Game for Master System

Software licence: Unlicense

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So after making a little character demo along with a pong game, I decided to give myself a project a little more complex. Therefore, sudoku.

I felt the need to make my game a bit more polished, though. So this game has a little music, colors other than black and white, and just overall more playability.

1. The Puzzles

There's 127 of them. Thanks to Maxim for suggesting the program called QQWing for generating puzzles. And thanks to Stephen Ostermiller, Jacques Bensimon, Jean Guillerez, and Michael Catanzaro for making it.

Note that I had to modify the program to output db's and stuff, but it was worth it.

Now, according to the program, all the puzzles should have one solution. If you catch an exception, send it to me, I guess.

2. Compression Method?

If you looked through the source, you've already found out that I'm using Sonic 1 and STMComp for tiles\tilemaps compression. An odd choice, since aPlib compresses better than both combined, yes? Well...sorta.

See, the thing about that aPlib is that while it gives you more space for more tiles, it compresses so well that the process of unraveling data into VRAM...well, isn't very quick. Whereas the lower compression methods used in actual releases (yes, pretty sure RLE was used) had a tendency to be quite quick.

3. Music

It's by me, using MOD2PSG2. I need to learn how to use DefleMask, but overall just don't care enough. Also PSGlib is used (sverx is slowly widdling his/her way into all the community's games...) meaning that the music tends to take less space.

Currently there's only an intro theme. There was a song playing during the main game, but my god it's so boring I've just taken it out for now.

4. Images

MS Paint. The title was just made with rectangles and stuff, but the board took more work; in fact I actually had to draw out the numbers and work from there. It's certainly sloppy looking due to how much "guesstimation" went in, but hey, it works.

5. Generator?

It doesn't exist. Yet? Sorry, but the idea of making an 8-bit machine not only generate such a complex board but also slowly widdle away cells and re-solve them to make sure the puzzle can be solved...well, it caught up to me.

6. The Code

Do whatever with it. I don't like licensing stuff that I release to SMS Power, so instead I just look at it this way: let the code get recycled by the community. Restricting it and taking credit for every little thing doesn't really help that.

Just a warning, though, there's practically no comments. Or at least none that can be considered very useful. I wish you luck trying to sort your way through it.

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