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I'll try swapping the order over in my code then, if only to be consistent with other emulators. :-)
I wrote the Z80 emulator myself, and any "repeating" instruction (LDIR, OTIR, HALT etc) shunts PC back to its original position and returns after each execution rather than repeating, so that shouldn't be an issue. There have been timing errors in the past (there are some popular documents that claim that a failed JP c takes 1 clock cycle!) so I wouldn't rule those out. |
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About that, I don't think a complete cycle-accurate Z80 core is necessary for SMS emulation since all hardware devices that need to synchronize with the Z80 (VDP, PSG and I/O chip) and therefore need to handle Z80 accesses at the cycle level, are all mapped to I/O memory. This would limit cycle accuracy to the few INx/OUTx instructions, right ? And since interrupts can only be accepted between instructions, it should be perfectly accurate to handle them at the instruction level, as long as you trigger IRQ at the correct cycle. The MAME core for example, is already doing that (checking IRQ before each instruction) and is also adjusting the Z80 cycle count BEFORE actually having executed the instruction: with that in mind, all that you need to modify are the INI/IND/INIR/INDR instructions, by only adding the last M-Cycle AFTER the I/O port has been read.
Could you please elaborate a bit more about these errors ? I know that, in the last version, 2 instructions timings have been fixed ($26 and $2E with $DD or $FD prefix) and the IM0 handling has been modified (now 0xFF is always read from the bus). Did you catched other errors ?
you are only talking about block transfer(LDIR,CPIR) and I/O (INIR,OTIR,...) instructions, right ? Because, according to the documentation, interrupts cannot be accepted during instruction execution, including the prefixed one ($DD $DD $DD $26 ... for example, can not be interrupted). |
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Kinda. :) For some reason a few months ago I had my interrupt reading code at the first cycle of each instruction but it actually happens on the last cycle of the instruction. It was making Flubbas VDP test read a bit incorrect for the interrupts. So in theory a game could exploit this weakness in an instruction accurate only emulator, since they read the interrupt on the first cycle usually. How necessary is it "with the currenty software library"? Hard to say. For the SMS, complete cycle accuracy isn't exactly going to bring that much enjoyment, as you said you could concentrate on the in/out and that would do make most of the leap for the SMS when it comes to accuracy (for existing devices anyhow). BUSREQ and things of this nature require a lot more accuracy, which in theory SMS cartridges could use.
It was a while ago I looked at MAME, a friend of mine wrote a cycle Z80 emulator and reported those fixes to MAME (after I pointed them out, he has an affinity with MAME I do not share). There are other timing issues as I remember more than 2, I would have to look at the MAME Z80 again to find them and I can't really be bothered to do it. If you check the Z80 manual, and all the undocumented instruction documents, and then understand how the Z80 works at the cycle level you should be able to find them.
It's one thing I need to test at some time the interrupt relationship with the prefix instructions. I would tend to believe that they would be read as "separate instructions" which simply set flags for the Z80 upon further execution. You could verify this with the M1 pin I guess. Where did you read that they could not be interrupted? |
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hmm, I see what you mean.. can't this be corrected by simply checking for interrupts AFTER instruction execution ? Also,since interrupts on the SMS occurs at very predictable time, you could synchronize your CPU execution with the VDP by making interrupt occurence (first VINT then HINT, or is it the contrary ?) as the first "event" of line execution... However, it still leave the problem of interrupts being triggered after a VDP register write but I have no idea what the timing should be in that case (does the VDP triggers IRQ line *immediately* ? I know one mega drive game that requires one 68k instruction latency between the moment interrupt is enabled through teh VDP register and the moment the VDP is triggering the IRQ6 line)
yeah, but then comes the use of emulating something that could only be used by hardware that does not even exist. for a mega drive emulator though, it would be necessary
yeah, I've started doing that... the Z80 instruction decoding and execution process is quite logical when you start thinking about it (just that variable Wait States are sometime automatically added for some instructions without apparent logic but some consistance between instructions of the same type). anyway, about the MAME core, so far timings are correct and it's also pretty accurate regarding flags (they even recently added proper emulation of some BIT undocumented instructions, with the use of a MEMPTR register), which is not so surprising considering the amount and quality of work which has been put so far in this project.
from Sean Young's famous document (chapter 5.5):
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The cpu samples the interrupt pin on the rising edge of the last cycle (ie before it executes last cycle). So sampling the interrupt pin after an instruction is one cycle late.
Yep but then what is the point of going half way between a MAME Z80 and something like RC? MEKA "runs" all the existing SMS games with its core... ;) One thing I didn't want to do for my own reasons, is to have to come back later and rewrite the CPU emulator, so the cycle accurate 6502 and Z80 I did are made to be used in any project, whether emulated or real. And I want to do genesis later and any addon SMS hardware people design.
Oh so they've fixed all their issues? Good to hear. ;)
I'd like to test it personally to verify because you never know for sure until you try yourself. It's also important for me to know the exact output of each of the Z80 pins for my goals and no one has documented this. I'd like to at one stage be able to use RC as a replacement for a real Z80. |
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yes, I understand what you mean: you mean that in the case where the IRQ is triggered just after the last cycle, it is not supposed to be accepted until the NEXT instruction but here, it would be taken immediately, the result being one instruction less when exception processing starts. But what I wanted to say was that since we knew that interrupts are triggered exactly each 342 cycles and that interrupts are only accepted between instructions, you could perfectly do something as simple as this on each line: 1) if required, VDP assert IRQ line 2) run 342 cycles (check for interrupts before each instruction) Or would you mind explaining me what errors this could introduce ? I mean, I know it's not perfectly accurate but anywxay, there is no way for you to know where the VDP exactly is (which line and which HCount) when the Z80 end its RESET process and starts executing instructions so even a cycle-accurate Z80 emulator is worthless as long as you didn't accurately initialized the synchronization, right ? |
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Or *during* the last cycle. The VDP runs 3 cycles per one Z80. If the VDP misses the rising edge of the last cycle then one more instruction should execute before IRQ. If you are sampling a cycle late it means you will take interrupts earlier than you should.
VDP runs at 684 cycles per scanline. You would need to perfectly count the cycles needed and then work out when you get close to the end whether or not you should take the interrupt, etc. There are plenty of ways to optimize the need for a true cycle accurate core, I've done plenty of them. It is quite fun really, caching writes, catching up devices, plenty of different ways to optimize. Thing is though what is the point of doing all this? That tiny bit of speed you gain is offset by ungainly code and complication that will drive you insane after you put it away for a month. Take a look at BlueMSX for an example, I haven't tested my VDP core against it for speed, but my codebase is 5 times smaller. If you take away the parts that have nothing to do with the SMS, it's only 3 times smaller. but my core also emulates the SMS VDP which it doesn't, so it's an interesting thing to wonder about. An old NES emulator I worked on had cached writes and things of this nature to simulate cycle accuracy fairly well, but thankfully I don't have to touch that era again. ;)
The BIOS takes away some of the "startup" issues since software can't really get an idea about what is before it thanks to the BIOS. It's one of those things we have to find out though, the startup synchronization in regards to the VDP. In regards to clock sync though, you just have to align the master clock to the devices correctly, it's fairly straight forward for the SMS since the devices all run off integer ratios unlike other systems. In RetroCopy I have the VDP executed for 2 cycles before the first cycle of the Z80 and third of the VDP. It may be a bit different than this. You have to be careful to make sure when devices are running on the same "cycle" together that they can't see each others output either until the end. |
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I finally managed to pass all test successfully with SMS Plus. The few changes required are listed below (no cycle accurate Z80 emulation though , cycle count is updated before processing the instruction).
The only thing that was *really* required was somehow limited cycle-accurate VDP execution, i.e each time you are writing a VDP register and reading the VDP status or VC registers, you have to check if the current cycle count did not moved to the next line... If the current cycle count indicates we are already on the next line, I parse sprites and render the line immediately before updating the register (this makes xscroll latched correclty) or reading the status flag (this updates INT and OVR flags at the correct HC). A flag is obviously set to prevent rendering the same line twice. Same goes for VC register, the current line is deducted from the current cycle count (z80_get_elapsed_cycles()/CYCLES_PER_LINE) instead of using the incrementing line counter. About the COL flag, it is, as usual, set during the line rendering function (done once at the beginning of each line) but additional information provides the line and the HC value ((xpos >> 1) + 0x06) on which it occured. When the VDP status is read, the current HC and lines value are compared to return the real-time status of this flag. The first event of the line is Horizontal interrupt and HC table starts at 0xF4. Updated sourcecode should be available here soon for anyone interested ;-) |
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Wow, I can't thank you enough for continuing development on SMS Plus and making it so accurate. This is thrilling news to me. :) |
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Nice work EKE, did you compare speed before and after the changes? Would be interesting to know.
Flubbas VDP test is a little loose with some of the timing stuff, I hope to make a new test soon once I get my dev system setup. Just to verify things and also something emulator authors can use to improve their emus. Anyhow, good work. :) |
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My SMS emu on the GBA clears all test (except all the sprite COL/OVR tests), so it doesn't have to be cpu taxing in any way.
@PoorAussie. Which tests are "a bit loose" now? I'm going to add some more things to the test right now so it would be nice to fix those tests as well. |
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Pretty much all of the timing ones, I've got about 4-8 VDP cycles difference in a lot of them before it breaks anything (this is with your previous test, I haven't used your newest one yet because you said you haven't verified it). I have to come up with ways to accurately get the timing information though in my own program, as you would know it's quite difficult. There are also other things to do with memory timing that your test doesn't cover that I want to do. |
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I figured a simple and fast way to handle this... since interrupts are separated by a constant number of cycles (228 Z-Cycles or 684 M-Cycles), it's easy to check the current Z80 cycle count when interrupt is supposed to happen (at the start of the line for example). If it's exactly multiple of 228, it means the interrupts is triggered AFTER the instruction IRQ detection point and you have to execute one more single instruction before triggering interrupt... if it's 228+n (n>0), interrupt can be triggered immediately. for (i=0;i<lines_per_frame;i++) { /* check if Hint should be triggered on this line */ if (xxxx) { if (count_z80%Z80_CYCLES_PER_LINE == 0) z80_execute(1); .... z80_set_interrupt(); } Same thing can be done for Vint, knowing the exact cycle where it occurs.
Well, this is still way faster and more optimized than emulating Z80 and/or VDP with cycle granularity and does not add so much code complexity honestly... without losing any accuracy ;-) And this is exactly my point: you can do a lot of things through different ways when you emulate something, but there is not a "better" or "more accurate" method as long as no program could tell the difference if you did things correctly (at least on a SMS). Anyway, at the end, the only thing that should matter is the pleasure you have to code something in the way you like it, with complete understanding of what you are doing. Some people would always prefer to limit themselves to what is really necessary and enjoy finding optimized way of doing things (and that doesn't mean necessarily sacrifying accuracy ou using infamous hacks), some others would always prefer to have full control on what they are emulating, at the lowest level possible, as near as the hardware as possible. Both approaches, which are sometime not so opposed, should be respected and not minimized because it's generally a motivated choice, not a matter of competence... Btw, on that matter, I'd say the biggest challenge is not emulating hardware at the lowest timing level but to actually figure exactly what the hardware is doing and how it is doing it... thanks to charles,marat, MAME devs and all those generous contributers and opensource developpers, this makes the whole job damn easier by now :)
well, that's not exactly true. Even when using Mclock as a base, there can be a shift between those 2 devices depending on when Z80 start its execution, for example, if it starts at Mcyc+(3*n)+1 or Mcyc+(3*n)+2, with Zclk=Mclk/3 To be exactly accurate, this should be taken in account (but again, I don't think this matters much since everything get synchronized with interrupt sooner or later)
my pleasure :) |
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I agree that if the SMS software can't tell the difference then in accuracy it doesn't matter how it's achieved at all. The means is irrelevant to the end. That said, I didn't want to design a Z80/VDP combo that was SMS only, and the Z80 SMSPLUS uses is inaccurate for busreq's and will need a complete rewrite to support it. SMS software can use busreq's (none does yet, though I will code a game which uses it eventually for DMA). I have been criticized for calling this level of accuracy "perfect", because to me it is all that matters. If software is unable to detect a real system or emulator using every single possible method then it's perfection as far as I'm concerned. I actually go a step beyond this even just for my own reasons because I like developing software that is like real hardware. Nothing is going to intercept the VDP accessing it's VRAM for instance on the SMS but RetroCopy is right in there to do something with it if something did.
Certainly. While I'm targeting not wanting to touch my cores again, writing them once and having them work until the end of time at cycle accuracy there will be cores which can be faster if they take certain knowledge about a system and optimize for it. Like the fact no existing SMS games use BUSREQ. Or the fact that a system has very regular interrupts or whatever. I'm completely for people doing that because it gives people with lesser computers the opportunity to use it at minimal sacrifice really. MEKA which is probably my favourite emulator is a perfect example of having near perfect compatibility at a very low cost, MEKA also did something different with it's interface compared to near everything else, it's obvious a lot of love was put into it which I respect. BTW my Z80 emulator is "only" about 2-2.5 times slower than the MAME one, I used a technique I haven't seen in any other emulator that I talked about in another post. Most of the cost of cycle emulating the SMS comes with the VDP. My I7 is currently doing about 106 million emulated cycles per cycle per SMS core, at about 30 host cycles to one emulated cycle. This is enough to emulate 5 SMS's at cycle accuracy with high quality audio filtering and FM chip. http://www.retrocopy.com/blog/52/emulator-benchmark.aspx My original non cycle accurate (but high compat) SMS emulator I had in earlier versions of RetroCopy was getting about 2000FPS (3.2GHz core2), at cycle accuracy the same system is getting about 300FPS. So it's quite a bit slower overall.
Yep, though it usually ends up being a question of access. There are plenty of talented guys on the internet who can code up wonderful things and crack lots of puzzles, but not all of them have access to logic analyzers and arcade boards.
I meant the fact that all the devices run off integer ratios compared to each other. Other systems aren't so lucky. (Z80=PSG=FM=3VDP). But yes it's an interesting thing to ponder about when it comes to how things start. Since there are some unknowns like the fact that the R register is different boot to boot on a real system by the time it gets to the game. I think it does matter though, RetroCopy can emulate it whatever it is but at the moment they do start at the same clock. |
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I've tightened up the HInt & VInt HCount tests and tested it on my SMS1.
I thought I would write a test to find the background NameTable latch time but it looks like it's not latched at all and you can switch nametable mid-scanline. |
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Thanks for the new test Flubba. I'm still interested in the sprite collisions happening in the border regions. Does your SMS1 have the original VDP or the second revision? | |
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In what way do you want to test it?
I already test collision in the side and top/bottom borders... My SMS1 has the first VDP and my SMS2 has the newer VDP, problem is that I have hard time showing the RF signal from my SMS2... |
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Well it's just interesting that sprite processing still happens in the border region. However the VDP must still process sprites during lines 0-191 even when the display is off because if it doesn't the first line of active display after enabling display again won't have sprites on it due to the "process sprites for next line" feature. So maybe they just have a "active display" which means draw and display tiles/sprites and an "off display" which means process sprites and memory. From my tests though it looks like the sprite processing changes from the active display way of doing things to something else. Due to the 36 MCLK gap in active sprite processing where there are no CPU windows. This would break the 16 Z80 cycle "Sega limit" (when you add the VDP delay) for offscreen writes. Have you ever checked where 'display off' is latched? I always thought it would be HC=0 but maybe it's HC=F4ish. |
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Most likely, what happen is that the display status only affects the output of the priority controller (background color is always picked but sprite collision is still checked as long as sprites are processed). Sprites processing is more probaly timed with line events (Ypos during active line, Xpos/Name during HBlank), not with hdisplay status (hblank != display off or vblank), and controlled by the current vertical counter value. Interestingly, on the Genesis, it has been noticed that forcing the display off during HBLANK will have effects on sprite processing (i.e some sprites data are going to be masked on the upcoming line) which would indicate that forcing the display OFF would also stop sprite processing, contrary to the blanked border areas (which seems obvious since you usually do that for "full" access to the CPU). It might be interesting, on the SMS, to disable manually the display on line 192 and see if sprite collision still happen in the bottom/top border.
Are you sure it can't not be switched anytime during the line ? On the Genesis VDP at least (i know it could be quite different but who knows), you can switch display off/on midline so the "display off" bit is apparently checked periodically during the line. |
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I'm fairly sure the display switch is latched rather than instant. I've emulated both and with it emulated as non latched the games which use it (impossible mission, cool spot, etc) don't display correctly or are otherwise glitchy. I don't remember those glitches on the real game. So if it is latched it also means that it probably has a "table" if you want to call it that, of things to do for the line. I believe when it switches to the "off" table it must still do sprite processing in it, this simplifies things somewhat, line 312 or 261 can process sprites for line 0, sprites are still processed for the next line if it's toggled on/off for different lines, etc. On the other hand if sprite processing was tweaked over the TMS, maybe an access window(s) was conveniently placed to not break the 16 Z80 cycle "limit". This way you could think of sprite processing as a layer which was always on regardless. I know Charles has mentioned that you can disable the display in the horizontal border regions but I think this is more related to the Genesis than the SMS. You're not going to gain much on the SMS by doing it, the Z80/port simply can't feed much to it in that time frame. I do find it weird though that collisions are set during the border regions. Possibly since the VDP is outputting border color and display is set to "on", the sprite display hardware is still being used but not shown. Is there a limit to where these are set? Flubba says "border region" but I would guess that applies to the full range of possible sprite Y values. |
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Flubba does your emulator pass your test? I've noticed Fantastic Dizzy doesn't like sprite collisions to be set in the offscreen region, just wondering if you have tried running that game with that effect emulated. |
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My emulator doesn't even attempt to do real sprite collision, so, no it doesn't pass many of the sprite tests.
Offscreen, is that in the top/bottom or the sideborders? |
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My current version of SMS Plus passes all Flubba's tests (incl. sprites collision ones) and does not have any problem with that game.
However, I remember that having the sprite collision flag being set a little too early (or too late) in the line would produce some line flickering in the top status bar (also when the PAUSE button is pressed), this is very likely some inaccuracies with your pixel rendering/collision timing. |
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Do you do sprite collision testing on every line of display? I noticed if you don't do any lines over 255 (256-311) Flubbas test still passes and the game now works, it seems a collision just before line 0 trips it up, but...
I am getting a little flicker on the second last line of the status bar so maybe you're right. It is wanting the "display off" to be latched about 30 MCLKs later than I currently do on some lines, it wants to turn off display for 2 lines to change the palette, on some frames it misses the right spot which is why the flicker occurs. BTW does your smsplus pass the latest test from Flubba? |
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I do sprite rendering (and collision test) on every line of active display, including vertical borders, that's 240 lines for NTSC and 288 lines for PAL (it should be 243 and 294 to be accurate but the Wii hardware limitations made it simpler to use those values and it doesn't really mattter anyway). You are right that a collision occurs the line before 0 and the sprite collision flag is indeed used to switch the display OFF for a few lines. If your timings are not exactly what they are supposed to be, you indeed get line flickering (but I'm pretty sure that midline display switching is authorized so switching the display OFF anywhere during the HBLANK period should not be noticable).
yes it does ;-) EDIT: actually it doesn't in PAL mode, I forgot to test that case: the offscreen sprite collision test indeed fails . I guess it's because my border area is smaller than expected and the collision is programmed on a line outside the area I used. I should probably fix that by using more accurate overscan ranges and see if Fantastic Dizzy is affected ... |
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Well it's funny, mine passes but has visible flaws in Fantastic Dizzy. :) If "display off" isn't latched then the glitch in my emulator would be very hard to spot. But since there isn't any evidence it isn't latched I'm assuming it is. |
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As expected, after fixing the overscan area height to match real hardware, the emulator now passes all tests in both (NTSC & PAL) modes...
and Fantastic Dizzy is still fine (in PAL mode as well), even with Display Blanking bit being latched (in SMS Plus, it is latched when the line is rendered, i.e at the start of a line, when Hint occurs and also when other registers, like HSCROLL, are latched) |
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I have run the VDP Test program on my 60hz-switched PAL MD2 without PBC (using Everdrive flash card that has SMS compatibility) and got the following tests sometime (not always) failing:
HCounter correct: Error VINT Flag Hcount: Error Spr ovr correct HC: Error The Hcounter values seemed correct though, with any third value repeated two times but Hcount timing test is sometime out of bound regarding VBLANK value ($81 mostly) I also tested Z80 registers initial value but it appears they are all initialized by the OS program of the flash card so it's irrelevant (I will try to get a compiled version that does not touch Z80). IR value is $0009 as expected (reset at $00 + first instructions execution, got the same R value on emulators), while it seems to be $001D with PBC and $0019 with SMS without BIOS (according to that thread), as if Z80 had been running a few more instructions. After soft reset (Mega Drive RESET button), IR value is always $0009 and other registers keep the value they had when reset was occuring. My MD2 mainboard is VA0, with discrete QFP Z80 chip (can't tell the brand). |
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Enik requested infos from a Game Gear running this VDP Test. Here it is:
Running a 2 ASIC VA0 Game Gear with Viletim's GGTV board (with an upgraded CXA2075 encoder). -Segasonicfan |
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Thank you Segasonicfan!
So, comparing with the previous test performed by benryves, there are two differences: HCounter correct: Ok Line IRQ HCount: Error Does anyone know the hardware version of his Game Gear? Also, Segasonicfan's test showed out of bound HCount value for VBlank: $82 Edit: To answer my own question, according to his posts, benryves has/had two UK Game Gears, with BIOS, that have date stamps for 1993. He posted pictures of one unit that reveal it is the 1 ASIC version, what I think also applies to the other unit. |
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That's a VA1 Game Gear. The 315-5535 was the since ASIC version that was released right after the VA0 which had 2 separate ASICS. I have modded them both for TV out in the past with pics here: http://www.freewebs.com/vgmods/gamegearmodifications.htm -Segasonicfan |
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Since the first results of FluBBa's VDP Tester were posted and showed errors when ran on Game Gear units, I've been wondering what would be the correct results for that handheld system. So, last year I bought two Game Gear units, a 1 ASIC version and a 2 ASIC version, and verified which SMS VDP tests failed. I figured out what values where returned by the GG units and, based on the SMS tests, created new GG versions of those tests for the two GG units. I submitted changes to MAME to support Game Gear-specific timings, that were released in version 0.200. I planned to release the changes for the VDP Tester ROM here, but they were not clean yet. I became busy with other things for a long time, but now finally took the time to clean up, revise and release the changes.
What gave me more work was the weird HClocks registered for the tests in the readme file, that I needed to understand to add the timings for the GG units. I figure out that, instead VDP clocks, the HClocks were in fact Z80 clock counts relative to HCount 0x00. Due to this discovery, my diff file changes "HClock" to "ZClock" for the test values. I built a ZClock->HCount table to found what should be the values:
The table was created using this code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 228; c++) { unsigned int pix = ((c * 3) + 1) / 2; int offsetcyc = c - 31; int offsetpix = pix - 47; printf("ZClock %3d offset %3d HCount 0x%02X Pixel %3d offset %3d\n", c, offsetcyc, (offsetpix / 2) & 0xff, pix, offsetpix); } return 0; } I found the GG-specific values based on the cycle count differences from the original SMS tests. I was not able to figure out what should be the ZClock and HCount values for VINT and HINT tests, because the values returned by the GG units didn't followed the same pattern as the SMS values and the tests don't read them soon after the interrupt occurs. - Frame IRQ HCount: RunTest32 - first value 0x82, second value 0x84 RunTest32_GG2ASIC - first value 0x85, second value 0x84 RunTest32_GG1ASIC - first value 0x83, second value 0x83 - Line IRQ HCount: RunTest34 - first value 0x88, second value 0x8A RunTest34_GG2ASIC - first value 0x8B, second value 0x8A RunTest34_GG1ASIC - first value 0x89, second value 0x89 For these tests I could copy the Mega Drive values registered by FluBBa, because the MD tests for VINT and HINT pass on the GG units, but they are slightly different, so I decided leave them unregistered. |
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Here is a compiled SMS ROM with the changes applied. It runs on Game Gear using the SMS compatibility mode.
There are two Game Gear options, one for the 2 ASIC (older) version and one for the 1 ASIC version. I also forgot to mention that the HCount values showed in the end of the Game Gear tests are more GG-friendly. |
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Great work! l can do the video testing for ya sometime. I got a working 2 ASIC video out unit. | |
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Thanks for the offer, segasonicfan, but I just need feedback of the results of more Game Gears running the two new test options that my patch added. Photo or video would be necessary only if none of the two new options finished with all tests passed. The video you took for me in the past was necessary because benryves's GG failed the "HCounter correct" test and the HCount table at the final screen of the tests was unreadable on its original LCD display, a problem that your Game Gear didn't have with the TV out mod you did. With my 1 ASIC GG the "HCounter correct" also occurred, but I discovered that turning the GG off and on again (eventually needed to repeat a few times) would correct the problem (my patch adds a note about this behaviour). After add specific GG timings to MAME, I haven't tested many games, just discovered that a one-line glitch was fixed on two scenes in the opening story of the Japanese game Madou Monogatari I - 3-Tsu no Madoukyuu. I added a ZIP file to this post with snapshots of the glitch that was solved. |
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I tested this ROM with the Tectoy SMS3 Compact that has the 315-5681 VDP coupled with the 315-5680 I/O chip and it passed all tests of the "GG 2 ASIC version". It fails on a many tests of the "SMS" and "GG1 ASIC" versions. |
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I've put up the source code on Github if anyone wants to fork and keep working on it. I'll also be willing to take PRs if time permits.
https://github.com/FluBBaOfWard/SmsVdpTest |
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Amazing, thanks for sharing the code for this project, it's so useful. | |
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