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Post Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:16 pm
I'm glad to hear you guys like it!

Unfortunately, I do have to admit some bad news; if I go with this version of the water, I don't think I'm going to be able to add anything to it to "Liven" it up. I am able to add things onto the tiles, like a rock covered in moss or some plants, but they'll be in front of the graphics... meaning when Tails jumps into the water and you see the checkered effect placed onto him, the plant/rock will still look normal, leaving a rather large disconnect between the two (not to mention, Tails will be behind the plant/rock). Not just that, but all the ideas I thought up so far just don't work for two reasons; I can't put in any plants because I don't think they could grow in an environment like this (I'm at least trying to be logical here... in a game about a two-tailed, two-legged fox battling evil ducks, yes), and the colors I have to choose from are very limited, and just don't look right when placed on the map. Plants, for example, will have to share the exact same colors as the tiles that make up the ground and walls, so that as a result just doesn't look right (in my eyes, anyway). I have thought about going with some sort of wall in front of the water, but... ehh, I could only do that in select places (or rather, any place in which the water doesn't move Tails in a certain direction).

With all that said, I haven't given up on this just yet. I'm going to continue looking into it, but if I can't come up with anything, then I'll just release the patch with the updated water as it is, then get back to it later or something. Besides that, the patch's going to include a few fixes along with it (mostly minor stuff.... I never did figure out the hex editing stuff to fix the HUD, sadly), so I'll definitely want to get it out there soon.
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:30 am
It's an acceptable compromise.

Unless you want to put in background objects as sprites, which has it's own issues.
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:04 pm
I think for now, I will just go ahead and leave the new water as it is. If I can come up with an acceptable solution in the future, then I'll see about implementing it. But for now, I'm not going to worry about it too much.

I'll see about posting the updated patch later today. Before that, however, I'm going to play through the game one last time, just to make sure everything's as it should be and my changes didn't affect anything elsewhere (Cavern Island shares its graphics with Polly Mt. 2 and Volcanic Tunnel). Once I'm satisfied that everything's in working order, I'll post the patch.

(I can typically finish the game in under an hour, so when I've got time to play it later, I'll have it up afterwords.)

By the way... what's the preferred emulator of choice when playing Master System roms, anyway? For testing out any of the changes I've made, I usually use Fusion, since it's quick and easy to boot up... but when I'm actually interesting in playing the game for real, I use the DOS version of Meka (0.51).

I am aware that Meka has a Windows version, but the audio always seems to lag behind by a second or two whenever I use it on my Laptop (though I've only checked this with versions 0.74 and 0.80)... but Meka 0.51 through DosBox seems to play just fine, so I've always used that for my SMS needs.

Is there another emulator out there you folks prefer to use? Admittedly, I do like using Meka, since it has settings which somehow remove all instances of slowdown and lag in Tails Adventure... but going through DosBox is a bit cumbersome at times, and the aforementioned Windows version issue stops me from wanting to use that. Are there any alternatives?
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:25 pm
Since I found out it exists I am only using Emulicious. If something does not work there, it probably will not work on the console either.
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:13 pm
An absolutely genius effect! I'm in awe. It's a _vast_ improvement over the original and I'd say better than the Sonic-water. :)

The main SMS emulators are Meka, Fusion & Emulicious. Mac & handheld ports are typically based on SMSPlus.
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:01 pm
I gave Emulicious a shot. To be honest, I quite like it! I was even able to set it very similarly to Meka so there's no lag in Tails Adventure. I think I might start using it from now on. Thanks to you both (BadSector and Kroc) for suggesting it!

Also, I've decided... it's time to release update 1.3! Changes include...

- Completely reworked water in Cavern Island. Now it's solid, and when Tails jumps into any of them, a checkered imitation-transparency effect gets applied.

- Camera boundary on the right side of the boss room (when you return after defeating him) has been fixed. I forgot to change it last time, apparently.

- Also, I added a warp tile at the end of the aforementioned boss room, so now if you return to this area for whatever reason, you don't have to trek through the previous two areas to get back to the world map.

Admittedly, this might be the last update this patch sees for a while. The water was the last big thing I wanted to change, and with that done, most of my wishlist has been cleared (outside of things that are too out of my league). As such, this topic might get quiet again for a while, but I'll keep an eye on it in case it gets any comments or further suggestions. And of course, should another official GG2SMS patch get released, I'll certainly see to adding it into mine. So with that said, thanks to everyone who's given me input and helped me along to improve this patch in ways I never thought possible! You've no idea how much I appreciate it.

Hope you guys enjoy the patch, and as per the usual, if there are any issues or goofs caused by this patch that I can possibly fix, by all means let me know!

(Patch is attached to this post, and I'll include it in the first post.)
TASMSD (1-3).zip (180.45 KB)
Tails Adventure - SMS Deluxe Patch 1.3

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:57 pm
freezingicekirby wrote
I gave Emulicious a shot. To be honest, I quite like it! I was even able to set it very similarly to Meka so there's no lag in Tails Adventure. I think I might start using it from now on. Thanks to you both (BadSector and Kroc) for suggesting it!

Also, I've decided... it's time to release update 1.3! Changes include...

- Completely reworked water in Cavern Island. Now it's solid, and when Tails jumps into any of them, a checkered imitation-transparency effect gets applied.

- Camera boundary on the right side of the boss room (when you return after defeating him) has been fixed. I forgot to change it last time, apparently.

- Also, I added a warp tile at the end of the aforementioned boss room, so now if you return to this area for whatever reason, you don't have to trek through the previous two areas to get back to the world map.

Admittedly, this might be the last update this patch sees for a while. The water was the last big thing I wanted to change, and with that done, most of my wishlist has been cleared (outside of things that are too out of my league). As such, this topic might get quiet again for a while, but I'll keep an eye on it in case it gets any comments or further suggestions. And of course, should another official GG2SMS patch get released, I'll certainly see to adding it into mine. So with that said, thanks to everyone who's given me input and helped me along to improve this patch in ways I never thought possible! You've no idea how much I appreciate it.

Hope you guys enjoy the patch, and as per the usual, if there are any issues or goofs caused by this patch that I can possibly fix, by all means let me know!

(Patch is attached to this post, and I'll include it in the first post.)

WOOOW amazing job, AWESOME!!!

If it is possible, can you release this version but with password save instead? Is it difficult?
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:14 am
Thankfully, the level editor I used to make this patch makes it quite easy to switch back and forth between save files or passwords.

You can find the Password version of my patch attached to this comment. It's the most-recent v1.3 patch, though keep in mind that despite it still saying "Load" on the title screen and "Save" within Tails' House, it works like it did before.
Tails Adventure SMS Deluxe (175.59 KB)
SMS Deluxe Patch 1.3, but with Passwords

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Post Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:15 am
freezingicekirby wrote
Thankfully, the level editor I used to make this patch makes it quite easy to switch back and forth between save files or passwords.

You can find the Password version of my patch attached to this comment. It's the most-recent v1.3 patch, though keep in mind that despite it still saying "Load" on the title screen and "Save" within Tails' House, it works like it did before.

Thank you very much!!!
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:12 pm

No problem!


And now, some news about the patch. I guess I might have fibbed a bit, because I've been thinking about making other changes yet again. I'm not going to promise anything with this one, on the account that A) it's not THAT important, and B) it'll probably be pretty tough to pull off, since it will require my good friend Mr. Hex Editor, and we all know how well THAT went last time!

But the idea this time is that I want to try and improve the world map a bit more. As it looks now, it's kinda... square... and by that, I mean it's a bit too obvious what used to be inside the Game Gear screen.

I just think there needs to be more to improve the World Map. So, if possible, I want to see if I can try and push things outward a bit, to make it all look much more natural. Here's a mock-up I made that will hopefully be the results I'm attempting to get.

Move Green Island and Cavern Island outwards a bit, move the dialogue box to the bottom-left, and perhaps add in more detail here and there. I probably can't move Cocoa Island, since plenty of scripted movement happens there, so I'm just going to leave it be.

Moving these graphics would be a cinch, actually... but I have to find a way to move the event markers on the map. Basically, what I mean is if I move the graphics of Green Island to the left, the marker that lets you know you can enter into that stage (aka, the glowing yellow door) will be out in the middle of the ocean. It'll still work, but the game itself doesn't know I moved the graphics... as far as its concerned, Green Island was at the spot it was before, and that's where Tails' icon will move. I have to find a way to hex edit the game so I can move the location of that entrance marker... which, in theory, should be easier than the hex editing stuff I tried before.

... in theory.

Again, no promises on any of this, since I don't know if it's possible or not (or at least, possibly with my limited knowledge on hex editing), but I'll see what I can do.

Oh, and while I'm here, I'm also in the process of trying to fix a few other things, like the broken palette within Tails' House. For example, the rather bizarre purple palette in the current patch...

I've now changed to a more appealing gray, as it used to be (or as close as the Master System palette will let it be, anyway...)

Since this change is minor, I'm not going to update it into my patch just yet. I'm going to see what kind of progress I can make with the world map, and if I'm successful there, I'll include them both into version 1.4.

Guess I spoke too soon when I said this would probably be the last time I update the patch for a while. Sorry about that.


(Also, if there's any advice anyone can give me regarding the hex editing stuff, by all means I'm all ears! Otherwise, I might be able to find the solution by myself, but I can guarantee it won't be without its headaches and me guzzling down a bottle of tylenol. lol)

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:32 pm
I do have a question to ask you guys, but we'll get to that in a few minutes. Before that, I might as well show you that progress on the world map is... still going, to say the least.

I managed to move the two islands and the border around the text window... which proved to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would. It seems that the World Map and Tails' House menu share the same background placements... aka, you change one, it changes them both. I didn't know this back then because, apparently, I was absurdly lucky when I added the water to the map the first time around, so I was completely oblivious of this detail until now. Thankfully, I found a way around this issue yet again, which involved using two different tilesets and placing them at specific spots to, yet again, trick the game into achieving what I wanted. The House menu looks as it did before (brick border), but the image you see above is exactly what can be seen in-game now!

And now... I just have to figure out how to move those dang doorways! And the text box, which both the black box and the border around it are its own sprite (so editing the map does nothing to it). It'll be hard work, but I'm determined at this point.

(EDIT - Looking at the image above, I think I moved the islands outwards by too much. I think I'll bring them in a bit more. I'll see about updating the image to reflect that later.)


Now then, I wanted to ask you guys something.

There are three items in the game called "Sonic", "Knuckles", and "Fang", and each one of them grants you an ability that's reflective of said character; Sonic lets you spindash, Knuckles lets you punch, and Fang's item increases the odds of enemies dropping health upon defeat.

But would you guys oppose the idea of changing them so the item name and graphic actually better represent what they can do? By that, I mean change "Sonic" to "Spinball", and edit the graphic itself so it looks like Tails in his spinball form. Knuckles would probably get changed to "Super Punch" (or something a bit more catchier), and Fang would get changed to "Lucky Charm".

Which would you guys prefer? Admittedly, I thought up this idea because this game itself is supposed to take place before Tails met all of these characters, so I felt it'd just mesh a bit better. And not to mention, it'd be more helpful for those who've never played the game before.

Let me know what you think!
ta_2_by_freezingicekirby-dagulyk.png (11.67 KB)
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:47 am

( First, thankyou for share all your job about this great game ;) )

I think your idea to rename and change images about 3 items is great, time history matches, Tails doesn't know Sonic... and it's more understandable

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:02 am
Just wanted to stop by to say that you are doing an amazing work. Keep it up. Cheers, can't wait to play the finished version.
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:10 pm
The doors look like sprites so they're probably stored as sprite coordinates somewhere. Try using Emulicuous and its memory tracer to get the source ROM address from the VRAM for the X and Y coordinates - if you can figure out where that is.

I think there's a line between adapting the game and changing the design. Maybe it's simple enough to generate multiple patches for a matrix of changes - can I have password saves, the original robot, water type 5, etc - but if not, just do what you like - it's your hack.
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:32 am

I am using Emulicious, which has been a huge help so far. In fact, after familiarizing myself with it, I actually managed to successfully apply one of the changes I wanted to make. The text window on the World Map is now exactly where I want it, so hey... progress!

Unfortunately, the doors seem to be a bit more trickier. You're right, they are sprites. Once I figured that out, I used the same method above to locate where the doors were located in the code. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be as easy this time around... because for some reason, the code it points me to can move the doors... but changing it seems to move ALL the doors, not just one. And not only that, it also seems to move other things, too (like the bomb explosion animation, the flamethrower the first boss uses, among other things). Obviously that's not the right code, but that specific address is the only one the Sprite Viewer is leading me to when I inspect the doors (it seems that they're all located at the same address... they're not individual, as far as I can tell, anyway). So, I imagine this one's going to take me a bit longer.

I have a theory on how I can actually change them, which I think I'll try in the morning (it's currently 2:30am where I'm at now). Otherwise... someone offered their assistance to me via a PM, and I imagine if this doesn't work out, I'll be taking them up on that offer here soon! lol

In any case, here's a screenshot from the game. Text window is positioned where I want it, and I moved the two islands inwards.

And I might as well show these off. These are the new icons for those items I talked about in my last comment. I don't know if I'm going to go with them yet, but I think they look pretty nice. It might just be the best I can do with a 16x16 work space.

I think I might change the boxing glove graphic, as I feel that's perhaps a bit too on the nose. Also, I used a Japanese lucky charm as a reference for Fang's new graphic, since it's a Japanese game and all. Admittedly, I did have something else in mind before that, but I decided to scrap it because I felt it was too silly.

(Though I would buy a Tails' Tails lucky charm key chain, if such a thing existed. lol)
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Post Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:55 am
Pardon me for double-posting, but I just wanted to leave this here...

Success! Everything I wanted to change on the world map has been moved to its new position. The text window, the flashing doorways, Tails' icon when you move it to one of the unlocked locations, and I even managed to change one of the dolphins (which isn't pictured because I forgot to take a screenshot as he was jumping out of the water...). Everything's no longer so scrunched together anymore, and personally... I think it looks great!

Big thanks to Calindro, creator of Emulicious. I don't think I could've figured out any of this stuff on my own, and he helped push me in the right direction so I could finally accomplish my goal here. Thanks, dude, I really appreciate it!

(Seriously, without him, I would've been screwed. I kept poking around in the code with absolutely no success, then he found the right number for me... and as it turns out, I wasn't even anywhere NEAR the right address. So... yeah, had he not offered his assistance, I would've still been at it.)

With all that said, I'm not going to release the next update to the patch just yet. I want to go over a few more things first, and make sure everything I've changed will work out okay and didn't cause any errors. Once I'm satisfied, then I'll post the patch.

Also, now that I'm sorta kinda maybe a little-ish getting a little familiar with the Hex Editor, I think I might (again) try looking into fixing the HUD issue when pausing the game. If I can manage that, then I might finally call this hack complete. (Also, if I do find it, I might even try submitting said HUD fix to this site so it can go into the official GG2SMS patch... if you guys will allow a boob like me to contribute to that. lol)
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:10 am

Version 1.4

Changes include...

- Green Island and Cavern Island were moved outwards a bit.

- The text box on the world map has been repositioned.

- One dolphin on the world map has been relocated.

- The palette and some of the graphics inside Tails' House were improved.

- The HUD can now be seen at all times when pressing the Pause button, correcting an issue unintentionally caused by the GG2SMS patch.

- The horizon in Polly Mountain 1-3 (Boss Room) has been fixed.

- The items "Sonic", "Knuckles", and "Fang" have been renamed to "Spin Dash", "Super Punch", and "Lucky Charm". Their graphics were also changed, but they function exactly as before.

- Updated credits.

Again, a big thanks to Calindro for helping me out on both moving the doors on the world map and fixing the HUD issue.

The patch can be found below and on the original post. Enjoy!
TASMSD(1-4).zip (181.69 KB)
SMS Deluxe Patch 1.4

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:47 am
Looks fantastic!

I am converting some games so, I know it's hard work

Thanks for share it !!!
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:49 am
I appreciate the compliment!

I've seen some of your work in the GG2SMS thread, and trust me, I don't even know how you or anyone else figures out all the stuff that goes into making those patches possible. Great work to you, too, and good luck with whichever game you tackle next!


And since I'm here, I suppose I'll give an update on the future of my patch.

To be honest, I think we're in the home stretch here. Granted, I've said that in the past, but this time I think I really mean it. There's just not too many other things I want to change or fix now, so I'm thinking possible future update 1.5 will be it.

With that said, there's still a few things (very few things) I want to shoot for... one of which I decided on recently, actually (I'm going to see if I can fix the credits so Tails and the flicky no longer walk/fly into a black void when going outside the background... and sadly, I think I'll have to use Mr. Hex Editor for that, so we'll see how that goes for me now that I have a bit more knowledge on the subject matter). If I'm unable to solve that, however, then it's possible 1.4 will be the last update, barring any unintended goofs pop up and I can fix them. But I'll see what I can do, and if I'm successful, then I'll get it to you guys as soon as possible!

By the way, I do have one question, if anyone who visits this topic knows the answer to it; assuming v1.5 does turn out to be the final update, is there anywhere on this site I can post the patch so others might see it more? So far, my patch is only available to download here, and eventually this topic's going to get buried by more recent and alive threads. I know there's a section for hacks and whatnot, and I was curious if I'd be allowed to post my patch somewhere in there?

(I imagine I'd probably be better if I asked a mod or the site owner about this, but I don't know how busy they perhaps are, so I thought by best chance would be to just ask it here first.)
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:08 am
The site elves should pick it up soon and it'll be listed on the main page for the game.

If there's a feature you want help with then posting savestates can help others to get there. For your black void it's probably a case of setting the black area either to high priority tiles or to a different colour.
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:55 am
I'm tempted to tackle this, though I'm not sure which category fits best, since this is a "game gear to master system" as well as a "game modification" as well as a "bug fix". I'd probably go with "game gear to master system" since it's its main purpose, though there can be other opinions.

I guess I should leave this to someone more experienced than me, it's been a long time since I last edited the wiki.
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:29 pm
Tom wrote
I'm tempted to tackle this, though I'm not sure which category fits best, since this is a "game gear to master system" as well as a "game modification" as well as a "bug fix". I'd probably go with "game gear to master system" since it's its main purpose, though there can be other opinions.

Personally, I'd go with "Game Modification". GG2SMS doesn't work because there's been plenty of things I've changed that others may or may not agree with, so there's a chance they'd still prefer the official patch over mine as a result. And Bug Fixes would probably not work either, since ultimately, it's just a smaller part of this whole project. Game Modification just makes the most sense to me.


Maxim wrote
If there's a feature you want help with then posting savestates can help others to get there. For your black void it's probably a case of setting the black area either to high priority tiles or to a different colour.

I have a feeling I'll have to change both. The black that gets used for that is the blank color on the palette, so even if it gets brought forward by changing the priority, I doubt it'd look different at all. Fortunately, that's a simple issue to deal with, thanks to TALES.

I have been looking into the code to see if I could change the priority, but the addresses I've been given haven't helped my cause, sadly. It seems that when I change them, the "Black void" just gets super-screwy and fills the screen with garbage... which tells me I might be in the right spot, but it's all still in the background (or rather, nothing gets brought forward) even when that happens. But funnily enough, when this happened I found out that apparently the black void might share some of its data with the world map, as some of the garbage was arranged identically with the changes I made to that map (like the text box, for example). Unfortunately, changing things on the world map doesn't have any affect on the credits screen at all, so either that just happened because I changed a few numbers, or maybe there's some significance to it after all. But... to heck if I know. lol

But if anyone wants to help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it (I'd ask Calindro again, since he's the one that helped me out before, but I feel like I've already asked more than enough out of him already. I'd feel bad if I asked yet again).

Basically put, I'm just trying to bring the black void into the foreground, so when the sprites go outside the background, they can't be seen.

Or rather, I want to go from this...

To this...

I'm going to keep looking into it myself, but I'll go ahead and post a savestate here for Emulicious that's right before the credits (I do it that way because sometimes, these changes won't take affect unless you re-load the area/scene). I'll also upload a modification of my v1.4 patch so that the blank spot that's used for the black void gets turned into an actual solid color (which will still be black, but the game will recognize it as an actual solid, which should make a difference in finding a solution to this).

If any of you guys figure it out, you can either post an IPS patch or just put down the addresses that get changed and I'll apply them myself. And of course, a big thanks yet again for anyone who can help me with this.
widw1_by_freezingicekirby-dahj6s1.png (55.87 KB)
Attachment fairy
wiw2_by_freezingicekirby-dahj6s0.png (53.57 KB)
Attachment fairy
wiw2_by_freezingicekirby-dahj6s0.png (123.82 KB)
Files to help find the Credits fix

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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:24 pm
Hello, It's `possible to do anything like this?

It's only a very basic paint edit, but idea may be less dificult, than programming
tails.png (48.92 KB)

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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:14 pm
Unfortunately, the issue I'm having at the moment is just trying to get access to those tiles (or the "Black Void", as I call it) so I can change them. I can find them in the VRAM with no problem, but as far as I'm aware, I can't make any of the changes in there permanent because it's all temporary or something (I believe that's what VRAM is?). Emulicious does give me an address back into the ROM itself, which is ICD7 and ICDC, but changing those numbers either just causes garbage or the game itself to crash. I'm assuming that's most-likely not the correct address after all, so I'm hoping someone out there can help me locate the correct one.

In any case, while I do like the idea of extending the graphics so they stretch across the whole screen, I want to keep the black void as it is because of one reason;

When the Flicky flies off-screen, he suddenly vanishes then gets instantly relocated back to a certain spot so he can walk back into the scene a few seconds later. This, along with Tails mostly doing the same thing when he walks off the screen as well, is what I'm hoping to hide from the players.

Basically, it's just to hide things that weren't originally meant to be seen, so the black void is kinda important in that regard.
example_by_freezingicekirby-dahjm8y.gif (19.38 KB)
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:02 pm
Post it as GG2SMS. The old versions can be added too so nothing much is lost; and this is actually what a GG2SMS conversion should be, tailoring the game to the screen resolution.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:05 am
I just realised something: since there already is a page for Tails Adventures GG2SMS (, it might be a problem because if I know how the wiki works, the page has to have the same name to be integrated with the game.

Also: not all the previous versions are still attached in this topic, I couldn't find versions 1.0 and 1.1. Not a big deal, though I seem to understand you want to include them as well for preservation.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:30 am
freezingicekirby wrote
Unfortunately, the issue I'm having at the moment is just trying to get access to those tiles (or the "Black Void", as I call it) so I can change them. I can find them in the VRAM with no problem, but as far as I'm aware, I can't make any of the changes in there permanent because it's all temporary or something (I believe that's what VRAM is?). Emulicious does give me an address back into the ROM itself, which is ICD7 and ICDC, but changing those numbers either just causes garbage or the game itself to crash. I'm assuming that's most-likely not the correct address after all, so I'm hoping someone out there can help me locate the correct one.

The priority flag (the bit that tells the VDP the tile should be 'above' the sprites, not 'below' it) isn't in the tile itself, it is stored in the tilemap... so you should find the code that fills the (outer) space with the 'black void' tile number and fix the attributes there. Beware: this won't work if the 'black void' tile is just a bunch of zeros, as it will be transparent anyway.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:50 pm
Tom wrote
Also: not all the previous versions are still attached in this topic, I couldn't find versions 1.0 and 1.1. Not a big deal, though I seem to understand you want to include them as well for preservation.

Unfortunately, I think those two versions might be lost for good. To be honest, I never thought about saving them (neither here nor on my hard drive) at the time because I felt they were made obsolete by the new version and all. Kinda wishing I had saved them now. :(

sverx wrote
The priority flag (the bit that tells the VDP the tile should be 'above' the sprites, not 'below' it) isn't in the tile itself, it is stored in the tilemap... so you should find the code that fills the (outer) space with the 'black void' tile number and fix the attributes there. Beware: this won't work if the 'black void' tile is just a bunch of zeros, as it will be transparent anyway.

Before I started this whole credits fixing thing, I did go into the tile sheet for the credits graphics and replace the first square (which is what the black void uses) with an actual solid color, so I'm hoping that will no longer be an issue in that regard. Now it's just a case of trying to find that one bit of code that brings it above the sprites... if it's even possible. I'm starting to think the black void isn't its own map, but rather the game just taking the first square of the tile sheet and filling in the spots that normally wouldn't be seen. I say that because just recently I learned that the black void in the credits is actually the exact same as the white void used for the Sega logo, as well as the blue void used on the title screen. Changing the code around 1CD7 & 1CDC doesn't just change one, but all three. So... either I'm completely on the wrong trail, or perhaps there is no priority flag in this instance since the developers never had need for one?

Admittedly, I did use Emulicious' Tilemap viewer to find those two numbers in the code. I'll keep looking though... again, maybe I'm just not looking in the right area after all or something.

Thanks for the advice, btw!
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:55 pm
freezingicekirby wrote
I say that because just recently I learned that the black void in the credits is actually the exact same as the white void used for the Sega logo, as well as the blue void used on the title screen. Changing the code around 1CD7 & 1CDC doesn't just change one, but all three.

That makes sense, as the tilemap will only be refreshed in the visible area of the Game Gear's screen. What you see as 'void' is probably just uninitialized VDP memory. Is the tile number of the void tile zero?
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:51 pm
Kagesan wrote
That makes sense, as the tilemap will only be refreshed in the visible area of the Game Gear's screen. What you see as 'void' is probably just uninitialized VDP memory. Is the tile number of the void tile zero?

You'll have to pardon me since I'm still fairly new to all this hex editing stuff, so I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right numbers or not. But when I inspect one of the tiles on the Tilemap Viewer that I'm wanting to change the priority of (in this case, one of the tiles Tails passes over when he walks off the background), this is what it reads.

Display: Off

Mode: M4

horizontal scroll: 0

vertical scroll: 0

Index: 421 ($1A5)

character: 256 ($100)

hflip: false

vflip: false

palette: 0

priority: false (I'm assuming this is what needs to be changed)

vram: $3B4A

source: Unknown (see ROM $1CD7)


Within the VRAM, it is listed out as 00 01, and changing the 00 to any number greater than that does change the tile to something else. Also, because I went in to the tile sheet and made the first square a solid color in TALES, leaving the 00 alone but changing the 01 to 11 actually does bring it forward, and Tails passes behind it when he walks off the background. But as far as I'm aware, changes in the VRAM can't ever be permanent because it's just temporarily-loaded code that gets put back to what it once was when the game is done with it, right?

In any case, when I click on VRAM address $3B4A (00) and $3B4B (01) in Emulicious, it does lead me back to an address in the actual ROM, which is 1CD7 (D3) and 1CDC (also D3). From what I can tell, 1CDC handles the priority (if I'm to go by the VRAM and the address it gave me), but changing it just causes the screen to get filled with garbage... and for some of it to, strangely enough, resemble the world map (refer to the image below; that thing in the bottom-left corner is clearly the text box border found on the world map, so I'm not sure why that's there.)

Also, no matter what part of the black void I click on (or the white void on the Sega screen or blue void on the title screen), even though they all have their own distinct points in the VRAM, all of them lead back to 1CD7 and 1CDC in the ROM.

Perhaps it and the other numbers (bytes, whatever the proper term is) around it need to be changed to see the results I'm looking for? Sort of like a combination to a safe; it has to be just right in order for it to work?

(Or, again, perhaps I'm just in the wrong area in the ROM entirely.)

EDIT - Also, as it turns out, v1.0 and 1.1 aren't lost after all! I uploaded 1.0 to MediaFire a few months ago, and I discovered a rom on my computer with 1.1 still on it, so I can make the appropriate patch with that. How fortunate!

Should I need the previous versions after all, I'll upload them. For now, I think I'm going to keep better track of them on my computer so I don't possibly lose them again.
TA(Credits WIP)-3.png (13.06 KB)
TA(Credits WIP)-3.png

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:28 pm
I'm afraid it's a little more complicated. What you have to look for is the tile map, which is basically an array of 16-bit values, one for every tile on screen (and a couple outside). One byte holds the number of the tile to be displayed, the other one holds additional tile attributes, such as tile flipping, palette used, and priority.

The problem you're facing is that the developers only ever wrote proper data to the part of the tile map that's visible on the Game Gear's screen. That's only sensible, because why waste precious vBlank time on updating parts of the screen that are never shown.

Now, the Master System shows more of the available tilemap than the Game Gear, and that's where those garbage borders come from. The SMS is just interpreting uninitialized video RAM as tilemap data. Since you have written data to the outer parts of the screen when re-doing the map, it makes sense that these bits still appear in the borders, because the game, being a Game Gear game, doesn't overwrite that data, so it just stays in the VDP.

What you need to do is fill a complete tile map (SMS size) with a fitting tile number and the tile attribute set to priority high before the credit sequence starts.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:29 pm
Kagesan wrote
What you need to do is fill a complete tile map (SMS size) with a fitting tile number and the tile attribute set to priority high before the credit sequence starts.

Amazingly, I think I found the addresses that will let me do that! I'm currently working on it now, and surprisingly enough... the results are very promising so far! Unfortunately, changing the numbers screwed up the background something fierce, so I have to go in and manually change all the tiles one-by-one, to make it resemble what it looked like before (which I also have to do in the hex editor, since this is going beyond what's capable in TALES).

But I have changed the top of the screen, changed the priority to be brought forward... and when the flicky flew up top, he was hidden!

I can't guarantee this'll work just yet, but I'm working on it now and I'll report back when/if I finish it.
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Wow, it actually worked! The GIF wasn't edited in any way... that's what you'll actually see in the game now!

Fella's.... we have our proper credits! :D

Like before, I'm not going to post the patch just yet. First, I'm going to play through the game yet again, just to make sure everything's in working order and nothing went wrong as a result of my Hex Editing shenanigans... and once I'm satisfied, I'll upload v1.5!

And like I said before... there's hardly anything else I wanted to change after this. If I'm truly satisfied and I feel there's nothing else I want to fix/edit/change/etc., then I'll upload the possible final patch.
credits_fix_2_by_freezingicekirby-dahn84o.gif (155.54 KB)
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:54 pm
What strikes me is that 0100 doesn't look like uninitialized, so there's probably some function that sets this (dummy) value all around. If you find that, you might change that value with 1100, this won't change tile but will set priority bit.

edit: OK, I posted when it was already useless...
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Post Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:13 pm
LOL !!!!

You did it !!!

Congratulations !!!

In future would be possible to do a Game Gear 2 Master System Hack Tutorial, including all basics for begginers.

;) very very hard work, well done
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:19 am
sverx wrote
edit: OK, I posted when it was already useless...

Hey, I appreciate the input, nonetheless!

BcnAbel76 wrote
LOL !!!!

You did it !!!

Congratulations !!!

In future would be possible to do a Game Gear 2 Master System Hack Tutorial, including all basics for begginers.

;) very very hard work, well done

Thanks! I appreciate it. :D

Perhaps one day someone can come up with a tutorial to help everyone out. Unfortunately, I don't posses enough knowledge on that particular subject matter, so I can't help there. Admittedly, the only reason this hack is where it's at now is because I had help from a lot of people... sometimes indirectly, in a manner of speaking. Supper and his TALES program was the biggest influence, as I never would've taken on such a project had that not existed. And to tell you the truth, I never even had plans on touching a hex editor (I only decided on that once I finished what I could do in TALES and I decided I wanted to do more... guess that's my love for the game and for Tails, himself showing again)... but I decided to try when some folks helped push me in the right direction (including Calindro, the folks who replied in this topic, and Supper again, whose advice and information on the first page helped me accomplish the changes I made to the credits today).

To give myself some credit, I did figure out a few things on my own... but without things like Emulicious and TALES, I would've been completely lost.


And since I'm here, I might as well show something off. While I can't extend the background to reach the entire screen because of the flicky's placement, I did at least expand it on both sides by one box. Not a huge difference, but even that little bit makes it look better, in my opinion.

TA-28.png (6.53 KB)

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:19 am
freezingicekirby wrote
To be honest, I never thought about saving them (neither here nor on my hard drive) at the time because I felt they were made obsolete by the new version and all.
To be honest as well, I never understood the logic behind archiving obsolete versions around, either; personally, I'd never keep older versions around. However, it's traditional for wikis to do so, as Maxim hinted to. As an example, I once released a Sonic-related hacking software on the Sonic Retro community, and a particular revision had a terrible bug because of an oversight, which I promptly fixed within a few hours, releasing a new version: you have no idea how hard it was for me to get the broken version down even though it had been up only for mere hours.
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Post Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:16 am
It's wise to store older versions 'cause sometimes a change introduces a regression which may keep unnoticed until several iterations later. Keeping older versions helps identifying and solving such issues.
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Post Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:48 pm
Sorry for the delay, but I'm going to hold off on posting v1.5 of the patch just for a little bit longer. Reason being is because, while I was testing the game out last night, I encountered one more thing I decided I wanted to look into/change.

Even though it's not a huge deal, considering all the stuff I've been doing to the game so far, something like this just urks me. So, I'm going to see if I can somehow fix that flicky on the right, so he no longer A) just stops when he gets to the top, and B) instantly teleports into thin air like that.

(Unfortunately, I won't be able to do what I did with the credits, so this time I'm going to have to figure out how to change his coordinates.... hopefully that won't be too difficult.)

I'll give it some time to see if I can figure out how to move him (or ultimately, just get rid of him if I have to, but I'm leaving that as a last resort)... and once I'm done, I'll see about posting the patch.

...Assuming I don't run into something else I want to change or fix. I'm kinda bad at that, admittedly. lol
Tails Intro.gif (109.98 KB)
Tails Intro.gif

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Post Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:21 am
Update Time!

Changes in v1.5 include...

- The Flicky on the right side of the screen during the intro has been relocated.

- Some of the terrain during the intro has also been altered to accommodate the above change.

- The credits screen itself was altered to hide the characters when they walk/fly off the background.

- Credits background was widened one tile.

- The text during the credits was updated once again.

- Tails' graphics were altered slightly.

Again, thanks to Calindro for helping with some parts of this. Thanks go to Supper, too, who indirectly helped make these credits changes possible with that information he provided to me some months ago!

As per the usual, all comments and feedback are greatly appreciated! The updated patch will be attached to the first post... but for archiving's sake, I am going to upload ALL the versions here, just so they're available.



I stated before that this will probably be the final update... but I wouldn't go holding my breath on that one. Chances are, I'm going to go back and tinker with it again some day... perhaps fix up some graphics or try to change something yet again with Mr. Hex Editor, who knows.

But for now, I'm going to call this project finished at this time because, truth be told, there really isn't anything else I can nor want to do with it. Sure, there are other things I've thought about looking into, but to be honest... I think I've done more than enough to the game. Besides, this project went much farther than I ever thought possible, and to tell you the truth... I'm very satisfied with the results. Outside of some minor remaining issues here and there... I really do believe it feels like a natural Sega Master System game now.

Besides that, I think it's about time I move on from this, anyway. I don't mean that negatively, of course... but I really need to shift my focus on another project I've been trying to take on for the last six years, and I'm starting to feel like I might finally be ready to tackle it. (I guess one of the reasons I haven't done so in the past is because of a severe lack of confidence... and probably other reasons, but I imagine that's one of the bigger ones). It is a rather important project, one that might even help get me into the kind of career I'd like to see myself take on in my future... but who knows what'll happen even if I do complete it, so I'll just let fate take its course from there.

Let me just state that the project's not being abandoned or anything, but to reiterate, I am calling it finished from this point on. Anything else will just be adding sprinkles on a finished cake, in a manner of speaking. With that said, I'll still keep an eye on this topic (I will receive an email for every reply), and should any issues rise up or you guys have any questions or comments, I'll be sure to reply as soon as possible.

(And if anyone wants to continue my efforts, by all means ask me and I'll provide all the files and notes I made up to this point. I won't be selfish and keep it all to myself... if anyone can continue improving this game, then I'm certainly all for it!)

So yet again, thanks to everyone who helped me improve this patch, and I hope you enjoy! It's been fun!

If any of you mods want, free to add my patch into whichever hacks section you see fit.
TASMSD (182.29 KB)
Version 1.5 (Current)
TASMSD (181.69 KB)
Version 1.4
TASMSD (180.45 KB)
Version 1.3
TASMSD (181.06 KB)
Version 1.2
TASMSD (180.88 KB)
Version 1.1
TASMSD (180.65 KB)
Version 1.0

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Post Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:13 pm
Last edited by Tom on Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:15 am; edited 8 times in total
You know, I was about to create a new hack page for this, in the "Game Modifications" section to honour the author's preference, when I noticed that RetroRGB added some (not even all) of freezingicekirby's versions to the existing GG2SMS hack page, basically creating a gigantic mess, the version numbers are no longer consistent. I think it doesn't make any sense at all to mix these two hacks, since this one isn't a branch of the other one (or not, see edit below), and it would have been better on a dedicated page.

Aside from that, I find disrespectful towards me to see that someone else did (in a poor way, but that's besides the point) what I said I was going to do just a few days ago. I wasn't waiting because I like to procrastinate, I didn't want to proceed until I saw freezingicekirby's latest post with the 1.5 update and all the older revisions, to create a new hack page in a single shot instead of doing several edits in the span of a few days. What's even more hilarious is that I even brought up the "there can't be two GG2SMS hacks with the same name" point in one of my previous posts, though it got no follow-ups, and this is the result.

At this point, I don't really know what to do. My first reaction would be to revert RetroRGB's edits and proceed as I planned. But you know what, I won't. I'm just too tired to care about doing things in a good way (and besides, I can't delete files). I hope that someone else will clean this mess.

To further clarify, what I mean by "doing things right" is that I also wanted to repack the zip files to only contain the IPS patches and the description files (readme and changelog), since it doesn't really make sense to include the whole Lunar thing with each and every release, especially since there is an article which explains how to apply patches and where to find Lunar. The rules for vgm packs are quite strict, I don't think the zip files for hacks should be "anything goes" instead, there should be some standardisation (this is not the case, but a zip file might even contain illegal stuff). I was also going to take proper gameplay screenshots, at 1× resolution and whatnot, instead of merely reusing the ones from the first post of this topic (and to make it even worse, they're not even PNGOUT'd). In other words, I was going to care about what I was going to do, trying to achieve the best result possible, dedicating this hack the time it deserves instead of doing a 30-seconds job.
Please note that none of the above two points are directed towards freezingicekirby: he can post whatever zip files and whatever screenshots he likes in his own topic, and he did nothing wrong; adding a layer of uniformity and optimisation should be a task for those who edit the wiki. Comparison shots and animated gifs are great in a release topic (I really, really liked them), but they're not wiki material, at least imo.

And yes, I know, someone will complain at me because of my attitude. Maybe I should just stop posting for good, the idea crossed my mind more than once in the recent past, but is it really my fault if I want things to be done well? Mark my words, this is going to be my last post on smspower, forever. I completely lost my will to contribute.

edit per Maxim below: ok, I was wrong on that, rereading the initial description suggests that this is indeed based on the other hack, at least to some extent, my bad for assuming this was created from the ground up.

My point still stands, I don't like how a poor job has been done on something which I more or less unofficially "claimed". If you want to beat someone to the punch, at least make sure to do a good job, like Maxim did with the sample extraction thing -- in that case, I was indeed sad that what I did became useless, but at the same time I admired Maxim's work and I admitted it was far better than mine. This time it's different, it's a case of someone uploading the first things he found instead of waiting for someone who wanted to do things with care. I might be rude, but I know I'm right. And with this, I really am done here. Believe me when I say that it hurts to leave a place where I happily spent almost half of my life (I'm active here since 14 years ago and I'm 32), but at this point it's unavoidable. Ban my account or something if you want.

Sayonara ~
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:19 pm
I thought it was based on the older patches? Restarting the numbering is confusing matters. If they aren't a linear continuation then we can split things up.
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:15 pm
Tom wrote
This time it's different, it's a case of someone uploading the first things he found instead of waiting for someone who wanted to do things with care.

It was not my choice to mix the two games.

Tom wrote
I know I'm right

You clearly are not.

Have you considered that maybe sending me a PM asking why the game was combined would have been a more adult thing to do then post a 7-paragraph rant?
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:49 pm
Thanks a lot freezingicekirby for polish this great game.

Final version ;) Excellent !!!
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:38 am
Freezingicekirby, you have not only made an overlooked Game Gear classic more accessible to gamers everywhere, but improved it beyond belief. If only other GG2SMS ports, like Sonic Triple Trouble or Ristar got this far, and were done THIS well.

I hope someday to have this on a legit cartridge, complete with an old Genesis/SMS clamshell box and insert acting as its package.
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Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:32 pm
I found a bug. In the second picture, when you're flying and holding Righ + Up you go into the wall. Can you please fix that?
TA001.jpg (165.46 KB)
TA000.jpg (163.63 KB)

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Post Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:54 am
I had this issue even in the Game Gear version, and would be dumb enough to get stuck in places like this. Sometimes, it would be shimmying up a breakable block though.
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Post Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:12 am
Bluestreak wrote
I had this issue even in the Game Gear version, and would be dumb enough to get stuck in places like this. Sometimes, it would be shimmying up a breakable block though.

It's not dumb at all. I was just pointing out a bug.
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Post Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:11 am
Apologies for the late reply!

I decided to try and replicate that glitch on both the Deluxe patch and on an unaltered rom (or rather, the one included in Sonic Adventure DX on PC), and it does it on both of them, I'm afraid. I don't know enough about the code to correct something like that, so it's one of those things we're going to have to deal with, I'm afraid.

(There might be a way to fix it through other means though. I'll consider looking into it and see what happens.)

I did discover how the glitch is activated though; by flying upwards and into the top of the tall grass. My advice is to avoid flying when around it. Do that, and you should be just fine.
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Post Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:16 pm
freezingicekirby wrote
Apologies for the late reply!

I decided to try and replicate that glitch on both the Deluxe patch and on an unaltered rom (or rather, the one included in Sonic Adventure DX on PC), and it does it on both of them, I'm afraid. I don't know enough about the code to correct something like that, so it's one of those things we're going to have to deal with, I'm afraid.

(There might be a way to fix it through other means though. I'll consider looking into it and see what happens.)

I did discover how the glitch is activated though; by flying upwards and into the top of the tall grass. My advice is to avoid flying when around it. Do that, and you should be just fine.

Thank you.
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