こねずみチューミーは、くいしんぼう。今日もおうちを 飛び出して、「何か、おいしいものないかなあ。」と。 ん? あるある。りんごに、プリンにクリームソーダ。 みんなチューミーの大好物。でも、気をつけて!! でぶ ねこタニーや陰険怪獣オラオラ達がうろうろ。あき缶投 げやジャンプで逃げて、早く食べ物いっぱい持って帰ろ うよ。

Chumy, the little mouse, is a gourmand. Today he ran out of the house again and asked, "I wonder if there's anything tasty?". What? There is. Apples, pudding and cream soda. They are all Chumy's favourite foods. But watch out!!! The fat cat Tanny and the nasty monster Ola Ola are wandering around. Throw the empty cans and jump to escape, and bring home lots of food as soon as possible.

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