Oh the joys of tennis! Sweaty bodies, hairy legs, squidgy strawberries! Sounds like a run-of-the-mill kinda day for ADRIAN ‘You cannot be serious’ PITT!

Let’s get one thing straight for a start: tennis sims aren’t my favourite type of game. Time after time I’m faced with flicker/ graphics and awkward control systems.

Not so with Wimbledon Tennis! It’s got user-friendly computer opposition and slicker than slick playability!

Little has changed from the MS game (82%, Issue 5b!). The annoying in-game ditty’s vanished, but then this was a pre-production copy. Be warned!

The first thing that strikes you about Wimbledon Tennis is the speed at which the players move — they’re bloomin’ fast! But after a few plays you get used to it and hit that ball like a good un’! There are 16 players to choose from, of differing nationalities, skills and weaknesses. Some are all-rounders, others net players or ground strokers (what a bizarre fetish! —Prod Ed).

Points, power and prowess

The great thing about WT is you can judge how your player will perform by checking on his speed, power and skill points. For example, the American, Evans, has a low speed and skill factor, but his power points total 17. Mauser from Germany has a speed of 18, power of 20 and skill points to match. He’s one of the better players to choose!

Free Match Mode’s more like a practice session. A game of one or three sets is played behind closed doors with no crowd or umpire.

The court’s pretty basic, but then graphics aren’t usually the most outstanding feature in tennis sims. The screen scrolls well and there’s not a hint of flicker.

Press button [1] to serve the ball. Just before it falls to the ground, press [1] again to thwack it over the net — [2] if you fancy a bloody good lob. The same controls apply throughout the game. Use left and right on the pad to determine your shot’s direction. If you lose a set or the match, you player either slams his racket on the ground, McEnroe fashion, or rolls on the floor, cries like a baby and does the Dying Fly!

On the other hand, beat the pants off your opponent and you leap in the air, waving your tool with pride (that’s the racket, before you step in with one of your crude comments, Mr Editor, sir!).

Wimbledon Tennis is extremely challenging. Tournament play’s tough. You’re allowed to distribute your points between speed, power and speed, which is a nifty tittle feature. Start in the quarter finals of the American Open, then it’s off to Australia, France and finally, Wimbledon itself.

WT is a timeless game. It looks good, plays well and should make even the most ardent of tennis fans sweat! Only one slight niggle — where’s Gabriella Sabatini?!


I was a touch worried whether the MS game would translate onto the small screen but get past the title screens and you soon forget your fears. The sprites are large enough to be clearly seen and when you get into a game. Spot FX are fair and there are loads of options to keep you interested. This one’s a must for tennis fans.



SF Rating

89% - Great points facility, password system, score boards, Gear-to-Gear link
77% - Great sprites for the GG, some nice animation, good scrolling
58% - Crowd noises during tournament play, thwack and lob FX throughout
79% - Once used to the speed and controls you’ll find it extremely playable
81% - With smashing tournament play and a link option, who could ask for more?


This is a must for tennis nuts. Brings out your aggressive streak

Sega Force magazine
Sega Force - Issue 09

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