Slot 2 Mapping Mapped Code

Item stats

The tables for the stats are stored starting at address $1c000 in the ROM. There are a few layers of pointer tables for the data, I'll only give the direct references.

All tables list at least one stat with a different value for each form (Hu-Man, Lizard-Man, etc). However, for the most part, the differences are equivalent to thinking of the character as having an inherent amount of that stat (attack, defence, charm) and the weapon adding a constant amount. The last row of each table lists this "inherent" stat for each form.

In a few cases, a particular item gives an advantage, or disadvantage, to particular forms, and is noted after the table as well as by colour coding.


Names start at $1c2a0, looked up from a table at $1c284. Stats start at $1c01e, looked up from a table at $1c00a. There are 11 bytes per weapon:

1 byte
Charm points needed to see it in a shop
Data is present even if the item is not found in any shop.
4 bytes
Data in the form 0W 0X 0Y 0Z denotes a price ZYXW.
6 bytes
Attack points
The data is separate for each form, in the order Hu-Man, Lizard-Man, Mouse-Man, Piranha-Man, Lion-Man, Hawk-Man.
Forms given an advantage by a particular weapon have the stat shown in green, those with a disadvantage have the stat in red.
 Attack points
WeaponDataCharm pointsPrice
Legendary Swordff 00 00 04 09 ff 9b d7 cd f5 b92559400255155215205245185
Ivory Sword00 00 00 00 00 67 03 3f 35 5d 2100103363539333
Mithril Sword04 05 01 00 00 70 0c 48 3e 66 2a41511212726210242
Shogun Blade4e 05 02 02 00 87 23 5f 55 7d 417822513535958512565
Crystal Sword96 00 08 09 02 c8 64 a0 96 be 821502980200100160150190130
Thunder Saberff 08 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00255318000000
Magical Saberff 00 00 00 00 64 00 3c 32 5a 1e2550100060509030
Lucky Sword3e 00 01 03 00 8c 28 64 5a 82 4662310140401009013070
Muramasa Bladea5 00 00 08 00 9e 3a 76 6c fa 581658001585811810825088
Tasmanian Sword32 00 08 04 01 ae 4a 86 7c a4 6850148017474134124164104
"Inherent" attack points100060509030


Names start at $1c348, looked up from a table at $1c32c. Stats start at $1c0a0, looked up from a table at $1c08c. There are 11 bytes per shield:

1 byte
Charm points needed to see it in a shop
Data is present even if the item is not found in any shop.
4 bytes
Data in the form 0W 0X 0Y 0Z denotes a price ZYXW.
6 bytes
Defense points
The data is separate for each form, in the order Hu-Man, Lizard-Man, Mouse-Man, Piranha-Man, Lion-Man, Hawk-Man.
Forms given an advantage by a particular shield have the stat shown in green.
 Defence points
WeaponDataCharm pointsPrice
Legendary Shield6e 00 04 04 05 9b 64 78 8c 96 6e1105440155100120140150110
Ivory Shield00 01 00 00 00 3a 03 17 2b 35 0d0158323435313
Mithril Shield00 02 03 00 00 43 0c 20 34 3e 16032671232526222
Shogun Shield4f 00 06 04 00 5a 23 37 4b 55 2d79460903555758545
Crystal Shield9b 00 04 01 03 82 4b 5f 73 7d 551553140130759511512585
Knight Shield5c 00 04 01 01 69 32 46 5a 64 3c92114010550709010060
Dancing Shield36 00 03 04 00 37 00 41 28 32 0a5443055065405010
Aqua Shield30 00 03 04 00 37 00 14 55 32 0a4843055020855010
Master Shield6e 00 08 09 01 37 00 14 28 87 0a1101980550204013510
Heavenly Shield69 00 08 09 03 37 00 14 28 32 781053980550204050120
"Inherent" defence points55020405010


Names start at $1c3f5, looked up from a table at $1c3da. Stats start at $1c122, looked up from a table at $1c10e. There are 17 bytes per armour:

1 byte
Charm points needed to see it in a shop
Data is present even if the item is not found in any shop.
4 bytes
Data in the form 0W 0X 0Y 0Z denotes a price ZYXW.
6 bytes
Defense points
Although there is data for each form, the value for each armour is identical for all forms. This complexity was presumably removed from the game on purpose.
6 bytes
Charm points earned
The armour's charm points earned add on to your character's charm points.
The data is separate for each form, in the order Hu-Man, Lizard-Man, Mouse-Man, Piranha-Man, Lion-Man, Hawk-Man.
No armour favours any form over another after considering the "inherent" charm points of each form, again presumably to simplify the game.
 Charm points earned
WeaponDataCharm pointsPriceDefence points
Legendary Armorff 05 04 05 06 64 64 64 64 64 64 9c 64 8c 6e 96 782556545100156100140110150120
Ivory Armor00 04 00 00 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 3b 03 2b 0d 35 1704359343135323
Mithril Armor00 04 04 00 00 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 44 0c 34 16 3e 2004412681252226232
Shogun Lamellar37 00 00 05 00 23 23 23 23 23 23 5b 23 4b 2d 55 375550035913575458555
Crystal Armor99 00 01 02 03 4b 4b 4b 4b 4b 4b 83 4b 73 55 7d 5f153321075131751158512595
Goblin Mail05 00 08 01 00 18 18 18 18 18 18 38 00 28 0a 32 1451802456040105020
Samurai Armor33 00 00 00 01 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 67 2f 57 39 61 43511000471034787579767
Dragon Mail32 00 00 03 00 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 38 00 28 0a 32 14503003056040105020
Prince Armor61 00 00 06 01 38 38 38 38 38 38 9b 63 8b 6d 95 779716005615599139109149119
Hades Armor50 00 00 00 02 3f 3f 3f 3f 3f 3f 38 00 28 0a 32 148020006356040105020
"Inherent" charm points56040105020

Cure Cost

When entering the hospital, the price for heal gets stored into RAM starting from $d10e. The value that gets written there gets looked up from a table in ROM starting from $1c550. This table consists of 6*8 (transformation * number of heart containers) 2-byte-BCD entries and looks like that:


Border colour bugs with Everdrive

The game does not set the border colour index VDP register, instead assuming it is set to 0. If using a flashcart that sets the colour to something else, like Everdrive, then the wrong colour border will appear.

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Researched by Maxim

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