Sub-Zero - Jumping
946 dots

Sindel - Punching Right
863 dots

Sheeva - Standing Right
1163 dots

Kano - Kicking Right
1003 dots

Sektor - Standing Left
1124 dots

Sheeva - Standing Left
1163 dots

Cyrax - Crouching Left
852 dots

Sindel - Crouching Left
545 dots

Kabal - Dizzy
1180 dots

Sonya - Jumping And Punching
857 dots

Kabal - Standing Left
1130 dots

Sheeva - Wins
1095 dots

Sonya - Standing Left
941 dots

Sektor - Uppercut
1041 dots

Kano - Down
701 dots

Sonya - Wins
828 dots

Cyrax - Crouching Left

Cyrax - Crouching Right

Cyrax - Hit

Cyrax - Punching Right

Cyrax - Standing Left

Cyrax - Standing Right

Cyrax - Uppercut

Cyrax - Wins

Kabal - Crouching Left

Kabal - Crouching Right

Kabal - Dizzy

Kabal - Down

Kabal - Kicking Left

Kabal - Kicking Right

Kabal - Leaping Kick

Kabal - Punching Right

Kabal - Standing Left

Kabal - Standing Right

Kabal - Wins

Kano - Crouching Right

Kano - Jumping

Kano - Down

Kano - Kicking Right

Kano - Punching Right

Kano - Standing Left

Kano - Standing Right

Kano - Uppercut

Kano - Wins

Sektor - Crouching Left

Sektor - Crouching Right

Sektor - Dizzy

Sektor - Down

Sektor - Jumping

Sektor - Kicking Right

Sektor - Punching Right

Sektor - Standing Left

Sektor - Standing Right

Sektor - Uppercut

Sektor - Wins

Sheeva - Jumping

Sheeva - Punching Left

Sheeva - Standing Left

Sheeva - Standing Right

Sheeva - Wins

Sindel - Crouching Left

Sindel - Crouching Right

Sindel - Dizzy

Sindel - Down

Sindel - Kicking Left

Sindel - Kicking Right

Sindel - Punching Left

Sindel - Punching Right

Sindel - Standing Left

Sindel - Standing Right

Sindel - Wins

Sonya - Bicycle Kick

Sonya - Fatality

Sonya - Jumping

Sonya - Jumping And Punching

Sonya - Kicking Right

Sonya - Leaping Kick

Sonya - Punching Right

Sonya - Standing Left

Sonya - Standing Right

Sonya - Uppercut

Sonya - Wins

Sub-Zero - Crouching Left

Sub-Zero - Frozen

Sub-Zero - Jumping

Sub-Zero - Kicking Left

Sub-Zero - Punching Left

Sub-Zero - Standing Left

Sub-Zero - Standing Right

Sub-Zero - Wins

See the main page for Mortal Kombat 3

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