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Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 12:34 am
> Hmm.. (Wednesday, September 08)
> Sorry, no new release tonight!
> I was trying to argue on IRC #retrogamers against two
> racists dumbass and it took a lot of my time ^_^

Let's talk about that.

First of all:

> Sorry, no new release tonight!

I think nobody cares.

> I was trying to argue on IRC #retrogamers against two
> racists dumbass...

Nobody cares if they are racists or not, as well nobody cares if you were right or wrong either.
The only one thing we all care about is ROMS. Period.
Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.
In the last two weeks, you have been looking for excuses to NOT release anything, you've been releasing 143 ROMS so far and personally I am definitely thankfull, you contributed more to the emulation world and specially the SMS scene more than anybody else.
But you have to realize and understand that most of the peoples reading this board are ROMS beggers, that most of peoples downloading those files are Brasilians who absolutely don't care about you or about racism at all.
By definition if peoples want to talk about racism, I think they can try or alt.racists or maybe #kkk #nazi and so on.. on their preferred IRC network.

Your site is about ROMS, nothing else but ROMS, everything which is on SMS Power besides ROMS is considered as useless by most of us (I know what I am talking about, we spoke about that for a couple of hours many times on IRC.)

So please Zoop, do us a favor, do yourself a favor (by saving a lot of time), quit complaining about racists (not the first time it happens on SMS Power/Emucamp) and let's get the ROMS.

> and it took a lot of my time ^_^

Arguing about the arguing peoples, or bitching at the bitchy peoples sure does takes a lot of time.

You spent about 10 minutes at least to update the webpage with that, I know that you have a cablemodem, just uploading the damn 300kb average zip files which contain ROMS takes about 2 minutes to you.
My point here is quite simple; if you have THAT much time to update the webpage with some crap (we don't give a flying fuck about), you probably have some time to do something better, ie: uploading the ROMS.

Next time you have some time to waste try to make it useful for the whole community: that's all I have to say.

Next time you bitch at something or someone, find a real excuse, we're not all racists nor we are responsible for the conduct of such individuals.

SMS/Genesis ROMS related question:

Is there a such "Solomon no Kagi *2*" for SMS/GG/Genesis? I just discovered the NES version, that game is awesome, nothing to do with Solomon No Kagi 1.

Thank you for your time Zoop.

With all my respect and friendship,

- A friend.
A Real Friend
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 1:30 am
"Friends" don't complain about things that are free.

"Friends" don't complain when their "friends" let them down.

"Friends" help their "friends" achieve their goals.

"Friends" aren't assholes like you.

With all my disrepect and venom,

-a "friend" who appreciates all that Zoop has done.

To Zoop: Thanks for the free emulator "Meka", the free website "SMS Power" and thanks for the hundreds of "free" SMS roms.
A friend
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Re: Racism part 2.
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 2:20 am
> "Friends" aren't assholes like you.

Calling me names, you don't even know me.
Did I called you name? Did I called anybody names?

Guess not.

Open a dictionnary and look at the definition of the word "Respect".

- A friend.
  • Joined: 29 Jun 1999
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Just one thing!
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 2:25 am
Just tell me who do you think you are?? You are being racist now! I am Brazilian and I not lame like you say in your post!! whats wrong with you?? blame a whole country beacuse some jerks are lame? Everybody can be wrong once! The history show us everybody can be wrong! You are wrong now!! At my point of view, is you who dont wanna hear what zoop has to just wanna just wanna whine because you dont get one more rom to your shit collection! Grow up and open your eyes!
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  • Joined: 03 Sep 2007
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Well , `` a real freind`` is right...
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 2:29 am
this ``freind`` guy is too much!
racism is everyware. we can`t escape it. when someone yells at me (in french)
``EYE! MON ESTI D`AMERINDIEN TOE...`` (wich vagely translates to : hey! you fuck`n indian...) , i know
they don`t want to make friends with me. zoop (i`m shure) has that same kind of problem , so i`m on his side.
i hate pepeole that despise me just because i have a darker tan than theirs. i can`t do anything about that.
it`s the way that i am born , i did`nt choose this (don`t want to ether...).and , what`s a skin tone ? is it just
skin color or is it something more frightening to you white dudes ? (don`t have a clue...).
so , it`s not an excuse. it`s the mere fact that it`s unplesant...(really , i can`t help it...).
and , `friend`` ? do you think that zoop has a responsability with roms ? are you a registred user ?
if he does`nt release roms , is it a crime ? if he updates HIS site with what he wants , is it bad ?
zoop is kind to do this . i don`t see you do this. so leave alone . if he does`nt relase a rom , he does`nt .
it`s as simple as that . no``take 2 minutes tu upload one`` `cause i`m shure he has an outside life (hint : like
ALL normal person should have...).

thank you for your time...
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Fabricio (Animal)
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 3:03 am
Well, Needless to say I am extremely angry with all the bullshit this guy wrote here.

>But you have to realize and understand that most of the peoples >reading this board are ROMS beggers, that most of peoples >downloading those files are Brasilians who absolutely don't >care about you or about racism at all.

Well, I think YOU ARE a ROM begger, not brazilians, because I am brazilian and I care about Zoop and racism, because I know Efnet have lots of racists like you. I still remember the first I joined #emu there, and some guys started making joking about me, just because there was .br in my host address. I spent a lot of time arguing with these guys, but unfortunately they don't have a brain and I can't convince them of how much stupid they are.

Needless to say I agree with everything PrOfUnD Darkness said in his reply.

>You spent about 10 minutes at least to update the webpage with >that, I know that you have a cablemodem, just uploading the >damn 300kb average zip files which contain ROMS takes about 2 >minutes to you.
>My point here is quite simple; if you have THAT much time to >update the webpage with some crap (we don't give a flying fuck >about), you probably have some time to do something better, ie: >uploading the ROMS.

I hope Zoop don't release any ROM tomorrow, and spend all that 10 minutes answering all the bullshit you wrote here instead of updating SMSPower.
  • Joined: 24 Jun 1999
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 7:39 am
> > Sorry, no new release tonight!
> I think nobody cares.

Two lines later, you say "the only one thing we all care about is ROMS".

> Nobody cares if they are racists or not, as well nobody cares if you were right or wrong either.
> The only one thing we all care about is ROMS. Period.

It's not the case of everybody, and you cannot talk for them.

> Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.
> In the last two weeks, you have been looking for excuses to NOT release anything,

Not to release anything? Dumbass how many roms were released this week?
About the daily_roms_till_year_Y2K i'm trying to honor the promise but keep in mind that YOU and most people leeching here deserve nothing. I am honoring requests of people who care supporting us, and that's all.

> But you have to realize and understand that most of the peoples reading this board are ROMS beggers, that most of peoples downloading those files are Brasilians who absolutely don't care about you or about racism at all.
> By definition if peoples want to talk about racism, I think they can try or alt.racists or maybe #kkk #nazi and so on.. on their preferred IRC network.

That's why I'm bringing the subject here. I want to talk about it. If it bother you then yuo can stop visiting this site.

> Your site is about ROMS, nothing else but ROMS, everything which is on SMS Power besides ROMS is considered as useless by most of us (I know what I am talking about, we spoke about that for a couple of hours many times on IRC.)

Not with me, then.

> You spent about 10 minutes at least to update the webpage with that, I know that you have a cablemodem, just uploading the damn 300kb average zip files which contain ROMS takes about 2 minutes to you.
> My point here is quite simple; if you have THAT much time to update the webpage with some crap (we don't give a flying fuck about), you probably have some time to do something better, ie: uploading the ROMS.

I spent one minute typing a news in a Netscape window and clicking on the "POST" button.
Releasing a ROM mean that I have to make a webpage with screenshots, update the release page, make a news, zip and upload the ROM itself to the protected area and update it.

> Next time you have some time to waste try to make it useful for the whole community: that's all I have to say.
> Next time you bitch at something or someone, find a real excuse, we're not all racists nor we are responsible for the conduct of such individuals.

Then why are you bitching me? I didn't say you were racist. I don't even know you, as you post anonymously (the typical coward).
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Re: Racism. SMSpow.. errr.. RACISMPower!?
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 8:30 am

> > > Sorry, no new release tonight!
> > I think nobody cares.

> Two lines later, you say "the only one thing we all care about is ROMS".

> > Nobody cares if they are racists or not, as well nobody cares if you were right or wrong either.
> > The only one thing we all care about is ROMS. Period.

> It's not the case of everybody, and you cannot talk for them.

Fine, then I'll talk for most of us, so 95% of the persons visiting this site, you should make a poll/vote on the "racism" and roms and contributions subjects.

Zoop, dude, be realist:

- How many hits you have per day? and now ask yourself how many persons contributed compared to how many users download roms?

- How many interesting with real subject and contents mails do you receive per day? and now ask yourself how many flame, racism and rom begging mails do you receive per day?

- How much time spend (or waste?) on this SMS thing? and now ask yourself how much money did you earned from all this?

My question here is simple, do it or don't do it, but quit bitching and whining, it doesn't give us roms (which is I say it once again, the only purpose and reason why we're here!), and it doesn't give you anything besides headaches and so on.. (I believe).

> > Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.
> > In the last two weeks, you have been looking for excuses to NOT release anything,

> Not to release anything? Dumbass how many roms were released this week?

Not a lot. And you claimed there would be ROMS daily, all I've seen is, a couple of ROMS (which were already released somewhere else, I have the proof and I'll give you the url in private mail), ROMS for a +10 years old DEAD system, and someone bitching and complaining about racism all the times. You seem to feel soooo concerned about racism issues, this is the internet and racism is an ideology (even if I do NOT share/understand/promote it), and the internet is a place of free speech where everyone who has every mentalities is free to come and talk, if you don't like it, then make a poll/vote, go away or go back to the ereet old BBS world.

You're bitching for nothing, thoses are just ugly old 8-bits games that nobody really cares about, my personnal interest in SMS power is not the rom itself, it's to be able to count averagely how many games were edited/existed/created for the SMS. I don't need the ROMS. I don't need an emulator to play, if I want to play, I go on and for less than $50 I buy the real thing.

And between you and me, you know it, you know better, EVERY single REALLY REALLY NICE game for the SMS or GG has already been released so far, we have Psycho Fox and Phantasy Star, the rest is nothing else but a pile of junk.
> About the daily_roms_till_year_Y2K i'm trying to honor the promise but keep in mind that YOU and most people leeching here deserve nothing. I am honoring requests of people who care supporting us, and that's all.

Then in that case, turn private, totally private, download the roms only with a login/password etc.. etc.. or... do like that guy you seem to like so much, Marat Fayzullin, and make MEKA being a Shareware CRIPPLED emu. Maybe there, you'll get something from all this (besides complaints and racist insults and so on...)

> > But you have to realize and understand that most of the peoples reading this board are ROMS beggers, that most of peoples downloading those files are Brasilians who absolutely don't care about you or about racism at all.
> > By definition if peoples want to talk about racism, I think they can try or alt.racists or maybe #kkk #nazi and so on.. on their preferred IRC network.

> That's why I'm bringing the subject here. I want to talk about it. If it bother you then yuo can stop visiting this site.

Talk about what? Racism? on a Emulation related board/site, duh? I don't think this is the right place, but well, that is your site, so you do whatever you want. If you ask my personnal opinion, I'd like to see a poll/vote which would restrict us or not to talk about emulation *only* or talk about anything & everything.

> > Your site is about ROMS, nothing else but ROMS, everything which is on SMS Power besides ROMS is considered as useless by most of us (I know what I am talking about, we spoke about that for a couple of hours many times on IRC.)

> Not with me, then.

Too bad, give me a date/time/timezone/nickname/channel/server, I'll be there.

> > You spent about 10 minutes at least to update the webpage with that, I know that you have a cablemodem, just uploading the damn 300kb average zip files which contain ROMS takes about 2 minutes to you.
> > My point here is quite simple; if you have THAT much time to update the webpage with some crap (we don't give a flying fuck about), you probably have some time to do something better, ie: uploading the ROMS.

> I spent one minute typing a news in a Netscape window and clicking on the "POST" button.
> Releasing a ROM mean that I have to make a webpage with screenshots, update the release page, make a news, zip and upload the ROM itself to the protected area and update it.

That is total bullshit, peoples don't care about the screenshot, so there you save at least 5 minutes, then "make a webpage"? just don't, put the damn .zip file in a /directory and update well...

> > Next time you have some time to waste try to make it useful for the whole community: that's all I have to say.
> > Next time you bitch at something or someone, find a real excuse, we're not all racists nor we are responsible for the conduct of such individuals.

> Then why are you bitching me? I didn't say you were racist. I don't even know you, as you post anonymously (the typical coward).

I wasn't bitching at you personnaly, I was trying to bring up a point here, is this an emulation site or a racism site?

And about positng anonymousely, I got one thing to tell you: "welcome on the internet."

I got a proposal: let's rename smspower to racismpower...

Makes sense?

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Re: Well , `` a real freind`` is right...
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 5:32 pm
Hmm, I think it's American pride...a lot of American caucasians seem to think of themselves as a superior race to others...hehe not trashing ALL American caucasians, because, as one, I can say that we're not all like that, they just give us a bad name.
Zoop, we appreciate what you've done for Sega Master've helped keep this system "alive" in most respects, and we commend you. Don't let the brainless rom-leeching idiots bring you down.
Well, that's my controversial message for the century ;) At least, what's *left* of the century ^-^
And yes, flames are Lame Mail page hasn't been updated in awhile.

-Jeremy Gilbert, aka Reiver
owner and maintainer of and the Ancient Ys Library

> this ``freind`` guy is too much!
> racism is everyware. we can`t escape it. when someone yells at me (in french)
> ``EYE! MON ESTI D`AMERINDIEN TOE...`` (wich vagely translates to : hey! you fuck`n indian...) , i know
> they don`t want to make friends with me. zoop (i`m shure) has that same kind of problem , so i`m on his side.
> i hate pepeole that despise me just because i have a darker tan than theirs. i can`t do anything about that.
> it`s the way that i am born , i did`nt choose this (don`t want to ether...).and , what`s a skin tone ? is it just
> skin color or is it something more frightening to you white dudes ? (don`t have a clue...).
> so , it`s not an excuse. it`s the mere fact that it`s unplesant...(really , i can`t help it...).
> and , `friend`` ? do you think that zoop has a responsability with roms ? are you a registred user ?
> if he does`nt release roms , is it a crime ? if he updates HIS site with what he wants , is it bad ?
> zoop is kind to do this . i don`t see you do this. so leave alone . if he does`nt relase a rom , he does`nt .
> it`s as simple as that . no``take 2 minutes tu upload one`` `cause i`m shure he has an outside life (hint : like
> ALL normal person should have...).

> thank you for your time...

  • Guest
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Re: Racism. SMSpow.. errr.. RACISMPower!?
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 5:55 pm
> Fine, then I'll talk for most of us, so 95% of the persons
> visiting this site, you should make a poll/vote on the
> "racism" and roms and contributions subjects.

95% More like 9.5%. I bet if you surveyed everyone on #Emucamp, #Classicemu, #Retrogames, #Emuhq, #Zopharsdomain, #Meka and #TotalEmulation, they will say "Zoop can do whatever he wants." In other words, if he wants to talk about something like racism, you have no right to tell him he cant.

> Zoop, dude, be realist:

I think you should be a realist.

> - How many hits you have per day? and now ask yourself how
> many persons contributed compared to how many users download
> roms?

Combined with Emucamp, he gets about 5000 hits a day. Not bad in my opinion. Seems to be a problem with you..

> - How many interesting with real subject and contents mails do > you receive per day? and now ask yourself how many flame,
> racism and rom begging mails do you receive per day?

I am sure he recieves a lot of real subject emails. And talks to people about something sides emulation. When I go on IRC, I maybe mention Emucamp once in the entire conversation.

> - How much time spend (or waste?) on this SMS thing? and now
> ask yourself how much money did you earned from all this?

He's not in it for the money you retard! He's in it as a hobby! Please! How would you like it if you need to pay for every ROM to download off SMSPower?

> My question here is simple, do it or don't do it, but quit
> bitching and whining, it doesn't give us roms (which is I say
>it once again, the only purpose and reason why we're here!),
>and it doesn't give you anything besides headaches and so on..
>(I believe).

That's not the only reason why people are here.. People are here for the development portion, I read the message bases, and I look to see if Zoop released anything to post for Emucamp..

> Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised
> us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.

One thing. (This one is from a previous post.) This was on a basis that people could contribute to SMS Power with Carts to dump. I dont have many SMS Carts to donate, but I make up for it by doing news on Emucamp. What have you done for SMS Power?

> Not a lot. And you claimed there would be ROMS daily, all I've >seen is, a couple of ROMS (which were already released >somewhere else, I have the proof and I'll give you the url in >private mail), ROMS for a +10 years old DEAD system, and >someone bitching and complaining about racism all the times. >You seem to feel soooo concerned about racism issues, this is >the internet and racism is an ideology (even if I do NOT >share/understand/promote it), and the internet is a place of >free speech where everyone who has every mentalities is free to >come and talk, if you don't like it, then make a poll/vote, go >away or go back to the ereet old BBS world.

You're an idiot. I got news for you. We are in the BBS world! Friggin retard! The only difference between this and a BBS is that more people browse it. You should go on a BBS and check yourself. Here's a telnet address for you.. Go there instead of bothering us.

As for free speech, if the racists he argued with wanted to express themselves, then Zoop can do the same if he wanted to.

> You're bitching for nothing, thoses are just ugly old 8-bits >games that nobody really cares about, my personnal interest in >SMS power is not the rom itself, it's to be able to count >averagely how many games were edited/existed/created for the >SMS. I don't need the ROMS. I don't need an emulator to play, >if I want to play, I go on and for less than $50 I buy >the real thing.

Now you just said a couple of emails ago, you umm came to SMS Power for ROMS, and now you said that you are making a chronological list. Get your facts straight!

> And between you and me, you know it, you know better, EVERY >single REALLY REALLY NICE game for the SMS or GG has already >been released so far, we have Psycho Fox and Phantasy Star, the >rest is nothing else but a pile of junk.

Actually, I liked a lot of the new games released. They were pretty nice and there are a lot more that need to be released including some Brazilian games! Well shoot that one down with an oozie eh?

> Then in that case, turn private, totally private, download the >roms only with a login/password etc.. etc.. or... do like that >guy you seem to like so much, Marat Fayzullin, and make MEKA >being a Shareware CRIPPLED emu. Maybe there, you'll get >something from all this (besides complaints and racist insults >and so on...)

How is releasing a full version to all users after the registered one is released to registered users shareware? I would consider that more of a beta testing.

> Talk about what? Racism? on a Emulation related board/site, >duh? I don't think this is the right place, but well, that is >your site, so you do whatever you want. If you ask my personnal >opinion, I'd like to see a poll/vote which would restrict us or >not to talk about emulation *only* or talk about anything & >everything.

FYI, if you goto Emucamp, I did an email poll and wrote an editorial about content in emulation sites. The majority agreed that emulation sites should have some variation once in a while. Go read it at click on the articles, and you'll notice the title yourself.

> Too bad, give me a date/time/timezone/nickname/channel/server, >I'll be there.

heh.. So will I

> That is total bullshit, peoples don't care about the >screenshot, so there you save at least 5 minutes, then "make a >webpage"? just don't, put the damn .zip file in a /directory >and update well...

I do. It lets me know if the game is worth downloading or not. If it's worth downloading, then I download it. If not, I move on. I go by screenshots..

> I wasn't bitching at you personnaly, I was trying to bring up >a point here, is this an emulation site or a racism site?

To be honest, you define bitching at someone to a T.

> And about positng anonymousely, I got one thing to tell you: >"welcome on the internet."

So you were the one who coward behind that email account sending me an anonymous email. What's wrong? Afraid that I would have posted it on Emucamp?

> I got a proposal: let's rename smspower to racismpower...


> Makes sense?

No.. Zoop can name this site and do with this site anything he pleases. You have NO right to tell him what he can and cannot do. If you have a problem with it, LEAVE!

- uzplayer -
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Your post makes perfect sense! (-NT-)
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 5:58 pm
> this ``freind`` guy is too much!
> racism is everyware. we can`t escape it. when someone yells at me (in french)
> ``EYE! MON ESTI D`AMERINDIEN TOE...`` (wich vagely translates to : hey! you fuck`n indian...) , i know
> they don`t want to make friends with me. zoop (i`m shure) has that same kind of problem , so i`m on his side.
> i hate pepeole that despise me just because i have a darker tan than theirs. i can`t do anything about that.
> it`s the way that i am born , i did`nt choose this (don`t want to ether...).and , what`s a skin tone ? is it just
> skin color or is it something more frightening to you white dudes ? (don`t have a clue...).
> so , it`s not an excuse. it`s the mere fact that it`s unplesant...(really , i can`t help it...).
> and , `friend`` ? do you think that zoop has a responsability with roms ? are you a registred user ?
> if he does`nt release roms , is it a crime ? if he updates HIS site with what he wants , is it bad ?
> zoop is kind to do this . i don`t see you do this. so leave alone . if he does`nt relase a rom , he does`nt .
> it`s as simple as that . no``take 2 minutes tu upload one`` `cause i`m shure he has an outside life (hint : like
> ALL normal person should have...).

> thank you for your time...
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Yep. I am gonna have to agree with this one and apologise on behalf of Americans everywhere [again] (-NT-)
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 6:00 pm
> Hmm, I think it's American pride...a lot of American caucasians seem to think of themselves as a superior race to others...hehe not trashing ALL American caucasians, because, as one, I can say that we're not all like that, they just give us a bad name.
> Zoop, we appreciate what you've done for Sega Master've helped keep this system "alive" in most respects, and we commend you. Don't let the brainless rom-leeching idiots bring you down.
> Well, that's my controversial message for the century ;) At least, what's *left* of the century ^-^
> And yes, flames are Lame Mail page hasn't been updated in awhile.

> -Jeremy Gilbert, aka Reiver
> owner and maintainer of and the Ancient Ys Library

> > this ``freind`` guy is too much!
> > racism is everyware. we can`t escape it. when someone yells at me (in french)
> > ``EYE! MON ESTI D`AMERINDIEN TOE...`` (wich vagely translates to : hey! you fuck`n indian...) , i know
> > they don`t want to make friends with me. zoop (i`m shure) has that same kind of problem , so i`m on his side.
> > i hate pepeole that despise me just because i have a darker tan than theirs. i can`t do anything about that.
> > it`s the way that i am born , i did`nt choose this (don`t want to ether...).and , what`s a skin tone ? is it just
> > skin color or is it something more frightening to you white dudes ? (don`t have a clue...).
> > so , it`s not an excuse. it`s the mere fact that it`s unplesant...(really , i can`t help it...).
> > and , `friend`` ? do you think that zoop has a responsability with roms ? are you a registred user ?
> > if he does`nt release roms , is it a crime ? if he updates HIS site with what he wants , is it bad ?
> > zoop is kind to do this . i don`t see you do this. so leave alone . if he does`nt relase a rom , he does`nt .
> > it`s as simple as that . no``take 2 minutes tu upload one`` `cause i`m shure he has an outside life (hint : like
> > ALL normal person should have...).

> > thank you for your time...
  • Guest
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Re: Racism part 2.
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 6:02 pm
> Calling me names, you don't even know me.
> Did I called you name? Did I called anybody names?

> Guess not.

> Open a dictionnary and look at the definition of the word "Respect".

> - A friend.

Why should we respect you if you dont respect Zoop's right to free speech? You say that these other guys have the right to say what they want and yet you say Zoop doesnt.

So once again. Why should we respect you?

- uzplayer -
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Re: Racism part 2.
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 8:37 pm

*raises hand*
Ooh ooh!
Because he's a "Self Righteous Moron" sir!!!
*awaits pat on head*
Hehehe ;) Actually, is it worth arguing with this guy? I mean, his lack of consistency in his arguments obviously shows that he is just opinionated and trying to have the upper hand at all times, in all cases...he'll just change his answer to make his own rebuttal sound good.
*takes off nerdy glasses and sits down amongst others*

-Jeremy Gilbert, aka Reiver
owner and maintainer of and the Ancient Ys Library

> > Calling me names, you don't even know me.
> > Did I called you name? Did I called anybody names?

> > Guess not.

> > Open a dictionnary and look at the definition of the word "Respect".

> > - A friend.

> Why should we respect you if you dont respect Zoop's right to free speech? You say that these other guys have the right to say what they want and yet you say Zoop doesnt.

> So once again. Why should we respect you?

> - uzplayer -

Greg Polander
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Add my apology in also. These guys give the rest of us a bad name! (NT)
Post Posted: Thu Sep 09, 1999 9:09 pm
There are MANY gratefull Americans and other people in the world for Zoops efforts......
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Uzplayer is right... (+ my opinion inside...)
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 12:36 am
this ``friend`` dude , (give us a nick , not just friend because it sucks big time) , you don`t seem to want roms , you are
probably too yong to have played sms games when it where out. i think this guy is in it just because roms
are , he is probably a cheap individual hwo don`t want to give anything for free (that`s why he
does`ent understand zoop).he talks about racism like he knows a lot on this subject but , all he told us is
how one sided is mind really is...he is living inside his own individual bubble , his makebeleve world like
all is fine in the world around him and that it`s us that are sick. this guy must be suffering a lot , thinking things
like this and behave like all is good...i think , in a sense , that we are all racists ( now , let me finish!) , i think
that racism starts when we are aware that 2 persons are diferent. so , there must be some degres of racism ,
like on a by that definition a lot of pepeole are at scale 1. when you are more racist , the number
goes be honest , i`m maybe at a 2 , because all my life pepeole have been making fun of me just
because my skin tone was darker than thers. (i don`t hate them , it`s just the way they are raised because our
parents are more racist than us , no one can argue on this because it`s the way the world goes...).
racism can go even a lot deeper , a while ago pepeole where making fun of me because of the way i type.
you must understant that i am french speaking and english is my secondary language , that i even
learned it alone... yes racism can go that far , judging someone just by the way he types!).
in closing , my opnion is : if someone tells you that he is NOT racist , he must be lying (or lucky enough to
have been kept away from all this nonesense)... thank you for your time.
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Because this guy makes me sick.. (-NT-)
Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 2:13 am
> *raises hand*
> Ooh ooh!
> Because he's a "Self Righteous Moron" sir!!!
> *awaits pat on head*
> Hehehe ;) Actually, is it worth arguing with this guy? I mean, his lack of consistency in his arguments obviously shows that he is just opinionated and trying to have the upper hand at all times, in all cases...he'll just change his answer to make his own rebuttal sound good.
> *takes off nerdy glasses and sits down amongst others*

> -Jeremy Gilbert, aka Reiver
> owner and maintainer of and the Ancient Ys Library

> > > Calling me names, you don't even know me.
> > > Did I called you name? Did I called anybody names?

> > > Guess not.

> > > Open a dictionnary and look at the definition of the word "Respect".

> > > - A friend.

> > Why should we respect you if you dont respect Zoop's right to free speech? You say that these other guys have the right to say what they want and yet you say Zoop doesnt.

> > So once again. Why should we respect you?

> > - uzplayer -
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 10, 1999 7:04 pm
> > Hmm.. (Wednesday, September 08)
> > Sorry, no new release tonight!
> > I was trying to argue on IRC #retrogamers against two
> > racists dumbass and it took a lot of my time ^_^

> Let's talk about that.

> First of all:

> > Sorry, no new release tonight!

> I think nobody cares.
Agreed, I can wait for releases at this point....

> > I was trying to argue on IRC #retrogamers against two
> > racists dumbass...

> Nobody cares if they are racists or not, as well nobody cares if you were right or wrong either.
> The only one thing we all care about is ROMS. Period.
> Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.
> In the last two weeks, you have been looking for excuses to NOT release anything, you've been releasing 143 ROMS so far and personally I am definitely thankfull, you contributed more to the emulation world and specially the SMS scene more than anybody else.
> But you have to realize and understand that most of the peoples reading this board are ROMS beggers, that most of peoples downloading those files are Brasilians who absolutely don't care about you or about racism at all.
> By definition if peoples want to talk about racism, I think they can try or alt.racists or maybe #kkk #nazi and so on.. on their preferred IRC network.

> Your site is about ROMS, nothing else but ROMS, everything which is on SMS Power besides ROMS is considered as useless by most of us (I know what I am talking about, we spoke about that for a couple of hours many times on IRC.)

> So please Zoop, do us a favor, do yourself a favor (by saving a lot of time), quit complaining about racists (not the first time it happens on SMS Power/Emucamp) and let's get the ROMS.
Sure it's about roms guy, but Zoop wanted to give an explanation to the registered people and others, that's all it was, period.

> > and it took a lot of my time ^_^

> Arguing about the arguing peoples, or bitching at the bitchy peoples sure does takes a lot of time.

> You spent about 10 minutes at least to update the webpage with that, I know that you have a cablemodem, just uploading the damn 300kb average zip files which contain ROMS takes about 2 minutes to you.
> My point here is quite simple; if you have THAT much time to update the webpage with some crap (we don't give a flying fuck about), you probably have some time to do something better, ie: uploading the ROMS.

> Next time you have some time to waste try to make it useful for the whole community: that's all I have to say.

> Next time you bitch at something or someone, find a real excuse, we're not all racists nor we are responsible for the conduct of such individuals.
As Zoop explains and most webmasters know, pages take time, uploading takes time. But I guess you don't care about quality or all the work that Zoop must do to update everypage. Anyway if you ever get into a heated argument or such over the net and host a site you'll agree that the argument will make you forget about the site.

Nuff said.

  • Joined: 24 Jun 1999
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Answering point per point
Post Posted: Sat Sep 11, 1999 1:38 am
> > > > Sorry, no new release tonight!
> > > I think nobody cares.
> > Two lines later, you say "the only one thing we all care about is ROMS".

You didn't answer to this one.

> - How many hits you have per day?

About 1600 now that big sites stopped mentionning us (and that's better!).

> and now ask yourself how many persons contributed compared to how many users download roms?

I have 85 keyfiles in my Meka directory. Counting beta testers and friend, about 70 people have contributed.
That's already nice.

> - How many interesting with real subject and contents mails do you receive per day?

Lot a lot from people visiting SMS Power.

> and now ask yourself how many flame, racism and rom begging mails do you receive per day?

Usually one or two ROM begging mails per day, that's all.

> - How much time spend (or waste?) on this SMS thing?

Two hours a day.

> and now ask yourself how much money did you earned from all this?

I learned programming, a bit of electronic.
Also earned a grand total of 100$ and about 250 cartridges.
But used a lot of money, and even more time.
But it's a hobby, you know.
At least I'm not spending time on the internet for nothing ;o)

> My question here is simple, do it or don't do it, but quit bitching and whining, it doesn't give us roms (which is I say it once again, the only purpose and reason why we're here!), and it doesn't give you anything besides headaches and so on.. (I believe).

It's doesn't give me headaches. I'm just sad some people are plain stupid.
As for the "don't do it", you aren't forced to visit the site if you don't like it.

> > > Zoop, you have been running things for a while, you promised us to have ROMS released daily till at least Y2K.
> > > In the last two weeks, you have been looking for excuses to NOT release anything,
> > Not to release anything? Dumbass how many roms were released this week?
> Not a lot. And you claimed there would be ROMS daily, all I've seen is, a couple of ROMS
> (which were already released somewhere else, I have the proof and I'll give you the url in private mail),

Hahahaha sure, that's the best I could hear. I'm eagerly waiting for your mail.
Some of the SMS Power releases are being dumped *a few minutes* before being released.

> You're bitching for nothing, thoses are just ugly old 8-bits games that nobody really cares about, my personnal interest in SMS power is not the rom itself, it's to be able to count averagely how many games were edited/existed/created for the SMS. I don't need the ROMS. I don't need an emulator to play, if I want to play, I go on and for less than $50 I buy the real thing.

Then why are you downloading the roms? Go check SkyBaby list for the number of existing SMS games, and stop changing your mind every two messages.

> And between you and me, you know it, you know better, EVERY single REALLY REALLY NICE game for the SMS or GG has already been released so far, we have Psycho Fox and Phantasy Star, the rest is nothing else but a pile of junk.

Depends on what you like. It's called an opinion.
I admit I love Psycho Fox and Phantasy Star and they are in my top five of favorites games, but not everybody do.
And I also really love some of the recent releases.

> Then in that case, turn private, totally private, download the roms only with a login/password etc.. etc.. or...

No way. I'm not doing that (only ;) for contributions and money. Making the new releases accessible privately was simply the best way to help with the bandwidth. So I don't have to care about the mirrors anymore.

> > Not with me, then.
> Too bad, give me a date/time/timezone/nickname/channel/server, I'll be there.

I'm sometimes on #retrogamers on Efnet, as Zoop. Usually at 23 hour in France. I don't know which timezone it is thought. Should be GMT+1.

im bakc. muy computer wa sleft open aidn i was ut for a party. aib t drnk,s oryy::!!!!

> > I spent one minute typing a news in a Netscape window and clicking on the "POST" button.
> > Releasing a ROM mean that I have to make a webpage with screenshots, update the release page, make a news, zip and upload the ROM itself to the protected area and update it.
> That is total bullshit, peoples don't care about the screenshot, so there you save at least 5 minutes, then "make a webpage"? just don't, put the damn .zip file in a /directory and update well...

my gall i smore to presverv th eSMS than nln y releasing rosms!
nox i iam woring with some peole on S SmS encuacpoloedia. will faetues lot of stuuf, screenshots, infos, etc..

> And about positng anonymousely, I got one thing to tell you: "welcome on the internet."

so you cannot asumme what you say ot hwta?!

> I got a proposal: let's rename smspower to racismpower...
Makes sense?
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 11, 1999 4:09 pm
Damnit... why you ppl always bitch zoop, it's one of the first time I visit this board and suddenly everyone bitch zoop for stupid reason, I think the part he says was to show something, something he cares about. it's his page. its his though, the emulation is like a community of ppl we can talk, maybe you're kidding there but I doubt, a good page is where u can talk about everything, it's like a Diary (Zophar's Diary ;-), and its true sometime it's not that pathetic to talk about that, it's even fun to read, it's interesting, I will like he puts the full story etc.. and say what happened what was his point, Zoop do his emu and dump roms for the fun of it, it's not a job...

I won't devote all my time think about how I can reply to this but I think you get the message ;-)


- MickoZ
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