Name | Author | Platform | Description |
Game Gear Assembler | Charles Doty | DOS | Z80 compiler with a few things dedicated to Game Gear development. |
Table Assembler | Thomas N. Anderson | DOS | Multi processor assembler that support Zilog 80. Compile your code with -80 -x -b -f00 |
WLA-DX | Ville Helin | All (provided as source) | Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/6502/65C02/6510/65816/HUC6280/SPC-700 Multi Platform Cross Assembler Package. Includes support for SMS/GG features. This is our assembler of choice! |
Name | Author | Platform | Description |
DASMZ80 | Marat Faizullin | All (provided as source) | Z80 disassembler |
dZ80 | Mark Incley | All (provided as source) | Z80 disassembler |
Emulicious | Calindro | All (Java) | An Emulator with many tools well suited for ROM Hacking and Homebrew development. Contains an advanced disassembler with code/data separation. Output is recompilable by WLA-DX. |
SMS Examine | Martin | Windows | Z80 disassembler oriented toward Sega 8-bit systems. Attempt to separate code from data, add comments, functions markers. Output is recompilable by WLA-DX. It is superseded by Emulicious. |
Z80DASM | Marcel de Kogel | All (provided as source) | Z80 disassembler |
Name | Author | Platform | Description |
BMP2Tile | Maxim | Windows | Converts image files to tiles, tilemap and palette. |
Fonts | Mike G | n/a | Set of four different text fonts for use in Sega 8-bit development. |
Game Gear Tools | Charles Doty | Windows | WGT and PCX converter to Game Gear tile format. |
Master Tile Converter | jmimu | All (provided as source and Windows binary) | Export and import several tiles formats in Master System ROMS. |
Tile Decoder | Maxim | Windows | Decompress the compressed tiles in many SMS and GG roms. |
Name | Author | Platform | Description |
SMS Check | Bock | Windows | Command-line utility, dumps SMS/GG header, checksum and various information. |
SMS Dump | Bock | SMS | Utility running on the Master System to dumps information about game pages or copy data across slots. |
SMS Page | Bock | Windows | Command-line utility, dumps information about pages of a given ROM and reports duplicate/similar pages. |
Also check variety of technical tests and tools running on native hardware in the Homebrew section.