Out now from US Gold, £24.99

What a fine institution the Olympics are! The months of worry and preparation, the supreme effort on the day, followed by an agonising wait while the judges evaluate your score - and that's just the urine test! Now US Gold are offering you the chance to compete in six Olympic events without even raising a sweat. You can try 100m hurdles, hammer throw, archery, pole-vault, diving and swimming.

Play is very smooth and fast, and what with struggling against the wobbles in the archery and the possibility of belly-flopping horribly and losing your trunks in the diving. It's not just a case of manic button-tapping. Of course, as with all these athletics games, the chance of button damage to your handheld or sustaining a repetitive strain injury to your thumb is quite high. So put your physiotherapist on standby, grab a bottle of Lucozade, settle down on that floor cushion and go for gold!


Zero magazine

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