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Calling all light gun commandos! An aeroplane has been hijacked and flown to the Middle East and the passengers are being held hostage. We need one crack soldier to infiltrate the country involved, fight his way to the plane, kill the hijackers and fly it to freedom. Can you do it? Well, grab your light gun and let's see...
The action is split into six different horizontally scrolling levels, starting from a prison camp. Enemy soldiers, armoured cars and helicopters pop up from all angles, and you've got to blast them with carefully-aimed shots before they fire back - if they do your energy bar is worn down towards a fatal zero.
Go through the prison camp and you move onto the village, then the communication centre, jungle, ammo dump and finally the airport, where all hell breaks loose and the enemy throw everything and everybody at you in this final confrontation. Succeed and you fly the plane home to a hero's welcome. Fail and you'll be sent home in a wooden box.
SEGA £29.95
I'm one of the many Sega owners who own a light gun, and must admit to being pretty disappointed at the amount of games available for it. Or rather, the lack of them. However, Operation Wolf goes a long way to redeeming that deficiency - it's by far the best light gun game I've ever seen! In fact I'd go so far to say that it's almost worth buying a light gun for!! It's a tense game which requires very sharp reflexes to survive as you blast your way through an entire enemy army. These guys chuck everything at you - armoured cars, helicopters, snipers, gunboats, paratroopers... If there's one game that'll leave your trigger finger quivering with exhaustion it's this! Arcade fanatics will be pleased to note that the graphics are very similar to the coin-op, with smooth scrolling backdrops and all the little cut scenes from the original. Operation Wolf is a brilliant game - if you've got a light gun, put on your combat gear and go on a mission to liberate a copy from your local Sega shop!
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