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Competitions 2024
Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:20 pm
We will celebrate SMS Power’s 27th Anniversary in March 2024 and run the usual competitions!
It's getting easier and easier to get into homebrew coding with assembly, devkitSMS, z88dk and gbdk-2020 available.
There's a wide range of Alex Kidd in Miracle World hacks and total conversions via KiddEd, and editors for Sonic games via STH1EDWV and Aspect Edit.
Music composition can be done any way you like, but composing for the glorious PSG and YM2413 is increasingly accessible with Furnace and DefleMask among the popular options.
So you have no excuses! The only way to fail is to not try.

Ultra-short rules:

The same as every year :) plus we are making a cartridge!
Please read below for details.

Slightly longer rules:

Deadline is 27th March 2024. You may choose to interpret that in any reasonable way. We expect people to submit patches/fixes in the following days, but try to get your entry submitted by the end of March 27.

There are three main competitions: coding, hacks and music.

Coding competition

Write something that runs on a Sega 8-bit home system which isn't a hack. A game, a demo, a tool!
(See our Homebrew section for an idea of past work done by the community.)

Our friend ichigobankai at 2MINDS will be producing a compilation cartridge with the competition entries. By entering, you agree:
* You don't mind this being made
* If you do something weird like invent some new cartridge functionality (mapper, helper chips) then it won't be included
While we don't currently have plans to sell these, by entering you grant us (SMS Power!, i.e. Bock and Maxim) permission to potentially make and sell such cartridges in future. Initially we are only planning to send the cartridges to competition winners.

Hacks competition

Make a hack of a game for a Sega 8-bit home system.
(See our Hacks section for an idea of past work done by the community.).
System conversion hacks (such as GG2SMS, MSX2SMS hacks) are not valid for the competition unless they also significantly modify the game as part of that adaptation. Please post them through regular non-competition means.

Similarly to the coding entries, we may include these on the compilation cartridge. It's less likely we'll ever sell these, due to copyright issues, but by entering you grant us permission to include your entry.

Music competition

Make some music that either uses the sound chip(s) from an Sega 8-bit home system, or is an arrangement of music from commercial software for that system.
(See our Music section for an idea of past work done by the community.)

Where appropriate/technically feasible, music entries will also be included in the compilation cartridge, perhaps via SMS VGM Player; so by entering, you grant us permission to do this as above.

Rules / The small print

* Entries should be either made for this competition, or substantially different to any earlier release. This means you can’t take something you released before and enter it with minimal or no changes; it also means you shouldn’t release it yourself elsewhere before the deadline.
* If you have a project that don't clearly fit in the Coding/Hacks/Music criteria and you think would be a good fit in the competition, please message us and we may work something out together (e.g. enter the project in Coding competition if that seems reasonable).
* Super-offensive or overly illegal content will get your entry rejected. Be nice.
* Coding entries must be in a format that works with a wide variety of emulators, i.e. raw ROM image or disk images. Tape images and wacky custom formats are no good unless you are genuinely making something related to those formats.
* Hack entries must be either in a format like for coding entries, or in the form of an IPS or BPS patch. You must give details of the original file(s) your hack is based on.
* Music entries can be in any format you like, provided it's VGM or MP3. You are welcome to also provide the same music in some other format (e.g. the tracker file) alongside it.
* Licences: we would like to start showing licences on the coding and music entries. If you are including source, it would help us if you can tell us what licence you want to apply to it. Note however that you retain your copyright, but you also grant us permission to make a competition compilation cartridge as mentioned above.

How to enter

E-mail: competition AT
PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL TO SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION. Every year it takes us a long time to sort through entries for which we can't associate a real name to a forum people, can't tell the proper entry name, etc.

E-mail subject:

Coding Competition 2024 Entry: XXXXXXX

Music Competition 2024 Entry: XXXXXXX

Hacks Competition 2024 Entry: XXXXXXX

Form to copy and fill in your e-mail:

* Forum user name:

* Competition type:
* (Coding/Music/Hacks)

* Title of your entry:
* (please provide a clear, official title we are going to use everywhere, not just "here's my rom.sms")

* Description:
* (we will copy whatever in your e-mail looks like a description to the corresponding pages)

* Files:
* (list of files links, or filenames attached to the e-mail. Please ZIP everything so we can preserve your build timesamp)

* Sources:
* (no/yes/link)

Please do make sure to:
* Attach the file(s) preferably, however our gmail account will filter .ZIP files (even renamed) if they contains executables or batch files. If you have them, upload your file to Google Drive / Drop Box / etc. and send us a link.
* Mention the word "competition" in your subject line
* If it's a hack, specify in the description which game/version/CRC.
* If it's a music, specify in the description if it's an original track or a cover (specify which game, which track).
* Include screenshots. Please make lossless screenshot (e.g. 256x192 resolution, no filter, PNG format).
* Including cover art makes you 20% more awesome :)
* Including sources (for both music and code) makes you 256% more awesome. :)
* Specifying a licence makes you extra cool.
* If you have multiple entries, please send multiple e-mails.

You should receive an automatic response when it is received.

After the entries are revealed
* If you want to update your entry, please post your update to the forum thread along with attachments.
* You may also directly edit the Wiki page of your entry and add the new files if you have Wiki writing access (you can request it). Otherwise someone will update the Wiki with your latest attachment.
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Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:32 pm
Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this year. Good luck everyone
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Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:39 pm
Although I had planned an ambitious entry based on another PC conversion, I unfortunately don't think I'll have the time. Maybe some very light demoware if I am able.

Otherwise, really looking forward to enjoying the fruits of others' labours this year - game on!
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:21 am
Yay! Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.

I’d like to participate in the music category this year for the first time ever. I’ve got four shorter tracks that kind of belong together. Can I enter them as one combined entry instead of four separate ones? Also, my VGMs of the tracks use some non-standard frame timings instead of 50 or 60 Hz. Is that a problem?
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:56 am
Great news! I'll have a try this year in coding section as a new incomer :D ( and maybe music section too ), good luck everyone!
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:04 am
Non standard VGM timings are OK but may not be added to the cartridge if we don’t figure out a way to do it. If your short tracks can be combined into a medley then I think that would work well, otherwise I’d suggest to limit to two music entries to avoid flooding the list.
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:34 am
I don’t think I can work them into a medley in any meaningful way, so I’ll just enter the two which I feel are the strongest for the sake of the competition. I can release the other two after the competition is over, if there’s interest in them.

Regarding the timings, you could always convert them to psg with Calindro's tool, then re-record the output from an emulator, but I guess that’s quite a bit of a hassle, and you would lose some of the crunchiness of the sound that comes with a lower frame rate and that was the reason for choosing it in the first place.
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:53 pm
My VGM player stub certainly doesn’t support high frame rates, but a psgmod conversion with line interrupts could achieve the higher frame rate. I’m not sure if tools exist to do that conversion either :) If you wanted to submit VGM+SMS files that would be super great…
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:22 pm
Wonderful. I hope see great games, hacks and music.
Maxim i have few questions or appointments:
1 -
editors for Sonic games via STH1EDWV and Aspect Edit.

You dont mentioned Golden Axe Editor by xfixium.
2 - What you think in split the code category in Newbies and Seniors? You can create criteria for who will go for each division (for example, 3 years coding). So the rookies dont will worry about compete with experts.
I did something in sms this year but for myself knowledge. It is very basic and incomplete and i dont will participate of competition. But unfortunately Kasesan dont will submitt a code entry. Too bad. And Willbriton im curious about your pc conversion. Welcome winners!
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:55 pm
I only mentioned the editors that immediately came to mind - there’s also editors for Slider, Lemmings and Teddy Boy, for example.

The noob vs pro distinction shouldn’t matter, we were all noobs once and last place is still a win compared to not entering. If you expect to come last, there’s no chance of being disappointed.
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Post Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:09 pm
Exactly. Producing anything that runs on our beloved ancient hardware is a huge achievement already.

Plus, the competition doesn’t necessarily have to be the end of the road. When I first started out, I entered the competition with a little one-screen demo that really didn’t do a whole lot, just display a character performing a couple of animations. I placed last that year, but the encouraging words from the other members carried me all the way through developing it further into a full SMS remake of Datasoft's Bruce Lee.
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Post Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:34 am
I was last in 2014, that project became a widely used (well, in SMS world) audio library.
So don't worry, just do something for your own enjoyment and share it :)
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Post Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:19 pm
I already have the game finished, so I have a lot of time to fix small problems and improve it.

This year I'm presenting a "risky" project, a personal experiment, which I wasn't sure would turn out well, but I'm very happy with it.

Maybe I will have to send you (Sverx) the rom, I am having some technical troubles which I do not understand why they happen.
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Post Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:26 pm
Last edited by Kagesan on Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Maxim wrote
My VGM player stub certainly doesn’t support high frame rates, but a psgmod conversion with line interrupts could achieve the higher frame rate. I’m not sure if tools exist to do that conversion either :) If you wanted to submit VGM+SMS files that would be super great…

Oh, my tracks actually use lower frame rates than usual, not higher ones. Can the VGM player handle those?

Maybe I’ll add SMS files that play converted versions of the tracks via PSGlib either way, as making those will certainly be fun. I'd suggest recording the competition showcase videos from the original VGMs for accuracy though.
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Post Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:37 pm
Question... that compilation cartridge... will have sram????
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Post Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:23 pm
You should assume you can use 8KB at most.
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Post Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:47 am
Nice! I'm already working on my entry :-)

Initially we are only planning to send the cartridges to competition winners.
The plural here suggests multiple cartridges, but how are they distributed? I mean, is it just one cartridge per category? (i.e. only 1st place in the coding competition gets one?) or is it a range (for instance, the top 3 entries?)

This will be an amazing and unique cartridge, so I'm just trying to gauge what are my chances of getting my hands on one ;-)
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Post Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:58 am
We haven’t decided yet, it depends on how many ichigo wants to make and how difficult it is to organise. Likely there will be 3-4 made and we’d discuss with the winners to see who wants one (some may not have a use for it) and use our arbitrary judgement :)
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Post Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:35 am
eruiz00 wrote
Maybe I will have to send you (Sverx) the rom, I am having some technical troubles which I do not understand why they happen.

Sure, send me a PM or an e-mail :)

Regarding the cartridge, I think it would be fair to give every entrant that gets their ROM/Music/Hack onto it a chance to have one, even if they don't win... of course at manufacture+shipping cost.
But ichigo has to agree to this, it's just too easy for me to say things while I'm comfortably seated and doing nothing ;)
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Post Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:07 am
Ichigo said he’d feel bad to make so many and not make an awesome box insert and manual and custom cart PCB and all the great stuff he does for the “big” releases. My goal is to make him want to do all that next year.
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Post Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:25 pm
I'll be doing a roundup video as I've done in previous years, last year's still racks up several hundred views a month so it's decent exposure.

This is also made using real hardware so hopefully everyone's entries will work on a PAL SMS1 :D
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Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:45 pm
Hi friends

I hope that the productions will all be very nice

This year I'm not taking part in the competition because I'm not in the best of spirits (I've lost several family members).

That said, I'm looking forward to see your productions and I hope to be there next year :)

Long live the Mastersystem and SMSDevCompo :)

Regards to Kagesan, Tobikomi and the whole community

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Post Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 12:08 am
I'm excited as this will be my first time taking part of the competition!

Does that mean that Maxim's VGM Player is gonna get fixed so it works with the new music being produced? That would be awesome!
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Post Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:17 am
I have been working on it a bit but I’m not well set up for testing on real systems. I’ve fixed a few display corruption issues and next on the list is proper FM handling. I’ve opened a repo at where I’m tracking issues but I didn’t make any releases yet.

If that doesn’t pan out then we could fall back on PSGLib, or there’s a project ongoing for a Furnace tracker compatible music engine.
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Post Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:42 pm
Ricco59 wrote
Hi friends

I hope that the productions will all be very nice

This year I'm not taking part in the competition because I'm not in the best of spirits (I've lost several family members).

That said, I'm looking forward to see your productions and I hope to be there next year :)

Long live the Mastersystem and SMSDevCompo :)

Regards to Kagesan, Tobikomi and the whole community


Ricco, my condolences. God bless you and parents. Who know next year?
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Post Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:44 pm
Im hoping that Cireza and turborayx can take part in competition.
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Competitions winner cart
Post Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:40 am
Really happy to hear that this year a master system cart could have all the compo winners of 2024.
Of course the carts must be for the compo winners, but if it is possible, would be great the forum members can preorder this cart too and get a copy.
This is a example I think:

(Cost of making the 2024 Compo cart) + (Maker profit) + (Shipping cost) + (Taxes) + (SMSPower Forum Contribution = 15 € ) = 80 €uros

I will be very happy as a SMSForum member If I know I had the opportunity to buy a SMSForum Oficial product, making at the same a time a small contribution to the forum, to give free carts for the compo winners, to support the forum, to make t-shirts with the forum logo, or other betters ideas than mine that admins consider.

I dont´n know if my ideas are posible, I only like to share it with you and know what you think.
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Did you get my other competition entry?
Post Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:48 am
Hi Maxim, I submitted two games to the compo this year-but I only got the auto response to acknowledge it was received for one of my games. Can you please acknowledge that you got my other competition entry (here or send me an email).
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:45 pm
For some reason Google’s spam filter was not happy with your first entry, so I have rescued it.
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:31 am
Maxim wrote
For some reason Google’s spam filter was not happy with your first entry, so I have rescued it.

Hi Maxim, I sent you an email today (21/3/24) and I am telling you this here if maybe the spam filter makes you miss it.
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Post Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:06 pm
So, I counted 12 Coding Competition entries and there's still time for more showing up. It's been almost a decade since we had such a high number. Besides, there are some big names there: eruiz, haroldoop, Maxim, joppyfur, even a Dangerous Dave(?) by Guy, not forgetting we had some pretty good surprises from new contestants in the past. I can't wait to see and play the entries. Man, these are going to be two looooong days.
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Post Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:00 pm
2 entries sent in the hack section. Well, 1 and a half, but I'll update my demo very soon.
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:45 am
I finally sent my competition entry! I really ran out of time this year... Glad I could have something playable in time for the anywhere on earth end of day!
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:44 am
I’ll post it later this morning…
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:12 am
This year we're spoiled for QUANTITY and QUALITY!!!

Congratulations everyone! It doesn't matter who 'wins', you're all legends in my eyes ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:33 am
Okay, just sent my very rushed entry off, and wanted to sneak in before the sun sets on Howlands and Baker Islands or wherever.

If I get a chance I'll circle back to add some cover art, title screen and maybe some music if I can.
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:02 am
sverx wrote
This year we're spoiled for QUANTITY and QUALITY!!!

Congratulations everyone! It doesn't matter who 'wins', you're all legends in my eyes ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

You are credited in StygianQuest because this game has been possible thanks to you ❤️
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:28 pm
willbritton wrote
Okay, just sent my very rushed entry off, and wanted to sneak in before the sun sets on Howlands and Baker Islands or wherever.

If I get a chance I'll circle back to add some cover art, title screen and maybe some music if I can.

Where is your submission?
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:35 pm
segarule wrote
Where is your submission?

We got to give Maxim some time to process all the entries, this years we flooded this :D

Naarshakta wrote
You are credited in StygianQuest because this game has been possible thanks to you ❤️

Thank you! I did the devkit to enjoy the fruits of other people's work ;)
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:53 pm
sverx wrote
We got to give Maxim some time to process all the entries, this years we flooded this :D

Indeed, and many thanks to Maxim and everyone who helps put these events together!

@segarule just to clarify that this is not the original project I promised this year - it's not a big PC game conversion, just a little fun game that I whipped up at short notice, so please don't get too excited :)

(Perhaps the big game will be my entry for next year, if I ever finish it!)
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:36 pm
@segarule just to clarify that this is not the original project I promised this year - it's not a big PC game conversion, just a little fun game that I whipped up at short notice, so please don't get too excited :)

No problem. Is good see your games and ports. The pnly thing that is cruel is keep the secret port from PC for more 1 year,LOL.
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New competition categories
Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:11 pm
Playing and enjoying all this 2024 entries for the compo, I´m thinking that three categories aren´t enought.
Most of the games arrive with a cover, 8 this year if i´m not wrong, a new categorie for covers, art, drawing coul be added.
Other option I´m thinking is about tools of programing, most of them makes the programming easier and shared, and recognize this work with a categorie in the compo, and a place in the web.
I´m going to continue enjoying all this year entries, and only want to tell you what I´m thinking.
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:22 pm
I feel like we might consider listing game soundtracks in addition to the games themselves. We did try to have art competitions - and cover art competitions - before but they were not very successful. Likewise I think it would be hard to list game art separately from the game itself.

I don't think we can have a popular vote on tools...
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Post Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:58 pm
For those who are not at the Discord channel, here's a graph I made showing the number of submissions per type by year, this year is the biggest competition ever.

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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:05 pm
Last edited by segarule on Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries this year. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom and because there is many code and musics to play. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont liked it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine and loved it.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:32 pm
segarule wrote
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont like it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!

"I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing"
"VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault."

For Spaghetti Numbers it may be the fault of your everdrive or maybe your exact master system model (e.g. it must be a original master system and not a near clone).
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:36 pm
Z80ASMprogrammer2022 wrote
segarule wrote
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont like it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!

"I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing"
"VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault."

For Spaghetti Numbers it may be the fault of your everdrive or maybe your exact master system model (e.g. it must be a original master system and not a near clone).

It is a original model SMS 1.
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:46 pm
segarule wrote
Z80ASMprogrammer2022 wrote
segarule wrote
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont like it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!

"I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing"
"VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault."

For Spaghetti Numbers it may be the fault of your everdrive or maybe your exact master system model (e.g. it must be a original master system and not a near clone).

It is a original model SMS 1.

I know from a few other people Spaghetti Numbers works on real hardware.
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:41 pm
segarule wrote
Z80ASMprogrammer2022 wrote
segarule wrote
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont like it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!

"I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing"
"VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault."

For Spaghetti Numbers it may be the fault of your everdrive or maybe your exact master system model (e.g. it must be a original master system and not a near clone).

It is a original model SMS 1.

@Segarule I have attached a photo of Spaghetti numbers working on real hardware-as you can see the graphics look perfect on real hardware. The black line in the picture is the sega master system aerial and the white spot is the glare from the screen.[/img]

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  • Joined: 23 Jan 2010
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Post Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:47 pm
Z80ASMprogrammer2022 wrote
segarule wrote
Z80ASMprogrammer2022 wrote
segarule wrote
Well, i tested the homebrews in my original hardware. BTW i dont will vote or test the hacks entries. Im old and tired to apply patches in each rom. Unfortunately, i think that my SMS is with problems in colors because some games dont show an image good enough.I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing; Land on my Base the problem is that text Solar Wind is so to left that have cut in screen; Mai Nurse is playable but the resolution not excellentThe other games dont have problems. VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault.
Homebrews vs Reset button.
I dont if is hard implement a function for reset button but is frustrating i need power off everytime my console. Stygian Quest show a status menu when reset pressed. The game is beauty.
A interesting mention will go to Bomb Jack Remake.While i dont like it in emulator in other hands in my console it goes fine! In my first gameplay i got level 22! Everything runs fine.
Congratulations to all devs and Good Pesach!

"I had problems with Spaghetti Numbers which i got see almost nothing"
"VGM Player dont worked but i guess that is my chinese everdrive fault."

For Spaghetti Numbers it may be the fault of your everdrive or maybe your exact master system model (e.g. it must be a original master system and not a near clone).

It is a original model SMS 1.

@Segarule I have attached a photo of Spaghetti numbers working on real hardware-as you can see the graphics look perfect on real hardware. The black line in the picture is the sega master system aerial and the white spot is the glare from the screen.[/img]

I have 2 SMS 1 models. 1 model is known as Master System II in Brazil with Alex Kidd. With this model your rom dont show the characters properly. So i changed to other model with Hang on/Safari Hunt now and when i tested your rom the game completely freeze/crashs. The others homebrews worked fine.
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