Cheaper Ships
Wait until the story starts to roll, then press
x25 (in any order). Do this before the prologue ends, and start the game. You will now be able to buy as many lives as you can afford for $1000 each in the first shop you enter (scroll to the right to find them).
Unlimited weapon time
Buy all the big engines (Big Wings, Jet Engine, Turbo Engine, and Rocket Engine) before buying a weapon.
More money
Enemy bases drop bigger coins when destroyed during the first thirty seconds of the level.
Action Replay codes
- 00C06507
- Infinite Lives (Always shows 6)
- 00C06803
- Infinite Money (Always shows $300000)
- 00C0640X
- Level Select (Replace X with Level Number)
- 00C0CC08
- Infinite Smart Bomb (Always shows 8)
- 00C0CD08
- Infinite Fire Bomb (Always shows 8)
- 00C0CE08
- Infinite Heavy Bomb (Always shows 8)
- 00C0C201
- Have Big Wings (Must be selected!)
- 00C0C301
- Have Jet Engine (Must be selected!)
- 00C0C401
- Have Turbo Engine (Must be selected!)
- 00C0C501
- Have Rocket Engine (Must be selected!)
- 00C0C801
- Have Laser Beam (Must be selected!)
- 00C0C701
- Have Wide Beam (Must be selected!)
- 00C0CB01
- Have Twin Bombs (Must be selected!)
- 00C09C46
- Have Wide Beam Always Selected with Infinite Use (Glitchy Beam Graphics)
- 00C09C47
- Have Laser Beam Always Selected with Infinite Use
- 00C09C48
- Have 7 Way Shot Always Selected with Infinite Use
- 00C09D8A
- Have Twin Bomb Always Selected with Infinite Use
- 00C09D8B
- Have Smart Bomb Always Selected with Infinite Use
- 00C09D8C
- Have Fire Bomb Always Selected with Infinite Use (Glitchy Bomb Graphics)
- 00C09D8D
- Have Heavy Bomb Always Selected with Infinite Use (Glitchy Bomb Graphics)
See the main page for Fantasy Zone (ファンタジーゾーン)