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315-5297 (and more Japanese MS stuff) pinout
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:20 pm
Some time ago I started studying the Japanese Master System board scans available here as an exercise to figure the pinout of 315-5297 I/O chip.
I took some time to finish it recently and completed it with pinouts for the rest of the chips, maybe this could be interesting or useful to someone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/O Controller: 315-5297 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ Z80 A0 |1 i s 64| Vcc Z80 A1 |2 i o 63| LED Z80 A2 |3 i ? 62| /CONT2 ? (N/C) Z80 A3 |4 i i 61| /CONT1 (connected to CONT pin on CN2/CN3/CN4) Z80 A4 |5 i i 60| AUTO (connected to AUTO SW) Z80 A5 |6 i i 59| KILLRAM (CN3 pin B3 only, with pull-down resistor) Z80 A6 |7 i o 58| /CE2 (CN2 pin 13) Z80 A7 |8 i o 57| /CE3 (CN3 pin B10) Z80 A8 |9 i o 56| /CE4 (CN4 pin 13) Z80 A9 |10 i o 55| /CE0 (RAM /CE pin) ? Z80 A10 |11 i o 54| /CE1 (ROM /CE pin) ? Z80 A11 |12 i b 53| 2TR Z80 A12 |13 i i 52| 2RI Z80 A13 |14 i i 51| 2LE Z80 A14 |15 i i 50| 2DW Z80 A15 |16 i i 49| 2UP /RESET_OUT |17 o i 48| 2TL (CN4 pin 43) KILLJOY |18 i b 47| 2TH (with pull-up RC) /RESET_IN |19 i b 46| 1TR Z80 /RD ? |20 i i 45| 1RI Z80 /WR ? |21 i i 44| 1LE Z80 /MREQ |22 i i 43| 1DW Z80 /IOREQ ? |23 i i 42| 1UP Z80 D0 |24 b i 41| 1TL Z80 D1 |25 b b 40| 1TH (with pull-up resistor) Z80 D2 |26 b o 39| /HL ? Z80 D3 |27 b o 38| /FM_CS (YM2413 pin 12) ? Z80 D4 |28 b o 37| FM_ENABLE (74HC4066 pin 12) ? Z80 D5 |29 b o 36| PSG_ENABLE (74HC4066 pin 6) ? Z80 D6 |30 b o 35| 3D_LR (BA10324 pin 2 & pin 9) Z80 D7 |31 b o 34| 3D_REF (BA10324 pin 6) GND |32 s o 33| 3D_ON (BA10324 pin 4 with voltage multiplier circuitry) +---------+ Pins marked with '?' are not 100% verified (signals function should be correct but exact position within a group of signals could not be confimed, only guessed from visible tracks). Notes : ------- (1) I/O chip decodes full Z80 address range and does not use /KBSEL (neither /CSRAM) generated by VDP, which means: .I/O ports are likely not mirrored in whole $00-$3F range as with SG-1000, Mark-III and export Master System so it should not be necessary to disable I/O ports before accessing FM chip (Japanese BIOS doesn't) .I/O and memory control registers (ports $3E and $3F) are likely not mirrored in whole $00-$3F range as with export Master System (2) TH pins are connected to I/O ports (CN5 & CN6) pin 7 and port $3H is used to configure TH & TR pins as inputs or outputs but according to Enri's website, reading TH bit only returns the current i/o state (0 for an output and 1 for an input). That's said, it could be that: . when set as an output, the written value is correctly output to the controller port but not buffered in I/O chip (returning 0 when read) . when set as an input, it correctly returns the state of the TH pin from the controller (which would be 1 if left unconnected as with gamepads). This means that contrary to Mark-III console, peripherals using this pin (export Sports Pad & Paddle, 3-Buttons & 6 Buttons controller, Light Gun) might still be compatible ? (3) /RESET_IN comes from POWER SW and /RESET_OUT goes to Z80, VDP, YM2413, CN3 and CN4 /RESET pins (4) LED is controlled by I/O chip (maybe it can be enabled/disabled from software through unused port in $00-$3F or $C0-$FF range ?) (5) FM & PSG analog outputs are controlled by I/O chip through a 74HC40066 analog switch (cf. pin analysis below): .Japanese BIOS enables both by writing $03 to port $F2 .Mark-III softwares enable (resp. disable) FM output by writing $01 (resp. $00) to port $F2 (6) 3D Glasses are controlled by I/O chip through a BA10324 analog amplifier connected to a 3-wire jack plug (cf. pin analysis below) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VDP : 315-5124 (copied from m3tech.txt) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ Z80 D0 |01 b o 64| Z80 /INT Z80 D1 |02 b i 63| Z80 A7 Z80 D2 |03 b i 62| Z80 A6 Z80 D3 |04 b i 61| Z80 A0 Z80 D4 |05 b i 60| Z80 /IORQ Z80 D5 |06 b i 59| Z80 /WR Z80 D6 |07 b i 58| Z80 /RD Z80 D7 |08 b i 57| /NTSC (PAL) GND |09 s b 56| VRAM AD15 AUDIO |10 o b 55| VRAM AD14 Vcc |11 s b 54| VRAM AD13 TO |12 o b 53| VRAM AD12 TI |13 i b 52| VRAM AD11 /KBSEL |14 o b 51| VRAM AD10 /CSRAM |15 o b 50| VRAM AD9 /EXM1 |16 o b 49| VRAM AD8 /EXM2 |17 o b 48| VRAM AD7 Z80 A14 |18 i b 47| VRAM AD6 Z80 A15 |19 i b 46| VRAM AD5 Z80 /MREQ |20 i b 45| VRAM AD4 Z80 /NMI |21 o b 44| VRAM AD3 /NMI-IN |22 i b 43| VRAM AD2 /RESET |23 i b 42| VRAM AD1 /CBT |24 o b 41| VRAM AD0 /PCP |25 o s 40| Vcc R-VIDEO |26 o o 39| VRAM /CE G-VIDEO |27 o o 38| VRAM /WE1 B-VIDEO |28 o o 37| VRAM /WE0 /C-SYNC |29 o o 36| VRAM /OE XTAL1 |30 i i 35| /H-L XTAL2 |31 o o 34| Z80 /CLK GND |32 s o 33| Y1 +---------+ Pins 12 (TO), 24 (/CBT), 25 (/PCP) & 33 (Y1) are not connected Pins 13 (TI) and 57 (/NTSC) are connected to GND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Analog Amplifier: BA10324 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ (CN8 pin 1) OUT1 |1 o o 14| OUT4 (N/C) (GND ?) IN1- |2 i i 13| IN4- (GND) (315-5997 pin 35) IN1+ |3 i i 12| IN4+ (Vcc) (Vcc multiplier) V+ |4 s s 11| V- (GND) (GND ?) IN2+ |5 i i 10| IN3+ (GND ?) (315-5997 pin 34) IN2- |6 i i 9| IN3- (315-5997 pin 35) (CN8 pin 4) OUT2 |7 o o 8| OUT3 (CN8 pin 2) +---------+ pins 2 (IN1-), 5 (IN2+) & 10 (IN3+) seems logically connected to GND but, for some unknown reason, the signal is coming from the audio/video circuit and is also connected to CA358E pins 3 & 5 (INA- & INB-) and CXA1145 pin 14 (Vref) pin 1 (OUT1) & pin 8 (OUT3) are inverted outputs connected resp. to CN8 pin 1 (orange cable) & pin 2 (yellow cable) going to 171-5542 (3D) board -> 315-5997 pin 35 connected to pin 3 (IN1+) & pin 9 (IN3-) is used to control left/right 3D glass selection (either as stereo or balanced mono signals) pin 7 (OUT2) is connected to CN8 pin 4 (black cable) going to 171-5542 (3D) board -> 315-5997 pin 34 connected to pin 6 (IN2-) is used to control 3D glasses common (ref) signal pin 4 (V+) is connected to a voltage multiplier circuit (Vcc/5V -> 12V ?) & 315-5997 pin 33 -> 315-5997 pin 33 is used to power on/off 3D glasses The voltage multiplier & jack amplifier circuit seems similar (but not exactly the same) as the one used in Mark-III 3D card adapter (cf. Enri's website) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FM Synthetizer: YM2413 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ GND |1 s i 18| Z80 D1 Z80 D2 |2 i i 17| Z80 D0 Z80 D3 |3 i s 16| Vcc Z80 D4 |4 i o 15| RO (mixed to CA358E pin 2) Z80 D5 |5 i o 14| MO (mixed to CA358E pin 2) Z80 D6 |6 i i 13| /RESET (from 315-5297) Z80 D7 |7 i i 12| /FM_CS (from 315-5297) Z80 /CLK |8 i i 11| /Z80_WR (N/C) XIN |9 o i 10| Z80 A0 +---------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audio Switch: 74HC4066 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ (GND) 1Y |1 b s 14| Vcc (GND) 1Z |2 b b 13| 1E (GND) (GND) 2Z |3 b b 12| 4E / FM_ENABLE (GND) 2Y |4 b o 11| 4Y / FM_OUT (mixed to CA358E pin 6) (GND) 2E |5 b i 10| 4Z / FM_IN (from CA358E pin 1) PSG_ENABLE / 3E |6 b i 9| 3Z / PSG_IN (from VDP pin 10) GND |7 s o 8| 3Y / PSG_OUT (mixed to CA358E pin 6) +---------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audio Amplifier: CA358E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ (74HC4066 pin 10) OUTA |1 o s 8| V+ (Vcc) (YM2413 pin 14&15) INA+ |2 i o 7| OUTB (CXA1145 pin 8) (GND ?) INA- |3 i i 6| INB+ (74HC4066 pin 8&11) (GND) V- |4 s i 5| INB- (GND ?) +---------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Video Encoder: CXA1145 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----v----+ GND |1 s o 24| GND (VDP pin 26) R_VIDEO |2 i i 23| R_OUT (CN1 pin 6) (VDP pin 27) G_VIDEO |3 i i 22| G_OUT (CN1 pin 5) (VDP pin 28) B_VIDEO |4 i i 21| B_OUT (CN1 pin 8) (N/C) XOUT |5 b i 20| VIDEO_OUT (CN1 pin 3) (Z80 /CLK) XIN |6 b i 19| Vcc (Vcc) NTSC |7 b i 18| Y_IN (Y_OUT) (CA358E pin 7) AUDIO_IN |8 b i 17| C_IN (C_OUT) (CN1 pin 1) AUDIO_OUT |9 s b 16| Y_OUT (Y_IN) (VDP pin 29) CSYNC_IN |10 o b 15| C_OUT (C_IN) (CN1 pin 7) CSYNC_OUT |11 s b 14| Vref (GND ?) Vcc |12 o b 13| Iref (GND ?) +---------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A/V connector (CN1): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 6 8 3 1 5 4 2 1: AUDIO 2: GND 3: VIDEO 4: Vcc 5: G 6: R 7: CSYNC 8: B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Card connector (CN2): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ | \ Vcc |1 s i 2| Z80 /WR Z80 /MREQ |3 i i 4| Z80 /RD /EXM1 |5 i i 6| Z80 A14 Z80 A13 |7 i i 8| Z80 A8 Z80 A9 |9 i i 10| Z80 A11 /EXM2 |11 i i 12| Z80 A10 /CE2 |13 i b 14| Z80 D7 Z80 D6 |15 b b 16| Z80 D5 Z80 D4 |17 b b 18| Z80 D3 GND |19 s s 20| GND GND |21 s b 22| Z80 D2 Z80 D1 |23 b b 24| Z80 D0 Z80 A0 |25 i i 26| Z80 A1 Z80 A2 |27 i i 28| Z80 A3 Z80 A4 |29 i i 30| Z80 A5 Z80 A6 |31 i i 32| Z80 A7 Z80 A12 |33 i o 34| /CONT Vcc |35 s / +-------+ Pinout is identical to export Master System card connector. Compatibility with Mark-III cards is maintained, the only differences being that: . pin 3 (/CSRAM on Mark-III) is connected to Z80 /MREQ . pin 13 (Z80 /MREQ + /CARD input from cartridge port pin B2 on Mark-III) is connected to 315-5297 /CE2 pin (card /CE) Pin B2 on cartridge port which was used to disable or enable the card port from hardware on Mark-III is not used here and card port is now only controllable by software. It might be possible to use a second pair of 3D-Glasses with Mark-III card adapter if card port is enabled through port $3E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cartridge connector (CN3): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------+ Z80 A0 |A1 i s B1| Vcc Z80 A1 |A2 i s B2| Vcc Z80 A2 |A3 i o B3| KILLRAM (->pull-down) Z80 A3 |A4 i i B4| /EXM1 Z80 A4 |A5 i i B5| Z80 /RD Z80 A5 |A6 i i B6| Z80 /WR Z80 A6 |A7 i i B7| /RESET ? Z80 A7 |A8 i - B8| N/C Z80 A8 |A9 i i B9| Z80 /MREQ Z80 A9 |A10 i i B10| /CE3 Z80 A10 |A11 i o B11| /CONT Z80 A11 |A12 i - B12| N/C Z80 A12 |A13 i - B13| N/C Z80 A13 |A14 i - B14| N/C Z80 D0 |A15 b - B15| N/C Z80 D1 |A16 b - B16| N/C Z80 D2 |A17 b - B17| N/C Z80 D3 |A18 b i B18| Z80 A14 Z80 D4 |A19 b i B19| /EXM2 Z80 D5 |A20 b - B20| N/C Z80 D6 |A21 b s B21| GND Z80 D7 |A22 b s B22| GND +-----------+ Pinout is identical to SG-1000 & Mark-III cartridge connector except that: . pin B2 (/CARD on Mark-III only) is connected to Vcc . pin B3 (/CSRAM on Mark-III & SG-1000) is not directly connected with VDP /CSRAM pin or RAM /CE but to 315-5297 pin 57 (with pull-down resistor) instead, which still allows to disable internal RAM from cartridge hardware. . pin B7 (N/C on Mark-III & SG-1000) is connected to 315-5297 /RESET_OUT pin (not confirmed) . pin B9 (N/C on Mark-III & SG-1000) is connected to Z80 /MREQ . pin B10 (Z80 /MREQ on Mark-III and SG-1000) is connected to 315-5297 /CE3 pin (cartridge /CE), controlled from software (BIOS), but is also connected to /EXM2 pin on CN2/CN3/CN4 through diode D2 (so cartridge is enabled by default in $0000-$8000 if /CE3 pin is left floating) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expansion connector (CN4): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------+ Vcc |1 s i 2| Z80 /WR Z80 /MREQ |3 i i 4| Z80 /RD /EXM1 |5 i i 6| Z80 A14 Z80 A13 |7 i i 8| Z80 A8 Z80 A9 |9 i i 10| Z80 A11 /EXM2 |11 i i 12| Z80 A10 /CE4 |13 i b 14| Z80 D7 Z80 D6 |15 b b 16| Z80 D5 Z80 D4 |17 b b 18| Z80 D3 GND |19 s s 20| GND GND |21 s b 22| Z80 D2 Z80 D1 |23 b b 24| Z80 D0 Z80 A0 |25 i i 26| Z80 A1 Z80 A2 |27 i i 28| Z80 A3 Z80 A4 |29 i i 30| Z80 A5 Z80 A6 |31 i i 32| Z80 A7 Z80 A12 |33 i o 34| /CONT Vcc |35 s i 36| Z80 A15 Z80 /M1 ? |37 i i 38| Z80 /IOREQ ? Z80 /RFSH ? |39 i i 40| Z80 /HALT ? (->pull-up) Z80 /WAIT ? |41 o i 42| Z80 /INT ? KILLJOY ? |43 o o 44| Z80 /BUSREQ ? (->pull-up) Z80 /BUSACK ? |45 i i 46| /RESET ? Z80 CLK ? |47 i i 48| /KBSEL ? /CSRAM |49 i i 50| /NMI-IN +---------+ Pins marked with '?' could not be confirmed. Pinout seems identical to export Master System expansion connector and is not compatible with SG-1000 or Mark-III peripherals. |
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:47 pm |
Thank you for your work! | |
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:21 pm |
You're welcome to post this on our wiki too... | |