Fun 1: Just Dig! Fun 2: Only Floaters Can Survive This Fun 3: Tailor Made For Blockers Fun 4: Now Use Miners And Climbers Fun 5: You Need Bashers This Time Fun 6: A Task For Blockers And Bombers Fun 7: Builders Will Help You Here Fun 8: Not As Complicated As It Looks Fun 9: As Long As You Try Your Best Fun 10: Smile If You Love Lemmings Fun 11: Keep Your Hair On Mr Lemming Fun 12: Patience Fun 13: We All Fall Down Fun 14: Origins And Lemmings Fun 15: Don't Let Your Eyes Deceive You Fun 16: Don't Do Anything Too Hasty Fun 17: Easy When You Know How Fun 18: Let's Block And Blow Fun 19: Take Good Care Of My Lemmings Fun 20: Sega One Fun 21: You Live And Lem Fun 22: Go For It Fun 23: I've Lost That Lemming Feeling Fun 24: Konbanwa Lemming-san Fun 25: Lemmings Lemmings Everywhere Fun 26: Sega Two Fun 27: Let's Be Careful Out There Fun 28: If Only They Could Fly Fun 29: Worra Lorra Lemmings Fun 30: Lock Up Your Lemmings Tricky 1: This Should Be A Doddle! Tricky 2: We All Fall Down Tricky 3: A Ladder Would Be Handy Tricky 4: Here's One I Prepared Earlier Tricky 5: Careless Clicking Cost Lives Tricky 6: Lemmingology Tricky 7: Been There, Seen It, Done It Tricky 8: Lemming Sanctuary In Sight Tricky 9: They Just Keep On Coming Tricky 10: Theres A Lot Of Them About Tricky 11: Lemmings In The Attic Tricky 12: Bitter Lemming Tricky 13: Lemming Drops Tricky 14: Menacing! Tricky 15: Ozone Friendly Lemmings Tricky 16: Luvly Jubly Tricky 17: Diet Lemmingade Tricky 18: It's Lemmingentary Watson Tricky 19: Postcard From Lemmingland Tricky 20: One Way Digging To Freedom Tricky 21: Sixes Not! Tricky 22: Turn Around Young Lemmings Tricky 23: From The Boundary Line Tricky 24: Tightrope City Tricky 25: Sega Three Tricky 26: I Have A Cunning Plan Tricky 27: The Island Of The Wicker People Tricky 28: Lost Something? Tricky 29: Rainbow Island Tricky 30: The Crankshaft Taxing 1: If At First You Don't Suceed.. Taxing 2: Watch Out, Theres Traps About Taxing 3: Heaven Can Wait We Hope Taxing 4: Lend A Helping Hand Taxing 5: The Prison Taxing 6: Compression Method Taxing 7: Every Lemming For Himself!!! Taxing 8: The Art Gallery Taxing 9: Perseverance Taxing 10: Izzie Wizzie Lemmings Get Busy Taxing 11: The Ascending Pillar Scenario Taxing 12: Livin' On The Edge Taxing 13: Upside Down World Taxing 14: Hunt The Nessy Taxing 15: What An Awesome Level Taxing 16: Mary Poppin's Land Taxing 17: X Marks The Spot Taxing 18: Tribute To MC Escher Taxing 19: Bomboozal Taxing 20: Walk The Web Rope Taxing 21: Sega Four Taxing 22: Come On Over To My Place Taxing 23: King Of The Castle Taxing 24: Take A Running Jump Taxing 25: Follow The Leader Taxing 26: Triple Trouble Taxing 27: Call In The Bomb Squad Taxing 28: Poor Wee Creatures Taxing 29: How Do I Dig Up The Way? Taxing 30: Sega Five Mayhem 1: Steel Works Mayhem 2: The Boiler Room Mayhem 3: It's Hero Time! Mayhem 4: The Crossroads Mayhem 5: Down,Along,Up.In That Order Mayhem 6: One Way Or Another Mayhem 7: Poles Apart Mayhem 8: Last One Out Is A Rotten Egg! Mayhem 9: Sega One Mayhem 10: Pillars Of Hercules Mayhem 11: We All Fall Down Mayhem 12: Sega Two Mayhem 13: Sega Three (Mayhem) Mayhem 14: Pea Soup Mayhem 15: The Fast Food Kitchen Mayhem 16: Just A Minute Mayhem 17: Stepping Stones Mayhem 18: Sega Four Mayhem 19: Time To Get Up! Mayhem 20: No Added Colours Or Lemmings Mayhem 21: With A Twist Of Lemming Mayhem 22: Nearly There... Mayhem 23: Going Up.... Mayhem 24: All Or Nothing Mayhem 25: Have A Nice Day Mayhem 26: The Steel Mines Of Kessel Mayhem 27: Just A Minute Part Two Mayhem 28: Mind The Step... Mayhem 29: Sega Five Mayhem 30: Rendezvous At The Mountains

Fun 1: Just Dig!

Next: Fun 2: Only Floaters Can Survive This >>

Next: Fun 2: Only Floaters Can Survive This

Mapped by Maxim

Fun 1: Just Dig!, Fun 2: Only Floaters Can Survive This, Fun 3: Tailor Made For Blockers, Fun 4: Now Use Miners And Climbers, Fun 5: You Need Bashers This Time, Fun 6: A Task For Blockers And Bombers, Fun 7: Builders Will Help You Here, Fun 8: Not As Complicated As It Looks, Fun 9: As Long As You Try Your Best, Fun 10: Smile If You Love Lemmings, Fun 11: Keep Your Hair On Mr Lemming, Fun 12: Patience, Fun 13: We All Fall Down, Fun 14: Origins And Lemmings, Fun 15: Don't Let Your Eyes Deceive You, Fun 16: Don't Do Anything Too Hasty, Fun 17: Easy When You Know How, Fun 18: Let's Block And Blow, Fun 19: Take Good Care Of My Lemmings, Fun 20: Sega One, Fun 21: You Live And Lem, Fun 22: Go For It, Fun 23: I've Lost That Lemming Feeling, Fun 24: Konbanwa Lemming-san, Fun 25: Lemmings Lemmings Everywhere, Fun 26: Sega Two, Fun 27: Let's Be Careful Out There, Fun 28: If Only They Could Fly, Fun 29: Worra Lorra Lemmings, Fun 30: Lock Up Your Lemmings, Tricky 1: This Should Be A Doddle!, Tricky 2: We All Fall Down, Tricky 3: A Ladder Would Be Handy, Tricky 4: Here's One I Prepared Earlier, Tricky 5: Careless Clicking Cost Lives, Tricky 6: Lemmingology, Tricky 7: Been There, Seen It, Done It, Tricky 8: Lemming Sanctuary In Sight, Tricky 9: They Just Keep On Coming, Tricky 10: Theres A Lot Of Them About, Tricky 11: Lemmings In The Attic, Tricky 12: Bitter Lemming, Tricky 13: Lemming Drops, Tricky 14: Menacing!, Tricky 15: Ozone Friendly Lemmings, Tricky 16: Luvly Jubly, Tricky 17: Diet Lemmingade, Tricky 18: It's Lemmingentary Watson, Tricky 19: Postcard From Lemmingland, Tricky 20: One Way Digging To Freedom, Tricky 21: Sixes Not!, Tricky 22: Turn Around Young Lemmings, Tricky 23: From The Boundary Line, Tricky 24: Tightrope City, Tricky 25: Sega Three, Tricky 26: I Have A Cunning Plan, Tricky 27: The Island Of The Wicker People, Tricky 28: Lost Something?, Tricky 29: Rainbow Island, Tricky 30: The Crankshaft, Taxing 1: If At First You Don't Suceed.., Taxing 2: Watch Out, Theres Traps About, Taxing 3: Heaven Can Wait We Hope, Taxing 4: Lend A Helping Hand, Taxing 5: The Prison, Taxing 6: Compression Method, Taxing 7: Every Lemming For Himself!!!, Taxing 8: The Art Gallery, Taxing 9: Perseverance, Taxing 10: Izzie Wizzie Lemmings Get Busy, Taxing 11: The Ascending Pillar Scenario, Taxing 12: Livin' On The Edge, Taxing 13: Upside Down World, Taxing 14: Hunt The Nessy, Taxing 15: What An Awesome Level, Taxing 16: Mary Poppin's Land, Taxing 17: X Marks The Spot, Taxing 18: Tribute To MC Escher, Taxing 19: Bomboozal, Taxing 20: Walk The Web Rope, Taxing 21: Sega Four, Taxing 22: Come On Over To My Place, Taxing 23: King Of The Castle, Taxing 24: Take A Running Jump, Taxing 25: Follow The Leader, Taxing 26: Triple Trouble, Taxing 27: Call In The Bomb Squad, Taxing 28: Poor Wee Creatures, Taxing 29: How Do I Dig Up The Way?, Taxing 30: Sega Five, Mayhem 1: Steel Works, Mayhem 2: The Boiler Room, Mayhem 3: It's Hero Time!, Mayhem 4: The Crossroads, Mayhem 5: Down,Along,Up.In That Order, Mayhem 6: One Way Or Another, Mayhem 7: Poles Apart, Mayhem 8: Last One Out Is A Rotten Egg!, Mayhem 9: Sega One, Mayhem 10: Pillars Of Hercules, Mayhem 11: We All Fall Down, Mayhem 12: Sega Two, Mayhem 13: Sega Three (Mayhem), Mayhem 14: Pea Soup, Mayhem 15: The Fast Food Kitchen, Mayhem 16: Just A Minute, Mayhem 17: Stepping Stones, Mayhem 18: Sega Four, Mayhem 19: Time To Get Up!, Mayhem 20: No Added Colours Or Lemmings, Mayhem 21: With A Twist Of Lemming, Mayhem 22: Nearly There..., Mayhem 23: Going Up...., Mayhem 24: All Or Nothing, Mayhem 25: Have A Nice Day, Mayhem 26: The Steel Mines Of Kessel, Mayhem 27: Just A Minute Part Two, Mayhem 28: Mind The Step..., Mayhem 29: Sega Five, Mayhem 30: Rendezvous At The Mountains

See the main page for Lemmings

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