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Game for Master System
Version | Date | By | Download |
0.3 | 27 Mar 2021 | haroldoop | NotTyrian-SMS-0.3.zip (19KB) |
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As it stands now, it's mostly a tech demo, using sprites from Tyrian.
Basically, I figured out that, since most of Tyrian player and enemy sprites are 24 pixels wide, and most of the shots are 16 pixels wide, it should be possible to show a single enemy, plus the player, plus a single shot on a single scanline without flickering issues; so as long as as the enemies move at the same speed, are spawned at intervals that prevent them from overlapping their Y cooordinates and are restricted to only move horizontally after being spawned, and the same restrictions are applied to the shots, it should be possible to use them on a Sega Master System without resizing, only reducing the color count. This is an experiment to test how it would look like.
Source: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/not_tyrian/tree/version-0.3