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[WIP] Chu Chu Rocket for the Game Gear
Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 3:00 pm
Project: Chu Chu Rocket GG

This is my first project with the SMS/GG platform. I got bitten by the z80 bug when I was debugging the arcade game Arkanoid and needed to slightly learn the instruction for purposes of finding where rom hack logic checks were inserted ( if you want to try the app!)

Chu Chu Rocket is a game I'm fond of, it's rather simple (puzzle mode at least) and there's already 100 predesigned levels. Seems like a natural fit for a first game to try and port! There isn't a ton of logic regarding input -- it's mostly an exercise in animation.


Refresher on the OG Game:
It's similar to Lemmings. The user is presented with a 12H x 9V grid filled with walls; chu chu's; cats; rockets; and holes.
The goal is to put arrows down on specific tiles which will redirect the chu chus to the rockets. Level Complete!
Losing conditions are - If a cat hits a chu chu; if a chu chu falls in a hole; or if a cat hits a rocket.
Anytime a creature hits a wall (cat/chuchu) they turn right(? cat my turn left!) and thats it. There's your logic. There's 100 levels of this.


Overall Architecture Design:
GG and SMS only allow 8 sprites per line; which has lead to the biggest design aspect for this whole exercise. At times we can have more than 8 chuchu's on a line as well as cat; therefore this must all be done with tiles. The basic loop whilst in a level will be

Update each individual board tile in RAM
Do a palette swap (for animation)
Update VRAM addresses that correlate with the BOARD tiles only
Repeat until a lose condition is met

I've been spending a TON of time to demo and see if this is viable given the timing restraints and so far... it is!



8x8 tiles only - Sadly there isn't enough visible screen to show groups of 4 as a tile to really get nice looking sprites.

Non-Alternating floor colors - in the OG game the floors are often alternating colors. I don't have enough tilespace to handle this due too....

Limited Animation - I originally envisied the alternating tile floors AND having 6 frames of animation per "movement" to each tile.
This would encompass the chu chu walking 1 pixel each frame. The math just. doesn't. work. I'd need like 1000+ tiles I believe it worked out to?
This is including using flags to reduce unnecessary tiles (which... in a moment I'll discuss may NOT be feasible as well).

Limited VBlank time - To jump on the back of the limited animation comments; I also just don't have efficent enough code / ambitions here.
I have to spread the updates to the board over 9 frames before I trigger a redraw of the board.
This leads to some choppy looking animation;

Unable to really use sprites - since I need 12+ characters on a single line I cant use the foremost characters as sprites. This has a ripple effect that I need to make lots of tiles to
handle every condition that could possibly exist in a tile.



I want to get one (just One!) Level demo built. Sans a title screen. If I can get a single puzzle level built I'll be happy and possibly pick this back up and see what compression and efficiency methods
I can implement for a better experience.


Art coming soon once I get it looking prettier. I just ported over to using BMP2Tile for generating graphics so things are all out of whack on my local build
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Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 3:16 pm
Where I am 5/15

1) Tile Generation (aka how's the art?)
- Placeholders exist!
- They work for the development process; they could absolutely be refrined
- I'm moving on from this since it is easily my biggest time sync for least amount of gain
- Need to generate CAT tiles; worried about space.

2) Level Loading Logic
- Rough but works!
- Need to develop a compression method

3) Character Animation
- it's just palette Swapping
- I could better this function and gain more VBLank if I didnt reload the entire pallet EACH redraw.
- Realistically I'm just swapping 2 different palettes.
- Have not

4) User Controls
- nothing yet, focusing on....

5) Gameplay Logic
- Reminder: Chu Chu rocket is akin to setting up dominoes and watching them fall.
- The parsing of the tile levels is slower than I realistically want but at least setup to be improved with a single .define modification
- I'm running into data model issues
---- I store my level in RAM at C200 (current state) and C2E0 (intial state)
---- Each RAM location just contains a tile IDX.
---- I keep 2 copies when a ChuChu,Cat, or Arrow leaves a tile I know what it should look like unoccupied
---- I'm going to need a new section of ram to keep a state of the FUTURE row values it seems
-------- This is because in theory a chu chu train (ha!) moving right will continually keep generating chuchus
---- I could in theory rewrite the update logic to be more precise and possibly track each object in RAM
-------- I am currently updating every tile, this would be more complex but possibly more efficient?
- I haven't incorporated ANY collision detection but don't expect this to be hard.
---- If tile is X and we want to update it to Y (so think if chu chu and we want to update it to cat) we have an end game
---- If tile is a chu chu combined with specific wall type, update to this NEW chu chu and wall type
---- I am thinking of having what i'd call a transform table handle this. Basically if you are tile X we know no matter what you should be tile Y next.
-------- IDK if I have the RAM for this but in theory I think I do?

6) Screenshotless
- I switched to using BMP2Tile for artwork (was just using windows calculator than a static webpage I built for single tile generation) so now my palette is off
- my tile indexes are off from where I originally wrote them as well. Ah well, ill get it back to where it was and screenshot it.
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Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 3:23 pm
the60ftatomicman wrote
GG and SMS only allow 8 sprites per line; which has lead to the biggest design aspect for this whole exercise. At times we can have more than 8 chuchu's on a line as well as cat; therefore this must all be done with tiles.

I would say - it depends. If you <sometimes> have more than 8 sprites on the same scanlines, then it's fine to have them flicker a bit - that is make sure that those disappearing aren't always the same ones, which -if done correctly- will ensure up to 16 sprites will be VERY visible (drawn on 50% of the frames at least)...
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Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 5:46 pm
Interesting! If tiles seem to go the way of the dodo and I hate the overall look I might go back and investigate how much I could potentially squeeze out of the sprites per line view.

In theory I counted like 12 chuchus + cats on a screenshot.
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Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 6:24 pm
I really like your project idea. My very first game was on Game Gear too. It is a great hardware to try and learn.

Here is a suggestion. If you are going for a MS/Game Gear game, why not design the game/port around the limitations of the console ?

For sure, you can try to stick with the original as close as possible, because your first intent is to create a port.

But there is another approach, that is to think around the limitations of the console and adapt the game-design according to it.

This means having level layouts that fit specifically in 160x144, maybe ? Limiting mice to a smaller number. Designing levels so having more that 8 sprites aligned is impossible ? If you know exactly how your cats behave, you can for example make sure to never have more than 7 mice and 1 cat on a line at any moment.

Sure this means creating brand new stages, but it would be more of a "perfect fit" for the console. This would remove any flickering and make for a much more enjoyable experience in terms of visuals. Otherwise you absolutely need to implement a solution as suggested by sverx to rotate your sprites in memory so that some of them don't totally disappear.

This is only a suggestion of course, something that I would have done if I had pursued such a project myself. Don't let me influence you ! Haha :)

Note : anything that moves will look much better with sprites for sure.

Best of luck with your project !

In BMPtoTile there is an option to check : always generate 16 colors.
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Post Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 8:11 pm
Images of Progress
-- some mock tiles just for developments sake put together
-- Yes I know they aren't mirroed (thus saving space!) but the non-mirrored tiles may actually factor into a performance boost. Without mirroring I may be able to build a sort of lookup table in which you loop to find your index value than increment by 1 to become the "new" value. IDK still working on it

-- movement demo attached, It's the best I can get sans flickering atm. Looking to improve the performance.
test.png (1.95 KB)
movement.gif (82.38 KB)

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Post Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 12:57 pm
Suggestions noted and I think adapting to the limitations of the hardware was (as always) the winner.

Screenshot below was after spending time figuring out how to marry using GIMP as my tile editor with BMP2Tile.

I was able to fit in shadows, get my alternating floor back...all sorts of stuff.

Is there gameplay? No. That's going to be reworked but I plan on writing up a "GIMP -> Tiles" tutorial pipeline since it's anything but intuitive which imo is par for the course with GIMP.

Let me know how it looks!
update_5172024.png (7.36 KB)

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Post Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 5:25 pm
It looks good indeed. You are not forced to make a rectangle layout though. You can keep a larger level, you simply need to make sure that it is not possible to have more than 8 sprites on a single line at a given time. Makes designing more challenging !
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Post Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:13 pm
Very interested to see how this develops!
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Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 1:58 am
V0.03 update for this demo.

Spent a ton of time optimizing to the best of my z80 programming experience (entry level currently... I'm not too fancy yet and am still using loops to do my division!)

we're at 48 of the 64 sprites being able to be controlled with minimal slowdown. This will probably be closer to 40 sadly as you can notice there's a TON of logic I am not accounting for!

Level loading code is complete (ish) and there ARE cat sprites to show but I am lazy and wanted to give more of an update on the code as is.

I want to add to the development section the snippet of code I am using to turn the screen on and off at lines 24,168 respectively. For Game Gear development this is miraculous and adds a TON of time to do some complex VRAM dumping.

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Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:06 pm
Sounds/looks good! I'd say that if the basics work it would be relatively easy to create more levels.
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Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:25 pm
As a I told you over PM, I'll be keeping a close eye on this project. And if you need some help on the graphics, you know where to find me :)
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Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:11 pm
If you are using sprites, it becomes possible (and easier) to have cats being taller than the mice. In order to make it closer to the aspect ratio of the original game.

Depending on the number of cats you want to put on screen, it might be interesting to think about using tall sprites mode. This would limit the total number to 32 sprites, but would allow for more cats and never having to move around more than 32 sprites, which is already quite a bit. This definitely helps reducing the amount of updates you have to make to sprites positions.

If you do make taller sprites though, sprite priority will become something to take into account, so that mice appear behind cats for example.
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Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 11:40 pm
Good tip and idea!
For now the cats are 8x8 sadly. This is my first foray into z80 development and outside of mucking with the atari 2600 a bit and giving up (genuinely hard to work with due to the architecture of the machine)
I have no experience. I just want to get the demo out in hopes someone can look at my base and get semi inspired to either improve on it or feel some interest.

That being said with miiiiiinimal slowdown (not Road Rash bad is my barometer) I can get 60 sprites bouncing on walls!
lotsa_mice.gif (1.86 MB)

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Post Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 6:23 am
cireza wrote
Depending on the number of cats you want to put on screen, it might be interesting to think about using tall sprites mode. This would limit the total number to 32 sprites, but would allow for more cats and never having to move around more than 32 sprites, which is already quite a bit. This definitely helps reducing the amount of updates you have to make to sprites positions.

Are you referring to 8x16 sprite mode? That does not cut down the number of available sprites. It’s still 64, they are just twice as tall. Of course you’d be wasting precious vram if most of your spirits aren’t bigger than 8x8, and it doesn’t help with the sprites-per-line limit, though.
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Post Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 5:34 pm
Kagesan wrote
Are you referring to 8x16 sprite mode? That does not cut down the number of available sprites. It’s still 64, they are just twice as tall. Of course you’d be wasting precious vram if most of your spirits aren’t bigger than 8x8, and it doesn’t help with the sprites-per-line limit, though.

You mean that you can declare 64 8x16 sprites ? What happens when you actually go beyond 64 8x8 tiles drawn then ? Do they disappear ?

It doesn't help for the sprite limit per line indeed. I was saying this to have less sprites to move around if several of them are actually tall (rather than having to update separately both the bottom and top 8x8 tiles).

In any case thank you for correcting me, there are still things to learn !
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Post Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 6:05 pm
Yes, you can. Switching to 8x16 sprite mode just means that instead of only the tile specified in the sprite table your sprite consists of that tile and the following one. Your sprite table still has the same 64 entries, but each one triggers the displaying of two consecutive tiles now.

If that’s a viable way depends on the individual project. If you have a lot of 8x8 objects, you’ll have to leave the consecutive tiles empty, thus wasting tiles, but if you have only few of those, 8x16 sprites are a great way for having more of bigger moveable objects on screen.
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Post Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 1:09 pm
Kagesan wrote
Yes, you can. Switching to 8x16 sprite mode just means that instead of only the tile specified in the sprite table your sprite consists of that tile and the following one.

with the (minor) inconvenience that the top one can only be at an even tile location, so 8×16 sprites can be made of tile 0 and 1, or tile 2 and 3, but *NOT* tile 1 and 2...
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Post Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 1:45 pm
I’m still figuring out a good method for tile detection to coordinate detection for same size tiles / sprites. I’ve got a rough cut (see gif) but there’s much left to be desired. For instance collision going up and left dislodge objects by 8 pixels! I’m thinking using look up tables will be my best bet for ease of use.

One I get that logic sorted and I’m happy with it I’ll do 8x16 sprites.

I should post my cat sprites.
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Post Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 4:32 pm
v0.04 is halfway done! We have arrows, they redirect the mice.

Given I had wall detection this seems silly and almost like it should have been a simple add...but it was not.

I was doing per tile idx checks for my logic on the floor but have since implemented an 8bit flag for each tile to help indicate and change what should be done.

Efficiencies also need to be made. Because I need to double detect if a rotation is needed by a wall (there was some funky behaviors without a double check) I have to really think about how I can better utilize my object detection loops. At 30 chu chus (admittedly more than I expect per level) I see VERY noticeable slowdown. It used to be 40ish before the slowdown occurred!

Ah's well. 0.04 will be code cleanup for now until 0.05...the introduction of the cats!
0.04.gif (4.77 MB)

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Post Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:46 pm
Issue with Sections

I went full crazy on setting up sections to help divide my code into somewhat more readable chunks but have a problem....

If I don't use FORCE my screen shows nothing. I see blank data. My sprites, palette and tiles do not load.

If I use FREE everything loads bizarre. there palettes and other data just dont load correctly.

If I use FORCE my data will load but im having issues setting my interrupts up for PAUSE. I get:
INSERT_SECTIONS: No room for section "section" (50 bytes).
in this case.

Any help on where to begin debugging or looking?
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:22 am
I'd say there are two possible approaches with sections.
One is: don't use them at all. It's somewhat easier, and there's no real issue not using sections until you need to get to bank switching, so if your ROM is 32 KiB (or 48 KiB) at most, you can just avoid sections - use .org directives for code that needs to be placed at some specific locations.
The second is: every piece of code and data needs to be inside a free (or superfree if you want to arrange them automatically) section, apart from a very few specific pieces of code that need to be inside a force section (boot code and IRQ and NMI handlers at $0, $38, $66 respectively).

I have written a post here that you might find useful, it also explains how to use sections.
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Post Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 7:34 pm
Ooo! I love this game. Very excited to see it. I'll be keeping an eye on this.

I did entertain the idea of designing and making this game at some point but with where my knowledge is at, it seemed well out of reach for me. So it was kinda shoved in the bin >D glad to see someone smarter run with it.

I know someone who might be able to do the music if that's of interest?
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Post Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:29 pm
I just want to get a gameplay demo out… after that I’ll really need help in the music department!
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Post Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:15 am
the60ftatomicman wrote
If I use FORCE my data will load but im having issues setting my interrupts up for PAUSE. I get:
INSERT_SECTIONS: No room for section "section" (50 bytes).
in this case.

I had missed this. I'd say that you have another force section - likely the one at $38 - that extends over $66. You should ensure that force sections don't overlap, and you have to handle this manually.
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Post Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:54 pm
what a cool idea!
repro link in OP is dead though x___x is the project still active?
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