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The Smurfs Travel the World (Smurfs 2)

SMS - Released on the 09/03/00 - [149 kb]
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This is the lastest European Master System release. This extremely rare cartridge has a in-game copyright of 1995 and a box copyright of 1996, and was made by Infogrames (France). It was originally found in Czech Republic near the beginning of this year and donated by Mikko Heinonen. Later, another copy of it was sold out on eBay Germany and bought by Max Agsten. Since then, well, I didn't saw the game anymore..
Package description:

"Inquisite Smurf and Smurfette have broken the magic crystal and now they are being taken off to various parts of the world. Collect all the crystals to be found along your route. To reveal them, brave the sea-lions of the North Pole, the Indians of America, and the octopuses of the deep... Only after you have smurfed all these challenges and many others will you be able to return to the village..."

"Le Schroumpf curieux et la Schtroumpfette ont bris� le cristal magique et les voil� transport�s dans diverses contr�es du monde. Collecte tous les cristaux qui se trouvent sur ta route. Pour les faire appara�tre, affronte les otaries du P�le Nord, les Indiens d'Am�rique, les poulpes des grands fonds... C'est apr�s avoir schtroumpf� tous ces d�fis et bien d'autres que tu pourrais retrouver le village..."

1 Player

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