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ーゴルゴ 13のリアルな世界が劇画や映画を抜け出して、パソコンゲームになったー疾走する列車。救出を待つ15名の人質。さあ、ゴルゴ、赤いスポーツカーを飛ばして、列車の窓を撃ち破り人質を救い出せ。弾丸をはじき返すトラック、上空から突如攻撃をしかけてくるヘリ。時間は90秒。照準を合わせて、愛用のMー16を撃ち続けろ!!
The realistic world of Golgo 13 has escaped from the comics and films and become a computer game. A fast-moving train. Fifteen hostages await rescue. Now, Golgo, drive your red sports car, shoot out the train windows and rescue the hostages. Bullet-riddled trucks and helicopters suddenly attack from the sky. You have 90 seconds. Keep your sights on the target and keep shooting your beloved M-16!
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