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View topic - [SC-3000] Candy Kid origins

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  • Joined: 05 Jan 2022
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[SC-3000] Candy Kid origins
Post Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:28 am
Anyone who's read the Sega Computer magazine might have come across the type-in for Candy Kid in Issue 2, and perhaps wondered where exactly it came from. It's credited to SEGA, but as it turns out the game came from another magazine in Japan!

Hubz of Gaming Alexandria recently uploaded Issue 21 of Micom BASIC Magazine, which compiled type-ins for a wide variety of the period's Japanese computers, and right there in page 134 is Candy Kid! From this listing, we now know that "アワオドリン" is behind this game.

This does raise some interesting questions about the version of the game that appears in Sega Computer. What motivated Sega to pull this user-created type-in listing from another magazine to provide to Grandstand for theirs? And the listing that was published in Sega Computer is different from the Micom BASIC original... who modified it?
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