Blast meanies and collect power-ups in this playable
conversion of the not-really-that-successful coin-op.
- Presentation
- 68%
An okay title screen, but no difficulty levels.
- Graphics
- 89%
Nice and colourful, with little or no flicker, but only average animation.
- Sound
- 85%
A good rendition of the coin-op music, with the odd boom and bang in between.
- Playability
- 87%
Very addictive at first, because it's easy to get into...
- Lastability
- 69%
...but unfortunately stays that way, making this a pretty easy game to complete.
- Overall
- 79%
Shoot 'em up fans will certainly enjoy this, even though it's pretty easy to complete. If you're a good player, try it out first.
- I was kept at the Sega for a solid few hours before I thought it was time to write something about it.
- Hardened gamesters will find themselves completing this within a few goes.
What we say now
- At the time this kept me occupied for a few hours, but I wouldn't spend that much time playing it now. The shooting action has aged pretty badly and nowadays I'd knock 15% off all the ratings.
- This holds little interest for me now. Granted, it's fast and very playable, but it is way too easy. Take away 10% from each category and I'll be a tad happier with the review.
- Rating
- 64
- Reviewer
- Mean Machines Sega magazine Lookback
- Region
- UK
- Scans
- MeanMachinesSega-Magazine-Issue06?gallerypage=89
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