to get something done).
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2004/04
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:24 pm
- SMS 655fb1f4 D8A13BCA59CD77E5 Bank Panic EU cart, EU card (4084A / 8907 K00), DE card (4084A / 8728 Y00)
- SMS eaebf323 A14F71C94A96B145 F-16 Fighter EU cart, EU card (C-4081D / 75F), DE card (C-4081D / 69C11), US card !!! labelled "F-16 Fighting Falcon" (4005M / A701E8)
- SMS 7ce06fce 41BC24AC74DB9252 F-16 Fighting Falcon JP card (C-508D / 5DC1)
- SMS 184c23b7 8B5072C94E9DBB44 F-16 Fighting Falcon *NEW* US display-unit card (4005A / 8720 Y00)
- SMS b87e1b2b 83A4D6495B81DD01 Spy vs Spy (256 kb) US display-unit cart, same as retail with page 2-7 full of 0xff and 8-15 full of 0xb0
- SMS 78d7faab 83A4D6495B81DD01 Spy vs Spy EU cart*2, US card, EU card, DE card, IT card,
- SMS d41b9a08 440AA3B0518BF192 Spy vs Spy (JP) *NEW* JP card (C-514A / 8621 E04)
- GG 4b304e0f 607CA3543FEBBE45 Mortal Kombat II JP cart
- GG 68bb7f71 32FF34928F7D6B92 Operation Starfi5h *NEW* EU cart
- GG b42d8430 12378C9F6286693B Pet Club Inu Daisuki! JP cart
- GG d43ac6c5 7DFFB63AF302306F Devilish (EU) *NEW* EU cart, EU classic cart, BR cart
- GG 4af7f2aa FAF731A5A0AB9757 Kinetic Connection JP cart, dumped as 512 kb with upper 394 kb full of FF
- GG 281b1c3a F97057A139C5CFD2 Phantom 2040 EU cart
- GG a5aa5ba1 1D9F6DAE1A4EB60B Hook *NEW* EU cart
- GG 5cd33ff2 DC1F080D96A53D78 Tom and Jerry - The Movie AU cart? likely EU, I'm not sure
- GG 83fa26d9 9FD46CE7B8EE365E Columns EU cart !!! could not reproduce dump
- SMS 071b045e F0A23277115075EF Hang On EU cart, EU card (C-4080D / 75F, 4080A / 8732 Y08, 4080M / A843G7 * 2) !!! couldn't dump my 5th card which is damaged and doesn't boot
- SMS 91e93385 E48EA39C2A04D150 Hang On / Safari Hunt [BIOS] EU SMS1 (model?)
- SMS 315917d4 96069693DD5753B4 Woody Pop - Shinjinrui.. JP card (C-519A / 8705 Y24)
- SMS 5c01adf9 EE5DD09C3A26C623 Hang On JP card (C-502K / 850900)
- SMS 9d549e08 59868AC9BD4815B4 Comical Machine Gun Joe JP card (C-511A / 8615 E08)
- SMS e6795c53 B637976CB4B28D1D Pit Pot *NEW* JP card (C-507A / 8549 E07)
- SMS 16249e19 ABFBCE1810529280 Satellite 7 *NEW* JP card (C-506E / 546)
- SMS 89e98a7c 9F82F97234F38CC1 Great Baseball (card) *NEW* JP card (C-505A / 8537 G04)
- SMS 95cbf3dd 03AA0AD98772E196 Great Tennis / Super Tennis JP card (C-515K / 8611000)
- SMS 914514e3 F799F9C458560EF7 Super Tennis EU cart, EU card * 2 (4007M / A776H7, 4007M / A757G8), US card (4007M / A470K7), US display-unit cards * 3 (4007A / 8720 Y00, 4007A / 8724 Y01 * 2)
- SMS 4bc42857 DA63DA8BEB8E7C69 TransBot EU card (4004A / 8731 Y09), US card (4004K / 871000), US display-unit card (4004A / 8639 E20)
- SMS c795182d 041B1627D5288324 Astro Flash *NEW* JP card (C-503A / 8548 G08)
- SMS 316727dd BBE8D843FF8FF6BE Teddy Boy Blues *NEW* JP card (C-501E / 537 / C-501E / 538)
- SMS c0f3ce7e 827C30E5ED689206 Ghost House *NEW* JP card (C-512E / 90617)
- SMS f1f8ff2d 102C54291BD04715 Ghost House EU cart, AU cart, EU card (4002A / 8723 Y04), US card * 3 (4002M / A753G8, 4002K / 871200, 4002A / 8722 Y05)
- SMS 2d7fd7ef 68A3CEF02BC61B2B Great Soccer (card) JP card (C-504E / 82542)
- SMS 0ed170c9 114D726F249BB949 Great Soccer (card) (EU) IT card (4082A / 8714 Y01), DE card 4082BB / A220J6)
- SMS f0ba2bc6 A2297AFAC9472988 Seishun Scandal *NEW* JP card (C-510D / 5NC)
- SMS 62f0c23d ED4ACAF1CF794680 My Hero EU cart, EU card (4001A / 8723 Y05), US card (4001A / 8637 E25)
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2004/07
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:26 pm
- SMS def9b14e 5861B70BCC1B2A74 Asterix and the Secret Miss.. EU cart CLASSIC*2
- SMS fa8e4ca0 A6E188CF3FB0E053 sms-sci-eu.sms *NEW* EU cart*2
- SMS eab59592 CB2CDBCADF1A610A Global Defense [proto] *NEW* EU sample cart. 256 kb, upper half full of 0xB0.
SMS 91a0fc4e CB2CDBCADF1A610A Global Defense [Proto].sms Stripped one, 128 kb.
- SMS e6615745 01EF5A009C6701B2 Super Basketball Demo [proto] *NEW* US demo cart, Dumped as 128 kb with upper 64 kb full of FF.
- SMS ff614eb3 C0065F686A4316B0 Aztec Adventure US sample cart
- SMS bba74147 2D689EA985B828BF Zaxxon 3-D [proto] *NEW* US sample cart
- SMS a3ef13cb 73E4CCD0CC1A69BE Zaxxon 3-D EU cart, US cart, JP cart
- SMS b7fe0a9d A7EF2C74C4AA61FB sms-kingsquest-us-proto.sms *NEW* US sample cart
- SMS aedf3bdf 724EF423E356618F Sonic Chaos BR cart, (EU cart*2)
- SMS 11c1bc8a D3A4F10A4B37C04C Sonic Spinball BR cart, (EU cart)
- SMS 75971bef 1B751562EAF667B2 Phantasy Star (BR) BR cart white & blue
- SMS 0c7366a0 5D5B88F6AA6D367D Speedball 2 EU cart*2
- SMS bf6f3e5f EFA3373E2142D2C4 Marble Madness EU cart (+EU cart*2)
- SMS ae4a28d7 573DC782B785EDFA Danan - The Jungle Fighter EU cart, AU cart (+EU cart)
- SMS 00bef1d7 ABD447F2F23F56C1 Phantasy Star ([v3]) EU cart*2
- SMS e4a65e79 ABD648F1F23F54C1 Phantasy Star [alt:v2] *NEW* EU cart, US cart
- SMS 665fda92 AA7CEDD6C88CA221 Columns EU cart, US cart
- SMS 4a21c15f BA03F66F1CEFB221 Choplifter EU cart, US cart
- SMS 5cbfe997 468211BFBE1EC3C9 Alien Syndrome US cart (+US cart, EU cart*2)
- SMS 7b369892 1624A9110762168D World Grand Prix [usa] US cart (+US cart)
- SMS e8ea842c 8865855EC8C5267D Marksman Shooting & Trap Sh.. US cart, BR cart
- SMS fbde42d3 FE6C6689595835C1 Pro Wrestling EU cart, BR cart
- SMS 1a390b93 98916E9343CD4A7C Tennis Ace BR cart "Super Tennis", EU cart
- SMS ff614eb3 C0065F686A4316B0 Aztec Adventure US cart (+US cart, EU cart*2)
- SMS e030e66c 621888488B1D43CB Parlour Games US cart*2
- SMS 1ddc3059 DC6545FFFA415CE4 Ghostbusters US cart (+EU cart*3)
- SMS a55d89f3 3488F258EC375C7B Double Dragon US cart (+US cart*2, EU cart, BR cart, JP cart)
- SMS 48d44a13 312C856A6F60479E [BIOS] Japanese 2.1 JP SMS*3 (Serial: 37806594, 37809121, 87105241)
- SMS 52b83072 06C09D75451032A1 Double Target - Cynthia no.. JP cart*2
- SMS cf4a09ea E7605A0A2D3939B6 [BIOS] Alex Kidd in Miracle.. UK SMS (Serial: 40h 69676)
- SMS 8edf7ac6 394EDEF5E1094A72 [BIOS] Hang On FR SMS (Serial: 40G 41347)
- SMS 81c3476b 21346172A6AAF296 [BIOS] Sonic The Hedgehog UK SMS2 (Serial: 130025444)
- SMS 5a1c3dde 3AABE45F522F0156 Tecmo World Cup '93 EU cart (+EU cart*2)
- SMS b67ceb76 DA2CA2C86604B076 Global Gladiators EU cart (+EU cart*2)
- SMS a20290b6 B24204297A3B42E8 Winter Olympics EU cart (+EU cart*3 + EU Kixx cart)
- SMS ca1d3752 82CBE6058E19A67B Space Harrier [50 Hz] EU cart (+EU cart*3)
- SMS dfb0b161 826B0C3B91EAF65B Vigilante EU cart*2
- SMS a51376fe 593A81384915F462 Golvellius - Valley of Doom EU cart*2, US cart
- SMS 9a8b28ec 8C879DB38E98096E Scramble Spirits EU cart (+EU cart*2, AU cart)
- SMS ae920e4b 71B0240AD8312583 Thunder Blade EU cart (+EU cart, US cart)
- SMS 7f30f793 122165765570939A Alien Storm EU cart*2
- SMS 3932adbc 436E35E9D2EFEF81 Out Run Europa EU cart (+EU cart*3)
- SMS 1bcc7be3 6510DE9EFF33617C Rocky EU cart*3 (+US cart)
- SMS 97993479 51C5A27AE5C1A97F Psycho Fox EU cart (+EU cart*?, US cart)
- SMS 5a1c3dde 3AABE45F522F0156 Tecmo World Cup '93 EU cart*3 (+EU cart, total all 4 done)
- SMS 7a92eba6 DB5D5B37B0F77916 Ghouls'n Ghosts EU cart*2
- GG 59e3be92 C32205C4D7835C9C Factory Panic BR cart "Crazy Company"
- GG 7ec95282 4E4D0E995D8F933F Madou Monogatari A (JP) TW cart
- GG 1a51579d CEE87887BE4C5BE6 Phantasy Star Adventure (JP) TW cart
- GG e9783cea 09198DB9275CA96C Panzer Dragoon Mini (JP) TW cart
- GG 3679be80 FCD47238A9F827BE Neko Daisuki! (JP) TW cart
- GG 06247dd2 C6F0B20D1690598C Ninku 2 ~Tenkuryu-e no.. (JP) JP cart (+JP cart)
- GG 937fd52b 5B21015F3D470997 Kaito Saint Tail (JP) TW cart
- GG 58459edd 5540503E9E1A8A9B Lunar - Sanpo-suru Gakuen(JP) TW cart
- GG 4ed45bda DE60DCC646F22CBC Nomo's World Series Bas..(JP) JP cart (could not dump TW cart)
- GG 069a0704 6065615A7606FD07 RoboCop 3 TW cart
- GG 9808d7b3 0DE81165350FE170 Lion King, The (US) TW cart
- GG 733292a6 1D6B7F6FC8CE6D87 Doraemon Waku Waku Pock..(JP) JP cart
- GG 6a24e47e C2965F6E8A59A751 Cutthroat Island (US) TW cart
- GG c169c344 CD0B39F3B2896859 X-Men - Gamesmaster's L..(US) TW cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2004/09
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:27 pm
- GG 2d98bd87 9A5CD4E692C2A854 Lucky Dime Caper, The (JP) JP cart
- SMS 96fb4d4b 4B833BC369A0A586 Master of Darkness EU Classic cart. Weird, dump as 800 kb.
- SMS 11ce074c C37CA576419924A8 Taz in Escape From Mars BR cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2004/10
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:28 pm Last edited by Bock on Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
- SMS 1a15dfcc AEA4E4E75C18620D SMS_BIOS_Proto_M404.sms *NEW* EPROM from SMS prototype
- SMS ee2c29ba D96A4E58E20A9794 SMS Store Display Unit *NEW* EPROM from SMS Store display unit*2
- SMS 1c951f8e 69AAC8EBB8D1F6BB After Burner US cart
- SMS 3cff6e80 CA4954F3D05891ED Casino Games EU cart, US cart. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 23163a12 F15F4C92401D6312 Champions of Europe EU cart*2
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/01
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:29 pm
Testing new SMS Reader
- SMS 0c7366a0 5D5B88F6AA6D367D Speedball 2 EU cart
- SMS a55d89f3 3488F258EC375C7B Double Dragon [A] (A??) EU cart
- SMS 30af0233 6B2F747298C5F330 TecToy Brazil.sms *NEW* BR cart
- GG f6a697f8 CADE4673E162E27A car *NEW* JP cart
- SMS 7f6d0df6 FF0D4BCCBFED062B Donald Duck [Proto] *NEW* US proto cart. . Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F Wonder Boy III: The Dragon.. US cart*2. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F Wonder Boy III: The Dragon.. EU cart*2, AU cart
- GG 600c15b3 308DC2BE252AC7AD Space Harrier JP cart, EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/02
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:30 pm
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D Enduro Racer US cart, US cart [blue label]
- SMS 3ef12baa 848ACF83D5A4DE49 Super Monaco GP (US) US cart
- SMS aed9aac4 9E9ACFFA4B7344FD Alex Kidd in Miracle World[A] US cart (alt) *NEW* this change the naming conversion. This will be v1 the other v0
- SMS 65d7e4e0 6D3986E0E6097F86 Fantasy Zone EU cart
- SMS 59840fd6 CCD28DCAC9AC7C1A Castle of Illusion [SMS-GG] EU cart
- GG d163356e 53D934469DC6E116 Sonic The Hedgehog [v1] EU cart
- GG 1d1b1dd3 8E89AE12C88F29A9 Super Monaco GP II (Ayrton..) EU cart
- GG 07a7815a EEBEEC8A267160E7 Lucky Dime Caper EU cart
- SMS 16ec3575 59B7B528A8C7DFC5 sms-choplifter-jp-proto.sms *NEW* JP proto cart
- SG1 ff435469 279AD92023C895C6 *NEW* JP proto cart
- SG1 bd24d27b E3234655B4D74292 Flicky (verified).sg JP cart, JP sample cart
- SG1 26f947d1 1FB7BB8E1123BAF3 Champion Boxing [cart] JP sample cart
- SG1 00ed3970 7C7748E59B2DCE4A Lode Runner (verified) JP sample cart
- SG1 1898f274 38DCD62C5EFD0C83 Girl's Garden (verified).sg JP sample cart
- SG1 a627d440 6F16109C70F21E4F Hustle JP sample cart
- SMS e79bb689 0BCFEBA4D00C704B Missile Defense 3-D [BIOS] *NEW* US sms1
- SG1 084cc13e 05318ACB15C32F6E Super Tank (verified) JP card (C-66 / 6362)
- SMS 95cbf3dd 03AA0AD98772E196 sms-supertennisj.sms JP card (C-515K / 8611000)
- SG1 10cdebce 070357A3254C1774 Champion Kendou JP card (C-67BB / 550K)
- SG1 37fca2eb 985694ED9B8C4B1F Pitfall II [A] (verified) JP card (C-49C / 5355)
- SMS 184c23b7 8B5072C94E9DBB44 F-16 Fighting Falcon US card (4005A / 8746 Y27)
- SG1 0b4bca74 2AAE5B779DB522E2 Borderline EU cart, AU cart
- SG1 7c663316 085A9DF0EF513B96 Champion Tennis EU cart*4, AU cart
- SG1 bfee933b 2BF4831670907FC9 EU cart*2
- SG1 7f25deca 4614717ECAA82D18 sg-StarJacker AU cart*2, NZ cart, EU cart*2, JP cart
- SG1 3fe59505 4614717ECAA82D18 EU cart
- SG1 01932df9 39B539F98CD283FF Sindbad Mystery AU cart, AU-rental cart
- GG 4c874466 7B8178C415DEF4E1 *NEW* JP proto cart, Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 05cdc24e 03D41A910937FC42 G-LOC - Air Battle EU cart*2
- SMS 3cff6e80 CA4954F3D05891ED Casino Games EU cart*2. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 1a390b93 98916E9343CD4A7C Tennis Ace EU cart*2
- SMS 13ac9023 7269A76D348E66E9 Cool Spot.sms EU cart
- SMS 0df8597f 0C2223DC0ECAB348 Basketball Nightmare EU cart*2
- SMS aed9aac4 9E9ACFFA4B7344FD Alex Kidd in Miracle World [v1] US sample carts2
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/03
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:31 pm
- SMS 7db5b0fa 8B7CE5483E4F1B24 Dynamite Headdy BR cart
- SMS b154ec38 35A2509E003333D5 Batman Returns EU cart
- SMS 97993479 51C5A27AE5C1A97F Psycho Fox EU cart, BR cart
- SMS a1710f13 57B8D77289FE41E0 Lucky Dime Caper EU cart
- SMS b0fc4577 C10FA02711E01C5C Buggy Run EU cart
- SMS c7a1fdef E9FF01CC584A7A2F Populous EU cart
- SMS 3d55759b 2893A79D37A62301 Walter Payton Football (US) US cart. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS e42e4998 C4C45B848BC2A3A9 Sports Pad Football (US) US cart
- SMS d2417ed7 7ACEE06A678FF583 Alex Kidd in Shinobi World BR cart
- SMS d6f43dda 1BB3AE977AC3CCE4 Out Run 3-D BR cart
- SMS 357d4f78 F8FBE39B6B9A7A10 Putt & Putter BR cart labelled "Minigolf"
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D Enduro Racer BR cart labelled "Super Cross"
- SMS 0bd8da96 61A53B8B8924BFC8 Assault City EU cart
- SMS 861b6e79 3192D86747C4C62D Assault City [LG] EU cart, BR cart
- SG1 288940cb 546C1EFBFD7F5754 Drol AU-rental cart
- SG1 ea0f2691 0A34F046A94E1382 Bomb Jack AU-rental cart, AU-library cart
- SG1 11db4b1d FF5544CA075675CC Championship Lode Runner JP card
- SG1 c35df2b4 015544CA075675CA championshiploderunner-corrupted-78F0-FF(logo tile) *NEW* corrupted ? AU-rental cart
- SG1 732b7180 308D125E31D34B84 Choplifter AU-library cart
- SG1 9be3c6bd 0EF416397D1321FE Hang On II AU-library cart
- SG1 bc5d20df 1C80273C5B02376D Zippy Race JP cart, AU-library cart
- SC3 cdf7bdf3 B2B7D236E23087F6 Basic Level II A B-10 *NEW* JP cart ?
- SC3 78a37cbc 0C8784F17E89F5FC Home Basic B-50 JP cart
- SG1 3b912408 0D51374D3F55E6A4 Ninja Princess AU-rental cart
- SG1 1898f274 38DCD62C5EFD0C83 Girl's Garden JP cart
- SG1 b358516b 3ADCD72F5FFD0F79 *NEW* AU-rental cart.. weird hack.
- SC3 6ccb297a ECF917D715120BFB E-103.SC JP cart (16 Kb)
- SMS 65d7e4e0 6D3986E0E6097F86 Fantasy Zone JP cart
- SMS c722fb42 670E9195613A25A5 Fantasy Zone II (jp) JP cart
- SMS 1bcc7be3 6510DE9EFF33617C Rocky JP cart
- SMS 2ac001eb 47A87FEE28140464 Great Basketball JP cart
- SMS 2055825f 9081CE66CC2A03C2 Great Football JP cart
- SMS 5d5c50b3 6038C2516F841949 Enduro Racer (jp) JP cart
- SMS da9be8f0 368FE6B9C92FC4E0 proyakyu penant race (jp) JP cart
- SMS ca860451 DFCFA670AC174930 Makai Retsuden (jp) JP cart
- SMS 60c19645 39A919D7DA6933B8 Akai Koudan Zillion (jp) JP cart
- SMS 5589d8d2 B32F41555F15C94B Out Run JP cart
- SMS 98e4ae4a 20A77684F32545E2 Great Golf / Masters Golf JP cart (Masters Golf)
- SMS 2bcdb8fa 9A7D6603682DA249 Doki Doki Penguin Land (jp) JP cart. Often hang JP-SMS. Second half of 128-kb return weird garbage.
- SMS bcfbfc67 C3982C78688D8983 Mahjong Sengoku Jidai (jp) JP cart
- SMS 1de2c2d0 FD39BA27B96F853C SDI (jp) JP cart
- SMS 4cc11df9 DCF4C5DA46B94250 sms-aliensyndrome-jp.sms *NEW* JP cart
- SMS 1c951f8e 69AAC8EBB8D1F6BB After Burner JP cart
- SMS bea27d5c 7DBE1156242EEE1E Opa Opa (JP) JP cart
- SMS 2f2e3bc9 FE36CB6E6BC5ED76 Zillion 2 - Tri Formation JP cart
- SMS 871562b0 6F10F2363597F697 Maze Walker (jp) JP cart
- SMS c13896d5 FCA1E2B346E4B6EE Alex Kidd the Lost Stars JP cart
- SMS 8fb75994 2AB04A10D714A23F The Circuit (JP) JP cart
- SMS d91b340d 2CCEA6A00321A4F8 Action Fighter (jp) JP cart
- SMS beddf80e 0AEA3665ABDB3AB1 Space Harrier [50 & 60 Hz] JP cart
- SMS 299cbb74 E41681744EF7FAD2 Astro Warrior JP cart
- SMS 6586bd1f 60D284A3414C61B9 Great Golf (JP) JP cart
- SMS e2fcb6f3 A9F764062AFED3FB sms-superwonderboy-jp.sms *NEW* JP cart
- SMS b13df647 57E32ED9EF14328A Sukeban Deka II (jp) JP cart
- SMS 6819b0c0 46304A99131AF783 Great Volley Ball (jp) JP cart
- SMS 323f357f 10BBC3D7919A561A Loletta no Shouzou (jp) JP cart
- SMS a6fa42d0 A5FA6D631981688F Galactic Protector (jp) JP cart
- SMS 156948f9 97FA12D86875C8E0 Space Harrier 3D (jp) JP cart
- SMS 8ecd201c 95A173467C000C89 Blade Eagle 3D JP cart
- SMS d8c4165b 7AF7BA94F1EB0263 Aleste (jp) JP cart
- SMS 8132ab2c CEEB86B43819EAD2 Tensai Bakabon (jp) JP cart
- SMS a4852757 DE36EE3D634864B2 Captain Silver JP cart
- SMS 7e0ef8cb 52DA42A9A94927D0 Super Racing (jp) JP cart
- SMS 05ea5353 C248674DC457190E Kenseiden (jp) JP cart
- SMS 29bc7fad 9AE49900AF32A95F Megumi Rescue (jp) JP cart
- SMS aa7d6f45 572DF98CDFB5D98A Lord of Sword (jp) JP cart
- SMS 3ebb7457 1812E0F53178AFA9 Final Bubble Bobble (jp) JP cart
- SMS bb54b6b0 5286A12D022F2801 R-Type JP cart
- SMS 41c948bf 6333A82396B2CF88 Sports Pad Soccer (jp) JP cart
- SMS 5b5f9106 43FAFA9DD769AB41 Nekyuu Kousien (jp) JP cart
- SMS e421e466 8854D3291643319E Borgman (jp) JP cart
- SMS 3084cf11 BD3F8777A78138A6 Bomber Raid JP cart
- SMS bae75805 B1B3520AE6A57C39 Argos no Juujiken JP cart
- SMS 8b24a640 C9A68D7C60D1C196 Fire & Ice (BR) BR cart
- SMS 6bd5c2bf BEFA25D66361C8C1 Space Harrier 3-D EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/04
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:32 pm
- SMS 91e93385 E48EA39C2A04D150 BIOS Hang On / Safari Hunt BR SMS-I "Master System 3D"
- SMS 9321bcb2 CEC0B4145A72726C sms-br-bios-alexkidd.sms BR SMS-II "Master System II"
- SMS e0f34fa6 7B806045EC630110 Quartet EU cart*2
- SMS 60c19645 39A919D7DA6933B8 Akai Koudan Zillion (jp) *RENAME* EU cart
- SMS 5718762c 88E69FBAA2DA4974 Zillion (verified).sms *RENAME* US cart
- SMS aed9aac4 9E9ACFFA4B7344FD Alex Kidd in Miracle World[v1] EU cart
- SMS c7ded988 9BCA87E879AE0BFA Golden Axe Warrior EU cart*3
- SMS 98e4ae4a 20A77684F32545E2 Great Golf EU cart, US cart
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F Wonder Boy III: The Dragon.. EU cart*2. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- SMS 8cbef0c1 522ECFED1D0DF8A2 Wonder Boy in Monster Land EU cart*3, 2 with "Super Wonder Boy Super Monster Land".
- SMS 73705c02 AFB122C8D3EE7A7B Wonder Boy EU cart*2, US cart
- SMS 96fb4d4b 4B833BC369A0A586 Master of Darkness BR cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/05
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:32 pm
- GG dfcf555f 5FA88D0C551D33BB Ax Battler [v1.5] (JP) JP cart
- GG d69097e8 2C887DCDCA714285 Fantasy Zone Gear JP cart
- SMS 6a664405 97C27C98AF09FCDF James "Buster" Douglas Kno... US proto/sample cart. Dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF.
- GG d15d335b 8C9DF406D503E322 Winter Olympics EU cart
- GG 1d93246e 489D35A442E436E6 gg-eu-olympicgold.sms EU cart
- GG 8f17597e 64654505786B10FA gg-eu-NBA Jam *NEW* EU cart (export)
- GG c029a5fd EFDF88CF8D68A343 Terminator, US cart, EU cart
- GG 820965a3 78192012DB30BF73 Ultimate BR cart
- GG 03e9c607 EACA76A0EF9F1D8B Revenge of Drancon US cart, BR cart "Wonder Boy" !
- GG 73779b22 AF5D95122837E30B gg-br-psychicworld *NEW* BR cart -> need to redump JP/US/EU version to compare
- GG 18de59ed 093B5C63C1FA1E24 G-Loc Air Battle US cart, BR cart
- GG 191b1ed8 D569D43547670605 Chuck Rock BR cart
- GG 663f2abb 2ED7693B07C9BFC8 Sonic Chaos US cart, BR cart
- SMS 69538469 4D632D43B6FE42EA Monopoly [A] SAMPLE/PROTO cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/06
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:33 pm
- SMS d8f2f1b9 2E5B54DFAA4D4706 Submarine Attack EU cart
- SMS e4163163 52E64F6379BC4E93 Arcade Smash Hits EU cart*2
- SMS 695a9a15 C723308C422E8664 Jungle Book EU cart
- SMS da3a2f57 23DA1C4AC46CB8B5 Black Belt EU cart*2
- SMS 655fb1f4 D8A13BCA59CD77E5 Bank Panic EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/07
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:33 pm Last edited by Bock on Sat May 31, 2008 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
- GG 4af7f2aa FAF731A5A0AB9757 Kinetic Connection JP cart*2, dumped as 512 kb with upper 394 kb full of FF
- GG 600c15b3 308DC2BE252AC7AD Space Harrier JP cart
- GG 9c76fb3a D5F5307E4C80328A Rastan Saga [SMS-GG] JP cart
- SMS c547eb1b 1DA1B2C2A17604B3 Rastan (verified).sms US cart, EU cart dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF
- SMS b876fc74 E1D4360F1398203B Road Rash (verified).sms PT cart
- SMS 8aeb574b 17779413DD492085 Indiana Jones and the ... PT cart
- SMS 11c1bc8a D3A4F10A4B37C04C Sonic Spinball (verified) PT cart
- SMS 48651325 C0AB0A7E886044E1 Golfamania [A] (verified) PT cart
- SMS 665fda92 AA7CEDD6C88CA221 Columns.sms BR cart (Shapes and Columns)
- GG a4bb9ffb F7196CDC184FF74A Berenstain Bears', The .. US cart
- GG 46f40b9f 6686067B7F5218AA Fred Couples US cart
- GG b1196cd7 FCB8715AAD21852E Fred Couples Golf (JP).gg JP cart
- SMS fbde42d3 FE6C6689595835C1 Pro Wrestling EU cart, US cart
- SMS fdab876a AEB225FECBA7EE1D Heavyweight Champ EU cart
- SMS 4aaad0d6 761980092FA9EA26 World Grand Prix EU cart
- SMS 2ac001eb 47A87FEE28140464 Great Basketball EU cart*2, US cart
- SMS ac6009a7 CF790CF50722A0EE California Games EU cart, BR cart "Jogos de Verao"
- SMS 914514e3 F799F9C458560EF7 Super Tennis EU cart
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D Enduro Racer EU cart
- SMS e8215c2e 73340E125480BFA6 Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting & Safari Hunt EU cart
- SMS a2f9c7af 972BE85E65BA5A7F Olympic Gold [GG-B] GG-TW cart
- SMS e2f7193e D57FCD7C1E815D67 Dead Angle (verified) GG-TW cart, US cart
- SMS 6c827520 1B819E859D0C3860 Galaxy Force [60 Hz] GG-TW cart
- SMS 3382d73f 9B2BE85C65BA5A7D gg-tw-olympicgold.sms GG-TW cart *NEW* (hack)
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/08
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:34 pm
- GG f6af4b6b B33070CAB97B921D Dynamite Headdy [A] JP cart
- GG 09151743 73869AAE809FD1CF Tanto-R (jp) JP cart
- GG 9140f239 7DB3E5B919ED36F6 Ninku Gaiden - Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki JP cart
- SMS 1ddc3059 DC6545FFFA415CE4 Ghostbusters US blue cart
- SMS bbda65f0 35A0597C0B263AEB Rambo - First Blood Part 2 US cart (box misprint)
- GG 9afb6f33 CE07E49360532BD6 Garou Densetsu Special (JP) *NEW* JP cart
- GG 445d7cd2 5A7BEBD52838F714 Royal Stone (jp) JP cart
- GG d163356e 53D934469DC6E116 Sonic The Hedgehog [v1] JP cart ****************TO PROCESS*********
- GG 3e31cb8c 2D341FEB6A1B46CA Sonic the Hedgehog [v0] JP cart
- GG 423803a7 9E7E0CAD62261E85 Gambler Jikochuushin Ha (jp) JP cart
- GG 056cae74 07EAA1CEF2F8BBFB JP cart
- GG 610ff95c 44C54C81ACC8AC0A *NEW* EU cart
- GG bb38cfd7 82392945686157B7 World Series Baseball [B] US cart
- GG 61785ed5 FD0304D38203D6CE NFL Quarterback Club US, JP cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/09
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:35 pm
- SMS c0e25d62 53E11D9FBBD9FB81 California Games II AU cart
- SMS 1f8efa1d FBDA82A4AA3C34EB Wolfchild (verified).sms AU cart from Double Pack
- SMS 302dc686 BC55ADDD0F5CF901 Mortal Kombat (verified).sms AU cart from Double Pack
- SMS 887d9f6b 9EB1F06967AA8DBA Ace of Aces (verified).sms EU cart*2
- SMS 3658f3e0 2BCDA99F0321A4F8 Action Fighter (verified) EU cart*2
- SMS 6a5a1e39 A6491A91F74F0A16 Olympic Gold (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS ac6009a7 CF790CF50722A0EE California Games (verified) EU cart
- SMS 0c6fac4e DEF9F2C7A058ADCB Shinobi (verified).sms EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/10
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:35 pm
- GG fd14ce00 E8983AA73B33032E Kick & Rush (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 8e54ee04 E463A36AE4D522D1 Puzzle Bobble (JP) JP cart
- SMS 42fc47ee 554C7BE855EAE1DC Rampage.sms US, EU, BR carts
- SMS 3084cf11 BD3F8777A78138A6 Bomber Raid US, EU carts
- SMS a4ac35d8 0B932CEAD9975587 Galaxy Force [50 & 60 Hz] EU cart
- SMS 6c827520 1B819E859D0C3860 Galaxy Force [60 Hz] US cart
- GG e9a2efb4 F9F734AF23CDB28B Gear Works US cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/11
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:35 pm
- SMS 0c6fac4e DEF9F2C7A058ADCB Shinobi (verified).sms US cart
- SMS c08132fb 07A18B1093D71D36 Golden Axe (verified).sms US cart
- SMS 9aefe664 B3AE3F297F8E9793 Pat Riley Basketball [Proto] US proto cart dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2005/12
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:36 pm
- SMS d2417ed7 7ACEE06A678FF583 Alex Kidd in Shinobi World BR cart
- SMS c352c7eb DC4FD0C90A6F5E65 Lion King BR cart
- SMS 912d92af 6002C9391330D782 Wimbledon (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 7f3afe58 F3781A7463B39160 Wimbledon 2 (verified).sms EU, BR cart labelled "Wimbledon" (good old TecToy...)
- SMS 15668ca4 7638A4C78062F114 Ultimate Soccer (verified) BR cart
- SMS 953f42e1 6A279D3154CF1D61 Castle of Illusion (verified) BR cart
- SMS ebe45388 5C12588F41421117 Spider-Man Return of the Si.. BR cart
- SMS 57f1545b 63CE90266CDA3B98 Virtua Fighter Animation BR cart
- SMS f6fab48d E2628BCB39487174 Dick Tracy (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS da3a2f57 23DA1C4AC46CB8B5 Black Belt (verified).sms BR cart, US cart
- SMS 861b6e79 3192D86747C4C62D Assault City [LG] (verified) BR cart
- SMS 82ef2a7d 9C0F1AFF59252A94 Ottifants, The.sms BR cart
- SMS 299cbb74 E41681744EF7FAD2 Astro Warrior (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS 1fdae719 9815A90C29BA6556 Running Battle (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS aedf3bdf 724EF423E356618F Sonic Chaos (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS 5b3b922c 89244C65041595F4 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [A] BR cart
- SMS e890331d 0EE799CB6D17E43F Super Monaco GP 2 (Ayrton..) BR cart *2
- SMS e0f34fa6 7B806045EC630110 Quartet (verified).sms US cart
- GG 6a603eed 8C280F0037C2ED57 *NEW* US cart
- SMS 69538469 4D632D43B6FE42EA Monopoly [A] sample/proto cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Log 2006/01
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:43 pm
I started adding ROM + board/mapper numbers if available and if I opened the cartridge to get the info.
- GG e2f3b203 21E70CD78EEE2D6C Ecco 2 - the Tides of Time EU cart
- SMS ea5c3a6f 31C90A07943577B5 Dinobasher - Starring Big N.. *NEW* Proto cart
- SG1 ba09a0fd 0CBF98A750BA42AA Hyper Sports (Konami no) JP cart *2 / 16-bits pages sum verified (6446,D43D)
- SG1 6ad5cb3d 832D295F5C58E72D Space JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (13C8)
- SG1 5a917e06 012791545F90CD37 Shinnyushain Tooru Kun (Ko..) JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (5D50, 8371)
- SG1 0d159ed0 1B5A61BF9994C579 Golgo 13 JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (F68E, E523)
- SG1 942adf84 273CD5E6FC69F08D GP World [B] JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (9431, 8C4D)
- SG1 00ed3970 7C7748E59B2DCE4A Lode JP cart *2, EU cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (00FC, CE1D)
- SC3 ae4f92cf 1916AF8D8DF9E52A Uranai Angel JP cart
- SG1 545fc9bb 9FAB5418930F2484 Ashizawa Hachidan no Tsumes.. JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (9C68)
- SG1 e2fd5201 0B6F31D372EC70B4 YAMATO.SG JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (4798)
- SG1 8efc77bc 5C5A333AD02831B4 Sega Flipper JP cart, EU cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (13EB)
- SG1 af4f14bc FC9BB64B14BEE9AD JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (A740, 611C)
- SG1 905467e4 237439957A2DF103 JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (E915, D472)
- SG1 fd7cb50a 012054B9AACC5804 Pachinko JP cart / 16-bits pages sum verified (0DB0)
- SG1 24a0916b A03640AEB4B4587C sg-championbaseball-48k.sms *NEW* JP cart / CRC32 not valid yet, weird mapper 8kb at 0000, 8kb at 8000 (need to sort out along with others of the same kind)
- SMS 026d94a4 486A3C3EC40B37CE MPR-11270A sms-eu-monopoly.sms EU cart "Monopoly" / ROM: MPR-11270A, 831000-20, 0A9 BK, 8910 Z05 / Board: 171-5497 / Mapper: 315-5235, 135U, 8839 Z41 / RAM+Battery
- SMS 69538469 4D632D43B6FE42EA MPR-11270-S sms-us-monopoly.sms US cart*3 "Mono Poly" same ROM, mapper different dates / 16-bits pages sum verified / ROM: MPR-11270-S, JAPAN, 8829 D / Board: 171-5497 / Mapper: 315-5235, 135U, 8823 Z16 / RAM+Battery
- SMS c8718d40 836571585D162CB0 ? Aladdin EU cart*2
- SMS 1350e4f8 54D5553AF5264FDE ? Cyber Shinobi EU cart, 2 other undumpable via SMS Reader, 1 success SmsDumpPagesCheck
- SMS d7416b83 0C2287D260615D5B ? Mercs EU cart*2
- SMS 22cca9bb 0E91C33709612BD2 MPR-15999-F Turma da Mônica em - O Resgate BR cart / ROM: MPR-15999-F, 832011A-25, 378 AK, 9436 T05 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS f499034d EC195693CDC41170 ? Andre Agassi Tennis EU cart*2
- SMS f499034d EC195693CDC41170 MPR-15569A-F Andre Agassi Tennis BR cart / ROM: MPR-15569A-F, 832011A-25, 361 AK, 9317 T05 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS e5ff50d8 D2BE59AA0185BE29 ? Back to the Future Part II EU cart
- SMS e5ff50d8 D2BE59AA0185BE29 MPR-13903 Back to the Future Part II BR cart / ROM: MPR-13903 T44, 9151EP012 / Board: TEC TOY 199.403.511.413
- SMS 2d48c1d3 84C9B8E5194A882B ? Back to the Future Part III EU cart*2
- SMS 6d94bb0e 4D23BD40BBC8C14F MPR-12102F Reggie Jackson Baseball US cart / ROM: MPR-12102F, 832011-25, 220 AK, 8914 R11 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 912d92af 6002C9391330D782 ? Wimbledon EU Classic cart
- SMS 0047b615 CCDD81E10B375F54 ? Predator 2 EU cart*2
- SMS 0ca95637 B3C4296E5BC63899 ? Laser Ghost EU cart (normal font packaging), EU cart*2 (custom font packaging)
- SMS 6350e649 EBBA1A5F14B6D543 MPR-20989-S Legend of Illusion - Starring.. BR cart*2 / ROM: MPR-20989-S, SEGA JAPAN, 9838 D / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 24e97200 37B375B8FEA09AB1 ? Land of Illusion - Starring.. EU cart
Sorry if the formatting makes it difficult to read. Those info are meant to be searched anyway.
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/02
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:45 pm
I've got a new security screw bit - MadMikeAu will appreciate. Copy and paste into text editor to read properly.
- SMS 66a15bd9 6E674174DCF99F02 ? The Ninja EU cart
- SMS c88a5064 71FD7E5B59B78722 ? Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story EU cart*2
- SMS 5c0b1f0f 106D424E827F1FD3 ? Psychic World EU cart*2
- SMS 8212b754 7C3D8387CD52CB53 ? RoboCop versus The Terminator EU Classic cart
- SMS 66388128 D28E2F698C014338 ? Sagaia EU cart, dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF
- SMS f6b2370a 98430D51443E0D38 MPR-15988 Bart vs. The World (The Simp..) EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15988 T74, 9345XY014
- SMS cb09f355 9C076464A46F730F ? Line of Fire EU cart*2
- SMS cb09f355 9C076464A46F730F ? Line of Fire KR cart / 16-bits pages sum verified
- SMS 16537865 CAB3012EDD748A79 ? Dr.HELLO (KR).sms *NEW* KR cart
- GG e632a3a2 79E80A0C5A985A3D ? FIFA International Soccer US cart
- GG 78159325 7ECE281E38B22163 ? FIFA International Soccer (JP) JP cart
- SMS 75971bef 1B751562EAF667B2 MPR-13925 Phantasy Star (BR) BR cart (white box) / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13925 W07, 9120EY701 / Board: 171-5602-B (C) SEGA 1990
- SMS 75971bef 1B751562EAF667B2 MPR-13925 Phantasy Star (BR) BR cart (white box) / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13925 W35, 9522EY005 / Board: 171-5602-B (C) SEGA 1990
- SMS 75971bef 1B751562EAF667B2 MPR-13925 Phantasy Star (BR) BR cart (blue box) / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13925 W35, 9523EY002 / Board: 171-5602-B (C) SEGA 1990
- SMS c4d5efc5 65DF0FAE9B9BD8F1 MPR-19341 Earthworm Jim.sms BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19341 W50, 9704E7002
- SMS c4d5efc5 65DF0FAE9B9BD8F1 MPR-19341 Earthworm Jim.sms BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19341 W50, 9704E7003
- SMS 6687fab9 83074B5C0E7C3A0B MPR-16145 Ecco the Dolphin EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-16145 W12, 9414EY003
- SMS 6687fab9 83074B5C0E7C3A0B MPR-16145 Ecco the Dolphin EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-16145 W12, 9414EY006 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 8b24a640 C9A68D7C60D1C196 MPR-15994 Fire & Ice (BR) BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15994 W29, 9527KY003 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 9bb3b5f9 78A312E98554F41D MPR-19081-S FIFA International Soccer (BR) BR cart / ROM: MPR-19081-S, SEGA JAPAN, 9947D / Board: 171-5507
- SMS bf6c2e37 5C434F34BA4434AC MPR-19076 Férias Frustradas do Pica Pau.. BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19076 W46, 9639E7001 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS bf6c2e37 5C434F34BA4434AC MPR-19076 Férias Frustradas do Pica Pau.. BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19076 W46, 9639E7003 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS f6ad7b1d E356BEF0D3941C96 MPR-13237 Fire & Forget II EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13237 T30, 9030KY702 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 302dc686 BC55ADDD0F5CF901 MPR-15757 Mortal Kombat EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15757 W26, 9330EY002 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 2663bf18 C71D87669810186F MPR-17300 Mortal Kombat II EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-17300 W28, 9441EY002 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 2663bf18 C71D87669810186F MPR-17300 Mortal Kombat II BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-17300 W28, 9650EY002 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 2663bf18 C71D87669810186F MPR-17300 Mortal Kombat II BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-17300 W28, 9522EY006 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 395ae757 6E91621C296C02EC MPR-19097 Mortal Kombat 3 (br) BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19097 W47, 9641E7004 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 395ae757 6E91621C296C02EC MPR-19097 Mortal Kombat 3 (br) BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-19097 W47, 9641E7011 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS b67ceb76 DA2CA2C86604B076 MPR-15515 Global Gladiators BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15515 T68, 9317XY003 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS b67ceb76 DA2CA2C86604B076 MPR-15510-F Global Gladiators EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15510-F, 832011A-25, 356 AK, 9314 T03 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 147e02fa B6F98801021AA804 MPR-14266 Asterix [v0] EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-14266 W12, 9149KPO25 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 8370f6cd 128E2488C291E978 MPR-13148-F Double Hawk EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13148-F, 832011-25, 240 AK, 9022 R03 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 8370f6cd 128E2488C291E978 MPR-13148-F Double Hawk EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13148-F, 832011-25, 240 AK, 9045 R09 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 1b10a951 1AF283FD7C694E41 MPR-15676 Bram Stoker's Dracula EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15676 T73, 9337XY006 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 1b10a951 1AF283FD7C694E41 MPR-15676 Bram Stoker's Dracula EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15676 T73, 9337XY007 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 1a390b93 98916E9343CD4A7C MPR-12588-F Tennis Ace EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12588-F, 832011-25, 233 AK, 9010 R11
- SMS 1a390b93 98916E9343CD4A7C MPR-12588 Tennis Ace EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12588 T22, 9135EP009 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D MPR-10843-S Enduro Racer EU cart / ROM: MPR-10843-S, SEGA JAPAN, 9132 E / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D MPR-10843F Enduro Racer EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-10843F, 831001-25, 039 AK, 9150 Z22 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 3658f3e0 2BCDA99F0321A4F8 MPR-10158 Action Fighter US cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-10158, 831000-20, 330 BK, 8639 G02 / Mapper: SEGA, 315-5208, 111U, 8638 Z42 / Board: 171-5365-01
- SMS 3658f3e0 2BCDA99F0321A4F8 MPR-11043 Action Fighter EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11043, 831001-25, 007 AK, 9140 Z55 / Board: 171-5519D
- SMS 3658f3e0 2BCDA99F0321A4F8 MPR-11043 Action Fighter EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11043, 831001A-25, 007 AK, 9215 Z00 / Board: 171-5519D
- SMS 7b369892 1624A9110762168D MPR-11042 World Grand Prix (US) US cart / ROM: 8747EX, SEGA MPR-11042 W38 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 4aaad0d6 761980092FA9EA26 MPR-11074 World Grand Prix EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11074, 831001-25, 005 AK, 8917 Z07 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 4aaad0d6 761980092FA9EA26 MPR-11074 World Grand Prix EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11074, 831001-25, 005 AK, 8917 Z07 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS c7a1fdef E9FF01CC584A7A2F MPR-13900 Populous EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13900 T43, 9135EP019 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 0667ed9f 9E66E0AB50B7A4C6 MPR-15997 Jurassic Park EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15997 W05, 9345KY001 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 0667ed9f 9E66E0AB50B7A4C6 MPR-15997 Jurassic Park EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15997 W05, 9342KY004 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 0667ed9f 9E66E0AB50B7A4C6 MPR-15997 Jurassic Park EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15997 W05, 9342KY004 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS 0667ed9f 9E66E0AB50B7A4C6 MPR-15997 Jurassic Park BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15997 W05, 9342KY008 / Board: 171-5507
- SMS a55d89f3 3488F258EC375C7B MPR-11831 Double Dragon EU cart / ROM: 9020KY, SEGA MPR-11831 T03 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS a55d89f3 3488F258EC375C7B MPR-11831F Double Dragon EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11831F, 832011-25, 216 AK, 8943 R17
- SMS 0e333b6e 5DF944A13D3573E0 MPR-11710 Miracle Warriors EU cart / ROM: 9043KT, SEGA MPR-11710 W21 / Board: 171-5602-B
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/03
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:08 pm
- GG 2333f615 9B4CDA9945218AB6 ? G-Loc Air Battle [v0] (JP) JP cart
- GG 736cdb76 70BA6E9D99C81B4F ? The Quiz Gear Fight!! (jp) JP cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/04
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:08 pm
- SMS c9dbf936 FA6B14A912C33ECB MPR-15818-F Home Alone EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-15818-F, 832011A-25, 376 AK, 9336 T0D
- GG 8d1597f5 A2C697B8888E2E05 ? Lost Work - Jurassic Park, The *NEW* US cart
- GG 5b68da75 75F6BDAA6E596DFA ? Sensible Soccer *NEW* EU cart
- SMS c3e7c1ed 1C5A4BE99B9035F6 ? Ghost House [Proto].sms *NEW* US proto card
- SMS bba2fe98 B604DAE9BC58B6B9 MPR-12352F Altered Beast.sms US cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12352F, 832011-25, 225 AK, 8915 R10 / Board: 171-5507D
- SMS 7b27202f C546819D9058925D ? American Baseball.sms EU cart
- SMS b3768a7a 1A817AD5D227C35A ? Bonkers Wax Up! BR cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/05
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:08 pm
- SMS c352c7eb DC4FD0C90A6F5E65 ? Lion King, The (Disney's) PT cart
- SMS d1cc08ee 4220E6AA3FBBA074 ? Bart vs Space Mutants PT cart*2
- GG 529c864e A21AD85B167F6913 ? Crystal Warriors EU cart
- SMS da8e95a9 1C2E45C0C47B0E64 ? WWF Wrestlemania Ste.. [SMS-GG] EU cart (GG)
- GG 86c32e5b A8121F7AE0AC57CA ? NBA Jam TE EU cart, JP cart
- GG 3d8bcf1d 5AD835BF116EC299 ? Streets of Rage EU cart, JP cart
- GG 0b618409 85CFE82DBD812633 ? Streets of Rage II US cart, JP cart
- GG 52dbf3e1 B0B04035A468D44B ? Land of Illusion EU cart
- GG d2b6021e F0E8A87399B7C4F9 ? Global Gladiators EU cart
- GG 1006e4e3 DA3A3FA2A0C2CCDD ? Super Smash T.V. EU cart
- GG 78208b40 A662E4EF17F3CC4F ? Asterix the Great Rescue US cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/09
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:10 pm
- SMS 7a92eba6 DB5D5B37B0F77916 Ghouls'n Ghosts EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/10
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:11 pm
- SMS 665fda92 AA7CEDD6C88CA221 ? Columns KR cart
- SMS cb09f355 9C076464A46F730F ? Line of Fire KR cart
- SMS 32f4b791 AEC0BB10E75FCFB2 ? Dinosaur Dooley, The (KR) *NEW* KR cart
- GG ec0f2c72 F964F26101F693C6 ? Scratch Golf (jp) JP cart*2
- GG 1d17d2a0 A5D21350B842022A ? Aa Harimanada (JP) JP cart
- GG 77ed48f5 646BC15AEE70793F ? Dunk Kids (JP) JP cart
- GG 5bcf9b97 F9471D41510253BC ? Torarete Tamaruka!? (JP) JP cart
- GG 09f9ed60 3179021AB1F4F3A2 ? Shadam Crusader ~Harukanaru O.. JP cart
- GG 3e549b7a D0CFB9E6942DCC35 ? Aerial Assault EU cart, JP cart
- GG cc90c723 5567550DB4B0017D ? Pocket Jansou (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 7b7717b8 67685BAE2C08E014 ? Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G (JP) JP cart (Meisaku)
- GG 325b1797 5213F712A56DCDB3 ? Berlin no Kabe - The Berlin W.. JP cart
- GG 95a18ec7 D2612363E352F220 ? Sonic the Hedgehog 2 JP cart
- GG 9140f239 7DB3E5B919ED36F6 ? Ninku Gaiden - Hiroyuki Daika.. JP cart
- GG 8ac0dade 9DC02F576DAE37CB ? Sonic & Tails (JP) JP cart
- GG d173a06f 6D6D979B9D368E93 ? Puyo Puyo / Puzlow Kids (JP) JP cart*2
- GG 3ab2393b A3111B362AD924D4 ? Puyo Puyo 2 (jp) JP cart*2
- SG1 61fa9ea0 33335D5204BB9D8F ? Guzzler JP cart
- SG1 547dd7fd 250D4ABC368057BB ? Okamoto Ayako no Match Play [A] *NEW* JP cart
- SG1 bbd87d8f DD4EE8250BFB259D ? Space Mountain (JP) JP cart
- SG1 c5f014dc F92E3438A5D4569E ? Challenge Derby [40k] (JP) *NEW* JP cart
- SG1 77db4704 5B068CAB72E35CB7 ? Q*Bert (JP) JP cart
- SG1 652bbd1e 5AACF5554AD6DCB4 ? N-Sub (1983) EU cart
- SG1 372fe6bc A765C6DF45AA223E ? Champion Pro Wrestling (JP) JP cart
- SG1 a627d440 6F16109C70F21E4F ? Hustle JP cart
- SG1 922c5468 37CC1C413181F4FA ? AU "Thinking Rabbit" rental cart
- SG1 160535c5 D9D0ED81D45D08B0 ? Wonderboy [A] AU rental cart
- SG1 b846b52a BE0870060DA1B462 ? Star AU rental cart
- SG1 c35df2b4 015544CA075675CA ? Lode Runner [BAD] *NEW* AU rental cart, 1 bad byte in VDP registers data list, won't release
- SG1 f4f78b76 466EC65A2B946EFF ? Orguss AU cart, AU rental cart, EU cart
- SG1 981e36c1 4C8C69BF8C6621ED ? Sega AU rental cart
- SG1 e2fd5201 0B6F31D372EC70B4 ? Yamato JP cart, AU cart, EU cart
- SG1 a2c45b61 4F4C5CAA21C5A8D1 ? JP cart, EU cart*2
- SG1 db6404ba 0E3BEA9E54820158 ? Pop AU cart, EU cart
- SG1 da2d57f3 E7A6DEA71E6978EF ? Monaco GP [32 kb] JP cart
- SG1 30c52e5e A61DC848154BD1FC ? JP cart, AU cart, EU cart
- SG1 19949375 EB44793290BD29B0 ? Pacar [Proto] [40k].sg *NEW* JP proto cartridge .. but, maybe there's a standard 40kb version with same data?
- SC3 622010e1 F363D14ADA372658 ? Sega Music Editor [A] AU cart*2
- SG1 7c663316 085A9DF0EF513B96 ? Champion JP cart, NZ cart
- SG1 c9d1ae7d D3797FAB2A3885A3 ? *NEW* JP cart, minor difference with previous dump, looks like old one may be an update or an hack, to study
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/11
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:38 pm
- GG bb4f23ff E66F317D87443101 ? Adventures of Batman and Robin US cart, EU cart
- GG 496bce64 866A749727ECB141 ? Sonic & Tails 2 JP cart
- GG 4a98678b F1553EA2FE16794D ? Joe Montana Football JP cart*2
- GG 542b6d8e F18A7578F6BB8067 ? PGA TOUR EU cart
- GG f54b6803 45111CC58FB4FF87 ? Paperboy (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 18de59ed 093B5C63C1FA1E24 ? G-LOC - Air EU cart
- GG 04d23fc4 3CC3817F0F2AD7F1 ? Judge Dredd (verified).gg EU cart, TW(US) cart
- GG 19e1cf2b D163D0F834459CEF ? Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story EU cart
- GG 17f588e8 D2CA3AAE14557F94 ? Dragon - The Bruce Lee S.. (US) *NEW* US cart
- GG 06f2fc46 FE70EF747ED5B22A ? Solitaire Poker (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 95efd52b 8FB34BFC642CB82F ? Ryuu Kyuu (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 663f2abb 2ED7693B07C9BFC8 ? Sonic Chaos (verified).gg EU cart
- GG da811ba6 340FBB84D6F82B85 ? Chessmaster, EU cart
- GG 9559e339 B424918FF035A83B ? Marble EU cart
- GG e8b42b1f C2886A87DB50B1E9 ? Super Off EU cart
- SMS da9be8f0 368FE6B9C92FC4E0 ? The Pro Yakyu Penant Race (JP) JP cart
- SMS 8aeb574b 17779413DD492085 ? Indiana Jones and the Last C.. EU cart
+ SMS 55bf81a0 59B3C79CC4A7DE48 ? Super Monaco GP (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS e843ba7e 9DCEFDF112FC2D6C MPR-14177 Bubble Bubble EU cart / ROM: MPR-14177, D04-01, 9132 D / Mapper: 9127EY, SEGA 315-5365 / Board: 171-5838
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F MPR-12570 Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's.. EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12570 T23, 9048KY010 / Board: 171-5507 D
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F MPR-12531 Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's.. US cart / ROM: 8923XY, SEGA MPR-12531 T41 / Mapper: 8924KY, SEGA 315-5365 / Board: 171-5838
- SMS b519e833 2F2C8E1A0AE456B9 ? Sonic the Hedgehog EU cart
- SMS 56cc906b FA387D6C37963DDB ? Michael Jackson's Moonwalker EU cart
- SMS 205caae8 0BD7C48F97528F53 MPR-12958 Operation Wolf EU cart / ROM: MPR-12958, C39-01, 9049 D / Mapper: 9048KY SEGA 315-5365 / Board: 171-5838
- SMS 42fc3a6e E705BC457D04D7BB ? Deep Duck Trouble EU cart
- SMS 9549fce4 6C4E00641D7F6ADC ? Dragon Crystal (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 9802ed31 87B23673DB921899 ? Strider (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 1e949d1f 50C0B42AE27D4D66 ? Kung Fu Kid (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 24e97200 37B375B8FEA09AB1 ? Land of Illusion - Starring M.. EU cart
- SMS 406aa0c2 50701F46EEB21328 ? Super Kick Off (verified).sms EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2006/12
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:39 pm
- GG 3c2d4f48 129ED3B48CD93133 ? Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Mach.. EU cart
- SMS 6c696221 4F253839D8443AC5 ? Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Mach.. EU cart
- GG 36aaf536 970EAA8535666E23 ? Evander Holyfield's "Real Box.. US cart
- GG 4a38b6b6 6FA3E44AAE525A66 ? Super Return of the Jedi EU cart
- GG 9f64c2bb 69824C1FDBCFC040 ? Ichidant~R GG (Puzzle & Action) JP cart
- GG 8e54ee04 E463A36AE4D522D1 ? Puzzle Bobble (JP).gg JP cart
- GG c3c52767 6A66AD66C5D81A66 ? Gunstar Heroes (JP).gg JP cart
- GG afcc7828 B06D9479FA71A7C4 ? Psychic World [A] (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 93fd73dc 13F9F13BACF847DD ? Samurai Spirits (jp) JP cart
- GG 3d9c92c7 E8852EFBB49DA277 ? *NEW* JP cart
- GG d46d5685 F20EFF6AC22E099E ? Foreman for JP cart
- GG 876e9b72 12D2CD56CAF145F9 ? gg-jp-GP Rider *NEW* JP cart
- GG 141aaf96 8CE8B1B8A48E3BB6 ? Zan Gear (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 2e4ec17b F5296F1E651FF4DD ? Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible JP cart
- GG 9942b69b 98C6E58711A96715 ? Castle of Illusion - Sta.. JP cart
- GG 54ab42a4 05449D8E50F56DDA ? Nazo Puyo Aruru no Ru (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 7b7717b8 67685BAE2C08E014 ? Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G (JP) JP cart (Meisaku)
- GG 2ae8c75f 3DDFD5DF7B74DE63 ? Shanghai II (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 25db174f FED59D64601210AA ? Devilish (JP) JP cart
- GG a942514a 38B4091C24542651 ? Phantasy Star Gaiden (jp) JP cart
- GG 4d1f4699 C76F1AE91B588DC7 ? Shining Force Gaiden ~Ensei J.. JP cart
- GG 30374681 1F9714187E37FE6B ? Shining Force Gaiden II ~Jish.. JP cart
- GG 6019fe5e 87CA29057C33E3EF ? Shining Force Gaiden ~Final C.. JP cart
- SMS 7ce06fce 41BC24AC74DB9252 ? F-16 Fighting Falcon (JP) JP card
- SMS 955a009e F35F09A93C040AB2 ? Hoshi wo Sagashite (JP) JP cart
- GG a32eb9d5 26F78FEB7D00EB01 ? *NEW* JP cart *2
- GG 00c34d94 01B64665BDBF978B ? Madoh Monogatari I - Mittsu n.. JP cart
- GG 12eb2287 3A833A5A08D0F2E5 ? Madoh Monogatari II - Aruru.. JP cart
- GG 0a634d79 2BAC3EE795F07A05 MPR-17355 Madoh Monogatari III - Kyuuky.. JP cart / ROM: SEGA MPR-17355 J34 / 9443K7001
- GG 568f4825 2CAB3EE795F07A05 MPR-17355A-S *NEW* JP cart*2, only 1 byte changed / ROM: MPR-17355A-S / SEGA JAPAN / 9506 D
- SMS b9fdf6d9 6A8EE24DE483B4BE ? Haja No Fuuin (jp) JP cart*3
- GG 5a136d7e C8D6479F8BF46C91 ? *NEW* US cart
- SG e7e0f0e3 DA7481AF2A3B8697 ? Home Mahjong (JP) JP cart --> confirming both alternates versions
- SG 6d909857 254B7166E51F15A0 ? Mahjong (Sega Mahjong) (JP) JP cart
- SMS f9dbb533 7F77195ABBCB050C ? BMX Trial - Alex Kidd (JP).sms JP cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/02
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:59 am
- SMS bcfbfc67 C3982C78688D8983 MPR-11193 Mahjong Sengoku Jidai HK cart with "Mak-jong" packaging. / ROM: 8826EX, SEGA MPR-11193 W37 / Board: 171-5519D
- SMS bcfbfc67 C3982C78688D8983 MPR-11193 Mahjong Sengoku Jidai HK cart with "Mah-jong" packaging. / ROM: 8748KX, SEGA MPR-11193 W37 / Board: 171-5519D
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/04
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:00 am
- SG1 3b912408 0D51374D3F55E6A4 C-65E 89612 Ninja Princess JP card
- SG1 bc5d20df 1C80273C5B02376D C-26C 5209 Zippy Race JP card
- SG1 bc5d20df 1C80273C5B02376D ? Zippy Race JP cart
- SMS 95cbf3dd 03AA0AD98772E196 C-515K 8611000 Great Tennis (Super Tennis) JP card
- SG1 01932df9 39B539F98CD283FF ? Sindbad Mystery JP cart
- GG 73779b22 AF5D95122837E30B ? EU cart*2 ~*NEW* (same as BR 2005/05/15 dump)
- SMS bcfbfc67 C3982C78688D8983 MPR-11193 Mahjong Sengoku Jidai HK cart / ROM: 8748KX, SEGA MPR-11193 W37 / Board: 171-5519D
- SMS 54316fea A3E4BFF29BB8066F ? R.C. Grand Prix EU cart
- SMS d29889ad 732FC6FC6BDC0A4B MPR-11453 Fantasy Zone 3 - the Maze EU cart / ROM: 8837EX, SEGA MPR-11453 W47 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 5718762c 88E69FBAA2DA4974 MPR-11068 Zillion EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11068, 831001-25, 009 AK, 8935 Z29 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 946b8c4a B0132F32485E1D19 MPR-10389 Great Ice Hockey US cart / ROM: 8646KX, SEGA MPR-10389 W08 / Board: 171-5364
- SMS 946b8c4a B0132F32485E1D19 MPR-10389 Great Ice Hockey US cart / ROM: 8647KX, SEGA MPR-10389 W08 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 04e9c089 40214E28DB2E75AB ? Streets of Rage II EU cart*2
- SMS 04e9c089 40214E28DB2E75AB ? Streets of Rage II BR cart
- SMS 908e7524 48CF176FE2E9692F MPR-12041F Cyborg Hunter EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12041F, 831001-25, 022 AK, 8921 Z13 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 908e7524 48CF176FE2E9692F MPR-12041F Cyborg Hunter EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12041F, 831001-25, 022 AK, 8921 Z13 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 82fda895 E5824AEB86A48CAE MPR-12402F Montezuma's Revenge US cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12402F, 831001-25, 032 AK, 8912 Z02 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS e030e66c 621888488B1D43CB MPR-11404F Parlour Games EU cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-11404F, 831001-25, 023 AK, 9122 Z12 / Board: 171-5519
- SMS 908ff25c F0697EEFE5278CA2 ? Spider-Man vs. the KingPin EU(PT) cart
- SMS 6c1433f9 F0BF995E2C2E5FA1 ? Desert Strike.sms EU(PT) cart
- SMS 695a9a15 C723308C422E8664 ? Jungle Book, The EU(PT) cart
- SMS 1e949d1f 50C0B42AE27D4D66 ? Kung Fu Kid EU cart
- SMS da5a7013 670E95C06B26376E ? Rambo III BR cart*2
- SMS ff614eb3 C0065F686A4316B0 ? Aztec Adventure BR cart
- SMS abd48ad2 DFAFA4ECD0D02D15 ? Poseidon Wars 3-D EU cart, BR cart
- SMS c4bb1676 C12FD315320E1CCC MPR-13312-F E-SWAT [A] BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-13312-F, 832011-25, 243 AK, 9039 R08 / Board: TEC TOY 199.403.511.413
- SMS 56cc906b FA387D6C37963DDB ? Michael Jackson's Moonwalker BR cart
- SMS 4a21c15f BA03F66F1CEFB221 ? Choplifter (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS ae920e4b 71B0240AD8312583 ? Thunder Blade (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS d29889ad 732FC6FC6BDC0A4B ? Fantasy Zone: The Maze BR cart
- SMS 79ac8e7f 3913D462E83B4912 ? Rescue Mission US cart, BR cart*2
- SMS dfb0b161 826B0C3B91EAF65B ? Vigilante (verified).sms EU cart, BR cart*2
- SMS dfb0b161 826B0C3B91EAF65B MPR-12138F Vigilante (verified).sms BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-12138F, 832011-25, 224 AK, 9038 R43 / Board: TEC TOY 199.403.511.413
- SMS 55bf81a0 59B3C79CC4A7DE48 ? Super Monaco GP BR cart
- SMS 665fda92 AA7CEDD6C88CA221 ? Columns BR cart*2 "Shapes and Columns"
- SMS e3d5ce9a 20C1B4873A128612 MPR-14831A Terminator (BR) *NEW* BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-14831A W41, 9609KY001 / Board: 171-5602-B without Battery
- SMS fbe5cfbb 32DAD3B36F53F7B5 ? Missile Defense 3-D US cart, BR cart
- SMS a2a60bc8 036FB34FE9E516A8 ? World Games BR cart
- SMS 6e1ad6fd 83C0B3E1924F1434 ? World Cup 90 (verified).sms BR cart "Super Futebol II".
- SMS bf7b7285 2CAB2FD57FA3D42F ? Tom and Jerry - the Movie BR cart*2 (alt boxes)
- GG f1732ffe 0198EBBE947301B6 ? TaleSpin US cart
- GG 46c9fa3e 3F02FDFC275C2F14 ? Andre Agassi US cart
- GG 8f17597e 64654505786B10FA ? NBA JAM US cart
- GG 663bcf8a C75A6F968FFFD973 ? Ax Battler - ... [v2.4] US cart
- GG 01d2dd2a 2CB25F033DADD204 ? Mappy JP cart
- GG 0e300223 27BA4F0E3A5DBF6C ? Gear Stadium (JP).gg JP cart
- GG bd6f2321 78FF86D439FA807C ? Jurassic Park US cart, EU cart
- GG 742a372b D307ACC6641167D8 ? Spider-Man / X-Men: Arcade's .. US cart
- GG 695cc120 FCC991E880B52D60 ? GG Portrait - Pai Chan (JP) JP cart
- GG b875226b 4991B2A2AE8AB8E2 ? Indiana Jones and the Last Cr.. *NEW* EU cart, 1-byte fix (obvious)
- GG 191b1ed8 D569D43547670605 ? Chuck Rock US cart
- GG 58b44585 C92745E46E995090 ? George Foreman's KO Boxing US cart
- GG 2e01ba6c 79B3C73C524481BA ? Joe Montana Football *NEW* US cart
- GG 36aaf536 970EAA8535666E23 ? Evander Holyfield "Real Deal".. US cart
- GG baac1fc0 2B2C712DA26B07F7 ? Sonic Drift [Demo] (JP) *NEW* JP sample cart
- SMS 702c3e98 124C00EBBF84E58F ? Slap Shot (US) US cart*2
- SMS c93bd0e9 594106F8C181ED39 ? Slap Shot (EU) EU cart
- SMS 01d67c0b 78D6D79A391713DE ? Mônica no Castelo do Dragão BR cart
- SMS b876fc74 E1D4360F1398203B MPR-16217-F Road Rash BR cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-16217-F, 834011, 2A2 AK, 9510 Z00
- SMS 48651325 C0AB0A7E886044E1 ? Golfamania [A] BR cart
- SMS 7ab2946a 137517DF00728D83 ? Sapo Xulé S.O.S. Lagoa Poluída BR cart
- SMS 492c7c6e 2F6E3B854AD2C1C6 ? Chapolim x Dracula BR cart
- SMS b137007a F82AE98027F45A00 ? Desert Speedtrap - Starring... EU cart*2
- SMS 7ba54510 8AE29FB6A2DC4B76 ? Zillion [v2] *NEW* EU cart. Removed other Zillion and US marking on [v1]
- SMS ae4a28d7 573DC782B785EDFA ? Danan: The Jungle Fighter EU cart
- SMS 9eb1aa4f 7DD79A9894C6A878 ? High School! Kimengumi JP cart
- SMS b13df647 57E32ED9EF14328A ? Sukeban Deka II - Shoujo Tekk.. JP cart
- SMS 0ffbcaa3 4EC2794265F92BAC ? Fantasy Zone [v0] (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS 65d7e4e0 6D3986E0E6097F86 ? Fantasy Zone [v2].sms US display-unit cart*2
- SMS 80eb1fff 420EEF0B240F3152 ? Summer Games [Proto].sms *NEW* EU proto cart
- SMS f97e9875 E01345F078025D01 ? Penguin Land.sms US cart
- SMS 56bd2455 BF5D696ADE34916E ? Doki Doki Penguin Land [Proto] *NEW* JP proto cart
- SMS 21a21352 FEA3B9E9C1445D5B ? sms-golvellius-jp-proto.sms *NEW* JP proto cart, only 2 bytes different with retail, 1 not obvious
- SMS 86f49ae9 81DD037E1B473887 ? sms-borgman-jp-proto.sms *NEW* JP proto cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/05
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:45 pm
- SMS d91b340d 2CCEA6A00321A4F8 MPR-10158 Action Fighter [v1] DE cart / ROM: SEGA, MPR-10158, 831000-20, 306 BK, 8635 G05 / Mapper: SEGA, 315-5208, 111U, 8635 Z18 / Board: 171-5365-01
- SMS 65d7e4e0 6D3986E0E6097F86 ? Fantasy Zone [v2].sms DE cart
- SMS 62f0c23d ED4ACAF1CF794680 4001A My Hero.sms DE card / 4001A, 8639 E38
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/06
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:52 pm
- GG ffe4ed47 8E692D2511E6F5CB ? Alien Syndrome (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 4ec30806 6FA65308EF07702A ? Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible Special JP cart
- GG dab0f265 67E30F160D0B7FFA ? In the Wake of Vampire (jp) JP cart
- GG 7ec64025 84C269594C15F3A4 ? Vampire: Master of Darkness US cart
- GG e123d9b8 776593D0265E3FFE ? Fray ~Shugyou hen~ (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 09de1528 580F2481F9E66BAA ? GG Aleste II JP cart
- GG 7ec95282 4E4D0E995D8F933F ? Madoh Monogatari A - Dokidoki.. JP cart
- SMS 9c5bad91 1CBCFDC2F498BB22 ? Alex Kidd in Miracle World [BIOS] (KR) *NEW* KR SMSII
- SMS 67c2f0ff 9FD6C92669F0360D ? Super Boy II (KR).sms *NEW* KR cart
- SMS 8b40f6bf 8CE87C3FDC15F4EC ? sms-misboy-kr(GB-4001).sms *NEW* KR cart
- SMS 4f8d75ec A896A3A30327D280 ? Toto World 3 KR cart
- SMS c08132fb 07A18B1093D71D36 ? Golden Axe KR cart
- SMS 45c50294 CE99027ABB34D757 ? California Games 2 / Jogos.. KR cart -> need to relabel
- SMS 9802ed31 87B23673DB921899 ? Strider.sms KR cart
- SMS 7f30f793 122165765570939A ? Alien Storm.sms KR cart
- SMS e167a561 319F4234855F6670 ? Hang On & Safari Hunt.sms KR cart
- SMS 01686d67 88E8E8D0608B22CB ? sms-suho_cheonsa-kr.sms *NEW* KR cart
- SG1 4587de6e 9E321231AEEF54FC ? JP card
- SG1 d8a87095 BDE475C4465199F6 ? Bank JP card
- GG 44e7e2da C919CCEF16A7376F ? The Itchy & Scratchy Game EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/07
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:37 pm
- SMS 65d7e4e0 6D3986E0E6097F86 ? Fantasy Zone [v2] IT cart
- SMS 17a40e29 7D8119AF99740429 ? Alex Kidd in Miracle World [v0] IT cart
- SMS d91b340d 2CCEA6A00321A4F8 ? Action Fighter [v1] IT cart
- SMS e2fcb6f3 A9F764062AFED3FB ? Super Wonder Boy (JP) IT cart, need to rename accordingly
- SMS 66a15bd9 6E674174DCF99F02 ? The Ninja IT cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/09
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:37 pm
- SMS 4a21c15f BA03F66F1CEFB221 ? Choplifter (verified).sms DE cart
- SMS 8212b754 7C3D8387CD52CB53 ? Robocop versus the Terminator EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/10
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:38 pm
- GG a12a28a0 214814EA42B19C0A ? J League GG Pro Striker '94 JP cart
- GG bb5e10e0 B773122D1BECF0A0 ? Alien EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2007/11
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:28 pm
- SMS 7253c3ec DF1EDD826F58CE0F ? Color & Switch Test.sms EU proto cart*3
- SMS bd1cc7df 230C5D2B35293BB0 ? Super Tetris (kr) (verified) CH/TW GG cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/02
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:24 pm
- GG b731bb80 A220C02C0082E6EA Super Momotaro Dentetsu III JP cart
- GG bec57602 95202199862FC616 Tatakae! Pro Yakyuu Twin League JP cart
- GG ce1108fd 5EF9334D02922E67 EU cart
- GG dd6d2e34 0942170D3CFD87D1 Tengen World Cup EU cart
- GG 9f59d302 3849BAC2E6B62D3A Madden *NEW* EU cart, older dump is obviously incorrect (27 bad bytes)
- GG 4dc6f555 3D9031096A4369E3 Slider (verified).gg US cart
- GG dfc7adc8 A6DB92F52896C476 US cart
- GG 087fc247 F1E3947961D3D813 (Incredible) Crash Dummies EU cart
- GG 876e9b72 12D2CD56CAF145F9 GP EU cart, US cart
- GG 97e3a18c F70090C4366C52C1 Ariel the little EU cart
- GG d2bb3690 39D9CF45064E186E World Cup USA 94 (verified).gg DE cart
- GG 7e9dea46 400DE4894112C132 Halley US cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/03
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:14 am
- SMS e5f789b9 C5D3A3094BD09F02 Predator 2 [GG] (verified).sms US cart
- GG 07494f2a 108F1B645538E075 Mortal Kombat (verified).gg US cart
- GG dbff0461 48AEDFE8EA0EEC5F Mortal Kombat (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 73779b22 AF5D95122837E30B Psychic US cart
- GG 06f2fc46 FE70EF747ED5B22A Solitaire Poker (verified).gg US cart
- GG 5c34d9cd 0A954147D11708E9 Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble US cart
- GG db9bc599 E93FF14440FB3434 Star Wars (US).gg US cart*2
- GG 0228769c E93FF24340FB3434 Star Wars (EU).gg *NEW* EU cart, 1-byte variation
- SMS f037ec00 3BFAB46092543899 Out Run Europa [SMS-GG].sms US GG cart
- SMS 59840fd6 CCD28DCAC9AC7C1A Castle of Illusion [SMS-GG] US GG cart
- GG 11a68c08 73C0F3CC1F5A1D78 Alien US cart, EU cart
- GG bc240779 1D52E7C5C3B8F07A Spider-Man - Return of the Si.. US cart
- GG e2791cc1 02E7288B76458A1F Defenders of US cart
- GG 3e31cb8c 2D341FEB6A1B46CA Sonic The Hedgehog [v0].gg US cart
- GG f0204191 9A1D6EB1E8A2AAF6 Arch US cart
- GG 449787e2 01B1CB4E2F1E4C9C Fatal Fury US cart
- GG f1732ffe 0198EBBE947301B6 TaleSpin (Disney's).gg US cart
- GG d228a467 9B49411CCAC8D756 Clutch US cart
- GG 97e3a18c F70090C4366C52C1 Ariel the Little Mermaid (Dis.. US cart
- SMS 5589d8d2 B32F41555F15C94B Out Run (verified).sms US cart Blue label
- Joined: 17 Dec 2005
- Posts: 537
- Location: England
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:29 am
Please explain what I am looking at here, I dont quite understand this code...
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- Joined: 19 Oct 1999
- Posts: 15021
- Location: London
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:09 am
The codes are checksums/CRCs. They help to uniquely identify the file contents. The comment on the right is the important part since Bock's doing analysis of new files to determine exactly what's in them.
- Joined: 17 Dec 2005
- Posts: 537
- Location: England
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:00 am
Maxim wrote The codes are checksums/CRCs. They help to uniquely identify the file contents. The comment on the right is the important part since Bock's doing analysis of new files to determine exactly what's in them.
How do I get this information from mine? sorry about my terrible knowledge with this..
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- Joined: 19 Oct 1999
- Posts: 15021
- Location: London
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:00 am
They're not really needed. The CRCs can be found by looking in the crcs.txt file and finding the filename it chose when it dumped the file. The Meka checksum is somewhat harder to calculate - there's no tool available for that as far as I can remember - but it's not so important anyway.
Overall, your dumping logs are fine. I suppose adding CRCs might be helpful but not hugely so; I could edit the software to log them if I get a chance.
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- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:48 am
Attached is the GUI tool I built to compute lines in this format.
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/04
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:00 pm
- GG 2da8e943 50F748597A78081E Pro Yakyuu GG League (JP).gg JP cart
- GG beed9150 BFF25E2CEA4F8C00 Heavy weight Champ (JP) JP cart -> note spacing of 'Heavy weight'
- GG 29e697b2 DFBD34655C7A6293 Wagyan/Wagan Land [A] (JP) JP cart -> both versions looks legit, must find where the differences are in game.
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/05
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:02 pm
- GG a93e8b0f AB0C222F75C0695A Griffin (JP).gg JP cart*2
- GG a32eb9d5 26F78FEB7D00EB01 Ecco the Dolphin (JP).gg JP cart
- GG afcc7828 B06D9479FA71A7C4 Psychic World (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 3e549b7a D0CFB9E6942DCC35 Aerial Assault [v0] JP cart
- GG 04fe6dde CFD0B9E6942DCC35 Aerial Assault [v1].gg *NEW* JP cart, variation
- SMS d1a7b1aa 17D121A728287888 Olympic Gold (KR) *NEW* KR cart
- GG 5c34d9cd 0A954147D11708E9 Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble US cart
- GG 578a8a38 1ED4D8EC92EBC10C World Series Baseball '95 US cart
- GG 07494f2a 108F1B645538E075 Mortal US cart
- GG ecc301dd AD4D9A4947CE49C5 Putt & Putter - Miniature Golf US cart (alternate name)
- GG c169c344 CD0B39F3B2896859 X-Men - GamesMaster's Legacy US cart*2
- GG a2f9c7af 972BE85E65BA5A7F Olympic Gold [GG-B].sms US cart (almost done with Olympic Gold!)
- GG ce1108fd 5EF9334D02922E67 Wimbledon - Tennis US cart (alternate name)
- GG 96045f76 897F02048B132F25 Road US cart
- GG 7e9dea46 400DE4894112C132 Halley US cart
- GG 3e549b7a D0CFB9E6942DCC35 Aerial Assault [v0].gg US cart
- GG 06f2fc46 FE70EF747ED5B22A Solitaire Poker US cart
- GG 8d8bfdc4 1C884BD0A4242752 Baku Baku Animal (US).gg *NEW* US cart
- GG 10ac9374 DF6C0BFA8275ECCD Baku Baku Animal (EU).gg EU cart
- GG 7174b802 72E0E91D3A450128 Baku Baku Animal - Sekai.. (JP) JP cart
- GG 5550173b BEFCEE0501199B9E Sonic Labyrinth JP cart, US cart
- GG 0fde7baa 48D2B5FB715B2545 Lemmings US cart
- GG 3deca813 8E92A6014E129049 Arcade US cart
- GG 4b304e0f 607CA3543FEBBE45 Mortal Kombat US cart
- GG 36ebcd6d 15446D03DB6DB53A Majors Pro Baseball, The US cart
- GG 52dbf3e1 B0B04035A468D44B Land of Illusion - Starring... US cart
- GG dde29f74 4CB0035708055746 Home US cart
- GG 73d6745a 18CC99C9849C9901 Super *NEW* US cart
- GG a6ca6fa9 76749360F64106E6 Shining Force - The Sword of.. US cart
- GG efe65b3b 66C33CFBDC17A706 Ristar the Shooting Star JP cart, US cart
- GG 610ff95c 44C54C81ACC8AC0A Dynamite US cart
- GG 087fc247 F1E3947961D3D813 Incredible Crash Dummies, The US cart
- GG d15d335b 8C9DF406D503E322 Winter Olympics Games US cart (alternate name)
- GG 311d2863 A7AF7C148412B4D0 US cart
- GG 6c451ee1 2A50C584823D710D Quest for the Shaven Yak Star.. US cart, EU cart
- GG 600c15b3 308DC2BE252AC7AD Space US cart
- GG 7ec64025 84C269594C15F3A4 Vampire - Master of Darkness US cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/06
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:54 pm
- SMS a2f9c7af 972BE85E65BA5A7F gg-jp-olympicgold.sms JP cart
- GG 1b80a75b 682713F64A0AAD67 GG Aleste (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 0593ba24 905D6D377D1F9D36 Galaga '91 (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 95ecece2 432C080C09AD5275 Galaga *NEW* EU cart
- GG ef3afe8b D3490F3A10D27346 Tarzan - Lord of the Jungle *NEW* EU cart
- GG 031b9da9 7B48F7CDDDBD7D62 G-Sonic JP cart - verified pages checksum only, could not get a full dump
- GG e2f3b203 21E70CD78EEE2D6C Ecco 2 - the Tides of Time US cart
- GG 2b732056 C51E34D54AB1C554 Casino *NEW* US cart
- GG 2a34b5c7 18673C53CC026BB9 Primal US cart
- GG bd6f2321 78FF86D439FA807C Jurassic US cart
- GG 9808d7b3 0DE81165350FE170 Lion King, The (Disney's) (US) US cart
Also worth noting a serie a GG games that I cannot dump now:
- GG US - Chicago Syndicate
- GG US - Sonic Blast
- GG US - Sonic Drift 2
- GG US - Tails Adventure
- GG US - X-Men Mojo World
- GG EU - Sonic Blast
- GG US - VR Troopers
Due to either reader, adapter or software problem.
If somebody is interested in tackling the problem I can lend cartridges.
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/07
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:18 am
- SMS 97e5bb7d 4F65ACDA08A4B169 Smurfs 2 EU cart
- SMS 7982ae67 5064ACDA08A4B268 Smurfs 2 [Proto] EU proto board
- GG 969cf389 5A5865B5148A5541 Tintin in Tibet (verified).gg EU cart
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/08
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:46 am
A good month :)
- SMS e890331d 0EE799CB6D17E43F Super Monaco GP II KR cart
- SMS 296879dd C1191ABD8EFFA31F Sega World Tournament Golf.sms EU cart, KR cart
- SMS 8b43d21d 656A7A10AFC7AD84 Air Rescue.sms KR cart
- SMS 4f8d75ec A896A3A30327D280 Toto World 3 KR cart
- SMS 89b79e77 E3D53E738DD294A4 Run Dodgeball King KR cart (16K verified)
- SMS a05258f5 7DA12B7293A88D7D Won-Si-In.sms *NEW* KR cart
- SMS 83f0eede F1E64D24CBBD220E StreetMaster.sms *NEW* KR cart*2
- SMS 445525e2 C78797B1481E0FF5 PenguinAdventure.sms *NEW* KR cart*2
- SMS 8640e7e8 F59737442BCF7986 The Three Dragon Story (KR).sms KR cart
- SMS 17ab6883 866A225E7803D045 FA Tetris (KR).sms *NEW* KR cart (can't get to run yet)
- SMS 8b40f6bf 8CE87C3FDC15F4EC Gaegujangi Ggachi (KR).sms KR cart (256K verified)
- SMS 97d03541 49C0303E13D3CBD8 Samgukji III / Sangokushi III KR cart (256K verified)
- SMS 05cdc24e 03D41A910937FC42 G-LOC - Air Battle.sms KR cart*2
- SMS 56cc906b FA387D6C37963DDB Moonwalker (Michael Jackson's) KR cart
- SMS 1ddc3059 DC6545FFFA415CE4 Ghostbusters.sms KR cart*2
- SMS c0e25d62 53E11D9FBBD9FB81 California Games 2 EU cart
- SMS 45c50294 CE99027ABB34D757 California Games 2 [alt] Jogos..BR cart, KR cart*2 -> need to relabel
- SMS 4077efd9 A3A0129B65F27148 Power Strike (verified).sms EU cart, US cart, KR cart
- SMS 3793c01a BB279C12C22FBFC0 Shadow Dancer KR cart (384 KB verified)
- SMS 9802ed31 87B23673DB921899 Strider.sms KR cart
- SMS d6f2bfca 9E35369CB6BB509A Sonic The Hedgehog 2 [v1].sms KR cart
- SMS 7d7ce80b 9ECDFDB1438755C8 Wonder Boy in Monster World KR cart
- SMS 679e1676 9C7847B5CB3F875F Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's.. KR cart
- SMS e167a561 319F4234855F6670 Hang On & Safari Hunt.sms KR cart*2
- SMS c19430ce 2063D1C61FABFC20 Battle Out Run (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 35d84dc2 BE8D0BC44B5555F1 Baku Baku.sms BR cart
- SMS 1cbb7bf1 D1A8660091BC1ABA Battlemaniacs (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS caea8002 DC830766ED4115F1 Bonanza Bros. (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 31ffd7c3 FC9BB664160566CE Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum (BR).sms BR cart
- SMS 7e5839a0 C7A7D1085D01ABB0 Championship Hockey.sms EU cart
- SMS 46340c41 5F5124D60E874C75 Cheese Cat-Astrophe.sms EU cart
- SMS dd0e2927 8CFE7B6CC112B903 Chuck Rock EU cart
- SMS e7f62e6d BA12C9527CEE0DA2 Cloud Master.sms EU cart, US cart
- SMS 71abef27 8C16E13E120E48D7 Daffy Duck in Hollywood.sms EU cart
- SMS 07306947 D8735FD26D415482 Dynamite Duke (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 0e1cc1e0 4002AEAA680311EA Dynamite Dux.sms EU cart
- SMS ec788661 066B34EF6BEC0411 F1.sms (Formula 1) EU cart, BR cart
- SMS b8b141f9 822C747C6F162BB2 Fantasy Zone II - The Tears... EU cart, US cart
- SMS be31d63f 087CCA33EB554EF1 Flash (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS ca5c78a5 BD9E05F283723B7E Flintstones, The.sms EU cart
- SMS 38c53916 4589A9BD05075E62 Forgotten Worlds.sms EU cart, AU cart
- SMS 3ec5e627 C00413DAC7946A8A Gain Ground.sms EU cart
- SMS 1890f407 EF924BC5AE023A85 Game Box Série Esportes Radic.. BR cart
- SMS a64898ce E466186F844A540D George Foreman's KO Boxing EU cart
- SMS 7a92eba6 DB5D5B37B0F77916 Ghouls'n Ghosts (verified) EU cart
- SMS c08132fb 07A18B1093D71D36 Golden Axe.sms EU cart
- SMS 10ed6b57 40C511003F43AFB9 Great Baseball.sms EU cart, US cart
- SMS 2055825f 9081CE66CC2A03C2 Great Football.sms US cart
- SMS cde13ffb 003CC95FA787A4CA Heroes of the Lance.sms EU cart
- SMS b4584dde 1C154AA5EFE3EF1F Incredible Crash Dummies, The EU cart
- SMS 64d6af3b C4B805DCD752A8D2 Impossible Mission.sms EU cart
- SMS be9a7071 19CC267376518536 Incredible Hulk, The.sms EU cart*2 (both variations)
- SMS 0a9089e5 3B2C5FDB4270713C Joe Montana Football.sms BR cart
- SMS 2b435fd6 97D1E5EB0E6664F0 KLAX.sms EU cart
- SMS 64a585eb 6328C143CB001393 Krusty's Fun House.sms EU cart
- SMS f369b2d8 C3A7D6B47AE01C96 Lemmings EU cart
- SMS e8511b08 92362CB89D5572F0 Lord of the Sword EU cart, US cart
- SMS bf6f3e5f EFA3373E2142D2C4 Marble Madness.sms EU cart
- SMS 96fb4d4b 4B833BC369A0A586 Master of Darkness (verified) EU cart
- SMS 93141463 6A32F08336B0FA11 Masters of Combat EU cart
- SMS 3cd816c6 F78B647E2DECD2B1 Ms. Pac-Man BR cart
- SMS 3e63768a 0199AF74006BE2F6 The Smurfs.sms EU cart (with green punkt)
- SMS c660ff34 0F4613232FB9602D NewZealand Story, The.sms EU cart
- SMS 426e5c8a 23F4F2C7282735AC Rampart.sms EU cart
- SMS 3be7f641 62359CD87BD76D36 Renegade (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 54316fea A3E4BFF29BB8066F R.C. Grand Prix.sms EU cart, US cart, BR cart
- SMS 9f951756 D1F812706360AE44 RoboCop 3 (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS f42e145c B8840BAF3B2A2C79 Quest for the Shaven Yak Sta.. BR cart
- SMS a8061aef A2AB60901AE8F3CE Sega Chess.sms EU cart, BR cart
- SMS 0e7a5f9f A98E33A9C7FDAC7D Sapo Xulé O Mestre do Kung Fu BR cart
- SMS 9a608327 A55A9508345B7560 Sapo Xulé Vs Os Invasores do .. BR cart
- SMS aab67ec3 EC0F9129D095CB1B Shanghai.sms US cart, EU cart
- SMS 4b051022 034E26895A59CF7E Shooting Gallery.sms BR cart "Shooting G."
Failed dumps:
- SMS EU Gauntlet
- GG 733292a6 1D6B7F6FC8CE6D87 Doraemon Waku Waku Pocket Pa.. JP cart
- GG 4b304e0f 607CA3543FEBBE45 Mortal Kombat II JP cart
- SMS ec788661 066B34EF6BEC0411 F1.sms (Formula 1) BR cart
- SMS aa4d4b5a B0EEC623306A5986 Pit-Fighter (BR).sms BR cart
- SMS e5ff50d8 D2BE59AA0185BE29 Back to the Future Part II.sms BR cart
- SMS 7cc3e837 3781F099BC8BE494 Taz-Mania (verified).sms BR cart
- SMS 1575581d F96C3BA032F7D6C1 Shadow of the Beast.sms BR cart
- SMS 8d43ea95 8FC056003B11CF40 Great Volley Ball (verified) BR cart
- SMS d4b8f66d 92936B306B38B8E5 Star Wars.sms EU cart*2 (both variants), BR cart
- SMS 013c0a94 02B8FA4E6DCA25A2 Alex Kidd High Tech World BR cart
- SMS 655fb1f4 D8A13BCA59CD77E5 Bank Panic.sms BR cart
- SMS d1cc08ee 4220E6AA3FBBA074 Bart vs Space Mutants EU/PT cart
- SMS 0f8287ec 905391ED1A483904 Street Fighter II' (BR).sms BR cart
- SMS 3ef12baa 848ACF83D5A4DE49 Super Monaco GP (US).sms US cart
- SMS 69efd483 35006A2A22FE0710 Astro Warrior & Pit Pot.sms EU cart
- SMS a51376fe 593A81384915F462 Golvellius - Valley of Doom.sms US cart
- SMS 51bd14be C69000F39D02997F Time Soldiers.sms US cart*2
- SMS d6f2bfca 9E35369CB6BB509A Sonic The Hedgehog 2 [v1].sms EU/PT cart
- SMS bf7b7285 2CAB2FD57FA3D42F Tom and Jerry - The Movie.sms EU/PT cart
- SMS e890331d 0EE799CB6D17E43F Super Monaco GP 2 EU/PT cart
- SMS 10ed6b57 40C511003F43AFB9 Great Baseball.sms US cart
- SMS a55d89f3 3488F258EC375C7B Double Dragon.sms US cart
- SMS 1ddc3059 DC6545FFFA415CE4 Ghostbusters.sms US display unit cart
- SMS bbda65f0 35A0597C0B263AEB Rambo - First Blood Part II.sms US display unit cart
- SMS 2055825f 9081CE66CC2A03C2 Great Football (verified).sms US display unit cart
- SMS d5d25156 CBF272B7DA6BC90C sms-shanghai-proto.sms *NEW* from US proto cart*2
- SMS 15576613 AFA2AEA50041A17A Aerial Assault (US) *NEW* from US cart
- SMS c13896d5 FCA1E2B346E4B6EE Alex Kidd the Lost Stars US cart
- SMS 1350e4f8 54D5553AF5264FDE Cyber Shinobi, The.sms EU cart (8 languages box), EU cart*2 (6 languages box)
- SMS f6fab48d E2628BCB39487174 Dick Tracy (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 8370f6cd 128E2488C291E978 Double Hawk (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS b746a6f5 A9CF4BEC1F7EF8BC Global Defense.sms US cart, EU cart
- SMS c7ded988 9BCA87E879AE0BFA Golden Axe Warrior.sms EU cart
- SMS e8511b08 92362CB89D5572F0 Lord of the Sword US cart
- SMS c547eb1b 1DA1B2C2A17604B3 Rastan EU cart dumped as 512 kb with upper 256 kb full of FF
- SMS a908cff5 33FD350EEDE48D2F Space Gun EU cart
- SMS a57cad18 A416C45F248AD89D Speedball [Imageworks].sms EU cart (Imageworks)
- SMS 5ccc1a65 7B32EAE9E99C54A7 Speedball [Virgin].sms EU cart (Virgin)
- SMS 4ab3790f CC782C54E741D242 Streets of Rage EU cart
- SMS b8f0915a 44E778659B2ECD62 Strider II.sms EU cart
- SMS 406aa0c2 50701F46EEB21328 Super Kick Off.sms EU cart (3 pics)
- SMS 1d6244ee A2F23281E94DB5CE Super Space Invaders.sms EU cart
- SMS e890331d 0EE799CB6D17E43F Super Monaco GP II EU cart [AS bottom]
- SMS 5359762d 1E9957BF6F2A4B4F Wanted.sms AU cart
- SMS 1f8efa1d FBDA82A4AA3C34EB Wolfchild (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS a6bf8f9e 412EC711CEF9955D World Cup USA 94.sms UK cart, FR cart
- SMS ec726c0d 949238322F74AC21 Xenon 2 [Virgin] EU cart
- SMS 5c205ee1 148D13D956C94E06 Xenon 2 [Image Works] EU cart
- SMS b33e2827 6C4C3C65EF39ADD2 Ys - Vanished Omen (verified) EU cart
- SMS 9d9d0a5f F8C690D818C64DAF Zool (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 2f2e3bc9 FE36CB6E6BC5ED76 Zillion II - The Tri Formation EU cart, US cart
- SMS 5fc74d2a 1EE251A5D9687455 Gangster Town.sms BR cart (Cardboard)
- SMS c08132fb 07A18B1093D71D36 Golden Axe.sms BR cart (Cardboard)
- SMS 2ac001eb 47A87FEE28140464 Great Basketball.sms BR cart (Cardboard)
- SMS 516ed32e 841BF3EB6EAF3E28 Kenseiden.sms BR cart (Cardboard)
- SMS 7b369892 1624A9110762168D World Grand Prix (US).sms KR cart
- SMS c13896d5 FCA1E2B346E4B6EE Alex Kidd The Lost Stars.sms KR cart
- SMS 11645549 146FA8E655225E1A Solomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita.. JP cart
- SMS e5f789b9 C5D3A3094BD09F02 Predator 2 [SMS-GG].sms EU GG cart
- SMS 01eab89d 45F5AC628D4F37A5 gg-eu-outruneuropa.sms *NEW* EU GG cart
- GG 663bcf8a C75A6F968FFFD973 Ax Battler [v2.4] EU cart
- GG 7cb3facf 3556E4BEA15709D2 Arena Maze of Death EU cart (label "Arena" only)
Failed dumps:
- GG EU Popils - The blockbusting Challenge
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Dumping Logs 2008/10
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:28 am
A great month - more than 300 cartridges dumped so far. I think I'm done with my GG collection (apart from games I fail to dump now). 140 more GG ROM were sorted and confirmed. Only 68 left.
I'm still working on it. May append to this post during the month.
*EDIT* Added 10/19, 10/21, 10/26
*EDIT* Added 10/27, 10/29, 10/30
- GG d163356e 53D934469DC6E116 Sonic The Hedgehog [v1].gg JP cart Meisaku
- GG 81314249 2604C2C899482D3E Shanghai II [v1] (JP).gg *NEW* JP cart Meisaku
- GG 04302bbd E46D03796A96D95A Eternal Legend (JP).gg JP cart Meisaku
- GG cf9c607c 20AF191BD7103DD9 Taisen Mahjong HaoPai (jp) JP cart Meisaku
- GG 661faeff 16D6ADD4B37ACB9B Super Monaco GP II (Ayrton Se.. JP cart
- GG a8ef36a7 3D8EFDAAD4168123 Junction (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 0f3e3840 4FFC5704FCA43783 Sokoban JP cart
- GG 9c5c7f53 7FF06E0DC05E8A6E Shikinjo (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 0fde7baa 48D2B5FB715B2545 JP cart
- GG 6e1cc23c 0D6D3E01E06AB24B Magical Taruruuto-kun (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 191b1ed8 D569D43547670605 Chuck JP cart
- GG 2f536ae3 2192332A14FC845C Jurassic Park (jp) JP cart
- GG a1a19135 C6EE3E765A5503E6 Pro Yakyuu GG League '94 (JP) JP cart
- GG de466796 2D756A0E3A873BEA Tempo JR (verified).gg JP cart, US cart
- GG 29e697b2 DFBD34655C7A6293 Wagyan/Wagan Land [A] (JP) JP cart -> both versions looks legit, must find where the differences are in game.
- GG 7b7717b8 67685BAE2C08E014 Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G (JP) JP cart
- GG 95a18ec7 D2612363E352F220 Sonic The Hedgehog JP cart Meisaku
- GG 618b19e2 AB897446BC1570D1 Batman Forever (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 820965a3 78192012DB30BF73 Ultimate Soccer (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 71deba5a 75675BCE2FD003F9 Pop Breaker (JP).gg JP cart
- GG c78b8637 B71DD32DCAA24779 Lion King, The (Disney's) (JP) *NEW* JP cart
- GG 9a8b2c16 4200580F20BADF9E Doraemon Nora No Suke No Yabou JP cart
- GG a49e9033 5F43D36F49F4AB34 NBA JAM (JP).gg JP cart
- GG a1453efa D9F631F59C7933C3 *NEW* JP cart
- GG 42389270 3F8665D57BA3A043 Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima - Hyout.. JP cart
- GG 51159f8f 5D96967FEE1C49A5 GG Portrait - Yuuki Akira (jp) JP cart
- GG 069a0704 6065615A7606FD07 Robocop 3 (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 937fd52b 5B21015F3D470997 Kaitou Saint Tail (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 1006e4e3 DA3A3FA2A0C2CCDD Super Smash JP cart, US cart
- GG 0117c3df 6C107B6F23212630 Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crys.. JP cart
- GG 06f6eebb 8169175BF3BC33C2 Alien 3 (JP).gg *NEW* JP cart
- GG 73939de4 E6D9919FD2886354 Nazo Puyo 2 (JP).gg JP cart
- GG abddf0eb CC0DEE292FE1B749 J League Soccer - Dream Eleven JP cart
- GG 8f82a6b9 5837AF8624E254E2 Magic Knight Rayearth (jp) JP cart
- GG 1c2c2b04 349A9743A068B997 Magic Knight Rayearth 2 ~ma.. JP cart
- GG 03d28eab 6B96D3F3E3A93875 Crayon Shin Chan - Taiketsu!.. JP cart*2
- GG dd1d2ebf 8A60EE2A92FAE58D Tama & Friends - 3 Choume Kou.. JP cart
- GG 61785ed5 FD0304D38203D6CE NFL Quarterback Club (verified) JP cart
- GG 751dad4c B0541293B90BC5CE Slam Dunk (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG fe7374d2 7C9BF74B57970FAA Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S JP cart
- GG 45ef2062 1AF375AAF3F11AD6 Sylvan Tale (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG d58cb27c 21B16C153724A0B2 Out Run (verified).gg JP cart
- GG d69097e8 2C887DCDCA714285 Fantasy Zone Gear JP cart Meisaku
- GG aaf6f87d CFF55A311BC62FA1 Face Ball 2000 (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 398f2358 D04392A2150C4850 Kuni Chan no Game Tengoku (JP) JP cart
- GG 5e2b39b8 DF6FF459A561AAB5 SD Gundam Winner's History (jp) JP cart
- GG 528cbbce FAE75543A7740E5E Super Golf (jp)2 (verified).gg JP cart, JP cart Meisaku
- GG 3d8bcf1d 5AD835BF116EC299 Streets of Rage (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 0b618409 85CFE82DBD812633 Streets of Rage JP cart
- GG 2d98bd87 9A5CD4E692C2A854 Donald Duck no Lucky Dime (JP) JP cart
- GG 89f12e1e D522749CF8737519 Dragon Crystal (jp) (verified) JP cart
- GG 4d5d15fb 9A15007FFAC7F51C Moldorian (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 4457e7c0 FF64CE10F01C7D36 Donald Duck no Yottsu no Hihou JP cart
- GG 9977fcb3 9FF4810003787DF4 Wonder Boy (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 88ebbf9e B2B6F1EBDC28B206 Yuu Yuu Hakusho (jp) JP cart
- GG 46ae9159 33DF404CAF5A0B4E Yuu Yuu Hakusho II (jp) JP cart
- GG def5a5d0 1F25824E7BFAA5D2 Halley Wars (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 1e81861f 756BCDAD19F5D3C5 World Derby (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 7ac4a3ca 516CF5541BA9E056 Batman JP cart
- GG 6d3a10d3 C8930333BCD00BD8 The Pro Yakyuu '91 (jp) JP cart
- GG cf9c607c 20AF191BD7103DD9 Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai (jp) JP cart
- GG 20527530 128F9497F4469169 Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (jp) JP cart
- GG a72a1753 AE763A9D3E7084D3 Buster Fight (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG cb3cd075 EA08216FFAAA5E7C Battletoads JP cart
- GG a45fffb7 45EF1710B24D079F Riddick Bowe Boxing (verified) JP cart
- GG c3056e15 22BA40932FD367E8 Ninkuu (JP).gg JP cart
- GG dfa805a0 357F4A30EE2C9A1E Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei JP cart
- GG 83926bd1 7EC1D6C6D2A7119B GG Shinobi (jp) JP cart
- GG d6e8a305 0CE1C4FB95A321FB Sonic Drift 2 (jp) JP cart
- SMS 3e1387f6 5817A60154C0D7FF X-Men - Mojo World (br) BR cart
- SMS 5359762d 1E9957BF6F2A4B4F Wanted.sms BR cart
- SMS 4bc42857 DA63DA8BEB8E7C69 TransBot.sms PT cart (purple box)
- SMS 62f0c23d ED4ACAF1CF794680 My Hero.sms PT cart (purple box)
- SMS b14b6195 C1F11922544DA4CE SMS-BR-GBOX-Wimbledon [v0].sms *NEW* BR cart from Game Box Esportes*2
- SMS 8d43ea95 8FC056003B11CF40 Great Volley Ball BR cart from Game Box Serie Esportes
- SMS 551e6f51 FA1DF196B3DCEDE6 SMS-BR-GBOX-Super Futebol II *NEW* BR cart from Game Box Esportes*2
- SMS e1fff1bb E3EBF1D8895B9FE6 Shinobi [v0] BR cart from Game Box Serie Lutas --> Rename
- SMS 66a15bd9 6E674174DCF99F02 The Ninja (verified).sms BR cart from Game Box Serie Lutas
- SMS 1e949d1f 50C0B42AE27D4D66 Kung Fu Kid (verified).sms BR cart from Game Box Serie Lutas
- SMS 1350e4f8 54D5553AF5264FDE Cyber Shinobi, The.sms EU cart
- SMS 6c1433f9 F0BF995E2C2E5FA1 Desert Strike (verified).sms EU cart
- SMS 0e333b6e 5DF944A13D3573E0 Miracle Warriors (verified).sms US cart
- GG 087fc247 F1E3947961D3D813 Incredible Crash Dummies, The JP cart
- GG 1d01f999 EE39E44E85E0C77B Addams Family (verified).gg JP cart
- SMS abdf3923 10361067C4C6C7F2 Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (BR) BR cart
- SMS 96b3f29e 5A989B9EFF10EED8 Sonic Blast (br) (verified) BR cart
- SMS a3ef13cb 73E4CCD0CC1A69BE Zaxxon 3-D.sms EU cart
- SMS ae920e4b 71B0240AD8312583 Thunder Blade (verified).sms EU cart*2
- SMS 5fc74d2a 1EE251A5D9687455 Gangster Town (verified).sms BR cart, EU cart
- SMS 2f2e3bc9 FE36CB6E6BC5ED76 Zillion 2 - Tri Formation EU cart
- SMS ac6009a7 CF790CF50722A0EE California Games (verified) BR cart Jogos do Verao
- SMS 55bf81a0 59B3C79CC4A7DE48 Super Monaco GP (verified).sms BR cart from Game Box Serie Corridas
- SMS 00e73541 93D3417EE009757D Enduro Racer (verified).sms BR cart from Game Box Serie Corridas
- SMS 7b369892 1624A9110762168D World Grand Prix (US).sms BR cart from Game Box Serie Corridas --> Rename
- SG1 d8a87095 BDE475C4465199F6 Bank JP card*3 (A4*1,A5*2 types)
- SG1 4587de6e 9E321231AEEF54FC JP card*2
- SG1 f8b2ac1d 4123EF723DD41E0C Champion Boxing [card].sg JP cart
- SG1 9be3c6bd 0EF416397D1321FE Hang On JP cart
- GG bcce5fd4 14D6D23E291005C8 Nazo Puyo (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 3ef66810 E9A50801BEAAFD04 Popeye Beach Volley Ball (jp) JP cart
- GG 20ef017a 491A5BE482A63303 Ninja Gaiden (JP).gg JP cart
- GG d58cb27c 21B16C153724A0B2 Out Run (verified).gg JP cart Meisaku
- GG 7cb079d0 7545BA4617EBF252 Buster Ball (verified).gg JP cart
- GG ba9cef4f AF60C9ACE9E9A406 Ecco the Dolphin II (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 7d622bdd 73CDFBB9A17B628E Kishin Douji Zenki (jp) JP cart
- GG 57834c03 D0C9FEBE08434B15 House of Tarot (jp) no Yakata JP cart
- GG a0530664 08ADE585B8DA024D Gear Stadium Heiseiban (jp) JP cart
- GG 9977fcb3 9FF4810003787DF4 Wonder Boy (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 09534742 45190AB92665163E Gamble Panic (jp) JP cart
- GG fc7c64e4 2D231FD27C8A8930 JP cart, US cart
- GG c7598b81 2A64139E7A706B6C Coca Cola Kid (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 770e95e1 0FAC122A0F7FFA81 Aladdin (Disney's) (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 6201c694 4C0CF2421287A932 GG Shinobi 2 (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG a1f2f4a1 F740DD014127ACD7 Ganbare Gorby! (JP).gg JP cart
- GG a16c5e58 3E0814A4FB499C22 Pac-Man (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 7e689995 90F66A8B1F353DF4 Head Buster (jp) (verified).gg JP cart
- GG 423803a7 9E7E0CAD62261E85 Gambler Jikochuushin Ha (jp) JP cart Meisaku
- GG ea89e0e7 F36CF621FCC28C40 Monster World 2 (jp) (verified) JP cart
- GG f6f24b75 8A518DD06AA27646 Solitaire Fun Pak US cart
- GG 8ba43af3 DAA4C785B7042952 Super US cart
- GG 1ebfa5ca 24A227CBB87248D6 Strider Returns (verified).gg US cart
- GG d0a93e00 2B05E6CBE6E79BB7 Formula 1 (verified).gg US cart
- GG 4680c7aa 743D647340B4FC88 NHL All-Star US cart, CA cart '95'
- GG 04d23fc4 3CC3817F0F2AD7F1 Judge US cart
- GG 658713a5 1521D014975325D7 NHL Hockey (verified).gg US cart
- GG 19030108 89CC59B95194278D NBA Action - Starring David R.. US cart
- GG c2e111ac 10D532DB6BFB198F Desert Speedtrap - Starring .. US cart
- SMS c8381def 5EDD7209C4516FC6 Taito Chase H.Q. [SMS-GG].sms *NEW* US cart
- GG 284482a8 86FF547C91418D4C Surf US cart, correct dump.
- GG da811ba6 340FBB84D6F82B85 The Chessmaster (verified).gg US cart
- GG bc240779 1D52E7C5C3B8F07A Spider-Man - Return of the Si.. US cart
- GG 9b40fc8e B87E281ACCCE2FBF KLAX US cart
- GG 5cd33ff2 DC1F080D96A53D78 Tom and Jerry - The US cart
- GG 1d01f999 EE39E44E85E0C77B Addams Family, US cart
- GG 1d1b1dd3 8E89AE12C88F29A9 Super Monaco GP II (Ayrton S.. US cart
- GG 3e31cb8c 2D341FEB6A1B46CA Sonic The Hedgehog [v0].gg US cart
- GG 44e7e2da C919CCEF16A7376F Itchy & Scratchy Game, US cart
- GG 3679be80 FCD47238A9F827BE Neko Dai Suki! (JP).gg JP cart
- GG 36040c24 4CD14D2B04F786EA Taz-Mania (verified).gg US cart
- GG 618b19e2 AB897446BC1570D1 Batman Forever (verified).gg US cart
- GG dfe38e24 3D4B8D95C6F89CFC Super Space Invaders US cart
- GG 866c7113 855EA7962D1C2B6C Ecco The Dolphin *NEW* US cart correct dump? Waiting for EU dump to confirm
- GG d966ec47 A3BEC3293C5E33E6 *NEW* US cart (waiting for EU dump)
- GG 868fe528 747E83E3BEE414F2 World Class Leader Board Golf US cart
- GG 75c71ebf C4BF3F5C6538EF56 Madden NFL US cart
- GG 453c5cec 3190F6DA57189070 Monster Truck Wars (verified) US cart
- GG 89d34067 2CE2D57DB5BA46EB Poker Face Paul's US cart
- GG 2651024e 43EA5FAFAF94EA98 Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin US cart
- GG d01e784f 3321E82A25113E26 Krusty's Fun US cart
- GG 30f1c984 82C3D1CAD4A50C9B Shinobi US cart
- GG 6201c694 4C0CF2421287A932 Shinobi II - The Silent Fury US cart
- GG e91cdb2a 533DC337F17121F3 Wheel of US cart
- GG d7820c21 4BB99C103FA92B3D Jeopardy!.gg US cart
- GG 354e1cbd B34D79D4184F2C20 The Smurfs (verified).gg EU cart
- GG fad007df 4ED59BC6746A841A *NEW* US cart (waiting for EU dump)
- GG c578756b C216F5FA17F30926 Ninja Gaiden (verified).gg US cart
- GG bb38cfd7 82392945686157B7 World Series Baseball [V1].gg US cart
- GG 9700bb65 EF9680FBB3E34327 PGA TOUR US cart*2
- GG 80156323 CCD54E587E846A4D Star Trek The Next Generation.. US cart
- GG 61785ed5 FD0304D38203D6CE NFL Quarterback Club (verified) US cart
- GG 5ee88bd5 571564ED798B67D8 Ms. Pac-Man (verified).gg US cart Majesco
- GG c53b60b8 3377568CE62DE47D Caesars US cart Majesco
- GG afd61b89 2B4995C63316E305 Poker Face Paul's Gin US cart
- GG 0e9b0c0a 13AD1C132F72E28E Poker Face Paul's Solitaire US cart
- GG 2d367c43 415BEEFFADDCF9F5 Last Action US cart
- GG dc5b0407 5E4B9FC084E7107D NFL ' US cart
- GG f85a8ce8 5DB92D172BF43C4B 5-in-1 FunPak US cart
- GG 30c09f31 BC411BF2B555F1FB Jungle Book (verified).gg US cart Majesco
- GG b318dd37 BEDFF2E5AB5FA3DF *NEW* US cart
- GG a9210434 B4010E08A03EFD5A Sonic Spinball US cart Majesco
- GG 567a5ee6 4E1CB94E6B30D61E US cart
- GG 2c758fc8 775934E6039885F6 Cool Spot (verified).gg US cart
- GG c443c35c DA478D64E6018A7D Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball US cart
- GG c0009274 2D9E0A3FD48CA3E9 Bart vs Space Mutants US cart
- GG 1bd15773 796B2AA0D64851E3 Terminator 2: Judgment US cart
- GG bfceba5f 7239ED165A6A8608 Bonkers Wax Up! (verified).gg US cart
- GG 8dc68d92 001C952F658A1021 WWF Raw (verified).gg US cart
- GG 5a136d7e C8D6479F8BF46C91 Deep Duck Trouble - Starring.. US cart Majesco
- GG ecc301dd AD4D9A4947CE49C5 Putt & BR cart "Minigolf"
- GG 7e9dea46 400DE4894112C132 Halley BR cart "Space Battle"
- GG 600c15b3 308DC2BE252AC7AD Space BR cart
- GG dd6d2e34 0942170D3CFD87D1 Tengen World Cup EU cart*2
- GG 820965a3 78192012DB30BF73 Ultimate EU cart
- GG ea2dd3a7 F6D1E367A83FFA0E *NEW* EU cart
- GG c578756b C216F5FA17F30926 Ninja EU cart
- GG 1d01f999 EE39E44E85E0C77B Addams Family, EU cart
- GG 1d1b1dd3 8E89AE12C88F29A9 Super Monaco GP II (Ayrton Se.. EU cart
- GG 58b44585 C92745E46E995090 George Foreman's KO EU cart
- GG eebad66b 9B7DE59E03D29000 Taz in Escape from Mars EU cart
- GG ec808026 B9DF362895F7017D Desert Speedtrap - Starring R.. EU cart
- GG c169c344 CD0B39F3B2896859 X-Men - GamesMaster's Legacy EU cart
- GG 2e01ba6c 79B3C73C524481BA Joe Montana EU cart
- GG d01e784f 3321E82A25113E26 Krusty's Fun EU cart
- GG 5a136d7e C8D6479F8BF46C91 Deep Duck Trouble - Starring .. EU cart
- GG c01a8051 4EC17BDFA523F1DE Astérix and the Secret Mission *NEW* EU cart
- GG 6201c694 4C0CF2421287A932 Shinobi II - The Silent Fury EU cart
- GG 5c34d9cd 0A954147D11708E9 Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble EU cart
- GG ba0714db AB4672C88FA8A3FB Cool Spot (EU).gg *NEW* EU cart
- GG b0f22745 E4B611A11356D972 VR EU cart
- GG 07494f2a 108F1B645538E075 Mortal EU cart
- GG aae268fc 099CC645306AB402 Daffy Duck in Hollywood EU cart
- GG 658713a5 1521D014975325D7 NHL EU cart
- GG ecc301dd AD4D9A4947CE49C5 Putt & EU cart
- GG 8bdb0806 D340349AE7C03345 F-15 Strike EU cart
- GG 191b1ed8 D569D43547670605 Chuck Rock (verified).gg EU cart
- GG dfe38e24 3D4B8D95C6F89CFC Super Space Invaders EU cart
- GG bfceba5f 7239ED165A6A8608 Bonkers Wax Up! EU cart
- GG e2791cc1 02E7288B76458A1F Defenders of EU cart
- GG 07a7815a EEBEEC8A267160E7 Lucky Dime Caper EU cart
- GG 453c5cec 3190F6DA57189070 Monster Truck EU cart
- GG fcf12547 E7834B512CBEB35D Super Monaco EU cart
- GG 07d0eb42 91E3936BDE317A05 Master of *NEW* EU cart
- GG d7055f88 C11C2B5FAA24A02B The Incredible Hulk EU cart
- GG 9b40fc8e B87E281ACCCE2FBF EU cart
- GG 866c7113 855EA7962D1C2B6C ECCO the Dolphin EU cart (confirming fixed dump of 2008/10/13)
- GG 840a8f8e 9C35260DA7367AA5 EU cart
- GG 1e673168 76A0E0E382CF8254 The Ottifants (verified).gg EU cart
- GG f54b6803 45111CC58FB4FF87 EU cart
- GG 23f9150a 14860DC4BF4D9CED Kawasaki Superbikes EU cart
- GG d23a2a93 0F635FF9B1886A93 Sonic .. Triple Trouble EU cart
- GG d2bb3690 39D9CF45064E186E World Cup USA UK cart
- GG 9479c83a FF60671102D2A2B3 T2 - The Arcade EU cart
- GG 0fde7baa 48D2B5FB715B2545 EU cart
- GG ce5ad8b7 4789B713B7475612 Legend of Illusion - Starring.. EU cart
- GG 8ba43af3 DAA4C785B7042952 Super EU cart
- GG dfc7adc8 A6DB92F52896C476 EU cart
- GG c0009274 2D9E0A3FD48CA3E9 Bart vs. The Space Mutants EU cart
- GG 95a18ec7 D2612363E352F220 Sonic The Hedgehog EU cart
- GG d163356e 53D934469DC6E116 Sonic The Hedgehog [v1].gg EU cart
- GG bc240779 1D52E7C5C3B8F07A Spider-Man - Return of the Si.. EU cart
- GG a6bf865e 23BF4FE1E01DC42D Beavis and Butt-head (MTV's) EU cart
- SMS 59840fd6 CCD28DCAC9AC7C1A Castle of Illusion - Starring.. EU cart (GG)
- GG a9210434 B4010E08A03EFD5A Sonic EU cart
- GG 4e78fd36 778927EF24927BB9 Cheese *NEW* EU cart
- GG 9700bb65 EF9680FBB3E34327 PGA TOUR EU cart
- GG 61785ed5 FD0304D38203D6CE NFL Quarterback EU cart
- GG cb3cd075 EA08216FFAAA5E7C Battletoads (verified).gg EU cart
- GG a74c97a7 2CDE35F4553095B3 Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap EU cart
- GG 1307a290 505B00DA3C579A4E Double Dragon (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 4b304e0f 607CA3543FEBBE45 Mortal Kombat EU cart
- GG 328c5cc8 0676B41642F43153 Astérix and the Great Re.. (EU) EU Cart
- GG ea2dd3a7 F6D1E367A83FFA0E Wonder EU cart
- GG de466796 2D756A0E3A873BEA Tempo EU cart
- GG d0a93e00 2B05E6CBE6E79BB7 Formula One - EU cart*2
- SMS 10dbbef4 30332F1FFBCB8405 Super Kick Off [GG] EU cart (GG)
- GG dde29f74 4CB0035708055746 Home EU cart
- GG f1732ffe 0198EBBE947301B6 TaleSpin (Disney's).gg EU cart
- GG 1bd15773 796B2AA0D64851E3 Terminator 2 - Judgment EU cart
- GG d69097e8 2C887DCDCA714285 Fantasy Zone Gear EU cart --> rename based on 2008/10/14 dump
- GG 618b19e2 AB897446BC1570D1 Batman EU cart
- GG 0ef2ed93 77C55F382ABB2325 Dragon Crystal (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 59e3be92 C32205C4D7835C9C Factory Panic (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 881a4524 499877BC81C4D4D3 James Bond 007 - The Duel EU cart
- GG 3e44eca3 B681482B16BEE89A GG-EU-DESERT *NEW* EU cart
- GG c029a5fd EFDF88CF8D68A343 Terminator, EU cart
- GG 90100884 AE4DC2168F64AF8B Jungle Book, The (Walt Disn.. EU cart
- GG 868fe528 747E83E3BEE414F2 World Class Leader EU cart, EU cart Classic
- GG 3eb337df 26F7604BBD50EA41 Smurfs Travel the World, The *NEW* EU cart
- GG 9014b322 12108246CB3247D2 Out *NEW* EU cart
- GG 22c418bf 4E62CA7D9E439B8D Marko's Magic EU cart
- GG 656708bf 65F159C71229103F Chuck Rock II Son of Chuck EU cart, EU cart Classic
- GG 0a25eec5 83AE170BBEE765A3 EU cart
- GG c379de95 B55C08995BA5E26C FIFA Soccer EU cart
- GG 529c864e A21AD85B167F6913 Crystal Warriors (verified).gg EU cart
- GG b421c057 96BD12C62621B8D6 *NEW* EU cart
- GG fbd76387 08B5C74D2F1B4C99 GG-EU-Fatal Fury Special *NEW* EU cart
- GG 0b618409 85CFE82DBD812633 Streets of Rage EU cart
- GG 30f1c984 82C3D1CAD4A50C9B EU cart
- GG 69ebe5fa A3B7C429356E31E5 Bram Stoker's Dracula EU cart
- GG 7a41c1dc B9E076A223923E5C Aladdin (Disney's).gg EU cart
- GG 8dc68d92 001C952F658A1021 WWF EU cart
- GG 691ae339 4E2E597F60A504A3 Earthworm *NEW* EU cart
- GG 36040c24 4CD14D2B04F786EA Taz-Mania (verified).gg EU cart
- GG 5173b02a B31BDB3827A8440C True EU cart
- GG e632a3a2 79E80A0C5A985A3D FIFA International EU cart
- GG 4dc6f555 3D9031096A4369E3 EU cart
- GG b47c19e5 F02DEF107C75975C MM Power Rangers - The Movie EU cart
- GG 36aaf536 970EAA8535666E23 Evander Holyfield's Real Deal.. EU cart, EU cart Classic
- GG 2651024e 43EA5FAFAF94EA98 Spider-Man - vs. The Kingpin EU cart
- GG 9289dfcc 2D785B7B8B594E53 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers EU cart
- GG 354e1cbd B34D79D4184F2C20 The Smurfs (verified).gg EU cart, NL cart
- GG 90100884 AE4DC2168F64AF8B Jungle Book, The (Walt Disn.. EU cart, FR cart
- GG 176505d4 897F02048B132F25 GG-EU-ROAD *NEW* EU cart, EU cart Kixx (1 byte variation)
- GG 7ac4a3ca 516CF5541BA9E056 Batman EU cart, EU Classic
- GG c2f7928b 62A218D5697EDB4D GG-EU-JAMES POND 2 *NEW* EU cart, EU cart Kixx
- GG 1ebfa5ca 24A227CBB87248D6 Strider Returns (Journey from.. EU cart
- GG d15d335b 8C9DF406D503E322 Winter UK cart*2, UK cart Kixx
- GG db9bc599 E93FF14440FB3434 Star EU cart Kixx
- SMS 1d93246e 489D35A442E436E6 Olympic Gold [v1] [SMS-GG].sms UK cart
- GG e2f3b203 21E70CD78EEE2D6C Ecco - The Tides of FR cart
- GG 0cd9c20b 0EE71166350EE170 Lion King, The (Disney's) (EU) UK cart, FR cart, DE cart, SP cart
- GG 3d8bcf1d 5AD835BF116EC299 Streets of EU cart Classic
- GG 1e673168 76A0E0E382CF8254 The Ottifants (verified).gg EU cart Classic
- GG d43ac6c5 7DFFB63AF302306F EU cart Classic*2
- GG 9fb5c155 50DEECE6BA2DD940 James Pond II - Codename Robo.. US cart
Failed dumps:
- GG JP Magical Puzzle Popils
- GG JP Pengo
- GG JP Woody Pop
- GG US Cheese Catastrophe
- GG US Magical Puzzle Popils
- GG US Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
- GG US Poker Face Paul's Poker (dump as 128 KB)
- GG US Woody Pop
- GG BR Woody Pop
- GG EU RoboCop versus The Terminator
- GG EU Popils - The blockbusting Challenge
- GG EU Pengo
- GG EU Virtua Fighter Animation
- GG EU Woody Pop
- SMS 9ced34a7 09D4957E1609945D Hook [Proto].sms EU repro cart, dumped as 512KB with second half full of FF (Note: does not count as a verification of the original ROM - was just checking if the repro contained known dump).
- SMS ea5c3a6f 31C90A07943577B5 Dinobasher - Starring Bignose.. EU repro cart (Note: does not count as a verification of the original ROM - was just checking if the repro contained known dump).
- SMS c352c7eb DC4FD0C90A6F5E65 Lion King, The (Disney's).sms SP cart "El Rey Leon".
- SMS cb09f355 9C076464A46F730F Line of Fire.sms EU cart
- SMS 665fda92 AA7CEDD6C88CA221 Columns (verified).sms EU cart from "Master Games 1"
- SMS 72112b75 54286C65B89E5409 World Soccer (verified).sms EU cart from "Master Games 1"
- SMS 55bf81a0 59B3C79CC4A7DE48 Super Monaco GP (verified).sms EU cart from "Master Games 1"
- GG 8f17597e 64654505786B10FA NBA US proto cart (via SMS)
- SMS a1d6d963 CA2E38E7805970A0 sms-proto-Super Monaco GP *NEW* EU proto cart (via SMS)
- SMS f76d5cee 932160B3D0411315 sms-proto-Double Hawck *NEW* EU proto cart (via SMS)
- SMS 301a59aa C6AE142A815DF27E sms-proto-Miracle Warriors *NEW* EU proto cart (via SMS)
- GG 9559e339 B424918FF035A83B Marble US proto cart (direct EPROMs read)
- SMS cca47191 291934813022C1F6 gg-proto-rcgrandprix.sms *NEW* US proto cart (direct EPROMS read)
- SMS 45f058d6 A8AB7C128212B8D3 Prince of Persia [sms-gg] US proto cart (direct EPROMS read)
- SMS fbde42d3 FE6C6689595835C1 Pro Wrestling (verified).sms TW GG cart
- SC3 d4c473b2 577B6DD9FD8F2D2F E-112 Chuugaku Hisshuu Eibunp.. JP cart
- SC3 129d6359 DE9469099090EC10 E-108 Nihonshi Nenpyou *NEW* JP cart, looks like a fix to old dump
- SMS 89e98a7c 9F82F97234F38CC1 Great Baseball [JP] (JP).sms JP card
- SG1 bdc05652 7D6DE53955B78D5F Champion Ice JP card
- SG1 be7ed0eb F6C4074F8EB7307B C_So!.sg JP card
- SG1 d37bda49 F7646908C0727A88 Chack'n JP card
- SG1 1898f274 38DCD62C5EFD0C83 Girl's JP cart
- SG1 6f39719e 157515CDB5D2C746 Champion JP cart
- SG1 ba09a0fd 0CBF98A750BA42AA Hyper Sports (Konami no).sg JP cart*2
- SMS 89e98a7c 9F82F97234F38CC1 Great Baseball [JP] (JP).sms JP card
- SMS 5c01adf9 EE5DD09C3A26C623 Hang On (JP).sms JP card
- SMS e6795c53 B637976CB4B28D1D Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot (JP) JP card
- SMS 95cbf3dd 03AA0AD98772E196 Great Tennis (Super Tennis) .. JP card
- SMS 6605d36a 2E083BD3646B9C51 Phantasy Star (JP).sms JP cart
- SG1 5af8f69d 0DE0E10D161A876E Elevator JP card
- SG1 ea0f2691 0A34F046A94E1382 Bomb JP card
- SG1 372fe6bc A765C6DF45AA223E Champion Pro JP cart
- SG1 08707fe3 7DEF5FABA2C8F22E Safari Race *NEW* JP cart (Dumped previously, yet unsorted)
- SG1 652bbd1e 5AACF5554AD6DCB4 N-Sub [16k].sg JP cart
- SG1 7c663316 085A9DF0EF513B96 Champion JP cart
- SG1 26f947d1 1FB7BB8E1123BAF3 Champion Boxing [cart].sg JP cart
- SMS 24f5fe8c 36CE68D578724E87 Hokuto no Ken (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS 08c9ec91 8F4496EF846F02B3 Alex Kidd no Miracle World (JP) JP cart
- SMS 320313ec 690DDE10E39C7CA1 Ninja, The (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS ae705699 8A53E8116C3E95EB Ashura (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS 6586bd1f 60D284A3414C61B9 Great Golf [JP] (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS 32759751 13C43FBEE6B25341 Ys (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS d11d32e4 261F3B6965EAC701 Kujakuou (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS beddf80e 0AEA3665ABDB3AB1 Space Harrier [50-60 Hz].sms JP cart
- SMS a249fa9d CEDEE0CA40083032 Gokuaku Doumei Dump Matsumoto JP cart
- SMS fff63b0b 706FE01391B816CF Anmitsu Hime (JP).sms JP cart
- SMS e2fcb6f3 A9F764062AFED3FB Wonder Boy [v0].sms JP cart "Super Wonder Boy"
- SMS c722fb42 670E9195613A25A5 Fantasy Zone II - Opa-Opa no N. JP cart
- SMS 3ebb7457 1812E0F53178AFA9 Final Bubble Bobble (JP).sms JP cart
- GG 09534742 45190AB92665163E Gamble Panic (JP).gg JP cart
- GG a45fffb7 45EF1710B24D079F Riddick Bowe JP cart
- GG 398f2358 D04392A2150C4850 Kuni Chan no Game Tengoku (JP) JP cart
- GG ec0f2c72 F964F26101F693C6 Scratch Golf (JP).gg JP cart
- GG d5195a39 5AE30E1DD51AC5E4 Winter Olympics (JP).gg JP cart
- GG ce1108fd 5EF9334D02922E67 JP cart
- Joined: 05 May 2007
- Posts: 40
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:57 pm
Is there still a link for the newest meka.nam? I think I missed to save it and now it's dead.
I'd also like to ask if there are any logs missing since I couldn't find a lot of verifications. Since almost the complete SMS-list was converted to the new format I'd assume these had been redumped. But I see no entry for Addams Family just to name one. :S
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:01 am
Sorry, the SVN server crashed and the person who was hosting it is stopping his subscription anyway. We haven't took the time to replace it yet (if someone can donate a virtual machine on some decently stable and fast server it'll be nice).
I'll post my local copy of latest Meka.nam tomorrow, it is at home and I don't have internet there yet :(
I haven't posted some logs earlier than 2004 and certainly may have missed to append a few since I'm manually appending to that list. It happens in particular with games I expect to be nothing new since I'm processing them fast and can more easily forget to paste it the line after dumping.
- Site Admin
- Joined: 08 Jul 2001
- Posts: 8745
- Location: Paris, France
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:42 am
Here's my latest version of MEKA.NAM