So one day I was looking at gameplay of one of my favourite games "Madou Monogatari II" and I noticed that the music and sounds didn't sound like what the game actually sounds
I actually like how it sounds and am interested in trying out games with this sound, but I don't know if there is an emulator or something that changes the sound to make it sound like that
Thank you for telling me, I can see how bad the emulator is, I was only interested in the sound. Is there some explanation for the different sound tho?
PSG audio consists of a counter that counts down for the top half of each square wave and then again for the bottom half. You can use this to approximate a position in the full wave and then look up a short waveform to make a slightly rough approximation to how something like a mod file (or SNES audio) works.
It’s a complete hack of the audio, similar to trying to approximate it by playing MIDI or AdLib audio.